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New York Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s bill to ban high-capacity ammunition magazines—10 years for 11 rounds or more—is going nowhere fast. But it has provided a new talking point for gun control advocates, like New Yorkers Against Gun Violence’s Jackie Hilly writing for  “Our American dream is dying. Fully loaded, rapid-fire weapons are killing our hopes and our futures . . . Originally designed as a weapon of war, high-capacity magazines will make any killing spree more lethal . . .

One simple way to prevent future slaughter is to pass HR 308/S32 legislation sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J  . . . Every member of New York’s congressional delegation should support the McCarthy/Lautenberg bill by becoming a co-sponsor. New York has one of the lowest rates of gun deaths in the country, and, not coincidentally, has a strong background-check system and a ban of high-capacity magazines since 1994.

Not so not coincidentally, methinks. But one spree killing can ruin your whole American Dream, apparently.

We all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but can only realize our dreams if we live in a safe country, where dangerous people cannot massacre us or our loved ones with high capacity magazines on bright Saturday mornings.

Note: high capacity magazines don’t kill people. An insane man with a gun with a high-capacity magazine killed people. As can an insane man with a gun without a high-capacity magazine. As can an insane man without a gun without a high capacity magazine. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. It would seem, from those I’ve spoken to, of the anti-gun ilk, that emotion not logic drives their decision process. It’s been my experience that emotionally based arguments are, for the most part, impossible to refute. Logical, well reasoned facts are simply ignored, and the illogical is steadfastly adhered to like the death grip of a drowning man/woman on his (or her) rescuer.

    I find it amazing that those who steadfastly denounce gun owners and the prepared will be the very ones anti-gunners will seek out in times of great emergencies to save their bacon. (Seems like self-preservation trumps all posturing when the chips are down…..) Just MHO, YMMV.

  2. New York has one of the lowest rates of gun deaths in the country, …

    If the facts aren’t convenient to making your point, make shit up. Got it.

  3. Washington Dc most ant gun city in USA and has highiest muder rate crime rate in counrty. New York just had guy stab 6 people with kitchen knife in which he killed 3 off them well steal car run down some other guy before they caught him in down town New York subway station. I guess we should start ban kitchen knifes in New York becuase loon there stab wound kill same amount people there did much damge as loon did in Tucson Arizona with out gun are high cap mag before any one stop him.

  4. Bureaucratic regulations, high taxes and manufacturing companies that keep on exporting our jobs are killing the American dream, not “high capacity magazines.”

    Crime rates are dropping around the country, even as the number of firearms owned continues to increase, and states are relaxing CCW rules, even going Constitutional.

    • “Bureaucratic regulations, high taxes and manufacturing companies that keep on exporting our jobs are killing the American dream, not “high capacity magazines.”

      Amen to that, brother. I don’t believe that the American dream is dead, but it’s sure getting its ass kicked.

  5. “New York has one of the lowest rates of gun deaths in the country, and, not coincidentally, has a strong background-check system and a ban of high-capacity magazines since 1994.”

    And yet it doesn’t do much for their overall homicide rate of 4.0/100,000 which puts them at 27th in murder rate. Right in the middle. If NY’s laws were so great, why aren’t they the safest state there is?

      • NH, where I live, is at the bottom of the list at 0.8, and is a “shall issue” CCW state (local PD gets 10 days to process it.) There are two bills being worked on at the State House to permit Constitution Carry.

        The anti-gunners I have met are so emotional about the subject that it is impossible to have a dialog with them. (Luckily I don’t deal with too many anti-gunners.) I have invited a few out to the range to learn responsible handling of a weapon, and some time to target shoot, but have had no takers yet.

  6. Any chance y’all want to blog about the Arizona bill to prohibit magazines? There is absolutely no grandfathering and possession is prohibited. The author and advocates of it apparently do not realize that this will mean locking up a rather large percentage of the population…assuming that the police there actually would enforce it. While I’m sure it has no chance of passing, even less than McCarthy’s bill, it should be pointed out at every turn that these bills will potentially double or triple the prison population.

  7. “Fully loaded, rapid-fire weapons”

    Isn’t that basically any weapon that holds more than 1 round? Even a 12 gauge pump can be considered a rapid fire weapon if you can pump it fast enough.

  8. Is that “American Dream” the dream to live in an actually free country where I can own any tool I want so long as I’m not harming anyone with it?
    More people die from cars. Lets ban those first! Idiots.

  9. Ralph is right on TARGET as usual. The people trying to run (or ruin) our country are the ones we really need to worry about, not hi cap mags.

  10. Your LIBERTY GUN is the coolest and most patriotic looking gun I’ve ever seen. (yes, even cooler than my 500’s)

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