portland shooting trump black lives matter
A man is treated by medics after being shot Saturday, Aug. 29, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Fights broke out in downtown Portland as a large caravan of supporters of President Donald Trump drove through the city, clashing with counter-protesters. (AP Photo/Paula Bronstein)

From the Associated Press . . .

One person was shot and killed late Saturday in Portland, Oregon, as a large caravan of President Donald Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed in the streets, police said.

It wasn’t clear if the shooting was linked to fights that broke out as a caravan of about 600 vehicles was confronted by counter-demonstrators in the city’s downtown.

Police said the caravan had left the area around 8:30 p.m., and officers heard gunshots at about 8:46 p.m., according to a statement. Officers arrived at the shooting scene “within a minute,” police said, but the man who was shot did not survive.

An Associated Press freelance photographer heard three gunshots and then observed police medics working on the body of the victim, who appeared to be a white man. The freelancer said the man was wearing a hat bearing the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group whose members have frequently clashed with protesters in Portland in the past.

Police said the man was shot in the chest. He was not immediately identified. It’s unclear who shot him.

Homicide detectives were looking for more evidence, acknowledging that several images and videos had been posted on social media.

“It is important for detectives get a full and accurate picture of what happened before, during, and after the shooting,” a police statement said. “If anyone was a witness, has video, or has information about the homicide, they’re asked to contact the primary detectives.”

“This violence is completely unacceptable and we are working diligently to find and apprehend the individual or individuals responsible,” Chief Chuck Lovell said.

Portland has been the site of nightly protests for more than three months since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Many of them end in vandalism and violence, and hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested by local and federal law enforcement since late May.

In the two hours following the shooting, protesters gathered downtown and there was sporadic fighting and vandalism, police stated. Some gave speeches in Lownsdale Square Park before the protest petered out. Ten people were arrested, police said.

The caravan had arrived downtown just as a protest planned for Saturday was getting underway. The chaotic scene came two days after Trump invoked Portland as a liberal city overrun with violence in a speech at the Republican National Convention as part of his “law and order” re-election campaign theme. The caravan marked the third Saturday in a row that Trump supporters have rallied in the city.

Trump and other speakers at last week’s convention evoked a violent, dystopian future if Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden wins in November and pointed to Portland as a cautionary tale for what would be in store for Americans.

A caravan of supporters of President Donald Trump drive in downtown Portland, Ore., Saturday, Aug. 29, 2020. Saturday’s rally was the third consecutive weekend that pro-Trump demonstrators converged in and around Portland, leading to clashes with counter protesters. (Dave Killen/The Oregonian via AP)

The pro-Trump rally’s organizer, who recently coordinated a similar caravan in Boise, Idaho, said in a video posted on Twitter Saturday afternoon that attendees should only carry concealed weapons and the route was being kept secret for safety reasons.

The caravan had gathered earlier in the day at a suburban mall and drove as a group to the heart of Portland. As they arrived in the city, protesters attempted to stop them by standing in the street and blocking bridges.

Videos from the scene showed sporadic fighting, as well as Trump supporters firing paintball pellets at opponents and using bear spray as counter-protesters threw things at the Trump caravan.

The Black Lives Matter demonstrations usually target police buildings and federal buildings. Some protesters have called for reductions in police budgets while the city’s mayor and some in the black community have decried the violence, saying it’s counterproductive.

Early Saturday morning, fires set outside a police union building that is a frequent site for protests prompted police to declare a riot.

An accelerant was used to ignite a mattress and other debris that was laid against the door of the Portland Police Association building, police said in a statement. At least one dumpster had also been set on fire in the street nearby.

The commotion followed a sit-in in the lobby of the Portland mayor’s condominium building Friday night.


      • Patriot Prayer have said to Antifa they are up for a gunfight. They asked for rounds fired, they got it.

        Why are people so dumb? Is it because they don’t have street smarts and haven’t been to prison before? Are they that naive? Do they really believe if they taunt violent criminals to shoot them those violent criminals won’t? Do they really think the people they call terrorists won’t kill them for political reasons? Do they not know their social media is being used to put their names on a target list?

        Antifa were up for attacking a police building with molotovs in attempt to kill all the people inside. This is something they were not willing to do up until now. Just want until the election.

        • MOST Antifa and BLM ARE criminals.

          The three people that Rittenhouse dispatched WERE ALL FELONS and Antifa members or associates.

          Soros recruits and pays only the best and brightest.

        • @Thixotropic

          Antifa uses black people [BLM] as moral cover for their violence. Before they were using fighting the alt right as their moral cover, but the alt right died off when people realized they are white national socialists. Then they used the Canadian created gang the Proud Boys. They are trying to use the Boobois as their new cover.

        • Lol…..oh I’m so scared of you morons….fk…I WISH Black Looting Murderers would bring there ghetto @$$es around these parts…. we’re waiting 😉

        • Yeah. I’m not suggesting it’s a good idea.

          But if you walk into a place like that you either go there expecting a fight or you’re dumb.

        • Patriot Prayer have said to Antifa they are up for a gunfight. They asked for rounds fired, they got it.

          That’s fine. Good actually – for us.

          Why are people so dumb? Is it because they don’t have street smarts and haven’t been to prison before? Are they that naive? Do they really believe if they taunt violent criminals to shoot them those violent criminals won’t?

          That’s fine. Good actually – for us. And when you say “why are people so dumb.” You should also ask, why is antifa so dumb. Why is BLM so dumb? Antifa have made the mainstream view them as actual fascists. They are closer to Oswald Mosley’s blackshirts, with a stalinist mentality, than they are against anyone actually against fascism. And everyone is coming to realize it. And BLM’s acronym has transitioned from “black lives matter” to “burn, loot, murder.” Everyone is seeing them for what they are.

          Do they really think the people they call terrorists won’t kill them for political reasons? Do they not know their social media is being used to put their names on a target list?

          Right. We are putting Antifa on a target list. The velocity by which 4chan identified this shooter was amazing. Now the police can just go and scoop them up for us.

          Antifa were up for attacking a police building with molotovs in attempt to kill all the people inside. This is something they were not willing to do up until now. Just want until the election.

          When re-election comes they will stop. Antifa’s violence is for political purposes – they say “give us what we want and the violence will stop.” Which is a form of extortion (and terrorism). I hope they keep it up. The mainstream news did their best to hide, to conceal, them. But they no longer have a monopoly on news. And the truth has been expanding outwards, even to their base. So yeah – please keep it up Antifa.

    • “I lived in the suburbs of Portland for more than 20 years, people need to understand. It’s Portland, St. John’s, etc. you go out 10 miles and there are many Patriots. Go across the bridge to Washington, and there are even more. In 15 minutes we can put an end to this s***.”

      • Delusional.

        When Kyle was being attacked the militia he was with stood there and watched. Then they helped the people who tried to assassinate Kyle. Afterwards, the militia denied knowing Kyle and being with him although one of them was walking with him minutes before the shootings.

        Kyle was on his own. No body armor, no extra ammo. That’s why they went after him. Once he put out that fire Antifa set, he was the target for the night.

        The cops pushed Antifa into the militia hoping they would fight. The militiaman with Kyle before the shooting stated the cops told him they were actively pushing protesters to the gas station so the militia can deal with them. The police wanted armed conflict between the two groups they don’t like and they got it as they planned. The sheriff was asked to deputize the militiamen, his response was hell fucking no. So we know what side the government is on: theirs.

        • The militiaman with Kyle before the shooting stated the cops told him they were actively pushing protesters to the gas station so the militia can deal with them.

          Either he’s a liar or there are some pretty fuckin stupid cops in Kenosha for admitting something like that. A deliberate act like that would put those cops in legal peril, they could actually be held responsible for the deaths of the two asshole wanna-be heroes… Hope the guy recorded THAT conversation (of course not)…

        • @MADDMAXX

          I only know of video of the chubby militia guy being interviewed about the shooting. He was the guy pictured with Kyle before the shooting. Not sure if he was with Kyle when Rosenbaum told the mob to attack Kyle and started chasing Kyle for his gun.

          The government is not on your side “patriots” and the American people. It’s become very obvious in the last three months. Undeniable. They let your businesses burn down, they let you get shot down in the streets, they push opposing groups together so they could kill each other.

          Don’t forget how Charlottesville ended up with beatings and a killing. The cops stood their and laughed as they pushed “patriots” into the crowd of Antifa.


        • Delusional.

          When Kyle was being attacked the militia he was with stood there and watched. Then they helped the people who tried to assassinate Kyle. Afterwards, the militia denied knowing Kyle and being with him although one of them was walking with him minutes before the shootings.

          Delusional. He was outside the area occupied by the militia. He left the area, and the police would not allow him to go back. So we was trying to go home. None of the militia was with him.

          Kyle was on his own. No body armor, no extra ammo. That’s why they went after him. Once he put out that fire Antifa set, he was the target for the night.

          Right. And he still kicked their a$$es. 17 year old. Hopefully it was a reality check for some of the rioters not yet fully brainwashed into their fake self righteousness.

          The cops pushed Antifa into the militia hoping they would fight. The militiaman with Kyle before the shooting stated the cops told him they were actively pushing protesters to the gas station so the militia can deal with them. The police wanted armed conflict between the two groups they don’t like and they got it as they planned. The sheriff was asked to deputize the militiamen, his response was hell fucking no. So we know what side the government is on: theirs.

          Let assume this insanity you have professed is factual. It is politically advantageous for both the militia and the sheriff if the militiamen are not deputized. If the militia were deputies and fired on the rioters (aka peaceful protesters) trying to burn, loot, and maybe murder, then there would be cries of police brutality. Better the people themselves dispatch Antifa and their sympathizers than police at this point.

    • I think the man was one of those “fuck around and find out” Patriot Prayer members. There has been a call to take out members because the member of Patriot Prayer have been shooting at BLM and Antifa after assaulting illegally them. This may be in the same area where one of the Patriot Prayer Trump supporters shot at protesters.

      It will not be hard to figure out why this happened when we know the person killed.

      In Florida a white male, middle aged, Trump supporter appears to have attack protesters that were following him and shouting at him. Once he started shoving and punching protesters started fighting back. The male then pulled out a handgun and made a person get on his knees by waving the gun at him. The male then pointed the gun at police as an officer was drawing down on him and rushing him. The male then got on his knees and dropped the gun. He was lucky he didn’t get mag dumped on for pointing a gun at a cop.

      Antifa have taken up the internet challenge given by Trump supporters of “fuck around and find out.” Kyle was going to be one of their victims because they thought it was easy pickings. In Kyle’s situation, 5 people with handguns thought they could take him out once he was away from the militia group at the gas station.

      Careful what you wish for. If you are posting “I wish a motherfucker would” and “fuck around and find out” you are now a target to be assassinated. Antifa has been putting names on a list by using social media. Patriot Prayer has recently been bumped up the priority list because of a member firing at protesters from his car after someone threw a bottle at his car door.

      By the way, many Antifa have bought soft body armor and wear it during protests/riots/looting. So don’t think a revolver with 6 rounds is going to help you against numerous shooters who could possibly be wearing body armor for handgun rounds.

      It’s too bad dummies on the internet asked a bunch of crazy, dumb and violent criminals to shoot at them so they can get into a gunfight for the sake of Trump or fighting socialism. Now those violent criminals have gladly taken the challenge.

      I wonder if Republicans are now happy they have to wear body armor as they walk the street just in case someone walks up behind them and fires two finds into their heart. The cops are not dumb enough to get out of their armored vehicles to deal with these gunmen, they mind their business and focus on protecting government property with the help of the National Guard.

      • Those violent criminals are murdering unarmed people who don’t even post on social media. Massacring entire families even. Executing little children in their front yards. The police have abandoned their duty to protect their paycheck, and no one is coming to save you. You may as well arm up and fight back!!

        Your “they got what they asked for” attitude is no different than someone saying a rape victim “asked for it”. The terrorist antifa/BLM-ISIS/JBGC commies are engaged in a very real insurrection and will target anyone, even US Senators. If they could, they’d storm the White House itself and assassinate the President. But they will settle for killing YOU.

        The only way to fix the problem of having so many commies in America is to literally physically remove them. Joe McCarthy tried to warn y’all back in grampa’s day and no one listened. Reagan also warned us, and no one listened. Pinochet was right and did nothing wrong, and as a result Chile is commie-free since ’73! Listen to Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe. There can be no tolerance towards Demorats and communists!

        • It’s not the same as an innocent woman walking down the street mind her own business and telling men she wants nothing to do with them.

          Trump supporters have been shouting and posting on the internet they want to get into a civil war, they want a boogaloo, they want to bring out the guns and start killing. Now Antifa has decided they will do just that, but of course they won’t fight you straight up because that’s not how things work these days.

          You can’t post on your social media that you want to kill Antifa and ask them to start something to allow that to happen, then claim to be a totally innocent victim minding their own business. It’s literally saying, “Come on, let’s kill each other!” Your post is no different.

          This isn’t GTA. You can play that game there. You just die here.

          • Trump supporters have been shouting and posting on the internet they want to get into a civil war, they want a boogaloo, they want to bring out the guns and start killing. Now Antifa has decided they will do just that, but of course they won’t fight you straight up because that’s not how things work these days.

            So, there it is.. TRUMP SUPPORTERS… always gotta be fuckin TRUMP SUPPORTERS, and here we are right back in the Hildabeasts “Basket of Deplorables”.. Just because some idiot radical far right lunatic says something totally stupid and happens to mention OBTW yea Trump, you take the leap and roll ALL Trump supporters into a pile with those ignorant fucks, WELL guess what? A group of far LEFT radicals just recently did the same thing at Stone Mountain Georgia… the NOT FUCKING AROUND COALITION (AKA the NFAC) called for a shootout and proceeded to harass and extort white people for the rest of the day so I guess that makes all BIDEN SUPPORTERS complicit in wanting a race war since they are a Black group calling for shooting members of a White group… Guess what Sunshine, the shots HAVE been fired and the score is two to one… I guarantee you the next one will be a lot different…

        • @MADDMAXX

          Someone is very sensitive. Obviously it’s not all Trump voters, but almost all the people doing the talking are Trump fans.

          Stop pretending that the people calling for Antifa to be designated a terror org are not Trump supporters. Stop lying that Trump supporters are not saying they want to see Antifa dead.

          Trump himself is campaigning on exactly what I am pointing out. You think he just pulled that out of his ass? Did you not watch the RNC?

      • I wonder if you really think, “I’ll just keep my head down and be fine” is practical? I’m not saying one should engage in macho posturing or bloviating either on the internet or in person. However, you shouldn’t secede every bit of the narrative to those who think differently from you, nor allow them to dictate where and when you go places you have every right to be. As it was, the crime of merely expressing divergent views actively or passively in any fashion made one a target. You claim these things (without evidence, which I would be interested in seeing if you have it) like they’re something new when the fact that living in a well off neighborhood or being a known LEO or the sin of having a sign/bumper sticker endorsing a Republican at the local, state, or federal level wasn’t already enough to make you a target.

        • Obviously you are not involved with the current politics to the level where you are on a list.

          Patriot Prayer members have been clashing with Antifa in Oregon and Washington since the 2016 elections. They have actively called for violence against these types of people on their social media. If you don’t follow the left’s content you wouldn’t have seen it. When you listen to only right wing content, you are only going to hear about what happens after something goes down.

          For instance, Antifa have recently decided to label militia guys the boogbois, as if they are an organization. Trump’s feds have done the same. So now if you are one of those people posting about the boogaloo, you are on their radar. If you are actively going out and engaging with Antifa or BLM you will be put on a list eventually.

          Antifa doxes their political foes in hopes one of their comrades fixes the problem when they get the chance. An example would be how Richard Spencer was put on a list to “punch a Nazi” and someone went looking for him and did just that. Steven Crowder was also put on the list, so he now doesn’t go outside without his security team.

        • Chief Censor is a conspiracy theory spinning troll. We can expect more like him to show up here.

      • I think the man was one of those “fuck around and find out” Patriot Prayer members.

        I think the shooter was one of those “shoot a guy go to prison for life” kind of antifa members.

        There has been a call to take out members because the member of Patriot Prayer have been shooting at BLM and Antifa after assaulting illegally them.

        This is delusional. Patriot Prayer didn’t spray them with paint balls until Antifa hit them with water bottles. Eye for an Eye. And maybe that’s going to keep going too. And maybe its going to escalate further. And we all know where you will be. On your keyboard, in mom’s basement. LOL.

        This may be in the same area where one of the Patriot Prayer Trump supporters shot at protesters.

        With paintballs. Paintballs. After antifa hit them with waterbottles.

        Michael Reinoehl, is the chief suspect at this moment. 4Chan users determined this in a matter of hours after a video was released showing the shooting. Their evident was quite impelling.

        It will not be hard to figure out why this happened when we know the person killed.

        Jay Bishop. And from the video, it looked like he was separated and alone (just the way antifa like things) and was walking along when approached aggressively by Antifa. It looks like he got out a small spray of pepper spray while they shot him, a couple times. He turned and walked away, and then collapsed. Obviously from failure of pulmonary/cardiac function.

        Antifa have taken up the internet challenge given by Trump supporters of “fuck around and find out.” Kyle was going to be one of their victims because they thought it was easy pickings. In Kyle’s situation, 5 people with handguns thought they could take him out once he was away from the militia group at the gas station.

        Good. I hope they keep doing it. Eventually the neutral populace themselves will take them down.

        Careful what you wish for. If you are posting “I wish a motherfucker would” and “fuck around and find out” you are now a target to be assassinated. Antifa has been putting names on a list by using social media. Patriot Prayer has recently been bumped up the priority list because of a member firing at protesters from his car after someone threw a bottle at his car door.

        Antifa need to be careful what they wish for, lest they start “disappearing” from the populace. Really easy for someone to take a burner phone and press it on the bottom of a vehicle and track them to find out where these people live for a future scheduled “disappearance.” Antifa has been putting names on a list? Oh wow. Ingenious. They aren’t the only one’s with lists! That’s for sure, especially given how quickly 4Chan tracked/ID’d Michael Reinoehl in the video. Antifa aren’t the only ones with lists, and I would likely venture a guess, that now that they have been deemed a “terrorist” organization by the feds, the feds already have very detailed lists of their own.

        By the way, many Antifa have bought soft body armor and wear it during protests/riots/looting. So don’t think a revolver with 6 rounds is going to help you against numerous shooters who could possibly be wearing body armor for handgun rounds.

        Total speculation.

        It’s too bad dummies on the internet asked a bunch of crazy, dumb and violent criminals to shoot at them so they can get into a gunfight for the sake of Trump or fighting socialism. Now those violent criminals have gladly taken the challenge.

        ??? That’s fine. This is great news. We find out which ones are willing, able, and then eliminate them from the populace by means of the police. Then they will be essentially slaves, in a worker camp we call a “prison.” Making licence plates or furniture or whatever people want them to make. See? They can still be useful!

        I wonder if Republicans are now happy they have to wear body armor as they walk the street just in case someone walks up behind them and fires two finds into their heart.

        This is not reality. And if it is – it’s fine. The more Antifa show everyone who they are, the faster they get “removed” from the populace.

        The cops are not dumb enough to get out of their armored vehicles to deal with these gunmen, they mind their business and focus on protecting government property with the help of the National Guard.

        Well not during a riot – no. But on an Antifa member’s walk home? Sure! You better believe it. 😀

    • Why did people go to Bleeding Kansas in the 1850’s and 3000 of them get killed?. . If memory serves correctly John Browne and sons hacked 3 of them to death in a broadsword fight/execution.

  1. Anyone who watches the vids (there are two that I’ve found so far, one got taken down) will note that there were no active clashes, screaming, yelling, or confrontations when the shooting occurred. A man wearing a baggy tshirt and shorts comes up to the victim, draws and shoots twice before running away.


    In my book that’s targeted assassination. Murder for political reason. The other thing we would call this is escalation. Police better track this murderer down quick, or cooler heads are unlikely to prevail.

      • Gangland style, yes.
        Scenario 1: An attack of opportunity against a member of Patriot Prayer in response to Kyle Rittenhouse’s self defense.
        Scenario 2: A gangbanger decided to join patriot prayer and counterprotest against BLM while wearing a Blue Lives Matter hat and he was recognized by a rival who then came by to take care of business.

        I’m open to being proven wrong, but Occam’s razor suggests that the simplest explanation (scenario 1) is likely the correct one. Scenario 2 seems complicated at best.

        • An attack of opportunity against a member of Patriot Prayer in response to Kyle Rittenhouse’s self defense.

          Why would some mouth breather in Portland care about Kenosha Wi? Just sayin….

        • @MaddMaxx
          Possibly because it’s a nationwide movement of criminals, paid activists, marxists and radicalized racial supremacists who all ascribe to the same narrative and take their marching orders from interconnected organizations. They call each other “comrade” unironically.

          • Possibly because it’s a nationwide movement of criminals,

            It could also “possibly” be retaliation for the dust up that occurred at that same parking garage on Aug 15 where Patriot Prayer members used pepper spray on and fired “warning shots at BLM/Antifa who were blocking the exit of the garage after an earlier physical confrontation between the groups… Shooter in the not very good video “appeared to be a person of color…

        • Why would another cell of the terrorist group antifa care about the killing of their people in Kenosha? Sorry, it seems like a really silly question.

        • For the most part, gang bangers are not politically motivated to protest, they are too busy sling dope and living the Thug Life. While this shooter may have had banger leanings, this was political hatred, not gang activity.
          These low lives are killing each other for a pair of sneakers, the color of a doo rag, they can’t even get together at a family party, because some members live across town. They are never going to make alliances where they can be a single group.

    • I watched a longer version. It sounds like the guy said, we got a Trump supporter over here. Then the Trump supporter and Patriot Prayer member walks up to him and sprays him with mace. It appears the guy may have been running around macing people and he got the wrong one.

      I read the shooter is a white male who pledge to fight for Antifa in a war between Americans. He thinks of himself as a soldier.

      • I watched a longer version. It sounds like the guy said, we got a Trump supporter over here. Then the Trump supporter and Patriot Prayer member walks up to him and sprays him with mace. It appears the guy may have been running around macing people and he got the wrong one.

        LOL. The guy was walking about minding his business, when aggressively confronted by Antifa. Only then did he spray them. You are speculating (with zero evidence) with an implication that he was walking around randomly spraying antifa with mace and eventually found a guy who would defend himself. It’s not reality. It’s delusion, probably brought upon by stevia, gluten free, organic avocado toast, and the reading of books such as “Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race” written by actual racists. And thus, he has psychologically rationalized to himself that he is self righteous in this endeavor. But – the surrounding populace is eventually not going to put up with his crap anymore, and he will end up in that slave pit (known as a prison) making my next couch.

        I read the shooter is a white male who pledge to fight for Antifa in a war between Americans. He thinks of himself as a soldier.

        He’s a mostly uneducated snow boarder who wants (and needs) universal basic income. He can think of himself as a soldier all he likes – in reality, he is a murderous criminal thug.

  2. No, the murderin thug will not be found! And if by chance he is, it’ll be called reparations!!!!

  3. Trump supporter shot and killed? Case closed with no suspect and no charges as far as Portland authorities are concerned.

  4. “There’s gonna be more shootin’, and more people are gonna die.”

    Welcome to the new normal. Now go get your gun and get to practicing real deal confrontations, not just typical range time. And while you’re at it grow another pair of eyes in the back of your head.

  5. We are close to full on combat at one of these riots. Forget one shooter, imagine 30 or more engaged in a shoot out while the cops hunker down.

    • You don’t really think a minor skirmish involving a couple dozen on each side would be the end of it do you? Think bigger – like 30,000 or more in a single city shooting it out over months or years, and duplicated in dozens of cities and towns across the country.

      • I doubt (also hope possibly foolishly optimistically) that both sides would have the stomach for the misery of a drawn out urban siege that such conflict would produce. I would also never want such an event to happen as it would be disastrous on multiple fronts especially for those not involved.

      • At this point most of us will stay home, why risk going to jail or having your family attacked for doing your “CORRECTLY.”

  6. “…Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group whose members have frequently clashed with protesters in Portland in the past.”

    Making it seem that Patriot Prayer is extremist and aggressive.

    The Associated Press appears to do all it can to suppress and distort the truth, maligning prayerful people and equating leftist violence with peace and justice. They are doing Satan’s work.

  7. It’s clear who the shooter is, he is the one who runs off to the right in the video. Light colored shirt and white socks. There was no fight or anything immediately preceding the shooting, he walks up to the guy and shoots him then runs off to the right.

    I’m sure there are plenty of video cameras in that area that caught the shooting and have this guy on video many many times before and after the shooting.

    I would be shocked if they don’t have him arrested within a day or two.

      • Skater guy? The one with the BLM/commie fist tattooed on his neck? Time to label BLM and Antifa a terrorist org?

      • The one identified on a few sites is this guy. Check out this post on his instagram from 10 weeks ago. What was that article on TTAG’s on social media posts being evidence? Sound like it is here.


        michael_reinoehl’s profile picture
        Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are so many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s where the fight starts. If that’s as far as you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for. We do not want violence but we will not run from it either! If the police continue to pick on and beat up innocent citizens that are peacefully voicing their objections, it must be met with equal force! We are currently living through a crucial point in Humanities evolution. We truly have an opportunity right now to fix everything. But it will be a fight like no other! It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties. I was in the army and I hated it. I did not feel like fighting for them would ever be a good cause. Today’s protesters and antifa are my brothers in arms. This is a Cause to fight for This truly is fighting for my country! I have children that need to live in a world run by Common Sense and human decency. And I will do anything to make sure that happens. Now is the time to change the course of humanity. If we fold now just because they show some Force we will be lost for another hundred years. And I don’t think the planet will let us live that long if we don’t straighten shit up. Please be safe strong and United. I love you all❤️💪🙏
        #Antifa #blaklivesmatter #fuckthepolice

        • There are opinions which should be discussed, and then there are just losers. This is quite obviously simply a loser. Except, of course, he thinks he is just so heroically sly, and soon he will be in charge. Still a loser, but in charge.

  8. What do y’all MAGAs think about your main man Kyle beating up that girl in broad daylight for all to see?

        • Next they will start looking at porn to try and catch him in a gay porn flick. Or a straight one. The orientation won’t matter to them.

        • Looks like him – I’m half sure it’s him, but only half sure. The video isn’t all that good.

        • The guy who posted the supposed video of Rittenhouse did so multiple times. There was another clip that showed once Rittenhouse got involved another group piled on and gave him a beatdown – like they were waiting, and expecting a fight.
          Clickbait. Different circumstances and a different place. So what? Is it character assassination?
          NOBODY is 100% squeaky clean and moral.
          Changes nada about what he did in Kenosha when taking down three scumbags on his own.
          Any Marines out there who know the name Greg Boyington? The guy was a CMH winner and a flaming drunk. Read his autobiography … I did some 40 years ago.

          • Any Marines out there who know the name Greg Boyington?

            You mean Pappy? Yeah, I’ve heard the name in passing, some kind of flyboy or something…. Pretty typical Marine, fight hard, get the job done, play hard til the next job comes along…. Semper Fi..

        • There’s a male in a white T-shirt and a second in a long sleeve black T-shirt. Both look enough alike and enough like photos of KR wearing glasses that it’s hard to tell who is supposedly KR. In another posting of the same video that source identifies the guy in the black top as KR. Video is blurry and several cars pass blotting out what’s happening at key moments, particularly when the physical altercation breaks out. The last thing you see is the very short girl lunging at the girl with black top and white pants, then when the auto passes it looks like the two look alike males are trying to break up the fight. Everything in this video is “looks like” and nothing is proven.

    • If he beat up a Black Lives Matter or antifa protester that’s fine with me…Sex of the Receiver of the ass whoopin be damned..

    • I saw the video and it lacks context for one thing. No date listed, heck it could have been HS parking lot. Not sure it’s him.

      Two, it has no bearing on his current legal situation.

      Three, I can make the case that chivalry is dead, dead, dead. Having seen videos of many of the riots. Females mixing it up just as hard as they can. Soo, welcome to the 21st century, a creation of the left. Where punching out a female is normal for the younger generations.

        • They should be but many of them seem to want it both ways.

          While I’m thinking on it, Yes Females should be FORCED to register for the draft. They can now serve in all combat roles anyway. There have even been female graduates of Ranger School.

          21st century and all, so when a female gets punched don’t whine about it.

        • I fully expect the female police officer will disappear from all field duty in the USA. They won’t be able to handle it. Without their gun.

        • It’s almost like they only want to use it to their advantage. They pushed hard to get more women into tech jobs supposedly because there just weren’t enough women in this male dominated profession. I don’t understand why I haven’t seen this same push for women to get jobs as lumberjacks or in the construction industry. It’s very confusing. /s

      • True but kidney punching anyone in the back while they’re fighting someone else is a pretty dick move

        • The bald guy shot dead definitely was attacking the shooter right before the shot, the bald guy was a registered sex offender. The other one attacked with a skateboard and he has a long history of arrests for domestic violence.

      • Where punching out a female is normal for the younger generations.

        I’ve also seen a number of videos of (females?) assaulting elderly white men and one of a Black female attacking a gay white guy… So???

      • “Where punching out a female is normal for the younger generations.”

        I wouldn’t say that it’s “normal” but it’s far more acceptable for “us” than for ya’ll older folks. The reason is a disconnect in terms of civility.

        I’m not 100% sure where it started but it seems to be somewhere in the younger X’ers where women who are possessed of a violent streak decided that they could physically assault men and that the men weren’t allowed to do anything about it other than cover up and retreat.

        That was fine for like openhand slaps and whatnot. But it eventually graduated to more serious assaults. My senior year in high school (2002) I watched a girl walk around a party sucker-kicking guys in the balls as hard as she could and expecting no repercussions because she was female. She fully expected, and even verbalized, that she could do anything she wanted and no one could stop her because she was female.

        Eventually she ate a one-shot knockout punch from a guy and went down. That stopped her random assaults for the rest of the night.

        These days punches, kicks, melee weapons… all things females will employ. For self-defense, well, that’s defense… but they’ll also sometimes do it unprovoked or as the initial attack after a verbal altercation.

        And so the rules have changed from “Never hit a woman” to “Act like a lady and you’ll be treated as such, act like a gutter-rat dude and you’ll be treated as such”.

        If you’re willing to let a 20-something year old girl swing a bike lock at your head as hard as she can, well go for it. Personally, I’m going to back up as I would with anyone initially (if possible) but if she keeps coming she’s going to the ER. Uncivilized behavior like that will not be met with civility. Fuck your chromosomes. Don’t start shit and there won’t be shit. Start shit and someone else might check your ass, hard.

        • “That stopped her random assaults for the rest of the night. ”

          I’m guessing that stopped it for the rest of her life. Some people have to learn the hard way.

      • You’re wrong. There are two videos. Both show Kyle start punching a girl in the back who is in a fight with another girl. It’s linked above. Then in a second video (no audio) a bunch of guys beat the crap out of him.

    • Are you insinuating that someone supporting patriot prayer should have died because you don’t like someone who supports the police had to kill multiple attackers? Since you are jumping blame like a pogo stick, do you also have daddy issues with your milkman?

    • Sketchy video of a kid who was probably 15 or 16 at oldest if its even him (no mask or social distancing and he’s 17 today). Video has nothing to do with his actions on the streets of Kenosha unless you have video of more instances with angles that show its actually him.

    • We were supposed to ignore Trayvon’s and Micheal Brown’s previous fight videos so we can ignore Kyle’s too. Leftist keep asking me why I care about the histories of junkies who have heart attacks while being arrested or woman beating rapists who get shot in the back 7 times. If their histories don’t matter then I don’t see why his should.

  9. Did anyone else hear in the video just before the shooting someone shouting “… Trump right here!” ???

    • I listened to it again, with volume raised. It seems one guy shouts “death to America!” or something similar and someone else replied “vote Trump”, someone said “right here?” and then shots ring out.

    • There is another video with clearer audio. Someone says something like, “He’s one of ’em. This one’s a Trumper”. BANG BANG

      So whoever said that is an accomplice to premeditated murder.

  10. The only people who need to be on the streets of Portland are people equipped to deal with bullies, looters and arsonists. Give the scumbagss a choice: Get shot or go to prison. Quit being nice to shtheads who do not deserve it.
    The vast and I mean vast majority of Americans are not buying what pantifa and marxists are selling. The time to make that loud and clear is in Nov…

    TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

  11. Looks to me like the BLM thug who did the shooting just wanted to kill someone, and more specifically someone white, and conservative.

    So, this black thug BLM/Antifa murderer walks up to a white (unarmed) protestor, shoots him twice in the chest, killing him, and there’s no outrage over this shocking racist hate crime?

    Also, why are some of the commenters here cowering behind phony sanitized terms like ‘person of color’? Precisely who and what are YOU so afraid of that you can no longer simply speak truth, and describe events in clear concise concrete terms?

    • “Also, why are some of the commenters here cowering behind phony sanitized terms like ‘person of color’? ”

      Because it is insulting, mocking, disdainful ridicule?

    • .You’ll offend someone and this is the land of the unoffended. Forgot that free speech stuff, this is America

    • Also, why are some of the commenters here cowering behind phony sanitized terms like ‘person of color’? Precisely who and what are YOU so afraid of

      Maybe because it was a SHITTY video and it is difficult to ascertain the shooters actual ethnicity therefore “person of color” seems like a fair enough catch all…

  12. Peaceful protesting, according to MSNBC… does not hold a candle to the what the Covington kids did, lol !!! CNN
    Viral footage of white Catholic students clashing with a Native American man after the March for Life anti-abortion rally on Friday swept across the internet over the long weekend. Initially, what happened appeared clear-cut:attack
    277 million dollars later and they change their tune

  13. The Tree of Liberty was just watered with the blood of tyrants by Kyle Rittenhouse a few days ago. Now perhaps the blood of a Patriot. More to follow.

  14. Soooo…if you’re going to “protest” against lor hangout around Black Looters Murder(or antifools) have your chit together. Vest,plate carrier or mebbee don’t go there? I’m not looking for trouble but if it lands at my door I’m ready…

    • You got it wrong. It’s not the black people, aka BLM protesters. It’s Antifa, has been and will be. These attacks have been white males. Stop saying it’s BLM. You are falling for the trap they setup for you.

      • You got it wrong. It’s not the black people

        BLM protester punches Trump supporter in the face then is immediately arrested. Things are getting hostile at BLM plaza

      • BLM is a race hustling terrorist organization. Anyone that falls for their trap is a useful idiot.

      • https://www.thesun.ie/news/5833062/aspiring-teacher-21-stepfather-45-shot-armed-driver/

        An aspiring teacher and her stepfather were fatally shot on Monday by a man who moments earlier had rear-ended the stepfather’s car.

        Wall had driven over to the house to drop off a spare set of keys with Anderson, who was almost finished moving in and had forgotten her set.

        Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, has been arrested and charged with murder.

        Police said that he rear-ended Wall in Anderson’s driveway, then opened fire, killing Wall and Anderson.
        A third person, Paul McConnell, was shot as well but is expected to survive.

        Ty Sheem rear ends someone, which means it’s his fault, then he gets out to kill everyone in sight? If the races were reversed, we’d have to watch LeBron cry and tell us that white people are out hunting black people. If the races were reversed, there would be national outrage. Instead, there isn’t even coverage of this story. Why is that? The powers that be don’t want to mess up the narrative.

        • Massive majority of folks I have seen in videos of “BLM” and “Antifa” are all WHITE. Particularly the violent ones. Let’s not get fooled into condemning blacks for something *white criminals* are doing.

          • Let’s not get fooled into thinking BLM didn’t play the GUILT card early on suckering a lot of weak brainwashed idiots to do their dirty work for them.. BLM, by their own words on their own website, IS a Marxist (see Communist) organization using a bunch of idealistic products of our own institutes of higher learning that have been “educated” by mostly Marxist/Liberal professors.. Antifa is a racist group, there are no black people in Antifa, BLM thinks it is using Antifa for muscle and Antifa thinks they are using BLM for cover but actually both are being played by a higher power and when they are no longer useful they will be set on one another… The night time riots and looting was carried by far more blacks than white…

        • Apparently white dude should have parked his car up the block so as not to piss off any black person that might or might not want to occupy the space currently held by his vehicle… At any rate black guy is not responsible for his actions because, well you know…Trump.

  15. This is only the beginning. Blood will flow like water in liberal cities. ANTIFA/BLM bodies will pile up like yesterday’s garbage.

    • Unfortunately, not just in liberal cities. Expect this to bleed into every corner of America. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Wait until November……

  16. The cold civil war 2 is going hot. The mask is coming off. My friend works at a private equity firm, and they just fired him and all the other non-Jewish white males. The election is going to be a quagmire. Cover your face. Maintain OPSEC. Stay away from black people. Stop spending money at places that hate you: Amazon, sportsball, etc.

    Remember- these people hate you. Your guns. Your religion. You.


    • Stop being racist. It wasn’t a black person.

      Only one black person attacked Kyle, only because the white people told him to. All the people Kyle shot were white.

      Black lives matter protesters are not Antifa. Antifa uses BLM to get Trump fans to be openly racist. Then Antifa claims the moral high ground and justifies their violence as fighting white supremacists.

    • James Fields? That man admitted to intentionally driving his car into a crowd of people he didn’t like to hurt them. He is an admitted white supremacist.

      • Being a white supremacist is precisely as legal as being a black member of BLM or Antifa. You are talking racist bullshit.

        • I am just stating what he said in court. He wasn’t an innocent Trump voter. He admitted to his ideology and why he attacked that crowd.

          Stop defending a murderer who killed because he doesn’t like black people or those that protect them.

  17. Why haven’t we heard about the races involved? /s According to previous news stories, race seems to be the most important bit of newsworthy information. Regardless of race, this sounds like a political hate crime committed by a member of the Party of Tolerance and Understanding.

    • It’s not BLM, so don’t go around blaming black Americans. Most of this violence you see is coming from white men, thus Antifa.

      • It’s not BLM, so don’t go around blaming black Americans.

        So, it’s okay to lay all this shit at the feet of TRUMP supporters (also Americans), BUT how dare you call out BLM and the black haters of ANTIFA.. News flash, NONE of this would be happening if not for the violent, disruptive actions of BLM in Minneapolis, so get the fuck down off your holier than thou high horse and accept the fact that BLM is just as complicit in all this as anybody… Maybe you conveniently forgot about The shooting of Bernell Trammell a black Trump supporter in Milwaukee, shot in the back of the head by a chicken shit BLACK man (Antifa does not have any black members) or David Dorn a black man assassinated by another cowardly BLACK bitch ass punk or the two black teens killed by BLM security in BLM controlled “CHUMP” in Seattle… BLM is a Marxist (aka Communist) violent organization run by a bunch of radical, Marxist, BLACK women.. Blacks are 13.4% of the population yet commit over 52% of All murders in the U.S. so GTFO with your WeDidnDoNuffin bullshit…. Careful, put a bunch of racist bullshit on display and somebody might get the idea that you’re a racist…

        • MAXX:

          Maybe I’m wrong here but I don’t read Censor as “laying” anything at the feet of Trump supporters himself, at least not in the comments he’s left here.

          He’s taking an academic view of ANTIFA/BLM. And he’s probably mostly right.

          [Note: I’m going to use “ANTIFA” here as kind of a catchall. So what I’m about to say may not be 100% technically correct, which is the best form of correct, because I’m honestly not 100% sure “who” ANTIFA are in terms of who’s running the streets in these places. So, if you prefer, when I say ANTIFA replace it with “far Left, generally white, young people who are engaging in violent behavior” if you would like.]

          Conflating these two groups is easy [Conflating; mixing two unlike groups into one group.] and dangerous. And Censor is right that this something that ANTIFA does want to have happen.

          These people want to show up, cause trouble and have other groups take the blame for violence so that they can spin the situation to their political/media advantage.

          It works like this.

          1)Some protest occurs. BLM or otherwise. The protest is about policing practices or something. Many of the attendees are minorities. They’re also generally peaceful.

          2) ANTIFA shows up to the same protest and engages in violent behavior against, businesses, people, Blue Lives Matter supporters or whomever.

          3) People [Read: Trump supporters even if they are NOT] generally refer to this as a “BLM protest that turned violent”.

          4) A spin machine starts up that casts the BLM protest as peaceful but with a minority population that engaged in violence. Generally the violent actors are not minorities, but rather are young and white, so the spin narrative is that anyone who says “A BLM protest got violent…” is a racist because they’re not drawing the proper distinction on who was actually violent when it was mostly young white people.

          5)Said spin machine continues to spin and creates a narrative that the young, mostly white people who got violent are actually “alt-right fifth columnists” who are trying to make the BLMers look bad because racists will immediately jump to the conclusion that “the black folks did it”.

          And like that you have a conflation where if you criticize a riot where almost all the actual rioting is done by white Leftists, you’re a racist because as the narrative goes those white kids are really alt-right and the racists know it and this is all a big scheme to blame the black people for the actions of alt-right white people. Ergo, it’s a racist setup.

        • strych9
          That isn’t true. Those antifa groups are taking up the BLM cause. They’re chanting the BLM slogans. It’s easier to justify being an anti-racist than an anti-fascist. Look at the guy that did the shooting. They posted his Instagram. He’s all in on BLM. Antifa and BLM are both terrorist organizations. They both hate the police and anyone that dares to vote different from them. There’s been plenty of video evidence since the Floyd incident of BLM activists saying they are cool with the riots even if they didn’t participate. They feel like it’s justified.

        • Dude:

          I don’t think so. You seem to be falling into the trap of believing that groups like this are monolithic. They’re not. Just go watch the videos on YouTube of ex-BLMers trying to warn others about the organization.

          I have a fair number of quite well educated black friends who actually believe that BLM is nothing more than a civil rights organization that mobilizes for reasonable protests. They believe this because they’ve “seen it” first hand.

          They’ve attended such events and were angry about the “alt-right agitators” they believed that they were witnessing “hijack” the event. They then direct their anger at the police “who can’t tell the difference and come after us”. And pretty quick they’re saying “Well, look violence isn’t the goal but sometimes it’s necessary because of the circumstances. Besides *they* started it”.

          These people have degrees that most people can’t afford and they fall for this because it’s a skillful emotional manipulation (I’m not going to rehash my pages and pages on that topic from the past).

          There’s a hell of a lot of misdirection going on here on a bunch of different levels.

          “There’s been plenty of video evidence since the Floyd incident of BLM activists saying they are cool with the riots even if they didn’t participate. They feel like it’s justified.”

          And if what I’m saying is correct… why wouldn’t they start to feel that way? Peacefully protest and get treated like a rioter… why not riot? If you’re gonna fail the exam anyway why bother studying?

          There are definite shades of Cloward and Piven in all this shit.

          I watched this pretty closely locally and I was impressed to note how certain groups of agitators managed to get the cops to enrage actual protesters, seemingly with ease. They’d start causing trouble in an area almost as if it was designed to maximize the number of non-agitators that got hit by pepper balls and teargas.

          • Look I understand that in your mind you are WAY more intelligent than I am (I’m one of your uneducated not very smart “Boomers” class of ’49) and you are WAY more capable of understanding the intricacies of these groups than I could ever be but, believe it or not, I have been dealing with people like BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, 1%r MCs, White Supremacists, Racists of all colors (I’ve been among them, not reading about them or watching some YouTube video) AND supposed intellectual snobs like you my whole life, (in fact it’s because of know-it-all individuals like you that I hate being around people).. I do NOT require your intellectual input or psychoanalysis (if I NEED someone to tell me what I think I’ll be sure to let you know) so take your self righteous, better than everyone else bullshit attitude and stick it straight up your ass….

          • Ok, BLM changed their website to remove the marxist elements, the support for destruction of western values, destruction of the historical family unit, and such. The current website contains hints, but the original manifesto is missing. However, any group that promotes the lies that Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were murdered in cold blood is not to be trusted. But the most telling of the lies is the complete lack of presence of BLM in the Dimwitocrat cities where black lives are taken, by other blacks, regularly and routinely. There is no BLM program to address the children being murdered in the inner cities.

            BLM is a revolutionary group, not a civil rights group (except as such label helps promote the revolution), “By their fruit, you will know them.”

            This from the prior BLM webpage:

        • “Peacefully protest and get treated like a rioter… why not riot?”

          Birds of a feather…If you don’t want to participate in rioting, then don’t. No one is treating peaceful protesters like rioters. If you’re cool with hanging around criminal activity, then you’re going to get burned. I’ve said this from the very beginning, as soon as the rioting starts, then you shut down the protest. Where were the rioters trying to hijack the armed citizen protests in Virginia and Michigan? There weren’t any. Why is that? If they did show up, do you think those armed real protesters would be cool with it? Your friends are useful idiots. If you’re an ally to BLM, then you’re a useful idiot. I’m not falling for anything here.

        • “the original manifesto is missing.”

          I’ve been wondering how long it would take that to happen. Now the MSM will just claim that’s a right wing conspiracy. Too bad the internet is forever, but no doubt the truth will be suppressed. BLM hates America. They’re actually hurting black lives instead of helping.

            • The link goes to a page that contains some of that stuff but does not speak to their Marxist origins and desire to “burn it all down” if their demands are not met.. The link below does contain the original manifesto and ALL comments by the founders with references to person and place.
              BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors was trained to be a Marxist activist by the Labor/Community Strategy Center (LCSC), a Los Angeles-based grassroots training organization founded by former Weather Underground member Eric Mann, a communist revolutionary who has been called the “grandfather of Black Lives Matter.”

              Mann and other white revolutionaries, apparently inspired by the late Marxist theorist Herbert Marcuse, have stated that they believe that black revolutionaries should lead the fight against capitalism. Marcuse, in his seminal essay “On Liberation,” wrote that “in the United States, the black population appears as the ‘most natural’ force of rebellion.

              As I said elsewhere BLM and Antifa are both being used by a higher power set on the destruction of Capitalism AND the United States… As Brother Nakita famously said “We will bury you”…


        • Opened something. My eyes hurt. What did that say? They support black queers and no one else?

        • Maxx, Strych is no ‘intellectual snob’. Not a whole lot of those currently wearing literal Mohawk haircuts these days. He’s not an enemy of ours.

          Once you’ve cooled down a hair, re-read what he said. There’s wisdom in there to be found about who the real enemy is.

          And he’s not a faker, he really is one of the sharpest currently commenting on TTAG, I’ve learned quite a bit from him…

          • I must have misunderstood when he called “Boomers” uneducated and stupid… I don’t care if he has a mohawk on his ass (my hair is more than shoulder length, so what?).. Holding himself and his “generation” as intellectually superior to another generation AND laying the history of the county’s economy at our feet is pure bullshit, I did not run the Fed nor did I approve of removing the dollar from the gold standard.. Likewise I didn’t start the Vietnam conflict or any other petty ass involvement around the world that along with people entering the country illegally, Democrats sending mfg jobs overseas, out of control spending by a government that is unnecessarily large and a multitude of other things over which I had no authority have been the impactors’ of the economy.. All that AND one president adding nearly 11 trillion dollars to the debt in 8 years.. I don’t NEED him to “educate” me (as he believes is his calling), if you think he’s YOUR friend that’s your problem but I don’t need you or any other members of his fan club to lecture me on what or whom I should listen to.

    • “It’s not BLM, so don’t go around blaming black Americans.”

      Please show me where I was blaming black people? The race was irrelevant, just like it was irrelevant in all of the recent cases when black men died resisting arrest. I haven’t heard anyone explain how anyone’s race had to do with anything in those cases. They were all criminals resisting arrest. That’s my point. It automatically gets reported to death when the media thinks they can stir up excitement in the masses by pretending everything is racist.

      “It’s not BLM”
      The dude has a giant BLM / commie fist tattoo on his neck.

  18. So an atheist just killed a christian. The residence of the state Oregon need to decide what type of government they want to have. And you are being forced to decide by the state level and local level of government to make a decision. In the 1950’s southern states also ordered their law enforcement agencies to stand down back then. And civil rights demonstrators were attacked. And some were killed. I see history repeating itself.

    • Patriot Prayer are a bunch of fake Christians. They just use religion as a cover for their gang. They are more like a biker gang.

      • Well, I here to tell you that christian gun owner’s come in all colors, shapes, sizes, job titles, and use many different modes of transportation. Including motor cycles. I know its news to you but: The 1st amendment (religion) does extend beyond a house of worship. Just as the 2nd amendment extends beyond a gun owners home.

  19. Look up the video of protestors celebrating the murder afterward. It’s on social media in various places. There’s also other vids of them equating the right wing counter protestors as terrorists. In the celebration video, There’s a woman with a bullhorn shouting with glee about “taking out the trash” and they got rid of “another nazi”. If this doesn’t disturb ALL of you I don’t know what will. They were celebrating the assassination of another human being. And yet nothing on mainstream media, and nothing from the city, state, or otherwise condemning these actions.

    • This is exactly why there was a push from the beginning to label, not only Trump, but his supporters as racists, Nazis, Fascists, traitors, and generally deplorable people. Once you decide they’re evil, you don’t have to worry about nuance, you just know you need to get rid of them. That means different things to different people. Sometimes it’s voting and protesting. Sometimes it’s rioting, fighting, and even murder. People are being manipulated by the media, academia, Big Tech, and celebrities to do the bidding of the democrat party.

      • Either way, I think middle America is finally starting to wake up to the true insanity that the left has become. The video of the protestors angrily confronting the RNC members after the event the other night, this, the Kyle shooting, and several others are driving the point home that there’s something seriously wrong going on. Next few months are going to be interesting. Maybe longer if Trump wins again.

        • I don’t think most of those who were once considered normal democrats get it, I am talking about baby boomers and shortly after. It seems to me most of these folks still have their heads deep inside their butts, the brainwashing they got and their intense hatred toward Trump, gun owners, etc has made them completely blind and willing to somehow accept the insanity coming from this new left.

          • I don’t think most of those who were once considered normal democrats get it, I am talking about baby boomers and shortly after

            You mean like Pelosi, Schumer, Biden? Most of those OLD SCHOOL Dems have become radicalized trying to keep control and power, the unfortunate consequence is that THEY have followers collected over decades who look to them for guidance and are ready to move as far left as the PARTY tells them even if it means accepting the NEW far left wing as the “NEW NORMAL”…

        • I will believe that middle America has woken up a day or two after the election. The evidence will be the margin of Trumps victory. I have never met a dumber and more stubborn group of people than Democrats. They are brain dead.

        • Remember, these people spray paint “Liberals get a bullet too” on the sides of buildings.

          Meanwhile the media and establishment Democrats talk about “tactics”, as in “We agree with the principles of ANTIFA but not the tactics” as if that will somehow save them.

          These establishment liberals are fucking clueless. “False consciousness” is a death sentence in the view of the hard-Left.

        • Anyone that is an ally to BLM is a fool. The Left is all in on racism as long as it means more power and control for them.

  20. Anyone notice how the structure of the AP article attempts to associate the shooting being an immediate and direct link to the confrontation. According to the text, the shooting happened some time after the confrontation ended.

  21. Some people who I know laughed at me for carrying a gun everywhere. They aren’t laughing anymore. They get it now. They’re a whole new kind of “woke.”

    • Let’s see what we have here –

      Someone with a BLM tattoo on their neck walks up to someone wearing a ‘Patriot Prayer’ hat and shoots the Patriot Prayer hat guy twice in the chest, killing him.

      A targeted assassination.

      Ralph, it appears to me that anyone who wears a MAGA hat or anything that indicates conservative beliefs will now be targeted for opportunistic assassination by BLM supporters.

      Next, we’ll start seeing BLM scum doxxing anyone they believe is on the political right, thereby creating ‘lists’ for retribution.

      Those on the other side will start doing the same to those they identify as BLM.

      That’s a real good way to start a literal, for-real civil war.

      Complications – BLM scum are secretive by nature as to their members and organizational structure. Conservatives tend not to be. Well, they will learn to be real, real fast…

      • Hmmm I wear a red hat at times that is a very close color to the MAGA hats. I’ve had people start on me and shut them down when I asked if they know how to read. Mines is for the American Diabetes Association and was given to me after one of their walks. Maybe I should change over to one of the hurricane hats I was given during storm restoration. Some of them are blue 😉

        • “Maybe I should change over to one of the hurricane hats I was given during storm restoration. Some of them are blue.”

          Or, perhaps, get a plain black cap, and have the letters B Lo Me embroidered on the front?

        • I occasionally wear a MAGA hat because it cost me a $100 donation to the campaign. Only comments I have gotten is about a hundred people saying “nice hat” or equivalent. The idea anybody might attack me over a hat is beyond belief, at least in Texas. If someone does, I imagine I will have shot him several times before I even wonder why he’s attacking me.

  22. This division is getting real bad. Our town, middle class Whites, Asians, Hispanics, had a Trump rally at city hall yesterday. There was a small contingent of gay pride types there, but mostly for Trump. Little kids holding Trump signs. Sadly, any teens or twenty somethings that came around(most were for Trump or just downtown eating), were yelled at and booed after the LGBTQs left.
    This is turning into generational hatred, like many of us saw in the early 70s. The people with jobs did not want the kids to displace them and the racial hiring quotas stopped the hiring of white males.
    If the white twenty somethings are not welcome to the party, we will see much more division. We middle class families need to hang together, give a certain amount of respect and understanding to to Millennials and the Zs(those born this century). If we don’t, they will push for pure socialism, which will hurt those on Social Security and Medicare.

    • Respect and conversation won’t work because one side is extreme and irrational. Only force will knock some sense into them.

    • “This is turning into generational hatred, like many of us saw in the early 70s. ”
      Dang, it’s going to make all of that stuff look like a pre-school. Our country will never be the same. Time for us all to get ” woke” in the right way.

      • “Time for us all to get ” woke” in the right way.”

        A good start will be to stop wearing conservative garb unless in large groups for mutual support. Looking MAGA while being alone is now risky.

        Welcome to guerilla warfare…

        • I’m too old for that shit. You want it, come get you some. I don’t expect any trouble in Texas, even here in the Austin area. Last guy who started some has been buried by now.

    • Pure socialism will hurt those benefitting from targetted socialism? What’s the reasoning there? They’ll have to share their pie?

    • I’ve been warning you folks about the generational warfare and how dangerous it is.

      Mostly it seems to fall on deaf ears. Maybe Boomers as a generation will start to wake up to the garden path they’ve been led down and how stupid, perilous and shortsighted this all is.

      I hope so, because this goes sideways and Boomers are the ones with the most to lose. And lose they fucking will. It’s a pretty narrow path to walk here and A LOT of Boomers don’t really seem to care because they’re not half as well educated or a quarter as smart as they fancy themselves to be.

      Just look at the actual spark that started the Arab Spring and the reasons behind it. We’ve got the same thing going on IN SPADES. But not because of a dictatorial government, because our educational system is fucked.

      • Also, a side note:

        Serious pro-2A Boomers tend to be much, much better than the average. Just go for a scroll through Breitbart’s comment section and compare it to TTAG.

      • , because this goes sideways and Boomers are the ones with the most to lose. And lose they fucking will. It’s a pretty narrow path to walk here and A LOT of Boomers don’t really seem to care because they’re not half as well educated or a quarter as smart as they fancy themselves to be.

        I don’t know who the fuck you think YOU are or what exactly it is that makes you and your generation (whatever that is) any smarter than any other.. guess you’ve missed the last ten years or so of reporters visiting Spring Break (Educated college students) and ask Freshman year high school AMERICAN HISTORY questions.. It pains me to see the blank stares and hear the stupid answers to things like, Who was George Washington? Why do we celebrate 4th of July, who did we fight in WWII (MULTIPLE possibilities).. Multiple generations raised with “everybody gets a trophy” and Ritalin, kids graduate high school and can’t fill out a job application much less a resume or understand a bank statement, kids in their mid 20’s still living in mommies basement or attic or back bedroom because they have no idea what the words “personal responsibility” even mean.. I graduated high school in 1967 with MORE education than ANY person fumbling through life with a recently acquired 2 yr degree and you and your buddy the Chief can both go fuck yourself if you feel that you have been anointed to EDUCATE me and the millions like me… I can’t believe that both of you made similar statements concerning the education of the unwashed masses today… You must be the center of attention at the annual Morons Ball…..

        • The fact that you respond with a rambling, incoherent and poorly written screed is evidence that I’m correct. Facts done got your panties in a twist. That sucks but it’s hardly unexpected.

          But hey, the dollar’s only lost 98% of it’s value since 1972. Inflation since YOU graduated in ’66 is a mere 675%. So, obviously, on the whole ya’ll have done a great job keeping up with basic economics.

          So, keep screaming and fostering that ire. It’s gonna work out great for you.

          Oh, and always remember, the people who brainwashed you are very proud of the *adult* you’ve become.

          • I would expect nothing more or less from a know-it-all moron like you, but the only brainwashed clown in this conversation is you, maybe you need a reading comprehension course or would that piss off your puppet masters…

        • Strych9 makes intelligent comments on life in America today. Sometimes he gets frustrated, but always bears paying attention. Your anger is misplaced. Read Strych9, mark it and glean what value you find, ignore the rest. On the whole, 9 is well worth the reading. 9 and I get into it often, but without animosity (I think).

        • I have a few years on Strych9, and I respect his intelligence and observations, particularly his insights on geopolitical issues of historical relevance. I think he provides valuable perspective, especially of a generational nature, and even if he comes off harsh at times, I think, by and large, he’s fair. That said, I think he under-estimates Boomers, so to speak, a category I narrowly fall into, having been born in 1960. I’m pretty well-educated and always did well in school, but education is different today. One would think history doesn’t change, but the way it’s *taught* has definitely changed. The same is true for science (98% of scientists agree!), maybe math and chemistry is our constant.
          I think what we’re seeing, the large number of youths who line up with radical left and BLM and are so quick to swallow the social justice pill, is a reflection of how our education system has changed, more specifically, who’s doing the teaching and what those teachers believe. Somewhere along the line the adage of “those who can’t do, teach” has really born out, and the bitterness and grudges of those who can’t do, for whom the American Dream has not played out, has filtered into those they teach, across 30 years, so we have a bunch of kids who passionately believe they are on the right side of history, America is evil and racists, and boomers are idiots who screwed up everything. None of which is true in the whole.
          Boomers, and those that followed closely behind them, may be slow to this party, but when they come, their presence will be felt. Boomers don’t hit women, believe in American Exceptionalism, and are not afraid to fight. We are not easily “triggered,” and in fact, don’t even get that concept as is commonly used. Many of us don’t particularly like Trump but believe in his policies and pay more attention to what he *does* than what he says. Those of us raised in the 60s and 70s are overwhelmingly not racist (though those before us in many cases were, very much so), we get along, we believe in fairness and justice and realize that in many cases African Americans have been treated beyond poorly across US history. We also believe that *anybody* who wants to work can make it in this country. We believe in the greatness of America and will defend her. The downside is physical limitations, but I believe there are a whole lot of 40-50 year olds who could bring a lot of resolve, toughness and courage to the equation and see things as we do.
          But most of us just want to get along with our neighbor, make an honest living, have a comfortable retirement, take care of our families, and be good citizens. If that is threatened? FAFO.
          But I respect Strych9 and listen always to what he has to say.

      • Boomers weren’t subjected to the re-education camps of later generations. Boomers might be quite a bit more educated than the average PhD holder today. Boomers knew all the stories of the utter devastation of WW1/2 and The Depression. They were taught to tighten the belt, and struggle on without complaint (well…maybe a bit fewer than half the boomer generation learned those lessons). Boomers were raised to expect a better tomorrow, if not paradise today. They were looking at all the “bad” that had gone before them, and took the position “this too shall pass”. Only it didn’t.

        A significant number of boomers were beneficiaries of the mantra of much of “The Greatest Generation”: “My kid’s gonna have it better than I did.” Then these brain trusts proceeded to replace the steel backbone of hardship instilled in “The Greatest Generation” with the spaghetti noodle of comfort, and lack of both responsibility and lack of appreciation for what had gone before. By 1960, these pampered children started entering colleges where their selfishness was allowed to grow and prosper…and rewarded. That was the first generation of children raised to remain children. And they begot the second generation. And so on.

        Many boomers lived through the era of “destroy the village in order to save it.” They are unlikely to want to destroy this village in order to save it, but their patience may be running low, watching and waiting, preparing. Don’t mess with old people. They have seen too much, are short-timers, and can be brutish, cunning, sly and bear considerable watching.

        • Close, Sam, but no cigar. Me, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump were born the first summer of the Boomer generation (1946), and entered college in the fall of ’64. Unless you graduated high school at 14, none were in college before 1960. And at least for myself, I could have used some pampering, though it could have been a lot worse.

          • “Unless you graduated high school at 14, none were in college before 1960.”

            Then, where did all those flower child hippies who were college seniors in 1964 came from? No, they weren’t technically boomers, but the slide in education was already happening by 1960, universities first. Those liberals already in power trained the next increment of school teachers. And 1964 was when I ran into my first leftist high school (history) teacher.

            But we are just splitting hairs. The education system by 1968 was far different from the one in 1958.

        • “But we are just splitting hairs. The education system by 1968 was far different from the one in 1958.”

          I saw it first-hand and up-close in the early 1970s. And to the teachers that were teaching the new stuff, their reaction was pretty much “what the actual fuck?”. They shrugged their shoulders and followed orders.

          I remember that quite clearly at the time as a student in a parochial school taught by for-real habit-wearing nuns. They were utterly baffled by the ‘new system’ being rammed down their throats.

          For me as a student, the ‘work’ suddenly got laughably easy. I thought that was cool, but I was an ignorant kid who didn’t understand what was really going on. And I paid for it dearly later in life. I wish now that they had kept the pressure for intellectual excellence on…

          • ” I wish now that they had kept the pressure for intellectual excellence on…”

            And today, my friend, that attitude is “White privilege”.

  23. If you go anywhere near one of these shitholes, be prepared to fight, and it may or may not involve deadly weapons. You’re a fool if you think the cops will protect you, or the “mostly peaceful protesters” will agree to seat and talk with you. If you are willing to risk your life and possibly to take life, stay home. This is not fiction anymore, this is happen wing folks so head on a swivel and stay safe.

  24. As America protest, fights amoung themselves, riots, loots and burns, China buys Smithyfield’s. America is going to have bigger problems when NLM.

    • A conversation with a social service worker forty years ago once told me without Welfare there would be riioting and more robberies.

      • For a couple years, until all the robbers were shot dead and the welfare cheats starved to death. Oh, well. Then the “social service workers” could find a real job.

  25. Unfortunately in all this the Wrong people are dying. By that I don’t mean BLM,Antifa or even Trump supporters. Those in control and allowing the Chaos to continue are the ones responsible and deserving. Both sides are being played as pawns in order to capitalize on the situation and impose eventual restrictions on all sides. This is nothing more than a Ends justify the Means scenario where in the end both sides will loose and the Powers that Be will continue to Rule. If you need context for what I’m saying simply look to the French Revolution. It was started with the influence of an elite class who preached divisiveness pitting one group against another. They guided the peasants by making them believe they were going to change the world. After much Chaos, Destruction and Murder on both sides. Some changes were made except the Elites still controlled everything and the peasants were still peasants. This strategy has repeated itself many times in the history of Humanity and in each case the only constant has been who is in control at the End. The Elites.

    • I agree all the string-pullers need to be taken down hard, but all communist scum must be physically removed, regardless of who they are. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. It is the only way to solve America’s problems!

    • Wow, that was intense. That black dude strait up tried to murder that cop and only his vest saved him. That Officer is a beast, let controlled anger fuel him to keep him in the fight. Looks like he was the one that killed that fucker too, from the angles of the 5.56×45 through the door and where the bad guy dropped dead. Those in the room should be charged as accessories to attempted murder as well. Intense.

    • Get ready Daytona Beach you’re next.

      Is THAT a threat or a promise? Pretty strange thing to say… I’d think Orlando, Trump supporters have been gathering on the same corner in Maitland for weeks, now protestors have moved in across the street and both sides get bigger every week, won’t take much of a spark to light THAT candle… But why Daytona?

        • This is not Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha, those cops went after a felon (wanted for shooting a woman in the back) with an arrest warrant, dumbass criminal shot one cop but body armor, and cop returned fire killing the dumbass.. ALL clearly and concisely caught on police cam.. There will be no riots, no calls for “DEFUND” and no question about the validity of the shooting… The difference between civilized society and the big city shitholes that are being destroyed by senseless, stupid unwarranted riots and looting… That shit won’t fly in FL…. Words to live by “keep your stupid Yankee asses where they belong, you’ll live longer”…. FYI Holly Hill is not Daytona Beach, has it’s VERY own mayor and everything..

  26. Another patriot was targeted & assassinated out of the literal DOZENS that have been murdered by the terrorist BLMISIS thugs and antifa! TIME FOR ALL OF YOU TO GET OFF YOUR ASSES & GET YOUR RIFLE, GET YOUR AMMO, PUT ON YOUR ARMOR, AND GET TO SLOTTIN’ COMMIES RIGHT FUCKING NOW!! FORM UP TEAMS & GO OUT AND GET SOME!!

    Wake the F. up! We are at WAR!

  27. Wow Trump supporters and blue lives don’t matter in Portland huh. Time to take out these trash antifa Shrimp Dick SoyBoy BetaCucks

  28. I wonder if the old guys are still thinking this isn’t as bad as the 60s? I guess when they are walking down the street with their MAGA cap, near election time, they will find out.

    • The primary polling pace made me take off my MAGA hat before they let me vote, something about electioneering, even after I pointed out there was no candidate name on it. Poo. But I’m not concerned with wearing it anywhere.

      And I had no trouble in the ’60s and ’70s, but then I have no trouble now, either. Mind your business and keep your eyes open. Have to admit, when I came back from ‘Nam, I had been warned about the possibility of being spit on in airports, but was not concerned. I had determined that if someone spit on me, I was going to beat him to death on the spot unless something stopped me. A year in combat does that to you.

  29. Mayor Wheeler, who had allowed ANTIFA to run riot, lot and burn for three months just had a present conference. He blamed President Trump.

  30. Congratulations Chief Sensor you win todays TTAG Gold Troll Award! You are like an AI god of dissension and self -righteousness. You are the real American Genius.

      • Did you read about Kyle Rittenhouse beating girls in a parking lot a few weeks ago then getting jumped by black kids for doing so?

        I only tell the truth as I know it. It’s your fault for not wanting to hear it. If you go back through my posts you will see most of the things I warned you about have happened. Of course you won’t apologize and give me credit for educating you.

        • I only tell the truth as I know it.

          WRONG, You only repeat the TRUTH that YOU want to believe.. There is only one set of actual FACTS (and you rarely come down on the right side of them) but there can be a number of “truths”.. Like Creepy Uncle Joe said “We choose TRUTH over FACTS”……. How many times have you repeated certain statements attributed to Trump, but have been skewed by the DNC chain of media outlets with the omission of a key word or taken out of a bigger context.. Yeah those were his words but presented in an entirely dishonest (but technically truthful) format… I know this is a waste of time, you are what you are and “it is what it is” but I can feel better knowing I at least tried.. You on the other hand have destroyed any credibility you might have once had because all anyone needs to do is run a quick fact check (hint: we ALL have the same internet access you do AND most of us can read, not sure about POSSUM but he gets by somehow) and in a few short minutes can find where you got YOUR TRUTH (source is telling all by itself) and actually get the rest of the facts from something more reliable than you have proven to be…

          • I’m not interested enough in you or all of your bullshit to dig through your past posts Just one question, How many times have you repeated the MSM version of TRUMPS statement about the the “good people on both sides” in Charlottesville…

        • Your posts are as useless as miner49ers. You cherry pick your ‘facts’ and present them in such a style as to drive away anybody willing to give your comments a glance.

          In your own mind you’re a champ. To the rest of us you’re a chump. But thanks for playing.

        • Did you read about Kyle Rittenhouse beating girls in a parking lot a few weeks ago then getting jumped by black kids for doing so?</blockquote

          I'm going to pull a Chief censor and start making s*** up. It was probably a Karen, who assaulted people and shouted at them for not wearing a mask. Or maybe she had "soft body armor," and threatened their lives. The bottom line – we have no idea what was going on. That said, I probably wouldn't have decked out a girl, unless I really needed to. And I didn't see any reason to in this video. I don't think Kyle is a perfect person, but I do think is actions were justified at Kenosha.

          I only tell the truth as I know it.

          Right. From the perspective and rationalization, oftentimes, of the perpetrators. Yes.

          Of course you won’t apologize and give me credit for educating you.

          Apologize? WTF. Are you a sensitivity squad member? Why do you need an apology? Are you an evergreen state college grad?

    • Fucked around, found out.

      Smart people stay home.

      He did us all a favor by letting us know the kinds of people in that area, and what they are willing to do. As a result, the populace can now commence dealing with them, on an individual basis. And your statement applies to Antifa too. They also have “fucked around, and will find out.”

      BTW, your avatar is GAF!

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