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In case you’re having trouble ID’ing the accents, the YouTube caption gives us the 411. “A group of foreigners. A cramped flat. A sitcom where worlds collide. Denmark, South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Dagenham… They’re not from around here, but that’s the least of their worries.” Especially when they find a gun on the doorstep.

Safety Nazi that I am, I would have preferred it if the Aussie had cleared the gun and insisted on muzzle discipline, but then it would have eliminated the punchline. Still, not entirely anti-gun and more than a bit funny. IMHO. Yes?

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  1. I was cringing up repeatedly as everyone pointed it at each other and themselves while never performing a chamber check or mag pull, but yeah, there were some funny comments.

    • “…while never performing a chamber check or mag pull,”

      Should read:

      “…while never performing a chamber check and a mag pull,”

      • “…while never performing a chamber check and a mag pull,”

        Should read:

        “…while never performing a mag pull and a chamber check ,”

    • Yes, I just kept thinking, that’s a pretty real looking m9, where did they get that? And they shouldn’t be playing with it like that.

      This stuff doesn’t do anything to teach the mooks how to handle a gun properly. Yes the one guy made some sensible points and knew where to keep his finger but even he didn’t know to do a proper safety check. Then the idiot chick holding the trigger like that, good grief.

      People often emulate what they see on TV, it’s dumb but people do it nonetheless.

      Maybe we should do something to force the media to include correcting and warning labels like they do when shows include violence or nudity. ‘Warning this video shows unsafe firearms handling procedures. Do not try this at home. Get proper safety instruction before handling any firearm. [and include the 4 rules]”. Didn’t ‘moms against TV violence’ have some kind of hissy fit some time back and got them to do this for movies or something like that? We need a ‘moms against anti-gun stupidity in movies’ I think.

    • Definitely well short of being the comfy gun. Too much cringe with a likely loaded gun being pointed at people. The fat chick needed a come to Jesus moment.

      • “…fat chick needed a come to Jesus moment.”

        There was more than one… Fat chick and needing of a come to Jesus moment.

  2. Kinda cute. When the woman had the forefinger of her left hand jiggling around on the trigger, I was just waiting for a shot to “ring out”. (j/k)

    • Obviously, that is the newest and bestest technique for a perfect trigger press. I’m starting a petition to get the NYPD to switch to it.

    • Fortunately they had the safety on the whole time. Not like the tumblrista would know how to take it off.

  3. The anti gun person is willing to use the gun to get rid of the gun.

    That’s not really funny, it’s exactly how grabbers think, so it’s more of a statement of fact than a joke.

  4. This and the dnc puts too much stupid out there all at once.
    Im tapped out for today folks.

  5. “Just Thought I’d Leave This Here”

    Robert, come now; it’s not polite to leave trash lying around.

  6. That video sucked. The one you posted a while back about the gun magic or whatever was pretty funny

  7. I get the moral of the video: If it weren’t for the US, Britain would have been conquered by the Germans in WWII followed by the Russians in the 1950’s.

  8. This British comedy sucks, by even more than the usual British comedy sucks standard.

  9. Not sure I understand the animosity to this. Seemed to me that the one voice of reason was the lead male. He was presented as the most calm and collected and presented the same point that we normally do abou guns being inanimate. He didn’t seem intended as the buffoon – that was the rest of his cohort.

  10. I guess I’m the only that thought it was funny. Also very telling that the crazy anti gunner was willing to shoot someone over a non violent disagreement. 4 and a half stars.

  11. Ha! That was surprisingly…not bad. Actually kind of funny. Also just a bit shy of being subversively pro-gun.

    8/10, would watch again.

  12. Meh…

    The part were they talked about their stereotypes was pretty funny, the rest was lame.

  13. 1. A phallic death device?
    2. Fat girl thinks the gun can just go off by itself?
    2. Aside from their dangerous and careless handling this phallic death device how do they know
    the local police are going to handle the situation when they call?
    3. Are the police just going to take their word for it?
    4. Could they be charged and prosecuted for some crime by the mere possession of the gun?
    5. What is the immediate reliance on calling the government to solve their problem?
    6. Why don’t they just wipe the gun of prints and put it in the trash?

    It’s these kinds that want to have a commonsense conversation about guns?
    How can you have a commonsense conversation about guns when they don’t first show
    some commonsense about the gun in the first place?

  14. 1. A phallic death device?
    2. Fat girl thinks the gun can just go off by itself?
    3. Aside from their dangerous and careless handling this phallic death device how do they know
    the local police are going to handle the situation when they call?
    4. Are the police just going to take their word for it?
    5. Could they be charged and prosecuted for some crime by the mere possession of the gun?
    6. What is the immediate reliance on calling the government to solve their problem?
    7. Why don’t they just wipe the gun of prints and put it in the trash?
    8. It’s these kinds that want to have a commonsense conversation about guns?
    9. How can you have a commonsense conversation about guns when they don’t first show
    some commonsense about the gun in the first place?

  15. “I would have preferred it if the Aussie had cleared the gun and insisted on muzzle discipline”… Or South African, since he clearly indicates himself as being second on the to-deport list, due to being an African. And… there’s no Aussie…
    The Muslim stoner dude is the English (Dagenham) one, the gal who found the gun clearly indicates herself to be Irish, the gal who wants to call the police is the Dane, the blonde gal is the Canadian, that leaves a South African and one character remaining.

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