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“A woman was reportedly hurt when a gun went off during a robbery early Saturday morning near a South Bend restaurant,” reports, suggesting that the concurrent events were not coincidental. “Police responded shortly before 2 a.m. to the 2000 block of Miami Street, where the woman, 22, and a 25-year-old man said they were robbed by three male suspects, at least one armed with a gun. One of the suspects . . .

hit the woman on the head with his gun, causing the weapon to fire. A bullet grazed the woman, leaving her with a minor injury.

Did you know that if you hit someone in the head with a gun hard enough the damn thing goes off? Neither did I.

The robbery reportedly took place near Jovi’s Restaurant & Lounge.

So let’s change that old saw to “avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things with stupid guns.”

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  1. I always tighten my grip on a club as I hit something with it.
    If my club has a trigger on it and my finger is on the trigger at impact I am very likely to pull the trigger.
    If my club is drop safe, using it to hit somebody probably won’t have a surprising consequence.
    Pulling the trigger while striking has predictable results.
    So still, it didn’t just “go off”

  2. It’s not funny, but it’s funny, when a criminal or cop has a ND. My current favorite is from earlier this year, in Houston, where three jack wagons tried to rob an adult novelties store one night. I think the two employees scampered to the safety of a stockroom or something when they entered.

    One of the three robbers wielded a rifle and ND’d. Hearing his own rifle fire, he thought someone was firing at him, so he then fired several shots back into the store before the crew fled emptyhanded. It was caught on tape and is hillarious. I think maybe one or two of them have since been captured.

  3. The chick in Roswell GA shot her boyfriend through the hand, killing the victim from Craigslist they were robbing. He was arrested at the hospital.

  4. Maybe she has a really narrow hard protrusion on her head that impacted the back of the firing pin, on a gun without a firing pin block.

    It could happen.

  5. Best one is the revolver shot during the motel robbery (south Atlanta, a few years back). Guy fires one shot, and the recoil flips the gun up under his chin, whereupon he apparently clenched his fist… The police didn’t believe the clerk at first, but the video is very clear.

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