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Reeva Steenkamp and Oscar Pistorious (courtesy

“Police believe [Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorious] may have used the [blood-spattered cricket] bat to attack girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp before shooting her dead on St Valentine’s Day morning,” reports. “Detectives are working on two other theories concerning the bat: that it was either used to break down the door of the bathroom where she hid, or that she used it to defend herself against Mr Pistorius. One bullet cartridge was found in the champion sprinter’s bedroom and police are looking at whether he ‘chased’ his girlfriend and fired the first shot before she locked herself in the bathroom and he fired three more through the door.”

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  1. I will never get this. Even though I hated my cheating ex wife, I never once thought about shooting her. I even bought my first handgun when she moved out because my buddies and I had an almost weekly range get together. Just be a man and dump her or if she dumped you suck it up. There is no need to kill anyone unless it’s in self defense.

    Mistaken identity is ridiculous. Get a light.

  2. No way Reeva Steencamp’s death was an accident. One round, an accident is a possibility; 4 rounds and a crushed skull to boot, uh-uh. I mean, WTF, y’all?

    • Exactly. Even more curious, since the whole “mistaken identity” story was just a rumor, that somehow gained traction a few hours after the story broke on international news.

      A couple hours later the police were on the radio dispelling that myth. They also talked about the crime scene, and the fact that they had been called several times previously to the house for domestic disturbances.

  3. The bright side of the story is that if he’s guilty then he won’t be making a mockery of foot races anymore.

  4. Clearly, that pretty girl did something which set that man off. He wanted his companion dead, no ifs and or buts to it.

    Its a trip down a path id just as soon forget, but there was one occasion when I was sorely tempted to hurt my then girlfriend. We’d had a pregnancy scare and her first response to the matter was that we’d have the kid and make the best of things. I made it clear I valued her true opinion above social custom, at which point she came clean. She’s sneak off to a different state and have an abortion, and then lie to me about the entire thing . The enormity of her planned duplicity sent me to a place beyond anger. That was the day the relationship ended, though to this day that ex has no idea.

    I do not under any circumstances condone domestic violence: and I’ve never laid a hand in anger toward a woman. But females of a sort can push a guy past his own limits- and one that pretty has to have some issues. I’ve been around enough truly hot girls to know they’re all basket cases.

  5. From the sound of the story, I dare say he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

    I can’t believe I’m the first to use that joke here! 😉

    • Yea. Some wag around here remarked: “At the very least, he should be denied use of handicapped parking spots…”

  6. Pistorious nickname was “The Blade Runner”. Maybe he thought was Deckard so had to chase and termintate Pris a Nexus-6 replicant.

  7. “Mistaken identity” seemed reasonable without specific details, until I read this story. A fractured skull and a bloody cricket bat pretty much take it right off the table, though.

  8. I saw that when the prosecutor was recommending first degree murder, he noted that Steenkamp had locked herself in the bathroom, and Pistorious shot through the door. The prosecutor maintained that even if it HAD been a burglar, the charge would have been first degree murder for “shooting a defenseless burglar”. I had to rewind the DVR to be sure they said that right.

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