“For people who hunt in Pennsylvania you may soon be able to use semiautomatic shotguns for deer hunting,” wkok.com reports. Why is this news? We’ve been hunting with semis (so to speak) in Texas since 1913. And not just deer . . .
The state Game Commissioners recently have preliminary approval to a law that would allow the use semiautomatic shotguns for hunting deer, bear and elk. The shotgun would have to shoot single-projectile ammunition, like rifled slugs.
Right answer.
Historically, the game commission has permitted the use of semiautomatic shotguns within special regulation areas near Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. This preliminary proposal would just extend this authorization for the rest of the state, as well as permit semiautomatic shotguns for elk hunting.
I don’t know if I would take my chances at an elk using one slug. I’m happy to see the Keystone state join the 21st century.
And yet we still can’t use an atlatl to legally take deer in Texas.
Something is wrong…
When I saw the title of the story, I thought it was gonna be about a semi tractor-trailer rig that got shot by a hunter.
Then snark would force me to ask how in the hell do you field-dress a Peterbuilt…
Field Notes are priceless
Setting aside the whole “licenses are unconstitutional!” hysterics, because that’s a different discussion for another time and licenses are reality today, I’d say that enhanced licenses generally an imperfect improvement in theory.
In practice, they’re even less perfect, but still an improvement. It’s recognizing the momentum toward more freedom for more people. That’s the goal.
40 dollar Kershaw assisted opening knife. Leatherman wave I found at a bus stop. 400 dollar S&W 442.
5000 dollars for the 97 4runner I haul my edc pocket dump in.
We have Constitutional Carry. Not a fan of the enhanced permit, but just saying…
* $200 PT-111G2 or a $200 RM380
*$30 bulldog holster case or $30 paddle holster.
*$60 Leatherman skeletool
*$35 fisher space pen keychain
I am looking at a Streamlight penlight for ~$30 now
Well being a knife and watch guy….. the sales tax on my watch will buy most handguns .
Why not mention Waco, Kelly Thomas, Abner Louima, Rodney King, Freddie Gray, Arthur Mcduffie, MLK? Oh right, they want us to trust the police and not question authority.
Driving a Mexican made Ford.
This s*** does nothing but frustrate me. Playing these stupid games will cost you subscriptions…
Dang, I enjoyed this thread. Thanks all