police crime scene body
(AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

By Larry Keane

Gun control groups worked for decades to impose Second Amendment restrictions that do little to reduce crime. They’ve used public relations campaigns, scare tactics and rhetoric that never addresses those actually committing these tragedies.

Over the past two years, though, Americans have experienced first-hand what happens when they are left defenseless against criminals who don’t follow the law. A new poll shows law-abiding Americans have had enough of the gun control groups’ schemes and the ruse is up.

Laws Against Law-Abiding

New data from the Trafalgar Group is noteworthy, showing more than 80 percent of Americans now believe strict gun control in some of the country’s biggest cities has had “no effect” on reducing violent crime and they even “make cities even more dangerous” for law-abiding citizens. That’s bad news for gun control groups. The good news is that law-abiding Americans are waking up to their rights.

Robert Cahaly conducted the survey and remarked the findings aren’t surprising.

“There seems to be a growing consensus among urban residents that less police, releasing criminals and failure to prosecute are making them feel less safe,” Cahaly said. “They are frustrated that unlike most who live in rural and suburban areas, city residents don’t feel they have the right to protect themselves due to gun restrictions that only hurt law-abiding citizens.”

These are the sentiments that led to 40 percent of 2020’s record 21 million gun buyers being first-time purchasers. The trend is similar for firearm purchases in 2021, that finished the year out with over 18.5 million background checks for gun sales. The first six months of 2021 saw at least 3.2 million first-time gun buyers.

Even more consequential for politicians pushing more gun restrictions is that only 10 percent of Independents believe gun control makes the current crime surge “better.” More than 30 percent of Democrats believe it, revealing a major voting constituency that was previously reliable is losing faith in the gun-control-as-a-solution narrative.

The Trafalgar poll mirrors numerous national polls showing Americans’ appetite for gun control slipping to the lowest levels in years.

Public Safety Whiplash

Americans’ abandonment of gun control hasn’t occurred in a vacuum. They’ve had numerous first-hand experiences over the past two years showing why the Second Amendment is critical even if they didn’t believe so before.

The coronavirus lockdowns started off widespread concerns for neighborhood safety and police departments became short staffed. District attorneys released criminals and community violence, rioting and violent looting erupted in the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd.

Philadelphia riots walter wallace
A police car burns in Philadelphia. (Jessica Griffin/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)

Calls to defund the police reverberated in cities that already imposed strict gun control. Through all this, law-abiding Americans responded by taking responsibility for their personal and family safety by purchasing a gun.

Chesa Boudin
San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Americans have become fed up with the failure of elected officials who push gun control rather than holding criminals to account for their crimes, the polling shows. Surprising no one, the same politicians that cut funds to law enforcement and supported leniency on convicted criminals are turning 180 degrees, refunding community safety budgets and hoping voters don’t remember.

In Chicago, Minneapolis/St. PaulOaklandSan Francisco – the list is long of city leaders who had these epiphanies and realized residents wouldn’t tolerate cutting police budgets. Los Angelinos were told by press release that should they be the victim of a crime, to “cooperate and comply.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announces efforts to reduce rampant crime in the city’s Tenderloin district during a briefing outside City Hall.  (AP Photo/Eric Risberg, File)

In San Francisco, Democratic Mayor London Breed cut $120 million from police budgets last year only to reverse course. She exclaimed two weeks ago that, “It’s time that the reign of the criminals who are destroying our city—it is time for it to come to an end.” She made the statement while requesting emergency law enforcement funds from city supervisors.

Real Solutions. Safer Communities

While gun control has repeated the same calls for more restrictions on gun ownership that don’t reduce violent crime, the firearm industry has invested in several proven Real Solutions. The results show.

For example, industry efforts led to the federal passage of the Fix NICS Act with bipartisan support that dramatically increased records submitted to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), to make the background check system work as intended. Operation Secure Store educates firearm retailers on how to better secure their inventory and reduce criminal smash-and-grab break ins. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) data covering the first half of 2021 showed a steep decline in these crimes.

The firearm industry understands more laws and restrictions on gun ownership won’t make Americans or their communities safer. Criminals don’t follow the laws. Elected officials and gun control groups still don’t realize this even if more Americans do.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.



    • Just wait until the expected outcomes of the national midterm elections later this year. If the forecast of a “Red Wave” is correct and Republicans (by party name, not necessarily by conservative principle across that party) take back both chambers of Congress to stymie Biden/Harris, as well as several States, the zoo animals in black bloc will come out to play for a Mostly Peaceful Protest Redux.

      • Don’t put all of your faith in the Republicans. They are just as useless as the Democrats. They are just as corrupt, worrying more about getting elected or re-elected than what is good for this country. Today’s politics is not about conservatives versus liberals, it is about good versus evil. There is plenty of evil in both political parties. I am 80 years old and have seen it all done before. There is nothing new under the sun.

    • 3 men may control 97, if the 97 will stand around and do nothing while the 3 gang up on each of the 97 one at a time.

      • The fact that gun control laws only give more power and control to the lawless is just pure common sense. Something that is severely lacking in today’s society. Voters should use common sense when they vote and stop electing politicians who lack common sense or are just interested in passing laws that only do one thing and that’s to increase their power over the powerless.

  1. What good could ever come from Gun Control? Especially when History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide. It is what history says it is.

    • @ Debbie W., Why do you continually throw the “race-card” at the wall to see if it sticks in every single one of your post, you are totally consumed in it….. no matter what the subject is in an article!

      • “Why do you continually throw the ‘race-card’”

        she’s a propagandist, attempting steer attention towards a non-existent threat while diverting attention away from the real boolshevik murders who have killed 100,000,000 in the last century.

        • Once again. Mass murder, genocide, even, occurred from the fascists. Stalin and mao proclaimed themselves different from hitler but they were all the same.

          Fascists. One said they were left and the other said they were from the right. Both are covered in blood.

          You are defending the evil you identify with. But you have yet to have the balls to use the ‘J’ word.

        • rant7, No, she is stating facts. The gun control laws of the 1800’s and 1900’s were in fact racist. They restricted Blacks from getting firearms in the south. In NYS they passed the “Sullivan Act” to keep Italians from owning a firearm. FACTS!

    • The most dangerous places in this country are gun-free zones. The most dangerous governments in this world are those who rule over an unarmed populace.


  3. Well, score one for reason.
    What good do laws do, real or imagined, if the system in place to enforce those laws and punish those who violate said laws refuses to perform its function?


    Maybe if the system was functioning people would see value in more gun laws. At least they’d be enforced. Theoretically.

    • “Maybe if the system was functioning people would see value in more gun laws.”

      The only value of gun control laws is to disarm law abiding citizens leaving them defenseless against predatory politicians.

      Further, the system only functions when the people have a deep and abiding distrust of said predatory politicians. Believing politicians are wise, magnanimous, and competent enough to build a peaceful and prosperous society while wielding enormous power over the citizenry is what a dysfunctional society looks like.

  4. “Over 80% Of Americans Say Gun Control Laws Did Nothing to Reduce Crime or Made Big Cities More Dangerous”

    this is confused. there is no gun control in the ghetto, everyone there who wants a gun can get one cheaply in a few hours. many do. regarding guns, the ghetto is a libertarian paradise.

    • No, you are mistaken. LAW ABIDING citizens inquire about a gun, and are told they can’t have one. LAW BREAKING citizens are told they can’t have a gun, so they start asking how they can get around the law. So, not everyone who wants a gun can have one.

      • Paul Any law abiding citizen who is denied to the right to own a firearm is having his/her rights violated.

        • Guns are not the problem. It is those who use guns to break the law that is the problem. It all boils down to government control. Governments fear an armed citizenry and an unarmed citizenry fears government. It’s just that simple. Freedom is dangerous, but not as dangerous as tyranny.

  5. “strict gun control in some of the country’s biggest cities has had “no effect””

    Wrong conclusion. Gun control does have an effect, albeit, the exact opposite of the desired effect.

    It seems self evident to me: States, cities, territories, whatever, that have no gun control at all, have some baseline crime rate. Said jurisdictions see criminals killed often enough, that the baseline stays near about the same. Pass gun control, and the crime rate skyrockets. You literally teach criminals that they have little to fear – no law abiding citizen is going to respond with deadly force. Law abiding citizens then become prey, victims, targets, or whatever the criminal thinks of them.

    Repeal all gun control. Want to keep guns out of the hands of children? Cool, pass a law that no children under the age of 12 or 13 may have a firearm. That allows hunting regulations to remain in place, also allows for SUPERVISED training of children younger than 12. That’s about all the gun control we need, thank you very much.

    • ” pass a law that no children under the age of 12 or 13 may have a firearm ”

      So, you’re going to start throwing 12 and 13 year-olds in jail? Just curious…

    • Paul, Why should we restrict a 12 or 13 yr old from “possessing a firearm”? Sounds arbitrary to me.

    • “Gun control does have an effect, albeit, the exact opposite of the desired effect.”

      The desired effect is increased crime and increased frequency of crises in order for politicians to justify usurping more power and raising taxes.

  6. The majority of the answers were “No Difference.” I have a feeling they wouldn’t oppose new stricter gun laws, especially to “stop” school shootings or whatever. Dems answered 2:1 Better/Worse, so they’re happy to keep pushing antigun laws is solid blue locations, especially in return for $$$ from Soros or Bloombucks.

  7. As far as stopping the average thug, punk, gangsta, dope dealer, wife beater, rapist, or other assorted violent persons, no, the various anti gun laws will do nothing. On the issue of mass murder attacks, most of their weapons were obtained legally, or were obtained by a relative or close friend legally. Although they may have stolen them from or killed the original owner/buyer, or were obtained through straw/fraudulent purchase, they were purchased under existing regulations. So, what law would prevent any of the above?
    With the various riots and release of criminals because of COVID, or in the name of some sort social equity, people are frightened and are beginning to understand the police cannot be every where and may not be available when needed. They are beginning to understand what many of us out here in flyover country have known for generations. In an emergency, they, or someone in the household will have to be the first responder or deal with the situation until help can arrive.

    • ” people are frightened ”

      I’m kind of tired of hearing this old bullshit. The people who are first-time gun buyers are far from frightened, at least in my neighborhood. Most of them are being reasonably cautious and proactive, but they are a long way from being scared. Pissed off is more likely.

  8. Local and State gun laws do not reduce crime with guns simply because without a Federal Law states with lax gun laws funnel in thousands of second hand guns into states and big cities with tough gun laws making those tough laws useless. Its not rocket science even a 4 th grader can comprehend that fact. A lack of safe storage laws also makes it much easier for street punks to carry out smash and grab robberies even in gun stores that do not lock up weapons after hours. Again its not rocket science.

    Law Enforcement studies have verified this and revealed the “iron pipe line” from southern states that funnel in thousands of second hand guns into east coast states that often have far tougher gun laws. Two Chicago Studies found the exact same facts.

    Europeans vet all gun sales and have safe storage laws and their much lower homicide rates and crimes with guns prove they work much better than our complete lack of such Federal Laws.

    • Dacian, I have a RED HOT NEWS flash for you. Criminals do not abide by laws, State, Federal or local. If they want to get a gun, they will go out and get it in spite of your reliance on the Feds.

      • Except that History has shown once again you know nothing about the effectiveness of these laws. Try and buy a second hand gun with no paperwork in Western Europe some time. Good luck with that hair brained scheme. The last attack by a nut case in Germany forced the guy to try and build a crude single shot gun that kept misfiring. In the U.S. he would have bought a second hand gun in a few hours and killed dozens of people.

        You can always count on the Far Right ignoramuses to always reject history, science, the truth, and plain common sense.

        • “In the U.S. he would have bought a second hand gun in a few hours and killed dozens of people.”

          False. He would have been stopped by the many armed law abiding citizens. When there is an armed citizen to countenance mass shooters, the number of people mass shooters kills drops from an average of 14 to 2.4.

          Your gun laws don’t prevent mass shootings. That’s why the worst mass shootings in the West occurred in France and Norway.

      • dacian, Tell us how “effective” these “gun control laws” have been? Can you cite one instance where a gun crime was stopped by one of your “gun control laws”? Guns are bought and sold in Western Europe all the time, albeit illegally. You can always count on an anti-gun radical such as you to cite nonsense can try to call it “fact”, “history”, “science”, the “truth”, and “plain common sense”, of which anyone with any facts, history, science, truth, and plain common sense would know you are full of hot air.

    • “Local and State gun laws do not reduce crime with guns simply because without a Federal Law states with lax gun laws funnel in thousands of second hand guns into states and big cities with tough gun laws making those tough laws useless.”

      This myth has been debunked for decades. The only people who peddle this myth are liars.

      “A lack of safe storage laws also makes it much easier for street punks to carry out smash and grab robberies even in gun stores that do not lock up weapons after hours.”

      Storage laws have never, anywhere in the world, reduced gun crime.

      “Europeans vet all gun sales and have safe storage laws and their much lower homicide rates”

      Once you control for race your America has lower rates of homicide and crime. For all races. In other words, the US doesn’t have a gun problem. We have a black and latino problem that people like you purposefully ignore because your racist, anti-right ideology prevents you from doing anything productive wrt crime and violence.

    • Hey dacian, using your logic, all we need is a new law that states that it is against the law to break the law. Chew on that for a while, dacian.

  9. The firearm industry understands more laws and restrictions on gun ownership won’t make Americans or their communities safer. Criminals don’t follow the laws.” — Larry Keane for National Shooting Sport Foundation

    And yet the National Shooting Sports Foundation keeps advocating, touting, and participating with fedzilla to “improve” and/or increase fedzilla’s background check system.

    This entire article is an accurate and excellent expose on massive government failure to perform its most important and sacred duty: to punish evil-doers (and thus indirectly increase everyone’s security). And yet the National Shooting Sports Foundation keeps plugging away at their collaboration with said governments.

    I honestly do not understand that massive disconnect.

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