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Oregon Shooter Identified

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Chris Harper Mercer (courtesy thegatewaypundit.com)

Authorities have finally identified the shooter responsible for the spree killing at Umpqua Community College: 26-year-old student Chris Harper Mercer. Even as the police and public troll his social media sites, Mercer’s motive(s) remain unclear. The killer’s interrogation of his victims – asking their religion, singling out Christians – indicates some kind of religious kink. His [alleged] Facebook page contains an entry that says “trolling for hookers so I can help them find their lord and savior.” A September 18 post suggests that Mercer wasn’t right in the head (surprise!). It reads . . .

As a kid (and a twenty-something), I used to throw ants into spider webs. I wasn’t a complete monster though, because I’d put little slivers of tape on them that functioned as armor. Does that count as animal torture?

Torturing animals is generally considered to be associated with serial killers. Saying that, Mercer seems smart enough to make that post as a red herring/joke. In fact, the whole page could be a spoof. We shall see.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Oregon Shooter Identified”

    • Agree…take his picture down. Your feeding into exactly what he wanted. Glamour and fame off of other people’s suffering.

    • I have to disagree. Know the face of the enemy. Use it to bring out the truth, that the reason that this piece of garbage lashed out and killed so many if that humanity is still animalistic at our core.

    • Agreed, Robert (TTAG) needs stop glorifying the A holes.

      Every time a shooting happens TTAG is right out there as soon as possible,
      making the perpetrators photo and name prominent, feeding and GLORIFYING
      their crime and existence, showing the bastards to follow, they will be Famous………..
      They should be mentioned, if at all, as simply a historic footnote way after the incident.

      I don’t want to see or know who these F** ers are or look like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • “Naming” != “Glorifying”

        If you are unable to process information about a killer without believing that you are somehow “glorifying” that person, then by all means: don’t consume that information. But I am not bound by such a shortcoming, and disagree vehemently with censorship of information.

        • also PHOTOGRAGHS of perps
          what does a name matter to the incident other than giving the perp an Identity thus GLORIFYING their deed.

        • It doesn’t matter what you and me believe. What matters is what the next candidate for spree killer role believes. If they do like having their names plastered all over the news, regardless of the content, then doing so will encourage them to do more.

          It’s not really censorship if everyone is doing it on the information stream that they themselves produce (which is what you’re being encouraged to do here) as a form of social ostracism.

    • +1 he should not be named or displayed at all. Don’t even call him “the shooter”, even that is too good. Just refer to him as “The coward”. The main motivation for a lot of people committing these acts is recognition. Don’t give them what they want.
      Worthless piece of s***.
      The coward I mean. Not you.

    • A woman who claimed to have a grandmother inside a writing class in Snyder Hall, where a portion the massacre unfolded, described the scene in a tweet.

      “The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” she wrote. “If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs. My grandma just got to my house, and she was in the room. She wasn’t shot, but she is very upset.

      • >actually believing BS printed by the NY post

        You know if he only wanted to hurt Christians he wouldn’t have shot the non-Christians in the legs.

        • Well huffpo might be the more favored by libtard trolls but I’m sure NY post is right up there with wapost and rolling stone for commonly accepted disinformation.

        • Thanks for that – the only statements I’ve seen from a reliable (e.g., named and attributed source who was actually present) are from a student named Kortney Moore, who said that the shooter told people to state their religion and then started firing at everyone. Nothing about head-shooting Christians and leg-shooting Muslims, or vice-versa, or anything else.

        • You also didn’t know that it was an eye-witness that told her father what happened, and that witness made it very clear: Christians were, in fact, targeted for death. FLAME DELETED

  1. Looks like he is of mixed race, at least that’s what the dirtbag put on dating sites. Looks like they can’t spin the “Angry White Guy” story. They would sure like to though I’m sure.

    • Being mixed-race didn’t stop them from referring to Zimmerman as white. Because, you know, that bad half nullifies any sort of protected-minority status.

      • Unless you’re dark enough to pass — then the progressive elite will welcome you. Heck, they might even give you extra points for publicly disparaging the “unfortunate” side of your ancestry (that’s how tolerant they are).

        • Very true much like how our dear leader can vilify white people because he claims some percentage of white ancestry. He can be black when he wants and then white when conveniently avoiding being labeled racist. Like you stated “how tolerant”.

    • What we have learned from the frauds in the Tacoma NAACP and BLM is that race is all about how you feel and what you want to be. So if this murdering bag wants to ID as white or a unicorn then he is. Which if he did not clearly say he wasn’t then the media can make that decision for him post-humously.

      • Don’t forget Sen. Warren from Mass., also known by her Cherokee name, Senator Lies on Census Forms, and her utterly asinine claims of Cherokee lineage.

      • I find race questions to be hilarious because they are so meaningless. If a man is half black and half white, why shouldn’t he just claim to be white? He’s as white as he is black. What makes one claim to race correct and the other incorrect?

        I really think we’re giving too much focus on race because ultimately it’s meaningless. If you don’t like race being mentioned, how about doing it yourself first? This sensitivity of race is ridiculous and serves only to further divide people. Let’s get over it.

        • Neither makes it correct, and you’re right that it should be meaningless. Unfortunately, it isn’t, insofar as racial discrimination still exists. You can’t really go completely color-blind in all discussions so long as that is the case (i.e. so long as a significant number of people out there still use this arbitrary and vaguely defined category to do things that have significant consequences).

      • What is very interesting is that he is a ‘foreigner’.
        Legally, immigrated , but you’ll NEVER hear any person or news story mention THAT little fact.

        How unpopular it is to mention that in light of the fact obummer gave 1,500+ Syrian ‘terrorists’ their freedom.
        This student was older and jaded, obviously, by his life experiences.

        In my real world ,Presidents without a good role model father make poor leaders, and children who are do not make it to be a president, make for insecure and power hungry people wanting attention no matter how they have to achieve it.
        Clinton gave the middle class jobs away through the NAFTA free trade agreement, now obummer and Hillary want to finish it for the American middle class.
        I understand not all I’ve said is totally connected but we must begin discussions about using technology like the NYC schools have used for 40 years.
        From daily stabbings with knives , the schools installed metal detectors in every school entry way to insure the child left the weapon at the door.
        Parents / Guardians get a call and it leads to discussion.
        Speaking out as if this is a gun control issue makes no sense, it’s a lack of good judgement of every public building that does nothing to install these metal detectors.
        Since NYC schools installed them there are no more stabbings in schools , let alone shootings.
        Arming a guard down the hall, or teachers will do NOTHING to prevent one killing , let alone a dozen or more.

        Staff and students deserve to know they are safe at not only a courthouse , but at every single school and college.
        This is the way Europe has been and was disarmed. Crazy and rash people will always be walking the streets, but schools , courts and libraries, colleges, every public building should have metal detectors.
        In Social Security offices, nationwide, all people and their bags are checked for mace, knives and guns.
        What is so hard to comprehend about this?
        This is not an issue about guns or knives, but it’s a lack of preparedness as if people in charge never heard of metal detectors.
        Simple minds do simple things. Looks like we have some simpletons heading our country, with speeches that target good citizens instead of speech calling for metal detectors at every entry to schools and businesses.
        The technology has been here for decades, but no one is thinking about how to save lives.

    • Well, when that trio of bored youths in Oklahoma shot the foreign-exchange student off his bike the “news” initially reported it was a group of white and black teens. But when the pictures came out, it turned out that the “white” one was just like our first black President, white mother and black father, and somebody somewhere figured out if he was “white”, then so is Obama. And that wouldn’t do–so the story just kind of disappeared altogether. If this is a mixed-race kid who did indeed target Christians, I’m betting this one will go off the radar pretty quickly.

      • Another Robert, yes, that is an extremely good point you make! You are using logic not emotion.
        Life is full of emotional moments, ……. movie theaters and everywhere, but it’s a moot point with race or ethnicity.
        Many people are Heinz 57, so they say…….. and I like that comparison.
        However, we must admit we live in a society that has few fathers as in the days of old…………. mothers , especially foreigners are birthing wonders. They just don’t stop having babies because our tax dollars make it award winning for them.
        Jeb Bush last year said, ( I paraphrase) ……….”Well , we all know that Latinos are more prolific.”

        I took offense to that comment and wrote him about why we citizen white girls from the OLD time middle class American homes are not huge birthers.
        It’s called responsibility and not wanting to live off other people tax dollars and wanting to wait until you have a child you anticipate with a husband. One child, who you raise to actually attend college and be someone who has some kind of a profession they enjoy.
        Thanks for making my day and God bless you !

  2. “Though the shooter’s motive remains unclear, the rifle itself is said to be a loner with abandonment issues.”

    Is that a mini 14?

  3. He’s holding a 10/22. Which of course means bans on AKs/ARs, mag cap limits, and restrictions on certain centerfire ammunition in 3….2….1….

    • If it is a 10/22, they’ll be sure to include semi-auto rimfire as well. Figures… just when .22 was just starting to make a comeback from the last hoardage.

  4. My religion? Evangelical Christian. But I would be remiss if I didn’t mention being a practicing disciple of gun-fu for more than 20 years. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman mentioned being “born again hard.” Our nation could use a whole lot more of that.

    Being armed 24 / 7 / 365 is a great way to survive the twisted religious beliefs of your neighborhood psycho / terrorist / loner.

    • Yep. All afternoon and evening I kept thinking how things would have been radically different if there’d been just one other armed person to face that guy. Just one. There’s never a guarantee that you’ll win but a fighting chance is better than no chance. Given the incidence of spree-killings, it’s only a matter of time before a killer encounters a sheepdog. It almost happened today.

  5. Also he’s updating his fb page/name. It now reads Chris Figgalopola instead of Chris Mercer. Somone’s screwing around.

  6. “August 16 ·

    I have a pill bottle with like five types of pills mixed in. I don’t know which ones are the sleep aids, so I just took four of each”

    SURPRISE! He’s on prescription anti-depressants and sleep aides.

    We can most likely cross off Islamic jihadist, but it’s looking strongly like another lefty pill popper decided to kill a bunch of people that never did anything to him, and the brain altering chemicals removed his inhibitions.

    • Surprise. He was abusing prescription drugs. If you believe all that bullshit about SSRI’s having a causal effect, i have a bridge which i would like to sell to you. It’s autographed by Alex Jones.

      • It’s not an argument that needs to be made. The gov’t’s done it for you: The Information leaflet that comes with many SSRI, sleeping pills, and many other types of medication, list the increased propensity of the consumer to kill himself, act impusively, act without awareness, and so forth. The TV ads list many of these bizarre side effects.

      • This may be pure anecdote – but having known two people on SSRIs for extended periods – they did become volatile, and it was quite unnerving. One is a childhood friend I have known for quite some time – level headed, virtuoso level guitarist, who became depressed, was prescribed SSRIs, and he one day flipped and became what is today mostly a non functional rambler, with a lot of anger outburts that I never saw when we were growing up. Another person I knew was a co-worker who, after seeming mostly normal for over a year, came in to work one day, spilled all his closet skeletons about feeling like a zombie when he takes his meds (SSRIs) and feeling alive when he is off of them – all while his lip was shaking and he was amped to a level of nerves I haven’t seen since the deliberate acting in the old “mr coffee nerves” commercials. He actually threatened to come to work and destroy everyone’s offices with a knife and made all sorts of weird comments. Glad I don’t work there anymore. Granted, its easy to say “well, he was off his meds”, but its not that simple. If you put a blocker on a deep emotional problem but don’t really fix the underlying issue, I liken it to putting a cap on a hose while water is coming out full-stream. Sometime, something is going to pop, and if you take the cap off of that hose and relieve the pressure after its been on building pressure for some time, its going to get someone wet, maybe a lot of people.

        Moral to this little anecdote – the most unstable people I have ever known, were more or less stable before SSRIs, (except for maybe depression, or whatever led them to seek prescription) – but SSRIs made them spin out emotionally, amped their anxiety, and they lost their marbles after being on them for extended periods and attempting to quit.

        What I find disgusting – there is very real risk here. Very real. Yet these drugs are legal, pushed by doctors, touted as wonderful and acceptable, yet the withdrawal is damn near dynamite – while other substances that would provide therapeutic relief and emotional/mental reflection with very little ill side-effects – are illegal and labeled as useless by the pharmaceutical industry

  7. 48-hour rule still in effect. Just saying. Verify/corroborate social media and other information allegedly belonging to the shooter.

    Were the original reports of the shooter being 20 years old incorrect?

  8. According to Archive.org, his Spiritual Passions profile was changed 5 times today, apparently to make it say that he’s a “conservative Republican.”


    Too bad conservatives don’t tend to hate Christians, supported the IRA, or have connections to Muslim extremists. How much would anyone want to bet that this nutball leaned left?

    • Good little leftist lemmings just doing as their masters do. The facts don’t support their agenda, so they lie, cheat, and mislead.

    • Nutballs almost always lean left. The left is all about emotion, so emotionally unstable people are almost always lefties. There are exceptions to the rule of course, like the guy that killed Tiller the Baby Killer, but even then he targeted a very specific person he viewed as a monster and didn’t harm anyone else. The right is about sitting down and thinking through the unintended consequences of policy decisions. Just doesn’t draw as many crazies. No matter how much the lefties wish otherwise.

      • Emotionally based thinking in place of reality is a mental disorder. I’ll leave it at that because I don’t have time for another rant on critical thinking right now.

      • I think someone close to him has the password to his account. Although it could have been hacked, today’s Facebook security settings allow a backup email address and/or phone number to be used to reset the password. A family member/friend with access to either would be able to then access his Facebook.

    • ………… didn’t he just do what we are seeing in the Muslim countries? Beheading Christians, but that is messy, so he shot them.

      So, he’s a good Muslim or what? !!

  9. Torturing animals is generally considered to be associated with serial killers.
    I went to school with a kid who tortured and killed animals, and indeed he did kill people when he became an adult.

  10. I use to catch moths and throw them into spider webs as a kid cuz I wanted to see how fast the poison would kill them. Does that make me wacko?

    TW, the poison works pretty fast.

  11. The names of these barbarians should NEVER be published.

    Shame on you for helping him achieve notoriety! TTAG should set an example and never say more than “the killer” — unless it’s “the low-life killer” or maybe “the loser who shot people”.

    • I disagree. It is important to know whether this guy was just a lunatic or a terrorist. Had his name been Ahmed Mohamed that would have been very pertinent information. As it is I’m leaning toward the violently atheist scenario. However, his name should be quickly forgotten.

    • The killer has comments recorded on how some prior mass killers achieved fame in a very short time, after being nobodies the day before.

      So, yes, not publishing the names of these clowns is what should become the norm. Deny them their fame.

      • The benefit of society knowing the motives of such killers, and understanding how they came to the point of committing such atrocities, far outweighs the exceedingly minor risk of that information being misused by other mentally unstable or sociopathic people.

        Arguing for an infringement upon first amendment-protected rights because of the rare occurrence of criminal/sociopathic behavior is analogous to arguing for an infringement upon second amendment-protected rights because of the similarly rare occurrence of criminal/sociopathic behavior.

        • An infringement would be asking for a law banning the publishing of kilers’ names and likenesses. This debate is about whether publishers should change their editorial policies based on what we now know about the drivers of these events.

          The fact is notoriety is a big factor for a lot of these losers. I don’t think TTAG is the difference maker here, but the allure of having your name on the lips of the network news for weeks and weeks is seductive to someone who lives his life being ignored. If that didn’t happen, then these things become a lot less attractive.

          This would be a worthwhile topic for a housekeeping post. There could be some good discussion in those comments.

  12. About as far away from Texas with its lawful campus carry. Why didn’t this dirtbag go to Texas to show how tough he really is? No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your support and vote. Pass the word. mrpresident2016.com

  13. Leftist politicians and their leftist policies create leftist killers, and the same leftist politicians use their own tragic failures to try and create more leftist policies, and so on and on and on…

    Given that the last two shooters were inevitable products of the leftist victim and grievance industry, all recent events have done has convinced anyone with half a brain to gear up further. The left continues to produce a society of monsters, simultaneously trying to make us helpless victims of said monsters. Normal America’s not buying it.

      • The funny thing about the underprivileged class is that when someone comes along and tells them that they’re going to pay their rent for them and they’re going to give them food and health care and free smart phones, etc., they don’t even realize that they’re becoming a permanent underclass of useful idiots. I blame it on the crappy public schools. Obviously you’re a product of a crappy public school since you believe that judging men by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is racist.

      • No, troll, he was referring to the oppressed homosexual black guy who shot two reporters on live TV. Another story, liked the “bored” Oklahoma “youths”, that pretty quickly got dropped down the “news” outlets’ memory hole because the shooter was a politically-correct lefty pet.

  14. He had better be buried in an unmarked grave, otherwise it will be the state’s most used outdoor public toilet. I would even make a pilgrimage to leave behind a 6 pack and a pizza, after they have passed through my kidneys and bowels.

    • Better yet, mark the grave with a urinal shaped tombstone that funnels straight down into the corpse’s mouth.

  15. Show his picture-publish his name. He’s dead and in hell. Secrecy and refusing to release information leads to BS like Sandy Hook,9/11 and JFK. We don’t need any conspiracy banter. Most of us POTG (all?) don’t believe a word from the lamestream anyway. And we should see the twin towers every day-never forget. Yeah he DOES look like Barry and his white baby mom’s kid…

    • Doesn’t matter how much information is released and when, we’ll never get the full story on anything. The tragedy of such tools as the internet is that it gives people the delusion of being informed. The only difference between people today and people last generation is the speed with which lies flow.

  16. Liberal website Daily Beast confirms shooter’s a true Son of Obama, a Leftist, 1/2 Black (mother), 1/2 White (father abandoned the old lady before his birth). GotNews.com is reporting he’s a convert to Islam. No wonder authorities (I thought the BATF got there too quickly) stalled releasing his info. Personal social media pages have been scrubbed BUT The Conservative Treehouse saved and posted screenshots of his Muslim mentor’s page (he later deleted them but not quick enough) and photo albums including many ISIS pics, Koran images, and the all-too-typical anti-Semitic/anti-Israel fare including burka-wearing bitches flashing the Muslim Brotherhood gang signs.

    Obama successfully maintained a media “blackout” for hours (wonder what he threatened to do to anybody who spilled the beans to the news outlets). Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rule: “Never let a crisis go to waste, exploit it for political gain (societal change/By any means necessary) well presi-DUNCE HUSSEIN did just that, he tried to get out in front of the runaway train by holding a press conference blaming “mental illness” and the 2nd Amendment (he started to say “purportedly” in reference to the NRA but stopped) BEFORE any details about the shooter reached the public and to give the Feds time to delete all references to islam by the perp. The full ****storm including his links to the BlackLivesMatter bowel movement will hit on Friday.

    Keep an eye on The Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and Drudge I’m sure they’ll make Obama’s rectum ache for days with revelations aboutth e shooter he wants to remain hidden from the public

  17. Liberal website Daily Beast confirms shooter’s a true Son of Obama, a Leftist, 1/2 Black (mother), 1/2 White (father abandoned the old lady before his birth). GotNews.com is reporting he’s a convert to Islam. No wonder authorities (I thought the BATF got there too quickly) stalled releasing his info. Personal social media pages have been scrubbed BUT The Conservative Treehouse saved and posted screenshots of his Muslim mentor’s page (he later deleted them but not quick enough) and photo albums including many ISIS pics, Koran images, and the all-too-typical anti-Semitic/anti-Israel fare including burka-wearing bitches flashing the Muslim Brotherhood gang signs.

    Obama successfully maintained a media “blackout” for hours (wonder what he threatened to do to anybody who spilled the beans to the news outlets). Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rule: “Never let a crisis go to waste, exploit it for political gain (societal change/By any means necessary) well presi-DUNCE HUSSEIN did just that, he tried to get out in front of the runaway train by holding a press conference blaming “mental illness” and the 2nd Amendment (he started to say “purportedly” in reference to the NRA but stopped) BEFORE any details about the shooter reached the public and to give the Feds time to delete all references to islam by the perp. The full shitstorm including his links to the BlackLivesMatter bowel movement will hit on Friday.

    Keep an eye on The Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and Drudge I’m sure they’ll make Obama’s rectum ache for days with revelations aboutth e shooter he wants to remain hidden from the public

  18. Liberal website Daily Beast confirms shooter’s a true Son of Obama, a Leftist, 1/2 Black (mother), 1/2 White (father abandoned the old lady before his birth). GotNews.com is reporting he’s a convert to Islam. No wonder authorities (I thought the BATF got there too quickly) stalled releasing his info. Personal social media pages have been scrubbed BUT the Conservative Treehouse saved and posted screenshots of his Muslim mentor’s page (he later deleted them but not quick enough) and photo albums including many ISIS pics, Koran images, and the all-too-typical anti-Semitic/anti-Israel fare including burka-wearing females flashing the Muslim Brotherhood gang signs.

    Obama successfully maintained a media “blackout” for hours (wonder what he threatened to do to anybody who spilled the beans to the news outlets). Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rule: “Never let a crisis go to waste, exploit it for political gain (societal change/By any means necessary) well presi-DUNCE HUSSEIN did just that, he tried to get out in front of the runaway train by holding a press conference blaming “mental illness” and the 2nd Amendment (he started to say “purportedly” in reference to the NRA but stopped) BEFORE any details about the shooter reached the public and to give the Feds time to delete all references to islam by the perp. The full crap storm including his links to the BlackLivesMatter bowel movement will hit on Friday.

    Keep an eye on the Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and Drudge I’m sure they’ll make Obama’s rectum ache for days with revelations about the shooter he wants to remain hidden from the public

  19. ROFL at the bitch fest upstairs about which political party he was aligned with. I’m just glad this fruitcake is room temperature and not soaking up tax dollars in some prison.

    • Well, let’s face it, there’s no such thing as fellow Americans anymore. It’s a cold war between the parties, so demonization like this is valuable propaganda.

      • Yep, and that cold war is an intentionally created distraction.
        While us taxpaying Dupes are busy arguing over which party is worse, both destroy our civil liberties and everything else they touch. When the dust settles and the rhetoric gives way to actual action, there isn’t a whit of difference between them.

  20. REAL NAME and picture MUST be kept from media large and small. He is the “Umpqua Community College Shooter” If he was an ISIS admirer — THAT is relevant.

    #1 question to ask: What MEDS was he on? Did he EVER harm anyone or commit a crime before?

    If NOT — then what?

  21. It’s a helluva’ lot more important in the cosmic scheme of things. Russia invades middle -east-world yawns.Blood moon. JESUS returns-news at 11…America collapses as Barry Soetoro lectures us on what bad folks us NRA members are…covering up moose-lim terrorism-priceless.

    • Such ignorance, or bigotry….

      I knew a guy who went to a community college at age 27. He’d been working for an electrical firm, and they came out with a new policy that gave wage increases for certifications. So he did a two-year degree in electronics, got his certificate, and the day he showed it to his boss he was getting $4/hr more than the day before.

      Then there was the 44-year-old logger here who decided he wanted to be a firefighter. He went to community college in the evenings, got a two-year degree in twice that time, and now in the summer gets paid $100/day just being on call to go fight fires (and he still has his regular job).

      People of all ages go to community colleges, usually to get ahead somehow.

    • 26 year old student at a community college, yeah, looser.

      That’s a bit harsh. I remember when I was a 30 year old community college student. Of course, I had a wife, three kids, a huge mortgage, and was making $65K a year. 30 years ago.

      I know university graduates that don’t make $65K today, so let’s not be so hasty with the “loser” epithet.

      Also, I’d learn how to spell loser before calling anyone a loser.

  22. Older students are losers? The average student age at Umpqua Comm College is 38. Heavy on loggers who are changing careers.
    It does not appear the asshole-in-question was a student at the school.

    • True, but you have to take into account foreigners on these sites and the fact that they have no idea what freedom is, let alone the ability to appreciate it. We’ve all been tricked in our lives into believing that western civilization is the “free world,” but the vast majority of euros, aussies, and hosiers would gladly shackle themselves to fascism before even thinking about being truly free.

      Factor in impressionable American kids being brainwashed by treasonous media and hearing shallow rhetoric about how glorious foreign socialist police states are, and there you go.

    • Reddit has thousands of subreddits that are largely run by the community. The political leaning of any particular subreddit, if any, is defined solely by that. There are plenty there that are all into “it’s a secret flag operation by Obama to ban guns, oh and he’s a Muslim born in Kenya”, if you’re into that kind of thing.

  23. Commie Obama sinks to the lowest possible denominator by running to a mic with the bodies still warm with his collectivist groupthink tirade blaming law abiding gun owners for the actions of a nutcase. Obama shames and blackmails gun owners in his sick attempt to pull his class warfare Alinsky tactics when one of his acolytes goes off the rails. Thankfully the thinking among us are onto this creep and his sicko agenda, and the latest gun control crap will probably wither fairly rapidly. But this shows more than ever how demented these Demoncrats are, truly dangerous and scary.


    • People like you will criticize Obama no matter what he does — if he hadn’t “run to the mic”, you’d be screaming at him for that.

      He made a statement because presidents are expected to do so. The problem is that like almost all politicians, he didn’t think before speaking; instead, he consulted the people who tell him what to say. Clinton is the last president we had who I suspect of actually thinking sometimes, and before him Reagan, instead of being the puppets of their handlers. They had high enough support that they could get away with it on occasion at least; Obama knows that if he doesn’t spinelessly say what he’s expected to, he won’t get anything at all done for months while Democrats who are already unhappy at having gotten a corporate president when they expected an actual liberal roar at him and grandstand and join House Republicans in doing nothing at all until he submits again.

  24. Just more justification as to why I CCW at work(private college) against policy and I am not the only one. I can always find another job if need be. My life is too precious and I would hate to deprive anyone of my magnificence.

  25. Why are you posting his picture and his name? That is exactly what he wanted. You have criticized the liberal media for doing this exact same thing in the past. This needs taken down.

  26. I suspect in these days of anti-Christianity agitprop and political correctness, we won’t hear too much on this aspect of this shooting. Had the shooter targeted a more politically favored group….we would have had national cries of hate crime, racism, oppression, ect.

  27. Dead is too good for him.
    He should be in prison for the rest of live and be not in solitary unit !,
    This subject should be in the regulary gang section unit and raped in ass every day multipel !!

    Another point if an privat buisness can t ban minorities as gay, blacks, women ect. then they must forced to allowed gun carry too ! Whats about the “minority” rights of gun carriers ?? If the “fed” want do somthing force privat buisness to allow gun carry !

  28. Not surprising to see a lot of hatred in the comments posted. Remember, judge not lest ye be judged. In other words when we judge someone Allah Yahweh will judge us by the very standards we use to judge others. Those that judge someone to be “hellbound” may be judged the same. In Christopher’s case he became like so many of those in the world, full of hate. The difference is he killed with guns while others, many of those that call themselves Christian included, kill with their tongues. Anyone who hates anyone is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him or her. Chris may have been killed long ago by how people spewed hatred towards him, nothing Yeshua ever did. If we want to be like Yeshua then we need to get rid of that hate real quick.


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