New York Police (courtesy

TTAG commentator One If By Land posted this underneath ArmaLite: We Won’t Stop Selling to Gun Ban State LEOs

I’ve informed ArmaLite that in NYS, Section 74 (d) of the NYS Public Officer’s law (which applies to ALL government employers, sworn officers and civilians alike) specifically prohibits an employee of the State (or political subdivision) from receiving special benefits (by virtue of their employment with the state) that are not available to the general public. To wit . . .

New York State Consolidated Laws
Section 74 of the Public Officers’ Law.

d). No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the
legislature or legislative employee should use or attempt to use his
official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for
himself or others.

So, at least in NYS, private sales of “assault weapons” to LEO’s in this state is a violation of the NYS Public Officer’s law, whereas LEO’s use their position to seek exemptions to state law as well as seeking unwarranted privileges not available to the general public, simply by virtue of their position within the government.

Additionally, the recently enacted NY SAFE Act (which outlaws the sales of so-called “assault rifles” in the state), does not even exempt LEO’s in their official capacity as it currently stands, let alone for private sales. Any sales to LEO’s in NYS, including private sales, is in direct conflict with State Law.


    • Right, we’ll send a letter to Cuomo. He’ll immediately whip up a “Message of Necessity” and present it at 2:00 a.m.

  1. and in other news . . . . . Armalite announced today it purchased the website Cheaper Than Dirt. “Our business development teams just meshed. We really think alike” says an Armalite insider. “We have similar customer approaches and both bonded well since we both experienced unfortunately massive layoffs due to this whole ‘guns are bad thing'”, he continued.

    • I think they need to change their name from CTD to Available Sh1t…. cause they are overpriced but at least they have stock available…

      • I got their catalog b/c it is impossible to get off the mailing list. A whole bunch of pictures with no prices.

        • ttacer, I see their catalog as helping to bring them down. They keep sending me one, I don’t even open it before it hits the trash. How much does it cost them to produce and mail that rag? Multiply that waste by how many thousands or more.

  2. Methinks that, legally, this does not apply if the “unwarranted privilege” is specifically codified in the law. So, since the self-defense rifle ban specifically exempts LE officers, then they would not have broken the law.

    • This is why I am not in favor attempting to modify the free market system via pressuring private businesses via boycotting certain entities. Boycotts are for babies. Cut through the BS and address the real problem, that of voting Progressives into office.

      • People are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. The balance has already tipped in CA and NY. You can’t vote them out.

      • What part of ‘free market’ do you not understand? Consumers voting with their wallets is part of how a free market works. Economics is far more complicated than a simplistic supply-demand curve.

        • Oh, I understand a free market. I’m just not going to whine like the lefties do about “boycott this, boycott that”. To think I’m going to let some Internet people, even on TTAG, influence who I purchase from in our capitalistic society is laughable. Now that is a free market. My point is cut through the nebulous BS of judging all these private companies through some prism of your own making and address the real problem, that of Progressives in office.

        • Joke & Daggers view of the “free market” is that we are all ‘free’ to let corporations misbehave as they wish and then should continue to give them money even when they undermine our cause.

          While I can’t disagree with him that the root cause lies elsewhere, last time I checked, we didn’t stop with arresting Charlie Manson. The followers and enablers went to prison too.

        • To equate a company that will sell weapons to NY LEO to Manson’s followers is a joke. A few companies, for free publicity, announce they are ceasing sales to NY, when no one knows how many sales they are actually giving up, is nothing but pablum for the low-information masses. So now NY has 395 companies offering weapons instead of 400. So what? Go after the problem: electing Progressives.

        • Again Joker completely misses the point. He seems to have a particular knack for this. Nobody is trying to make you do anything, all anybody here is doing is stating that THEY have decided not to buy from certain vendors. It is not all about you Joker.

          As for voting out the progressives, just how has that been working out for you Joker? Let’s see, a far left radical re – elected as president, a majority of far left radicals infesting DC and most of the State houses, the ONLY bright spot, a majority of so – called “republicans” in the House. What a great idea, why didn’t we think of that?

        • To equate a company that will sell weapons to NY LEO to Manson’s followers is a joke.

          You’re right. Manson’s family killed far fewer innocent people than NYPD. We also arrested and punished Manson and his followers.

          As Bill in IL noted, as a free market participant, you are free to continue to support those companies. Others are free to boycott them.

      • I have to say I am sick and tired of hearing people say that the answer is to “vote them out of office.” You have named yourself correctly because that is a joke!! Have you heard about all of the rampant voter fraud in the latest election? How about the women that admitted to voting twice? Now it is coming out that she is being investigated for voting SIX TIMES………AND IT TURNS OUT SHE USED HER POSITION AS A POLL WORKER TO COVER HER TRACKS!!!!

        Yes go to the polls and vote. But this “baby” is also going to exercise his power in the FREE MARKET system to reward the companies that are NOT going to help subvert our God-given rights!!! (You know? The ones guaranteed by the Constitution!!) Likewise any company that thinks it’s worth it to sell to police in states that restrict arms sales to law abiding citizens will not get any of my business. Enough of us “babies” stick together and they will change their tune or go out of business (hopefully!!!!!)

  3. Any further information IRT Armalite is wasted space. They have made their policy and it does not support the Second Amendment.

    On a side note after looking at the above picture. How tactical can a shock troop be if his massive key ring jingles as he moves?

    • “On a side note after looking at the above picture. How tactical can a shock troop be if his massive key ring jingles as he moves?”

      They’re made of tactical, silent polymer. Can’t be too careful when walking up on a parking violator.
      On another note, It’s awesome to see The Village People back!

  4. Well we are almost there. We are decades deep in the purposeful act of making laws so complex and numerous that all citizens are potential criminals. There is no longer “Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness” in these United States. We are an infringed nation.

  5. Technically, this law would prohibit the legislature from carving out an expemption for police in the SAFE Act.

    No … member of the legislature … should use or attempt to use his official position to secure … exemptions for … others.

    I love how vaguely written laws can run around and be applied in a way they were not intended to be applied.

  6. So who is going to charge Bloomberg? I’m sure we can find a few perks of the job (or is it just because he is rich?) That average joe voter can’t get. Like, perhaps, a gun?

  7. “No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the
    legislature or legislative employee SHOULD USE or attempt to use his
    official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for
    himself or others.”

    It doesn’t say SHALL USE, so it has no real meaning at all. The devil is in the details. I hate these stupid edicts that they make so they sound like they aren’t above the rest of us.

  8. Wow, if the POLICE look like those two storm troopers, I can imagine what our MILITARY looks like.

    • Bryant: If you’re not cop, you’re little people!

      [Deckard stops at the door]

      Deckard: No choice, huh?

      Bryant: [smiles] No choice, pal.

    • Exactly. They’re the police. They’re more equal than the rest of us on the farm. To the point of calling the rest of us “civilians,” when they don’t even seem to understand the definition of the word.

      I do have to say, tho, that they look ineffectually gay in those tacti-cool outfits. How are they going to lay down the slick dance moves with the Village People with all that gear flopping off their vests?

  9. “I’ve informed ArmaLite that in NYS, Section 74 (d) of the NYS Public Officer’s law (which applies to ALL government employers, sworn officers and civilians alike) specifically prohibits an employee of the State (or political subdivision) from receiving special benefits (by virtue of their employment with the state) that are not available to the general public.”

    Pfft… laws are for little people.

  10. Uh, no. It’s a law prohibiting the solicitation of bribes or exploiting a government position to obtain special favors that are “unwarranted.”

    Nice try though.

  11. It has always amazed me, that Bush(41) returned his life membership to the NRA because Lil’ Wayne made the comment about Jack Booted Thugs…..Well please tell me how those two pictured, aren’t stereotyping “Jack Booted Thugs”?

  12. Where are the major players in this mess? No where to be found, except they are bringing in millions if not billions in sales over the paranoia. They will not say a word but only give to the NRA (which is a tax write off and it supports their NRA buddies with big donations and bigger paychecks). Anyone ask how much those who head the NRA make? Too much…is the answer. Also, the major corporations are still taking government orders. While the smaller ones are doing what is right. So, boycott all the major (big players) gun and ammo companies that are supporting all government agencies and support those that are not. Simple as that.

  13. Reserve/Auxiliary recruitment will go up big time so they can get the privileges denied the public!

    I remember when it was easier in Oregon to be a commissioned reserve officer then get a carry permit.

  14. Friend, the writing is on the wall… private ownership of guns will fade with this generation just like every other proud individualistic American tradition. The next generation will be happy sucking on the gov’t teat conveniently made available to supply everything they “need”. Every aspect of life will be made “better” and “fairer” and “more affordable” by a never ending sea of bureaucrats, and gov’t agencies. Everything from housing, transportation, education, food stamps, food, water, school meals and Ritalin for the kids and “medical” marijuana for the adults… that should keep the masses voting the right way. Thus perpetually instilling more and more power to the beast that suckles the masses… big government. Every aspect of life will monitored, controlled and taxed… and they’ll love it! It’s all a form of trading freedom for security… And anyone who will trade freedom for security deserves neither.

    Goodbye America. It’s been good to know ya!

  15. Let’s make some sense of this. I spent a total of near 35 years in Law Enforcement before retiring so I think I probably know what I’m talking about. No Armalite….your argument does not wash. Still looks dirty. Cleanse yourself by making NO SALES to any agencies or LEO individuals. Why you ask? Very simple. Law enforcement officers in those states would have to get a request to buy and carry these banned weapons on department letterhead from the agency that they work for showing that the purchase was agreed to and approved by the Chief or Sheriff of the agency which they serve. Only then would that officer be able to obtain that weapon for carry within their respective agency. They would have to qualify with it and maintain proficiency with that firearm. As with the past ban if that officer leaves that department by choice or is seperated that weapon does not go with the individual when he leaves. Makes no difference that it was their cash that made the purchase. Remember it is a banned weapon. It becomes PROPERTY OF THE AGENCY for which it was purchased for use in the individual LEO holds no property rights to it. No ARMALITE your wash is on the line and it is still dirty. Don’t sell to any person or agency until this stupidity and mass liberal hysteria stops

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