You said it (courtesy

“A Walt Disney World park guest found a loaded gun in the seat of a ride at the Animal Kingdom that had fallen out of a man’s back pocket on Sunday,” reports. “A grandmother handed a Cobra .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol about noon to a park attendant, who immediately contacted security and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office .  . . The owner, Angelo Lista, 44, of Royal Palm Beach claimed the firearm — which had five hollow point bullets inside — fell out of his back pocket during the bumpy Dinosaur ride.” Hollow points! Cop killers! Mouse killers? When TTAG contacted Arelis R. Hernández to get the deets on improperly holstered pistols (now included in the story), the reporter asked if any of our readers had ever carried in a FL theme park. She also wants to know whether Disney’s ban on all weapons stops tourists from visiting. Over to you. [NB: FWIW Disney World has an armed police force.]


  1. Is this like one of those “How old were you when you lost your virginity” questions? My official answer is 4. Reality though, is a different story. Let Ms. Hernandez know, that as a member of the liberal media, I wouldn’t pi$$ on her if she was on fire, much less answer any of her questions with honesty.

    • I follow all laws and completely understand the difference between from being scolded and banned from a theme park compared to arrested for a felony.

      You figure it out for yourself. Wink. Wink.

  2. As a Fkorida Native, I do my best to never go to Disney World. Bush Gardens is much better IMO.

    But no, I wouldn’t carry if the park doesn’t allow it. Sry if thats not what peeps want to hear. I understand the reasoning, but I do not agree with gun free zones being imposed upon CCW holders. We are proven, by the States & Feds to be exemplary citizens entrusted with privilege that was once thought unacceptable.

  3. It isn’t illegal to carry in amusement parks in FL, just sporting events. If security catches you with a weapon, they can ask you to put it in your car. If you refuse then you can be charged with trespassing. Let the reporter know that. And I have not carried at Disney world. Last time I was in Orlando was before I had a carry permit since I wasn’t 21 yet.

    • Disney security has a locker system where you don’t have to put it in your car. If they catch you carrying, they will ask if you would like to put it in one of their lockers. You keep the key and it’s guarded, so you don’t have to worry about someone breaking into your car while you’re in the park.

      You can also ask for security to take you to the lockers when you arrive so you can drop it off. They are very professional about the whole situation.

      I had a friend whose knife got spotted and he was approached and asked if he was carrying. They were nice to him and asked if he would like to use their lockers or return it to his car. Not a big deal.

      He has an annual pass and had been there many times before without being spotted and has been there since with no issues.

  4. Um, the “Gunshine State” doesn’t have a ban on theme park carry. There is a very specific list of places you are not allowed to carry, but theme parks are not on it. The individual theme parks may have rules about it, and if they catch you they’ll most likely eject you, but concealed means concealed.

    And the answer to your question is yes, I have carried in a theme park. I have also not carried on very specific occasions, and the deciding factor is usually “What are my chances of getting soaked today?” (By a ride, not by the rain. I’m from Florida, rain doesn’t bother me.)

    • I’ve never packed heat in a theme park, mainly because I don’t want it flying out of my pants and smacking someone in the face.

      That’s the kind of thing you wind up on a list for.

      But I guess I could always tape it down if I felt like I really had to.

  5. Disney has an armed police force? I’m not so sure about that. I’ve seen Orange County Sheriff’s there but have never seen armed Disney employees. I talked with a friend that works at Disney, in security, and he say “no armed security”.

    And, no I’ve never carried at Disney. It’s against their rules and I respect the rules. Disney will not allow an off duty LEO to carry in the parks.

    • Bzzzt. Wrong.

      Google the Reedy Creek Improvement District. This is the autonomous government set up by the state and Disney originally intended to govern EPCOT. Which was originally visualized as the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.

      They have their own police, fire, and other “governmental” services. Have been in local news several times for serving Disney’s interests over the citizenry when accidents, or criminal activity takes palce on resort property. IE assaults, robberies, rapes, esp at the various hotels.

      Reedy Creek Cops maintain an extremely low profile in the parks. They wish to foster the fantasy that nothing bad will EVER happen in Disney World. But cameras everywhere, monitored in the tunnels. The city below the park. Armed response can be extremely swift.

      • Reread Andy’s post. Says he knows someone in security there. Would never want to call him a liar. He may have more current information. I’ve moved out of the area about 10 years ago.

        But lived their for 25 years and Reedy Creek was an open, but very low key, secret.

        • I think you’re both right. “Security” are the people walking around in rent-a-cop uniforms. The Reedy Creek “police” are paid for by Disney…and are not considered “security”.

      • I’d like to see a link to where Reedy Creek has a police department. I’m well familiar with the district and its fire/ems services as well as the “disney” building codes it adopted. I’ve never seen or heard of a Reedy Creek PD. The Reedy Creek trunked radio system has no police traffic on it and the FL dept of law enforcement does not list a Reedy Creek police department as a certified agency in FL. So, as I said before, all police calls in Disney are handled by the respective county sheriff’s dept. Disney straddles more than one county. The roads in disney are patrolled by unarmed disney security vehicles as well as FHP troopers.

        • I seem to recall reading a few years ago about how they used to have a PD, but disbanded it a while back and the switchboard that used to go to the PD forwards to the Orange County and Osceola County Sheriffs now.

        • Disney World, in FL, has never had a police department. Its security department is better and more efficient then most PDs. Inside the park, you’re always on camera or under watchful eyes. There are some great advantages to not having a PD and using a private unsworn security department. You don’t have to worry about civil rights claims or profiling charges. You’re free to train and hire as you see fit and you’re not subject to submitting crime data to the FBI for publication in the UCR.

          My friend, actually a relative via marriage, who works for Disney security said that most problems are headed off before they become real problems and people are ejected from the parks. The biggest problem they have is shoplifting.

          Also, if you’re a single male entering a waterpark, you will be watch very closely with both electronic eyes and human eyes.

        • Link to one story I found in a five minute Google.

          Appears we’re both right. No formal PD, but an 800 man “security force” that many in the Orlando area feel acts like a PD. They have a history of worrying about the Disney interests before the public.

          And I will stand by that.

          From the story –

          “Faddis and an attorney representing The Orlando Sentinel tried to convince the appellant panel that Disney’s 800-member security force is exercising the most fundamental of government powers – law enforcement – and like all police departments in Florida should be required to open its records.”

          And –

          “The district (referring to Reedy Creek) also was given the authority to contract with another public agency for police protection, but never did so, instead choosing to contract with Disney for ‘security services.’ ”

          Their quotes, not mine.

        • Actually we’re both not right. One of us is right and one of us is trying to not to look so wrong. Disney does not have a police department and never has had one. What they have is a private security department that works on the ground of the Disney corporation. The Orange County Sheriff’s office provides law enforcement services to Reedy creek and the FHP patrols the roads within the 38 sq miles of Reedy Creek. A private security department does not have powers of arrest nor is it a recognized and certified agency with the FDLE.

          I know you’re tying to cover for you too quick and too wrong “Bzzzt. Wrong.” comment. Sometimes you just have to man up and say you spoke without knowing what you were talking about.

          Let’s look at some of your now false statements:

          They have their own police, fire, and other “governmental” services. – No PD

          Have been in local news several times for serving Disney’s interests over the citizenry when accidents, or criminal activity takes palce on resort property. IE assaults, robberies, rapes, esp at the various hotels. – Waiting on those links

          Reedy Creek Cops maintain an extremely low profile in the parks. nope, that would be Disney Security They wish to foster the fantasy that nothing bad will EVER happen in Disney World. But cameras everywhere, monitored in the tunnels. The city below the park. Armed response can be extremely swift. Yeah it’s going to be Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies

          Additionally, you don’t seem to want to quote the entire opinion from the courts.

          • You know what Andy, ole buddy, this ain’t the focus of my entire day. I back tracked on the 2nd post I made, and admitted that you might have more current info.

            I admit it in front of you and the whole world, you ARE the undisputed, sole font of all knowledge when it comes to Disney and their non-existent PD. I on the other hand am just a dirty, rotten liar trying to lead the innocent astray. I not only did not live in Orlando, have multiple clients who worked for ole Walt, read the Sentinel over my morning coffee, and listen to talk radio all day- I’ve never been closer to Florida than some pictures in magazines.

            I have no interest in doing hours of research to find all the multiple stories regarding Disney’s numerous lawsuits for putting their interests before that of their guests to win a pissing contest with some guy I never met. And wouldn’t like if we did. (Though the monorail accident and at least 4 rapes in Disney property hotels might be a place to start.)

            You win. I loose.


        • Oh yeah. The appellate court tossed the Sipkema case and ruled that Disney is not subject to FL open records laws.

      • One other thing. You should look at how few so called residents are in Reedy Creek. Effectively, it’s Disney senior management that makes up the only residents – the only ones who can vote. This means that disney remains in total control of the district. The way the district was created and its charter allows for it to create it’s own PD, but it’s never done that.

        • That makes for some interesting reading. Thanks guys, this’ll keep me busy til Top Shot!

        • You’re really digging here Bruce. Just admit that you screwed up and were wrong and don’t know what you’re taking about. How many residents does Lake Buena Vista have? According to the last census, there are 10 and they’re all renters and thus not entitled to a vote in the RCID supervisors election. In order to have a vote you have to own at least 1 acre of land and you get one vote for each acre you own. The only land owners are senior management employees of Disney and are contractually bound to return ownership of the land should they leave their employment with Disney.

  6. I carried inside a small, local amusement park ( which I won’t name because they have no policy and I don’t want that to change ) simply because no one can keep an eye on everyone in a large crowd and most people bent on evil will want to target larger crowds that should be unarmed. IMO.

  7. No, because I refuse to spend any money on stupid theme parks that don’t allow me to exercise my constitutional rights while on their property.

    Their right to prohibit; my right to boycott.

    • To me, “prohibit” implies rule of law. Disney doesn’t have the authority to “prohibit.” I see it as a “suggestion” or “request.” 🙂

        • Disney is not its own city. The park is not a local gov’t entity. If it were, preemption would most certainly apply.

      • The way I see it, they own the land; they set the rules, prohibitions, etc. over what is allowed by law. Same as with any other company or person and their land.

        • Except that’s not the law. Private property doesn’t mean you make your own law. The only thing you’re allowed to do is ask someone to leave, not impose unlawful restrictions. If someone violates policy, the only recourse is to ask them to leave. If they refuse they’re trespassing, and then they’re breaking the law.

    • I refuse to spend my money on theme parks period. Even one that has guns as a theme.

  8. What “Gunshine State ban on theme park carry”? I don’t see that listed at FS 790.6(12)(a). Different statute?

    Anyhoo, I carried a Glock 27 IWB throughout 5 days of merriment with my wife and children this past Spring. Wife carried as well. Private-property GFZs can KMA. If they carry the force of law, then we’ll likely go somewhere else.

    There was a bag check at the entrance (so no off-body carry, for anyone foolish enough to swing that way), but otherwise nada.

    • Me, too, also from TX. Some years back I made the decision to carry ALL the time, after carrying when I felt there was a reason for over 40 years. Yes, for those with calculators, that was about 25 years before anybody consented to “allow” me to do so, but also around 200 years since it was made inconsequential what some dipwad allowed me to do, the Constitution trumps your silliness.

      Thus, I’ve carried in essentially every theme park in Orlando, some more than once, and I did get a dousing (submerging) at Water World, later faked cleaning my gun with paper towels and WD-40 until I returned home, no adverse effects noted. Concealed is concealed. I carry in TX locations where the signs are posted prohibiting same, although I also take my business elsewhere and tell the manager why. In DC once I faced a metal detector and had to forego entering that building, small price.

  9. To borrow from a Chief Petty Officer I knew in the Navy:

    “I could tell you. But, I’d have to kill you… and then eat your brain.”

  10. I moved here in florida about a year and a half ago. I’ve got two small kids so I’ve gone to the park a bunch of times. I have always carried my walther pps in .40s&w in the park. To my defense (ignorance or plain inability to read) I have never seen the sign that says no guns allowed on premises? I always go through the line and they check my bags and my strollers…but never frisk me and never have I gone through a detector. Now that I do know that they dont allow weapons, I still think I’d go packing. There is no law that forbids me to carry their, and should they notice (highly unlikely) that I am carrying, I would gladly put my piece in a lock box or my own vehicle…if asked nicely! 😉

    • The worst they can do is ask you to put it in the thru k of your car, or leave.

  11. I don’t live in Florida or have a CCW (damn you NJ!!!) but even if I did I would probably leave the piece in the car.

    I figure it’s hard enough keeping track of car keys, wallets, and glasses on the rides. I wouldn’t want to pull an Angelo Lista and have a gun go bouncing around accidentally. Plus, I think it should be a relatively safe environment because a criminal looking for easy targets probably won’t spend the $50-$100 park entry fee.

    Now if it was a local/free amusement park (pay per ride), yeah I’d probably carry.

    • Well for one, people can hop fences and skip fees.Plus if they know they are going to jail/grave money isn’t exactly important. Also it does not have to be a criminal, but just an out of control fight.

      I do say that it was very negligent for Lista to leave their firearm behind. Keeping a mind on where your firearm is should only fall right behind where are your children in importance. But then again you can marco polo/have a park wide broadcast to possibly communicate with the children, not so with a firearm.

      I agree, those rides are very tough to keep some things in pockets, especially when being shaken violently. I’m just glad no one who shouldn’t have had a firearm got to it. We dont’ need a omfg a X yr old shot themselves or someone. Both for moral and political reasons.

  12. If we take the question of whether or not it should or should not be allowed out of it, you’d have to put a good deal of forethought into carrying into a theme park (assuming you weren’t going to be an old fuddy-duddy who didn’t ride anything and stood around with a fanny pack). You need something concealable in hot weather clothing (so T-shirt and shorts), that’s comfortable enough to be worn or carried all day. Wanna ride a roller coaster? Better be sure your carry option can withstand pulling multiple G’s in various directions. Also, between the 100 degree temps and 90% humidity, you’re going to sweat through any holster and lather your gun up good with salty moisture. And there’s multiple water rides at theme parks too…

    Come to think of it, I haven’t even figured out a good wallet option for theme parks.

    • My Crossbreed Supertuck does a great job of keeping things where I put them. As far as comfort goes, I don’t even notice it’s there anymore. At 4 o’clock it is usually pressed tightly against the seat of whatever ride I’m sitting in, so if it was going to come out, I probably have bigger problems at that point, like I am coming out of the seat. If the gun gets sweaty, you clean it, but that’s not normally an issue.

      • Thanks, Matt. I really was genuinely attempting to think through the problem to a viable solution. I’ve been eyeing a Supertuck for awhile now. I think it may be time to pull the trigger now…

        • Take a look at Old Faithful for a cheaper option. They sell DIY kits – cheaper, quicker (no back order), and fairly easy. The finished product may not look quite as pretty, but by its nature if anyone sees it you’ve done something wrong.

        • Check out the DeSantis gunhide options. Bud’s Gunshop usually has them for about $45 bucks, basically the same thing as the Supertuck. Same great retention and comfort. If they’d only take a leaf out of N82 (Nate Squared Tactical) and add a suede back to help create friction and support the weight, it would be the Holy Grail of holsters IMO.

    • “Come to think of it, I haven’t even figured out a good wallet option for theme parks.”

      It’s called a ziplock sandwich bag.

  13. As Andy stated Disney theme parks do not allow CCW. I called and checked myself.
    For a real brain teaser Knotts Berry Farm in CA does. In fact they even have a weapons locker check in so you don’t loose your gat on a bumpy ride!!! How’s that for ya!

    • That’s because if you have a CCW in urban California,you’re either politically connected or have a Law Enforcement affiliation.

      • Disney Land does not allow CCW and will not make its handgun lockers available for anyone but LEO.

      • True, there are counties which have shall issue. Most of those are rural though.

  14. You betcha. Everywhere I go. Include California and NY, especially NY, with my 13 round mags too.

    You see, I am a Fed, but one day I won’t be. That’s why I vote and am active with all 2A groups. If I can’t help increase 2A rights by the time I retire, I will certainly move to a CCW friendly State, like my home South Carolina. I plan to never, ever visit a “gun free” zone after that.

    • I’m genuinely curious- Being a Fed, do you get a lot of anti-citizen arms-bearing sentiment on all levels or is it generally just the top brass?

  15. Unlike most ‘gun free zones’ the premium theme parks are fairly safe places. High prices keep the rabble out, no drunks are allowed, and they look through your bags. They also have pervasive and discreet security.

    They’re also private property, and they have the right to make rules even if I disagree with them.

    They’re also not the wisest places to carry (if you actually take the rides) because most CCW holsters aren’t able to keep your gun from flying out of your pants and into he crowd under the Super Spaceman Vomit Coaster.

    So, no. And I don’t think I’d want to.

    • I admire your discretion, but…

      Yes, they’re fairly safe places. However, so is my house, and I carry there. WDW is the very definition of a soft target.

      Yes, they’re private property. However, most of us recognize that civil rights in public accommodations sometimes trump property rights. It’s Disney World, not my neighbor’s living room.

      Yes, the practicalities of concealed carry are a little more complicated, but there are readily available solutions. Like a Glock subcompact with a ClipDraw, a MIC holster, and a sturdy belt. Plenty of retention (especially if you are well endowed in the spare-tire department). Still cool enough for wearing through WDW’s various vomitoria.

  16. I would NEVER carry in a Disney theme park. I know my limitations and should I be approached by life-sized, happy-as-bullshit, cartoon characters, I fear a PTSD flashback to my childhood. As I doubt I could control my reactions, I mitigate the risk by never carrying within the park.

    I mean, c’mon people, Mickey is like seven feet tall in those places!

  17. It just now struck me…. “Cobra .380.” It’s a bit of an oxymoronic name for a gun, eh? Cobra? .380? 😀

    • Cobra?
      No problem, because it was at the Animal Kingdom.
      Hollywood studio’s- 92FS
      Epcot- Phaser(on stun of course) or mag rail gun
      Magic Kingdom – your pointed finger and special words.
      All things have their place.

  18. Please address the following questions to Ms. Hernandez:

    RE: Mickey Mouse Police Dept Badge

    Why is he carrying a broken nunchuk? Are thoes permitted for carry?

    Is his nipple peirced or is that badge a clip on?

  19. if we are the knuckle dragging Neanderthals the MSM and antis paint us to be, why does the reporter need to ask the question? Just make some shit up and publish it like every other reporter out there. It’s not like “facts” matter.

  20. Please address the following questions to Ms. Hernandez:

    RE: Mickey Mouse Police Dept Badge

    Why is he carrying a broken nunchuk? Are thoes permitted for carry?

    Is his ni**ple peirced or is that badge a clip on?

  21. I just did a very quick read of the Florida CCW statute and there does not appear to be a provision giving gun buster signs the force of law. That is, if Disney or anyone else “bans” guns, the most they can do is ask you to leave, and have you arrested for trespass if you don’t. The article appears to back this up, as Disney security just politely asked the guy to leave.

  22. I do not support businesses that do not support CCW. So to answer her second question, I have never been to a Florida Theme Park. Therefore, the first question is moot.

    Yes, businesses to lose my business when they post the No Firearms sign.

  23. Normally a no weapons allowed sign means nothing to me on a business( federal and state buildings command a little more respect from my conscience) but if that business had an armed security force I would happily leaved piece in the car.

  24. I don’t believe in gun free zones, but I do respect the rights of owners concerning their private property. If I am aware of an owner not wanting others to carry on their private property, I’ll respect that wish. That may mean going unarmed, or it may mean doing business with someone else (depending on the circumstances).

    • They try to get tricky here in Wis. Private property must be posted with two very specific signs. No weapons, just requires a small sign at each entrance. Posting a No weapons sign leaves the poster open to lawsuit & is mentioned in the law. So, the pricks that own the shopping centers tell their stores they don’t need to post & don’t incur the huge liability. What they do is post an entire shopping center as private property & trying to keep everyone out. You would think they then assume full liabilty, what they do though is form an LLC & skirt the law. Fuck their CC laws here, I don’t play like that, Randy

      • The shops don’t own the space in the mall — they lease it from the owner…so yes, the entire shopping center *is* private property. And they wouldn’t be liable if they post a “shop at your own risk” sign. You take your life into your own hands when you shop there. It’s no different than a “swim at your own risk” sign signaling the conditions of swimming in that pool or theme parks and sports arenas that absolve themselves of responsibility for injury as a condition of admission.

  25. Florida does not ban weapons in theme parks, it is against park policy. I’ve carried into downtown Disney.

  26. I’d rather walk around with a pound of ground glass in my Jockey shorts than spend a minute at Disney World, strapped or otherwise.

    BTW, just love the irony that our pal Angelo dropped a mouse gun at Disney. I guess it really is a small world after all.

  27. Of course private property owners have extremely wide latitude to specify the use of their property. However, private property owners do NOT have infinite latitude to specify use of their property. For example a private property owner cannot assault or murder a guest on their property. Nor can a private property owner demand that guests be subject to assault or murder as a condition to enter their property. And yet that is exactly what a private property owner does when they “prohibit” guests from having the means to defend themselves from attack.

    Tyranny is always wrong whether the tyrant is a king, senator, or private property owner. Any property owner who “prohibits” self defense is a tyrant pure and simple because a guest with a concealed handgun does not affect the property owner’s property in any way.

    Our unalienable rights are just that — unalienable. They don’t disappear because we cross some imaginary line, whether that imaginary line is a state border, amusement park, or a private property line. Why is that so hard for people to accept?

    • By the way something like a Walt Disney World amusement park would be a really tempting target for terrorists. I would want to be armed in such a location. While private security is a nice idea, I cannot depend on someone else to protect my family.

      There is also the possibility of spree killers showing up at the park. And then we have the occasional domestic or workplace violence event. Again, all reasons why I would want to be armed “just in case”.

      As for the park apparently inspecting purses and diaper bags, I am pretty confident that a spree killer could lower a duffel bag over the fence somewhere with all their wares in it. Or an enterprising spree killer could get a job in the park and bypass the cursory bag inspections at the customer gates. The possibilities are endless.

      • Terrorists usually go for a bomb or some other explosive device and are nowhere near when it explodes. So are you going to shoot the bomb that just exploded? How is a gun going to protect you, especially after the fact.

        • I live here in Orlando, and I carry to the parks. I’m not concerned about “shooting the bomb,” as you put it. I fully realize that inside theme parks are one of the safer places in this country. However, outside the theme parks the same cannot be said. My concern is primarily those areas, outside the parks, like parking lots and “attraction adjacent” areas. Unfortunately, carrying in those areas means carrying into the parks, because I can’t check my gun at the gate. If I could, to be honest, I’d seriously consider it, simply to avoid issues, whether that be worrying about water rides or simply for basic comfort. Alas, that’s not an option, so I carry.

    • UncommonSence?
      Turn and walk away.
      What? Are you nuts?
      My assessment of you, your mental state and competency with a weapon, is MY first line of self-defence. My assessment of the risk you present to me, is mine alone to make. A tyrant is an invader. Without my permission to enter or remain, you become the tyrant. If you feel unsafe on my property, re-read the first sentence! Don’t ever think you can tell me that it is your decision what does or does not “affect me in any way” when you stand in my castle!!
      Rights do have boarders and lines, they are not imaginary.
      I can ask you to leave my boarders, you must recognise that right and I need not give you a reason. If you think you don’t have to quit someones private property at their request or order, then you think you are King and thus a tyrant. How many logic circles do you want to spin before you conceed?

      • KCK,

        Read my post again carefully. I stated that a property owner does not have infinite latitude on their property. Mainly, a private property owner cannot purposely subject a guest to assault or murder. I hope you agree with that.

        A dangerous person is a dangerous person whether they happen to have a firearm or not. Your assessment about how dangerous they are before they do anything does not negate their rights.

        It would be demented for a private property owner to demand that all guests wear handcuffs or blinders on their property at all times as a condition of entering the property. This is especially pertinent with regard to businesses open to the public. It is wrong for a business to forbid a minority because, according to their assessment, that minority is dangerous. How is it any different with respect to citizens that carry firearms?

        • Private businesses should be able to forbid anyone they want for any reason they want.

        • Peter,

          So it is okay for a business to refuse to do business with a minority because the business hates minorities?

          • It should be. The owner should be able to do business with, hire, and fire whomever (whoever?) he chooses. There is a difference sometimes, though, between what should be and what is law.

        • Actually, they can demand that all guests wear handcuffs or binders. You as a citizen have every right to not enter the property. It works out very nicely, if you don’t like what they want, don’t go. No one is forcing you to go to Disney World.

    • They disappear when you cross into my property or my home with a gun. Watch me do a Houdini on them if you want to test it.

      • MadamDeb,

        Please explain why good people — your extended family, neighbors, and friends — have no right to life when you invite them as guests on your property.

  28. I’ve been to Disney World numerous times. I used to live in north FL and then in Orlando about 10 minutes away from the park. I now live in CO. I was there 2 years ago and at Disneyland (CA, which is much more restrictive). In CA…no way. In FL on the trip from CO, I did not carry at all. However, I did carry other defensive tools (ex. tactical pen, tactical flash light and a Kimber Pepper Blaster that was checked into checked baggage).

    If I still lived in FL, it would be a tougher choice. For me, it’s a spot I really don’t want to be carrying for various reasons. I carry every place else that it is legal 100% of the time. I think the likely hood of a my CCW stopping something at Disney is far more remote than a mall, a store, on the street, etc. At Disney, I see that as a prime target for terrorism. It’s a place where a bomb / explosives would do massive damage with the crowds – similar to the Boston Marathon. My CCW would not do any good in that scenario.

    The other reasons are more practical. Going on a ride(s) where you are being soaked in water…not that great with a gun concealed. Unless you have a secure retention strap on that pistol/revolver, as much as I trust the retention I have for daily carry, I don’t trust that it would withstand some of the g-forces on some of the rides. Additionally, they do screen at the gates. Sometimes you get a thorough screener, other times I’ve thought I could have taken in an RPG without being noticed.

    I know I’ll probably be blasted by some of this board for my comments, but that’s how I view it. It’s one of the only places I do NOT carry. Others include schools and federal buildings (that’s about it).

  29. As a Florida resident and CCW holder, I carry daily and try to only go to establishments that allow me the right to defend myself. However, I sometimes am forced to go to the no protection zones like the post office as well as Disney theme parks. When I do, I leave my EDC in my car.

  30. I am a Florida resident who last visited an Orlando theme park over 10 years ago, before I had my CCL. Since I don’t expect to ever visit a FL theme park again it’s largely academic point, but I would carry in a theme park if it was legal. And I would not visit the theme park at all if it wasn’t. As it is, I avoid places I cannot legally carry, including bars and sporting events.

  31. This is the reporter from the Orlando Sentinel. I appreciate everyone’s comments in helping me understand the various perspectives on the issue. I will be updating the story in the next few hours and your sobering remarks shed some important light on a multifaceted question. Thanks!

    • Why do I get the feeling that “sobering remarks” means that we will not be cast in the best light in this article?

      Also, if she actually names the blog, or God forbid, includes a link to it, be prepared for an influx of Facespace-style wharrgarbl comments.

      • “sobering remarks” means she didn’t realize private gun-free zones are not enforceable by Florida Law. She can now bring this fact to the masses to apply public pressure in changing the laws. We’ll lose more rights and she’ll be awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

    • Also, Arelis, if you happen to check back here, please note that whether we would carry into a park or not, most of us think this guy is a complete idiot. Not for carrying into the park, but for carrying in his pocket. That’s amateur hour, right there. Get a proper holster, or leave it at home.

    • If I was visiting an area with my family where concealed carry is prohibited and a family member was injured or killed by a knife wielding mugger I could not stop because I was disarmed how would you react to that?
      The barbarians and sociopaths in our society are just simply a fact, and “liberal” solutions seem to be no solutions at all. Most gun owners take pride in being responsible and competent, and the statistics really do prove that we are.
      You read about some terrible event, and that the perpetrator has been arrested and released multiple times, and it becomes obvious that no one in government has a serious concern about protecting your family, and that you’d best be prepared to do it yourself.
      You can tell your daughter to blow a whistle and pee on an attacker, but I bought my daughter a .38 snubnose for her high school graduation present. I love my daughter more than life itself, and I stand by my decision!

      • Hey guys,

        I would love to talk to you on the record if any of you are interested. You can reach me at 407-420-5471. Without full names, I can’t really quote straight from the blog but if you call me I would love to include your perspective. It’s really an interesting issue. I am hoping to mention the blog in the story but can’t quote directly unless I talk to you personally. I look forward to hearing from you as my deadline approaches fast. Take care everyone.

        • Please do not call her. Her and her colleagues will make you sound like an unhinged lunatic that eats kids for breakfast and wants to cap Mickey between the eyes with your multiple Assault Glocks.

        • Please do not post inline YouTube videos. It often breaks mobile browsers.

          And you’re not as funny as you think you are.

        • Please do not post inline YouTube videos. It often breaks mobile browsers.

          I didn’t realize that. I apologize, and will refrain from doing so in the future.

          And you’re not as funny as you think you are.

          Granted, but given the size of my ego, that’s not even possible in the first place.

      • Would you feel the same if this gun had been found, not by an adult, but by a child who then shot and killed himself, or possibly other children? Even though I have a Florida CCW, that is one feeling I don’t ever want to know. How about you?

        If you can’t enjoy a day at Disney with your children without packing heat, then you should probably just stay home. Also, if you don’t have an answer to the “The Question” then maybe you shouldn’t be carrying a gun in the first place. I’ve already found out, through a real event, what my answer to “The Question” was, and my answer surprised the Hell out of me when it was all over. If you can’t answer “The Question” without a gun, then you most likely won’t be able to answer it, with a gun. Rules, are not meant to be broken, they’re meant to be followed, especially when it concerns someone else’s property. In this case, someone else’s private, but very public property.

        15 years ago, I had to answer “The Question.” I only had a split second to come up with my answer, and all without the benefit of my gun. I’d like to know, what is your answer to “The Question?” Unlike me, you have all the time you need to think about it.

        • “Would you feel the same if this gun had been found… by a child…”

          Oh, no, the hypothetical “children” emotional appeal. What would I think? I would think that the owner of the gun should be criminally and civilly liable.

          “If you can’t enjoy a day at Disney with your children without packing heat, then you should probably just stay home.”

          I don’t have children, so you mean “a day at Disney with your children.” Because that’s what you’re concerned about: my gun and your children.

          As far as answering “The Question,” you’d have to tell me what it is, because although you clearly consider it of great import, the internet doesn’t, and thus a Google search turned up nothing that seemed apropos.

  32. If a place is big, like a theater (or a theme park) I will usually try not to go, but if I do, I’ll carry something small.

    If the place is small, like a coffee shop, I won’t go. Period. You’re not getting my business.

  33. Why would you want to go to someplace with that many people?

    I don’t care about the armed or not, CCW policies or not…

    Just too many people for my tastes, thank you.

  34. Theme park security is a joke. Carry in theme parks does not violate FL law. the theme park can ask you to leave because it is private property though. I was at Disney about a month ago with the Mrs. She had a handbag smaller than the size of an iPad mini. She had to go through the bag search line. Me? I had a G19 in a Galco supertuk and was able to walk through the “no bag” turnstile without so much as even eye contact with the attendant. It’s all about appearances and making people “feel” safe because they are looking in bags. My relative who is a FL LEO has season passes and carries all the time when visiting.

  35. I would not, and for the exact reason that prompted the article: I like to keep my guns. A popular attraction at Cedar Point in Ohio is the Top Fuel Dragster, which can accelerate you even faster than a real dragster! It does so by using a magnetic rail. I had some rare earth magnets in my pocket once, and the ride very efficiently removed them. Metallic objects need to be very tightly secured! Also, there are many water rides in most theme parks, which isn’t good for guns. Combine these drawbacks with all the reported mass killings in theme parks (sarcasm engaged), and I’d just rather not.

  36. I’m actually dealing with this right now, as my in-laws want to include me in a trip down to Disney. I’ll give you all the same answer that I gave them.

    It’s not illegal, but they won’t let me do it. You expect me to pay that crazy amount of money to let them violate my civil rights? Disney won’t get a penny from me or minel

  37. My experience with theme parks is that their “bag checks” are generally more looking for food than anything else, as they make significant margins on their food and would like you to be forced to buy it.

  38. I have never been to the homeland of electile dysfunction, and have no desire to change that.

    However, I carried a very effective Barrel Industries automatic knife at Disneyland in Anaheim the last time I was there – a long time ago, in a land far, far away.

  39. I forgot I had my KelTec PF9 in my pocket when I went to Busch Gardens a few weeks ago. I was shocked that they searched the hell out of my wife’s purse, but didn’t notice a 9mm in my front pocket. Crazy. I wouldn’t recommend carrying at a theme park if you want to go on any of the coasters though, it would be pretty awkward if the damned thing fell out.

  40. All I can say is Disney has a strict gun policy, they hire Orange County deputies to zone that area, Disney pays the salaries. They don’t have armed security. Also I pick up money for Disney and we had to fight because they didn’t want us having firearms while working lol

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