Fibbies all tooled-up for manhunt for cop killer Eric Frein (courtesy

The manhunt for self-confessed cop killer Eric Frein has entered its sixth week. At a reported cost of $1.1m a week, the Frein chase has dinged taxpayers for nearly $7m. So far. Not including additional pension contributions for overtime. But hey, Frein killed a cop. Anyway, Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountain School District has closed shop while the FBI, State Police, local law enforcement and dog catcher hunt for Mr. Frein in the nearby woods. On Monday night, District officials announced that schools would open with “extra security.” This morning, at 5:30am, it changed its mind. If that’s the reaction to an at-large cop killer in the wilds of the Keystone State, imagine what would happen if a terrorist bomber got away from an atrocity in a large urban area. Why they’d have to shut down the whole city! For days! reports that the school closures come after a “highly credible witness” [I say, I say, highly credible] saw the war re-enactor near his former high school dressed in black, with his face covered in mud, carrying a rifle.


  1. How much do they spend hunting down a non-cop killer? How much did it cost to get Eric Rudolph?

    Seems like they could just create the illusion of a manhunt and let the guy freeze/starve to death in the PA woods this Winter at very little cost.

    • As I recall, they spent millions, maybe tens of millions before a regular patrol cop spotted him dumpster diving a few years later. Murphy NC made a ton of money off of that one, not to mention the payroll and other costs.

  2. If they have this kind of response over the killing of someone who signed up to be put into harms way imagine the response they will have over the killing of an innocent civilian just walking down the street.

    Oh yeah, never mind, must have been dreaming.

  3. Go get em. 100% in support of cops bringing a murderer down etc. etc. etc….

    But why are cop killers so special? I mean, a guy can be the worst child rapist/killer/whatever and not only will a pittance of comparable resources be spent tracking them down, but cops will still try to actually take them alive. We all knew how the Dorner thing was going to turn out, and we know how this will turn out. Not that I’m criticizing the police here for doing their jobs, but killing a cop sure does seem extra more illegaler than killing a Joe Nobody.

    • ‘Cause they gotta maintain their rep. It’s all about street cred, yo. You can’t just let someone disrespect the gang. That’s fo damn sho!

      • Plus, the monkeys get spanked hard EVERY NIGHT while suiting up like soldiers to catch the prey, er I mean cop killer. Some of these guys live for this, its like a real life video game.

        Remember the nut in California (who admittedly had it coming)? They accidentally recorded one cop screaming “Burn him out!” when he was finally cornered in a cabin, then they torched it. Everyone cop there should have been charged with murder over that. Instead, everyone went home, and the monkeys got some blisters.

        • Yeah, it’s almost like one of the qualifications for being a police officer is your score playing Call of Duty or some such game.

    • Also take into consideration what would happen if someone vandalized your car. The cops would tell you to fill out a report, and that would be about it. Now imagine what would happen if you vandalized a cop car. Guess what just became priority #1 for the local police. The state apparatus is only concerned about its own power. If you get killed or your property gets damaged that just gets used as justification for more funding, but if you hired private security, and they failed to protect you, they would be fired, and they certainly wouldn’t get a raise.

      • That doesn’t hold true on vandalism. At least, not in the LA Area. I’ve had a bunch of cars vandalized. It’s a whole lot worse for the LAPD. Most motorcycle cops won’t park their bikes out of view.

        • Accur81, you seem like a decent guy. The same kind of cop who literally saved my life at 19. I am forever in his debt for that. I grew up in a small town in the midwest. The cops were your baseball coach, your friends dad, your neighbor. Guys you could look up to. Those days are gone.

          This same small town now has a swat team and does no-knock raids on the wrong houses. No flash bangs into cribs yet though.

          I apologize to you personally for my comments and I do not believe they in any way apply to you. With that said, I could stand up, get out of my chair, and walk right out my front door and point you to the houses of three cops who my comments absolutely apply to.

  4. This is just a big game to Frein. Why keep playing it? Lighten up the pressure and he’ll get bored and come out. Or, as stated above, just freeze to death.

  5. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

    7 mill to hunt a “cop killer.” How much was spent last time a civilian was killed and the murderer was hunted?


    • In cases like this, where we all know the outcome (just like the Dorner situation), that does seem like a workable solution. We all know this guy doesn’t survive an encounter with the police, even if he approaches them naked, hands cuffed behind his back, walking backwards towards them. If they’re just gonna kill him anyways, not give him a chance at a trial, why not open it up to contract workers? Make it clear if they kill the wrong guy they’ll be prosecuted for murder, but let ’em go wild.

    • Oh, I like that. Not 7, let’s just say 1 million, dead or alive, go get ‘im. Imagine around 100,000 bounty hunters in blaze orange with excessive photo ID (to separate good guys from bad), tripping over each other through those woods, while the cops relax and enjoy the show.

      Reward not applicable to cops.

      • I would love to watch those 100k bounty hunters in action — from the safety of an MRAP.

        I was up in Canada right near Moncton NB when the Mounties were going after a cop killer. Despite the fact that he murdered three of their own they brought him in alive.

        The Mounties always get their man.

    • Last I heard, there was a $100,000 bounty on Frein, but the police won’t let anyone near the area to try and collect. This is all 30 minutes (20 miles) from where I live and it is a local media frenzy. A fella that walks to work every day has been repeatedly stopped, threatened, assaulted by police AND passing civilians, just for being on foot in the area. I hope they catch him soon so that folks in the area will calm down, regain their hunting season, allow the kids to celebrate Halloween, etc.

  6. Not happy about any lunatic that wants to hunt cops.

    Not happy with evidence they are putting up. Discarded items no direct sightings, kid could be dead and someone else just using his persona as a weapon against the cops.

    Either way, not handy to point out that a cop killing lunatic can evade police. Better keep your firearms.

  7. Must be nice to spend millions because of this what about the 5,000 killed by cops where’s the money to go after cops who kill ! I want to know prity sad all those over armed and gun happy cops and Feds can’t find one guy lol what a joke hope they never catch him.

  8. Those dumb cops must feel like fools! 6 week and still haven’t caught him. This guy is like Rambo. Hopefully he takes out a few more of those dumbass cops when they finally catch up to him!!!!!!!!

    • Dude’s not like Rambo, you effing goofbag. First off Rambo was a damn movie. This dude murdered somebody and I don’t care that you apparently hate cops. Besides, the Rambo character was a decorated combat vet. This dude is an effing wanna-be, dress-up pretend solider panzy mall ninja that probably lived with his mommy while he dressed up and smoked his Serbian cigarettes. Get a grip.

      • Mall ninja wannabe that can only command and control a keyboard? The facts prove otherwise. You may not like what he did but he’s the real thing as far as survival and evasion.

        • Or the cops are just inept.

          Winning doesnt have to mean you’re good. It just means you’re better than your given opponent. I’ve yet to see anything from any police in my time on this earth that would lead me to believe they are a capable opponent other than their willingness (stupid tendency) to line up Napoleonic style and fire until empty.

  9. Got to say, that picture reminds me of a typical airsoft game; stand around in the parking lot and staging area in your gear bsing. Then eventually get to playing.

    • Then spank monkeys at home. Cause you know, we just got all tingly and such getting all dressed up for the kill.

      Same ritual cannibals and and serial killers practice. Its ultimately a ritual revolving around having absolute power over another person and the dressing up is a crucial component.

  10. They are taking the wrong approach. You do not send in SWAT to hunt a prey animal. That just scares them off. They should send in a counter-sniper team to spend a week or two in the woods, and wait until he walks by… with the ‘SWAT’ teams on the perimeter to contain him.

      • Sheeple like to “feel” safe, and cops like playing with their toys.

        A retired redneck with a couple of beagles/coonhounds with any repeating rifle would have a better chance of getting this guy than an army of cops.

    • He went on a shooting spree at the police barracks that’s how they know he did it. Plus he left the officer’s partner alive. He wasn’t shy about it. He’s just crazy. That’s why people want the schools closed. I live near the area. The 7mill is well justified. For the safety of our children, anything is.

        • Maybe you did something too. Who knows? Should we just coldly execute people from afar because they might have done something. Interesting how faux-anarchists sound a lot like their fascist cousins when you let them talk long enough. No frauds no hucksters, comrade!

      • So how many children (or ANY civilians for that matter) has Frein injured before/during this debacle?

      • Jennifer, has he done anything manifesting a threat to anyone other than the cops he shot at? I’m thinking of the Dorner situation, he actually seemed to go out of his way not to injure people other than the cops he had a grudge against.

      • Jennifer,

        While Mr. Frein may very well have committed the acts for which the Pennsylvania police claim, how do we really know Mr. Frein did it? What compelling evidence is there?

        Someone shot two police officers. Apparently Mr. Frein’s car was abandoned in the woods a mile or two away. And now Mr. Frein appears to be on the run. How is that “solid evidence”? The only thing we know for sure is that someone shot two police officers and Mr. Frein’s car was in the woods. As for Mr. Frein being on the run, I would be on the run as well if my local police told everyone that I just shot two police officers even if I had not shot anyone!

      • Maybe there is more to the story?

        Money quote…”In fact, it’s recently been revealed that the actual target may have been Trooper Alex T. Douglass, and Corporal Dickson was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why is this important? Well it appears that Trooper Douglass might have been having an affair with Mr. Frein’s wife.”

        • Interesting bit of information that. The link is a good read. If it turns out the trooper was boning his wife, then it certainly makes the story a but more interesting.

          The fact that the Chief of the state police basically said he is Kill on Sight unless “actively surrendering” turns my stomach.

  11. What gets me is the anti’s wanna take our guns using the police but the police can’t get one guy in the woods. What happens when there’s 10 mill of these guys in the woods?

    • This is the big secret to policing. It takes the will of the people to be governed. Quite honestly, it breaks down real fast if even a small minority actively resist and seek to kill those who keep order. It doesn’t take a majority to do that. Look at the middle east/etc for continuing examples.

    • You already said that. Do you have dementia? Or are you just demented by ideology, like so many keyboard warriors fighting the man from the safety of their laptop?

  12. This guy is a murderer and needs to stand trial for his crimes, but if this doesn’t put a wrench in the argument that “you could never resist our government even if it was tyrannical” I don’t know what does. He’s probably in some crap hole cave filled to the brim with water and MRE’s. I do hope they catch him before he kills again.

    • And imagine if there were 2,000 additional people in Pennsylvania (along with 98,000 additional people spread across the other states) doing this at the same time!

    • For normal folks the fact that he’s willing to stalk and kill a cop puts him in the very dangerous and unpredictable category. He’s not going to hide in those woods to freeze or starve to death when they’re well stocked houses with softer targets inside than a police barracks.

      Figuring that this guy is no threat to anyone but cops is a whole other level of lunacy.

  13. It is not always correct to assume that 7M has been spent above and beyond what would have been spent anyway. Police personnel are on the payroll. If there was no crimes for a period of time, the same logic could be used to say X million was paid to have the cops just sit around

    • Or perhaps these thousands of cops are on staff to handle the typical daily workload of law enforcement. What *isn’t* getting investigated because they are all busy running around the woods?

  14. No actual confirmation he’s still in the area, just a bunch of sightings of people in the woods. Dude is long gone.

    When does deer season start in PA? THAT shit is going to be a disaster…

    • Do you even Multicam bro? The helmets and hardware crack me up, I still see pictures of deployed troops with shittier and older gear. But nothing’s too good for our federal law enforcement.

      Still wondering if the dude in woodland camo lost a bet.

  15. There is no doubt that the guy is a monster, but this is an intriguing lesson about evasion. It demonstrates that a determined man who has rudimentary survival skills can significantly drain the budget and resources of one or more government agencies. I bet the government will not find him by stomping through the woods.

    • There are two main reasons why the police have not and may not ever capture the suspect. First of all, most of the police have zero woods experience as the commenter Detroit Rock City stated below. Second of all, even if all the police had great woods skills, it would be next to impossible to take the suspect (dead or alive) without taking losses. Remember, the suspect has one or more rifles, is able to put accurate rounds on target from cover and concealment, and can move stealthfully through the forest. But the police are not willing to take losses. So they parade around for the cameras instead.

      Think about that second point. Even though the Almighty State cannot quickly/easily capture one man running around in the woods, they can still put on a big show for the cameras and remind the serfs what they will be up against if they step out of line. Thus the State and its minions still get to “flex their muscles” to great effect without incurring any more losses. I would say this is a pretty good example of making lemonade out of lemons.

  16. put a bounty on his head and let the hunters and trackers come get him. they have far more woods experience than cops fresh out of the academy.

    • This is what the government and police would do if their sole objective was to capture the suspect and protect the people.

      However, their sole objective is to ensure the power of the State. If the State cannot find the suspect AND regular people do apprehend the suspect, it will reveal that the people have the power, not the state. Since that undermines their objective of ensuring the power of the State, they will (try to) do it themselves. How much money it costs or how much collateral damage happens in the interim are immaterial.

  17. I’m not sure that I have enough information to be able to decide if what the police say is the truth about circumstances, actually I am sure that I don’t trust what the police say about this guy.

  18. Perhaps they should pull back and let the area resume business as usual. This guy will surface eventually. The residents in that are should thank God that the police haven’t shot one of them by mistake.

  19. Eric Frein is not justifiable, and neither are the cops. Let’s remember at the end of the day a cop is no more than a civilian. Eric Frein chose to go after a civilian and let just say a cop got in the way but the true culprit is still alive missing his genitals. That being said if he killed anyone else there would be no media attention no one would give a damn. Furgison last month, no big deal to most of america a cop killing a civilian. Which in all honesty is not right now matter the law being broken or stake at hand he has a right to be put infront of a court system (the person shot by any cop). The cops just don’t like the idea that personal lives do get taken into professionalhood and thats the problem. An officers sole responsibility is to be an act of justice to the people. Some forget this and bring their personal life into matters and dont make judgement calls as well as others (97%) of officers because lets face it none of them are fit for the job so they infringe the rights of Americans everyday TERRORIZING them far worst than any foreign terrorist group outside of america, yet one of them gets shot and now its a big concern?! They signed their lives away for the people, they scare the people and act like their power is the strongest will on the planet and one guy stands up to an INDIVIDUAL and now were wasting millions of dollars for the wealth of the people. More like the crappy authority figures who are only looking for another reason to do what theyve been doing for decades… the wrong thing. We need people to study to be officers with the right intentions not some low life looking to get back at the world. No replies necessary I won’t read them you don’t matter; to me at least

  20. Eric Frein is not justifiable, and neither are the cops. Let’s remember at the end of the day a cop is no more than a civilian. Eric Frein chose to go after a civilian and let just say a cop got in the way but the true culprit is still alive missing his genitals. That being said if he killed anyone else there would be no media attention no one would give a damn. Furgison last month, no big deal to most of america a cop killing a civilian. Which in all honesty is not right now matter the law being broken or stake at hand he has a right to be put infront of a court system (the person shot by any cop). The cops just don’t like the idea that personal lives do get taken into professionalhood and thats the problem. An officers sole responsibility is to be an act of justice to the people. Some forget this and bring their personal life into matters and dont make judgement calls as well as others (97%) of officers because lets face it none of them are fit for the job so they infringe the rights of Americans everyday TERRORIZING them far worst than any foreign terrorist group outside of america, yet one of them gets shot and now its a big concern?! They signed their lives away for the people, they scare the people and act like their power is the strongest will on the planet and one guy stands up to an INDIVIDUAL and now were wasting millions of dollars for the wealth of the people. More like the crappy authority figures who are only looking for another reason to do what theyve been doing for decades… the wrong thing. We need people to study to be officers with the right intentions not some low life looking to get back at the world. No replies necessary I won’t read them you don’t matter; to me at least.

    • “No replies necessary I won’t read them you don’t matter; to me at least.”

      Then why post on a blog site? Do you think that much of yourself that you believe your opinion is above reproach? Beyond discourse? Let me educate you on blog posting – you don’t get to post on here or anywhere on the internet and not have your words judged, scrutinized and sometimes even ridiculed. If you want to be left alone, then why post here, or anywhere?

      Personally I can’t make much sense of your manifesto. If someone could please explain this statement to me, I’d be obliged, “Eric Frein chose to go after a civilian and let just say a cop got in the way but the true culprit is still alive missing his genitals.”

  21. “But hey, Frein killed a cop.”

    Awesome statement. You guys are killin me with the your sarcasm. Bravo. When can the more overt cop-bashing start? Oh yeah, let the internet commando comment section begin.

  22. Deer season is right around the corner,nothing ticks off a hunter more then the thought of missing the season.

    Clear out the cops ,send in the hunters offer an extra buck tag to the guy who gets him

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