Parkland shooting commission sheriff grady judd teachers guns
courtesy and AP/Brynne Anderson

“In the ideal world, we shouldn’t need anyone on campus with a gun, but that’s not the world we live in today. One’s not enough. Two’s not enough. We need multiple people in order to protect the children.”

– Parkland shooting commission member Sheriff Grady Judd in Teachers need guns; schools need security, Parkland shooting panel concludes


  1. If ya lock these people in a room long enough maybe they can figure things out huh ?

    Hope for the world ?

    • The fundamental right of defense starts with the person, next the family, followed by the community, then the State, next the federal government then the world. The natural order also applies to every other right. We are not surfs or subjects who have rights bestowed by a monarch. We are not the proletariat who hold rights and responsibilities based on the “betterment of society”.

  2. The left will be S…..g bricks. LOL Maybe the lefties would be ok with “smart guns” for the “smart” teachers (good luck on the smart teacher). End these shooting galleries called no gun zones. IMHO the manbuns and femnazis won’t let arming teachers pass.

    • The teachers unions will fight it like crazy. I can see it passing with only moderate resistance in FL, GA, etc. Blue states won’t pass a thing and federally few dem’s will support it. Favoring arming teachers and staff means guns are good and useful and the dem’s can’t allow that to be the narrative.

    • The left, including politicians and teachers’ unions, are simply ignoring this, as though it never happened, and will continue to do so.

  3. This decision in Florida is no, that is not, fitting the narrative. Amazed there wasn’t an immediate backlash from the usual suspects.

  4. “(good luck on the smart teacher)”
    How many kids have you taught how to read, add and subtract this year?



        Sec. 1. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM OF PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS. A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools.

        Not a teacher. Constitutional Conservative here buttnugget.

        • There is nothing free about public schools. My wife and I home schooled our daughter. Yet we continue to pay the taxes for public school. Even so, the school district refused to even give us a list of what books and classes we needed to use or teach.

        • I support the local schools with massive tax payments while sending my kid to Catholic school. I get no credit for saving them time and trouble while contributing to their business.
          I also don’t deal with other kids without caring parents or discipline issues. And they can keep their socialist marxist philosophy.

    • The public school system should be defunded and abolished. All it does is teach people to read at this point and addition and subtraction really. Everything is condensed into text books and tries to teach so much at once that it teaches nothing. It’s day care. This way parents don’t have to spend time with their kids. That is the only reason they no one talks about shortening school days or getting rid of the public school system. They are know it’s a waste of time but they don’t have to take care of their kids then.

      • Not defunded and abolished, but completely reformed. Imagine an America where the public schooling had classes starting in 9th grade where kids actually got trade school certifications and classes that were all electives and based on what career path you wanted to go through. Instead of requiring a chemistry class and an algebra class just to GRADUATE. Like who actually will use that later in life, like 3% of graduates?

        Even the teachers that teach some of these subjects know that it’s bullshit and you can safely forget about the moment you have your diploma. They will just pass kids so that they don’t get fired because if they actually rigorously tested kids on this shit nobody would pass. I’m only 22 so it’s still fresh in my mind.

        • “Instead of requiring a chemistry class and an algebra class just to GRADUATE. Like who actually will use that later in life, like 3% of graduates?

          While I’m not a fan of many graduation requirements stuff like algebra and chemistry is a good requirement. Half the problem with people these days is that they don’t know fuck all about basic science and math. Which is exactly how you end up with the current bullshit argument over “man made climate change” with large numbers of people believing that we need to go back to 1900 levels of energy usage.

          It’s also a fact that a lot of what people complain about being required in high school now used to be required in middle school.

          The reduction in the quality of K-12 education severely limits opportunities later in life and leads directly to all the useless college degrees that promote a hyper-Leftist agenda.

        • “…stuff like algebra and chemistry is a good requirement.”

          Damn straight. For many trades, an understanding of basic geometry is damn helpful, such as one of your trades, welding-metal fab work and even carpentry.

          Basic chem can save your life by giving you a good idea of *why* mixing certain home or shop chemicals can be a really *bad thing* for one’s health…

        • I still use some math when working on problems. If I can’t remember what I need, I at least have a memory of what I need to find to figure out the problem. Plus, the exposure to different things may spur people to go in a direction they would otherwise not go for a profession.

        • @strych9 That’s part of the reason I refused to go to college after graduating from high school. I learned more on my own and from textbooks that I had independently acquired. Also, the majority of the college kids that pass these classes can’t recall anything useful from the classes and it baffles me. They are in it simply to “pass” a few classes, get a piece of paper that says they are intellectually articulate, when they surely are not, and acquire some shitty job that leads them to fellate the business end of a shotgun. Now, some teachers do go out of their way to actually try to teach and educate these people, but the majority create more automatons, like themselves. The whole process just feels “mass-produced” and deficient of true quality.

    • Just got done teaching my horse to count to five. Teachers are the product of our failed, outdated, and overpaid system. If my ideas about common core are close to correct, Einstein couldn’t teach today. Used to work for a school district, the biggest asses were the “reformed” hippies. Look at Occasional-Cortex. Would you want to have her teaching your kids? The easiest group to teach is KG kids. Old enough to understand basic instruction but still young enough to be respectful. Disclaimer; I drove school bus for 10 years. I tell prospective parents to drive a school bus for a year before deciding on kids.

    • I’ve never really understood the knee-jerk hate for educators in some circles. All you’re doing is ceding the commanding heights of public and university educational system to fringe leftists, which has so far been nothing but terrible for everyone. Far better to inject more intellectual diversity into the academy by lauding the educators you respect, bringing along the ones who might be persuaded, and reserving insults and silly comments for those who specifically deserve it… there are definitely some of these, but not ALL.

      • That’s the problem. You think it’s about left vs right or liberal vs conservative or libertarian vs authoritarian. It’s not about who is running it. It will be terrible no matter what. The governments place is not to educate our children for us. It’s not a knee jerk reaction to educators. I have good family that teach but the school system does not let them actually teach.

        It’s only purpose is day care. That’s it. It would need to be the level of reform of completely removing it and starting over to fix it. How ever it would be better to just leave it removed so no one can ever use it like the democrats do.

        • I probably agree with you more than you realize about public education, where there is definitely a real discussion to be had about whether the federal or state governments ought to be involved at all, and/or how much. But our private university system in the US remains exceptional (although, yeah, still with much too tight a connection to federal and state governments through grants, loans, oversight, etc.). A lot of the educator-hate doesn’t seem to discern between these very different situations and challenges – it’s all or nothing – all teachers are butt-hurt idiots – which to me, feels unhelpful.

        • The fed gov’t should not be in education at all, state gov’ts very little, communities should make all decisions and pay all bills for the education of their children, just as it was 150 years ago. Education should never be a business.

      • Having spent 40 years in public ed, the real problems with indoctrination v teaching time-honored truth and subject matter began with terrible administrators who were also, for the most part, lousy teachers with very little control and wanting more. They are the ones who determine what is taught, how it is taught, and are the ultimate end where severe student discipline problems are not taken seriously.

        When I was in school during the late 50s and 1960s, nearly all of the male teachers had been in other situations besides teaching- the vast majority having served in the military during WW2 and Korea. By the end of the Viet Nam whatever, not many of the returning vets even considered teaching or if they did, none showed up around the midwest where I was now teaching, The indoctination put in place by the early new administrators coupled with those entering the field coming out of the completely left-dominated college and university re-education camps, as well as the now always on-call lawyers for the district took away nearly all normal avenues for teacher control of both curriculum and classroom management. Add to that the push to have everyone of any ability/maturity level (or lack thereof) to be thrown into the same mix and we pretty much ended up with an anarchist situation where one was forced to teach to the absolute lowest common denominator rather than set or raise any bar.

        The vast majority of todays teachers now come from an indoctrinated public school system where no one fails, nothing is either correct or incorrect, and the teachers, for the most part, have only been “in school” with summers off for their entire lives since age 5 or even earlier if they were chucked into preschool at age 2. A discharged veteran today who spent some time elsewhere, and especially in some battle zone in the mideast or Afghanistan wouldn’t last 3 weeks around a bunch of entitled educators who have never really “grown up” and who are now trying to sell “the real world” to a bunch of kids when they’ve never been there in the first place. They’d have a better outlook towards the kids they teach even if they spent 3 years working at Menard’s or Walmart than they do just going to school and college- at least they’d have to be around a bunch of people who are now the adult version of what they are expected to teach every day.

        I loved teaching and am still active at the college level but what is going on in most public ed settings now is neither productive nore offering any real hope for improvement of the individual or the country in general.

        • I had a friend in the AF who retired a couple years after I did, and was absolutely determined to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a public school teacher. He got all the certificates, etc, and finally landed a job as a substitute at a local high school. For one year. His stories were frightening to me (not easy), all he had to say was “never again”. He took a job with the AF instructing student pilots in the simulator for the aircraft he’d spent a few years teaching students to flu when he was in service. Never looked back at public school. School has changed since we were kids. Not for the better.

      • My problem isn’t with the teachers really it’s the system and how it’s setup. If you’re a teacher with ethics contrary to the system you’re an outcast in it. Best to be quiet and pretend to go along. The policies are skewed in favor of minorities in ways that do the minorities a disservice while subjecting others to social problems.
        Public school is state sponsored daycare to many parents and the kids know they can get away with a great deal by playing games. When they graduate and go into a college or technical school they find out what they missed. If they join the military they will find out how their parents forgot to raise them.

        If there was even a small tax credit for homeschooling or private school the public school would have to reform. But they don’t need to worry about it. The best part of “private school” is you’re treated like a customer not a taxpayer and the administration respects you.

        There are plenty of other angles to the private/public education scene but this is a gun blog after all.

    • “How many kids have you taught how to read, add and subtract this year?”

      I’ve taught fewer kids than pedophile teachers have fvcked.

    • I had 2 kids, taught 2 kids to read, add and subtract, my job is done. Teachers no longer seem to even help. Or care.

  5. In the real world, or about 96% of it outside of Western Civilization, just about everyone would need some sort of protection from their own government or the tribe du jour bent on eradicating them. I’m sure those still left in Darfur, Somalia, et al would sympathize with Grady Judd’s sentiments.

  6. The world has never been ideal or safe. Never will be, either. A few places will have peace and quiet from time to time, but humans can be vicious critters who will wreak havoc when they feel the need. The pressures of overpopulation, limited resources and class differences will create increasing conflict, might as well prepare for it instead of hoping it doesn’t happen “here”.

    As far as schools go, the giant sized schools prevalent these days are like big cities where nobody is fully in control, lots of students are anonymous and mayhem lurks beneath the surface. In smaller schools, like smaller towns, most folks know each other and know who the bad apples and coconuts are.

  7. This story suggests that it IS possible – at least in rare cases – for an individual to flip his position on a controversial issue.

    I recall reading that Sheriff Grady Judd was once against guns in schools. Now he has flipped. What happened?

    Terrible tragedy. Countless points on which government agents failed, and failed miserably. This sheriff (a class of people apt to be as hide-bound as they come) is placed in a prominent position to chair a committee that is expected to analyze the information available and come to a conclusion. His work is on public display. If he publicly does a sloppy job of analyzing the facts he makes himself vulnerable to public ridicule.

    Perhaps this recitation of what happened suggests that an individual compelled to publicly look at the facts and render his opinion really IS able to reach a rational conclusion. Sheriff Grady Judd may be an outlier; that he flipped under such circumstances may be a fluke exception that proves-the-rule (i.e., people don’t change their minds under any circumstances).

    Nevertheless, I’m slightly encouraged. All but one member of this committee voted in favor of guns in schools.

    I, for one, am not hide-bound to the idea that guns – and guns alone – are the optimal solution. Could be there is something else that would be more effective or about as effective. The point here is that none of us ought to become so deeply invested in adopting/rejecting any particular solution that it prevents us from recognizing a solution, however much we might have disparaged it in the past.

    (For example, there is something even more fundamental and more objectionable. Teach children to assume agency for their own self-defense. “Rush the nut!” This undermines the whole notion of progressivism; i.e., to rear-up legions of sheep to be tended to by their good-Shepard, the Government. Included in these legions are school staffs who want to remain sheep. I think that a few kids need to be armed with pepper-spray to distract/disable the nut if a teacher or other staffer is going to have an opportunity to arrive, draw and neutralize the nut. Whether it’s rocks, pepper-spray or guns, without a deeply-rooted sense of agency, these are all mere inert objects.)

    What seems clear is that parents in the most progressive school districts are going to have to continue to suffer losses of their children for a very long time before they will reconsider their hidebound convictions. Meanwhile, we have to work with parents in school districts (congregations, etc.) where the audience is ready to think dispassionately about real solutions to real challenges.

    • RMS1911 Heck, when (and where) I went to school most of the kids had guns and knives! Every one had a pocket knife of some kind. Kids old enough to drive had a gun/gunrack.

  8. Arming teachers may not be the right solution. Hire veterans as school support personnel (janitors and maintenance). Military veterans are trained to react to the sound of gunfire and would “go to the source” of the problem. It is interesting to note, that despite having statutes protecting them from lawsuits and liability, today’s “school resource officers”, and police officers, in general have a problem performing their jobs–and run from the sound of gunfire. Veterans don’t have that problem, and would be a much better solution…

    • Most don’t spend 4 years in the military to become a Janitor. Could’ve done that before I joined and saved myself a lot of hearing.

  9. Sheriff Grady Judd is one of the good ones. No one even runs against him in Polk County any more, he’s too popular for them to bother. This is same Sheriff who, when asked why a suspect (who had executed an officer and killed a police dog) was shot 68 times, answered “That’s all the bullets we had.” He’s not about giving the politically correct answers.

  10. A secured perimeter is still necessary, no matter if armed Teachers and Staff or dedicated armed Security Personnel are present as active defense. Given the options available to a determined attacker nowadays, even a secured perimeter AND armed personnel on campus is not a 100% guarantee of student safety, but a two layer system is better than having bullets flying around among the student population because the only layer is active defense with firearms after an attacker has gotten onto campus.

    The Public School System needs serious evaluation and overhaul. The curriculum both in knowledge transfer and social/civic “education” is bent far to the Left in many regions. It produces functionally ignorant thralls, not educated, self-reliant Americans.

  11. The facts of life are conservative, like it or not. Margaret Thatcher spoke the truth. If I can shoot back, you will probably leave me alone. That is about the best we will ever be able to hope for.

  12. Arm the people telling your kids there are 27 genders. Turn the schools into prisons with secure perimeters. Give power to doctors and “mental health”. Lol – remember the psych majors in college? You want to give them power? Arm teachers? My paycheck matters police at schools? More police! Mor people making a living off other people’s taxes? Yes – arm them!

    Why do we push the dumbest narratives? Maybe we deserve to have our guns taken away.

    • “Why do we push the dumbest narratives? Maybe we deserve to have our guns taken away.”

      Spare me your sanctimonious shit.

      If you think that way, walk your talk. Right now, go to your local ‘cop-shop’ and turn in your weapons. Get a receipt, and post that here.

      You’re no ‘Person of the Gun’…

  13. Sorry to interrupt the conversation about teachers/public education/etc., but I thought I would point out that the Parkland District appears to have admitted that Wayne LaPierre and the NRA are correct – what stops a bad guy with a gun are good guys with guns.

    “In the ideal world, we shouldn’t need anyone on campus with a gun, but that’s not the world we live in today. One’s not enough. Two’s not enough. We need multiple people in order to protect the children.”

    And the teachers do NOT need to be policemen – they aren’t going to arrest anyone, they are simply going to be able to have an effective defense on hand to protect themselves and their children.

  14. No $hit Sherlock,he don’t say,now it can be ignored still until the next incident and will be.

  15. Teachers who volunteer to protect children should be allowed to do so. The non-volunteers will just have to be satisfied with indoctrinating the little idiots or boinking the kids when they think nobody is watching.

  16. The question is will Liberal gun owners get behind this proposal to arm and train teachers? Do they publicly support the FASTER program? I really don’t no. I assume they do not.
    Am I wrong?

    “Even murder has been ignored. A student at Coral Gables Senior High got a 40-year prison sentence for a fatal stabbing in 2009, a case that attracted national attention, but the Miami-Dade County school district never reported it to the state.”

  17. The people running our higher education system, and most of the chain churches, are simply Vietnam draft dodgers. They are children of wealth, went to college to avoid the draft, brought their leftist anti-establishment mindset with them, and stayed. Now they recruit followers to do the teaching and produce socialist/communist leaning libtard young adults.

  18. It was not just the one SRO. I don’t trust the police. Why any gun owner still does is truly amazing.

    “The Sun-Sentinel reports “seven Broward deputies, including the school resource officer, heard shots, but none ran into the school to confront and kill the shooter”

    “Cruz was deeply troubled; the district improperly withdrew support he needed”

    “I’m a bad kid. I want to kill,” Cruz ominously told a teacher in middle school.
    “I would rather be on the street killing animals and setting fires,” Cruz told one teacher in October 2013 — more than four years before the rampage.
    “I strongly feel that Nikolas is a danger to the students and faculty at this school,” Cruz’s eighth-grade language arts teacher wrote in a behavioral evaluation. “I do not feel that he understands the difference between his violent video games and reality.”

    I think this child murderer will be walking around free just like John Hinckley in 20 years. It will be one of many immoral acts of our justice system. A system that Liberals created and support.

    • @Chris

      I have been in the position of being a mental health professional inside of a school trying to get attention placed on the reality of a student that was going to commit violence. The outcome of that situation – a live suicide attempt that, if that student had been armed, I am absolutely sure would have been a multiple-murder suicide – is why I will no longer work in schools.

      This kid had a long history of psychiatric disturbance. When I was asked to see the kid I reviewed journals that were full of graphic descriptions of violence and unrestrained anger. When I met with the kid it quickly became apparent that the kid had some kind of plan in mind that was being ruminated.

      I warned the people supervising me. I was both ignored and muzzled, prevented from talking to school security like I should have been allowed to do. Instead of going over the reasons for my concern, instead of taking in the information from the assessment I had been asked to do, I was instead reassigned back to different kids. Less than four weeks later, a suicide attempt happened in the middle of the day, with letters sent to other kids wishing them harm. The school was lucky that they were letters and not bullets.

      As the scene was unfolding that afternoon the staff, the long term staff that was so sure they knew better, fled the scene – literally left the campus. As an intern I was the one running around to rooms, pulling kids out from under tables and behind chairs and getting them into common areas where we could get a head count and make sure it wasn’t a coordinated effort with other kids.

      I’m not ever going to forget that day or the lead-up to it. It could have been prevented if anyone along the chain had listened. But listening would have meant actually doing something, and it was easier to play the game of Denial and just let things play out than to change the way they thought about everything.

      I was subsequently kept out of the debriefings and then given a bullshit reason that the school didn’t need me anymore – total bullshit, since I was already working with the kids who had gotten the letters and they needed follow up care. All the people who kept me out still work at that school. Waiting for the next tragedy I guess so they can throw up their hands and say, “But we just didn’t know that was coming!”

      Never again.

      • Thank god you and know one else was physically harmed. I know something of the mental health care System. My father was a guardian ad litem for many clients over the decades.

        I know there are a dedicated Mental Health Care Professionals in the system. I have no issue with them. However the patients in the system and in the businesses where they are situated have caused chaos and danger among coworkers and children in schools.

        When one or two murders happen every few years people don’t pay attention. But when 17 people are murdered by one individual at one location now the nation’s attention is focused on this issue.

        For you I will use quotation marks. The “Liberals” want to maintain their power over the system. Unfortunately our education system has become a fiefdom. Education labor unions protect guilty teachers and staff and administrators.

        The political system in Broward County Florida will protect any and all elected and unelected officials in the education system. And it just happens to be run by the Democrat Party. As most of the cities and education departmentsin localities, are controlled by the Democrat Party.

  19. Sorry Elaine D. That example sucks for all involved. But it sounds just like the aftermath of most school shootings. Even just working around kids, not teaching, a deviant behavior is visible. Jane Goodall proved that. Trying to communicate with an academic is an exercise in futility. They just KNOW BETTER, and will gladly shout you down.

    • @dave

      Yep. I guess I don’t think of denial as a Left or Right thing anymore since that happened. That school was in a pretty rural, solidly Red voting place. But at the moment of truth people crapped out and not only failed to rise to the occasion, they actually bailed completely out of the situation, which we see happen over and over with these kinds of scenarios – a few brave individuals who are willing to wade through it and everyone else breaking and mentally taking cover. Teacher, cop, whoever, didn’t matter. When it goes live the world splits into two camps – the ones who have it, who are few, and the ones who don’t, who are many.

      Truthfully I think the school was hoping this kid was either going to graduate out or get into trouble outside the school so they wouldn’t have to deal with it. So much for wishful thinking.

      • Elaine, between your story and the utter debacle surrounding the Parkland murderer (I refuse to immortalize it’s name), this explains the reason why I get so pissed off whenever I hear anyone repeat, “See something, say something!” What a slap in the face to someone like you who, after ‘saying something’ important, were completely ignored and later scapegoated.

        Not to mention Parkland… the epitome (or should I say the nadir) of people repeatedly ‘saying something’ – dozens of times! – yet once again being ignored, over and over and over, until it was too late. Simply unforgivable, to me.

        In the future my response to anyone spouting that sickening phrase will be, “How DARE you! Don’t you EVER say that, after what has already transpired.”

        • @Shall

          Yea. I mean, I guess perhaps because of my experiences I’m a bit cynical that arming teachers and staff will really do anything. Because it’s not about whether a person has arms or not. It’s about what’s deep inside you, who you become at the true moment of crisis, and that is a thing that is going to play out regardless of whether you have access to a gun or not.

          I have friends on FB who knew the Sutherland Springs shooter his whole life. They knew he was gonna kill people from high school onward. Nothing done. James Holmes wrote violent journals. So did Seung Hui Cho. And so forth. People knew there was something wrong for a long time and nothing was done. I keep asking myself whether this is just human nature, this stick your head in the sand kind of attitude, or if it’s particular to this country, or if we are just at a low point in terms of national character if there is such a thing, or what. From what I’ve seen in schools – I worked in a bunch before that incident – I don’t think most people working in schools have what it takes to function properly in the event of a real crisis, gun or no gun, because when the real shit comes, it’s not about the gun. Ya know?

        • Sorry for the late reply… busy weekend. (I’ll be surprised if you even see this.)

          Hmm, I can understand why you’d say that – in general, the people who work in schools have been coddled and pampered their entire life, so it seems they won’t have what it takes when the SHTF. That’s hard to disagree with; I envision most of them (95%+) curling into a ball and contemplating their navel while shots ring out all around them.

          But I do disagree with the meat of your premise, precisely because of that small percentage of people who aren’t complete cowards (or shall we say, aren’t easily overwhelmed by fear.) I feel it’s that 2-5% of people who will not mentally fold when the shit heads their way, who will remain level-headed and able to function in a crisis. (I realize that you said most people, so you probably agree with some of this.)

          Some individuals, when faced with the possibility of their own demise (or that of the children around them) will fight back, will draw that CC piece that no one knew about and shoot back, using the training they’ve sought out on their own time and their own dime. Hopefully if it’s a large school, they or a similar faculty member will be near enough to engage the murderer and take them down.

          Perhaps I’m simply being naive, letting my general faith in humanity color my glasses all rosy… but I hope not. For the children. And for the future of our nation, as well.

  20. So, maybe we shouldn’t take the ability to #shootback from people who would do and have done literally anything to protect their kids, including step up to a shooting whack-job to buy their charges a few seconds.

    Knowing they’re going to die doesn’t stop them. They do it anyway, in one spree shooting after another. The body counts are lower every time because of instant commitment on the ground. They’d be lower still if we stopped hamstringing the protectors, in the name of impeding the threats.

    I can’t decide which is the greater evil: the real cost in dead kids n teachers of insisting they remain helpless, or absolutely refusing to recognize their character, commitment, and sacrifice in talking safety policy. I’ll go with both. Evil.

    So, with enough time, evidence, and outside scrutiny, the Parkland prevaricators get backed into a statement that’s not evil and deadly to others for once. For a moment.

    It’ll fade. They’ll go back to doing what they do. It’s who they are. Evil. Dead kids won’t actually convince them to change anything, because kids dead in their charge matters not at all to them; the opposite of the protectors they’d judge n hamstring. Dead kids will just bring some temporary uncomfortable attention. Then, it’s back to more of the same.

    And I mean the parents, school board n voters. Functionaries are just a symptom. Until Sheriff Lyin n the rest are in prison or worse, and the whole system that allowed them torn up, it’s just Kabuki.

    The best move is allowing armed teachers. Tbey don’t get on tbat right now, they want your kids dead. Maybe do something about that.

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