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Onward Christian Soldiers! Gospel and Guns Documentary [VIDEO]

Robert Farago - comments No comments

This video observes Americans of faith exercising their natural, civil and constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms from an anti-gun rights POV. Not to mention an anti-religious slant. As the Brits are wont to do. I’m sure the producers would claim they’re just telling it like it is, but the constant references to mass shootings tells the tale. What does one have to do with the other, other than simple sensationalism and the fact that the shootings highlight the need for armed self-defense? It ends with a sound bite from President Obama asking for God’s blessing. A man who doesn’t go to church on Christmas day. Still, you gotta love the editing, sound and general production values. Don’t you?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Onward Christian Soldiers! Gospel and Guns Documentary [VIDEO]”

    • +1. I very rarely, if ever, click on these kinds of videos. Yes someone filmed it, but that doesn’t mean its worth giving attention to.

  1. I hope next time Britain’s in a world war, no one comes to pull their hiney-hos out of the fire. Fight for yourselves, you jerks. With sticks and stones.

    • Sorry to point out the obvious, but you yanks seems to allways be a bit late, In The Great War you didnt contribute at the front in any significant way. Just look at the casualty numbers!
      In the Second World War you waited TWO years, if Hitler hadnt meddeled in the Balkans the war would have been over before Pearl Harbour.
      To site Sir Winston: “You can allways depend on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have tried everything else.”

      • Sorry to point out the obvious, but we Yanks generally start with material support, wrongly thinking that others can do as good a job as we, with the proper tools. I’m not sure that dying is a good measure of success, in any case, the Germans were impressed enough by American troops,

        Yes, the war may have ended in two years had we not been involved, but things on the continent would probably look a bit different today, and I assume you speak English at home, so, you’re welcome.

        To cite Winston Churchill, “To have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy. Now at this very moment I knew the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!…Hitler’s fate was sealed. Mussolini’s fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to powder.”

      • I seem to remember the UK begging for rifles at the start of WWII for their home guard since they had disarmed themselves and the NRA holding drives where the American people sent over all manner of rifles and shotguns so the Brits could defend themselves.

  2. I really don’t get why some Christians identify with the Templars. They failed in their ultimate mission – keep Jerusalem.

    At least the Puritans succeeded in their goals.

    • Who is saying that Christians identify with the Knights Temples? I certainly don’t, they were fanatics who raped and stole and pillaged. I don’t identify with the Puritans either, who made rules that are not Biblical. Those aren’t the only two groups of Christians in all of history (or even the most extreme! the Quakers were far more pacifist then the Puritans).

    • I think the appeal of the Knights Templar is in what they were supposed to be – Christian warriors obeying God.
      Templars forswore immorality, personal wealth, and considered themselves servants and protectors of all Christendom, prepared to die in defense of others.

      Granted, many did not live up to their own standards.

      As far as ideals go though, there are far worse causes to identify with. They failed in their aim, but so did the Texans at the Alamo, the Spartans at Thermopylae, and the Foreign Legion at the Battle of Camaron. Still worthy of remembrance and emulation.

  3. I’ve never been able to understand the whole “God and guns” stereotype. It’s not as if the religion causes firearms, but I suppose that implying so makes for good liberal “those who oppose me are intellectually inferior” television.

  4. God and Guns…. I thought Jesus taught you morons to turn the other cheek… you know, peaceful sheep in need of a shepherd… I guess you get a free pass for killing when you die?

    • Read the whole passage please. Turn the other cheek in response to a back-handed slap – a public insult designed to bruise your ego. Jesus understood that *ONLY* a legitimate threat deserves a lethal force response, he cautioned his disciples against being provoked to criminal actions by their pride.

      Jesus never advocated standing idle while evil men hurt the innocent. NEVER. It was always the opposite.

      • Only God judges the hearts of man . If we sit idly by while an innocent child is harmed it would be better for us to have a mill stone tied about our neck and be cast in the ocean for sometimes not doing anything is the same as doing something . My personal opinion is while Christ told me to love my enemies , He did not want me to allow them to enslave , rape or behead my children or anyones children .

    • So if I was an Atheist it would be okay to carry, but since I believe in God it’s not? Insane much. People ultimately believe what they want and bend their religion to fit anyway, that’s why we have a hundred different denominations of the Judeo-Christian religions. I believe that God wants us to be at peace with each other and we should all love our neighbors… not everybody just the folks on either side of us, that’s enough if everybody would do it. Until the world becomes safe and peaceful, I also believe that God wants me to protect my family and any other defenseless folk from those who would visit harm upon them. I cannot fathom anyone believing it’s better to be a defenseless victim when the world we live in has so many evil people in it. The rank and file officers nationwide in our law enforcement agencies overwhelming agree it is better to have an armed citizenry. It reduces crime and overall makes their jobs easier and safer. Their words, not mine!

  5. I watched the entire video. Once again the white liberal godless media shows white Christians defending the second amendment, and one Asian looking woman with an AR15 is shown I think by accident. I don’t expect godless white people to speak to the Rev Ken ”the black man with a gun” Blanchard or other black pastors who support the second amendment. Gun control has always been racist and still is racist.

    No mention of the Deacons for Defense and Justice in the video. No mention of black people guarding white civil right workers with guns in the 1950s. No mention of the father of Condoleeza Rice who with other black men stood guard with their guns protecting their neighborhood from KKK drive by shootings that were a regular occurrence in the south. This is a very good and well done example of racist propaganda about guns in America.


    Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms Paperback – January 14, 2014
    by Nicholas Johnson (Author)


    • I forgot to mention the black men singing religious songs while they carry their guns guarding their homes and their family members. The idea of black men singing religious songs and carrying guns is just too much for some people to take.

      It seems only white Christians are supposed to do this.

    • Yeah, but in Luke 22:38, he says that two swords is “enough”. Sounds like Jesus was a Fudd.

      “You don’t need more than two swords to kill a Roman!”

  6. More euro trash repellant. It’s like they’re doing the work for us. We hate tea and crumpets, too, if you’re still listening, you limey twits.

  7. Plenty of atheist firearms enthusiasts out here too y’know. Self defense is a natural right that no deity gave to me, and from me no government can take.

  8. so according to you if i dont go to the religious building that you also attend (if only by affiliation) then im by default a POS? wow, nice bigotry.

  9. There will come a time in this Country when people will be forced to choose between Muslim or Christian or death.. those who refuse to take sides will have their choice made for them by the Muslims. It probably wont come in our lifetime, But it’s obvious things are headed that way..

  10. Please try to hold back on the Brit-hatred, we aren’t all (or even most) gun hating American-o-phobes anymore that you’re all dumb, fat rednecks. Treat the documentary for what it is, idiotic and uninformed libtard propaganda.

    Btw, full disclosure; I”ve lived half my life in the USA, I’m a citizen, I love the country and most of the people (idiotic libtards excepted). I also have and overflowing gun safe and I’m a card carrying member of the NRA. I also know way more about WWII that some of you too 😉

  11. Eh, the Rothschilds took over the Bank of England centuries ago, they’re happy to let the Brits think they’re still in charge, easier that way…. but then they run the Federal Reserve as well, so jokes on us too, eh?


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