A 25-year-old Pennsylvania man was sentenced on October 18, facing up to two decades in state prison after pleading guilty to making multiple firearms straw purchases at gun stores across Bucks County according to authorities. A straw purchase is defined by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) as buying a firearm for a person who is prohibited by law from possessing guns, or for someone in general who does not want their name associated with the purchase.

In August, Cody Kirk McInnis of Bristol Township pleaded guilty to 12 felony counts of making false statements on firearm purchase forms, 11 counts of firearm ownership – duty of other persons and filing false reports, and two counts of criminal conspiracy. Unsurprisingly, Common Pleas Judge Wallace H. Bateman Jr. ordered that McInnis not possess or own firearms and ammunition as the cherry on top of his 10 to 20-year state prison sentence, which means it could be two decades before McInnis will ever be able to seek the services of Vanilla Ice’s eyebrow technician again. 

Although McInnis filled out paperwork indicating he was purchasing the firearms for himself, he has since admitted to selling those guns to others, denying any recollection of who he sold them to. Nonetheless, investigators have recovered multiple firearms from McInnis’ July 1 through October 5, 2021, spending spree under suspicious circumstances or from people who were prohibited from possessing firearms.

During the trial, McInnis claimed he had sold some of the firearms back to stores, also stating that one of the firearms had been stolen from him. Investigators, however, found no indication that he ever reported a stolen gun and no records were available to substantiate the claim he had sold them back to the gun stores.

The Bucks County District Attorney’s Office and the ATF, Newark Field Division were assisted by the Montgomery County Detective Bureau’s Violent Crime Unit, the Trenton Police Department, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office’s Gun Violence Task Force. The investigation concluded that McInnis had straw-purchased 11 firearms and one rifle lower receiver, also classified as a firearm by the government, at gun stores throughout Bristol Township and Middletown Township.

Purchasing firearms for prohibited individuals is a dangerous game, not just because it can land you in prison, but because you may be facilitating violent crimes and adding fuel to the anti-gun dumpster fire. If anyone ever proposes you purchase a firearm on their behalf, don’t respond with, “If there was a problem, Yo! I’ll solve it,” like Cody Kirk McInnis likely did. That was my last Vanilla Ice reference. Instead, get as far away as possible from that situation. Word to your mother! Okay, I’m done now.


  1. Now prosecute straw purchasers in Chiraq,Cook county & NW Indiana. They generally get a slap on the wrist(I know nothing will happen in Chicagoland).

    • “Now prosecute straw purchasers in Chiraq,Cook county & NW Indiana.
      They generally get a slap on the wrist(I know nothing will happen in Chicagoland)”

      Slap on the wrist?

      Hilarious, total ignorance of the facts of the situation:

      “Indiana Man Sentenced to Two and a Half Years in Federal Prison for Conspiring to “Straw Purchase” Firearm Used To Fatally Shoot Chicago Police Officer Ella French

      Wednesday, December 14, 2022
      For Immediate Release
      U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois
      CHICAGO — An Indiana man was sentenced today to two and a half years in federal prison for conspiring to “straw purchase” a handgun that was later used to fatally shoot Chicago Police Officer Ella French and seriously wound her partner.

      JAMEL DANZY purchased the semiautomatic handgun at a federal firearms dealer in Hammond, Ind., on March 18, 2021, and falsely certified on the required forms that he was the actual buyer. Danzy bought the gun at the request of an individual whom Danzy knew resided in Illinois and was not lawfully allowed to purchase a firearm due to a felony criminal conviction.“


      “Elgin man sentenced for firearm straw purchasing scheme
      By Nic FlosiPublished April 24, 2024 3:24pm CDT FOX 32 Chicago

      ELGIN, Ill. – An Elgin man was sentenced to six years in prison on Wednesday for his involvement in a firearm straw purchasing scheme.

      Tommy Murphy, 28, helped purchase firearms for individuals unable to legally acquire them, fueling the cycle of gun violence in Illinois neighborhoods, according to Illinois State’s Attorney Kwame Raoul.

      Prosecutors said Murphy, along with 26-year-old Kimani Mobley of Chicago, met with undercover agents in the parking lot of a DuPage County gun store between May 6 and May 8, 2019.“


      “Man Sentenced to a Year in Federal Prison for Straw Purchasing Handguns in Chicago Suburbs
      Wednesday, November 3, 2021

      For Immediate Release
      U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Illinois
      CHICAGO — A man has been sentenced to a year in federal prison for straw purchasing handguns in the Chicago suburbs.

      On four occasions in 2019 and 2020, ISMAEL SENE purchased a total of seven handguns from licensed firearms dealers in the Chicago suburbs of Oak Lawn and Merrionette Park. In one of the transactions, Sene falsely certified on federal forms that he was the actual buyer. In reality, Sene purchased at least one of those guns on behalf of an individual whom Sene had reason to believe was a convicted felon who was prohibited by federal law from purchasing or possessing a firearm.“


      “2nd woman sentenced in straw purchase of gun used to kill Illinois officer and wound another
      Updated 6:48 PM EDT, August 13, 2024

      URBANA, Ill. (AP) — An Indianapolis woman has been sentenced to four years in prison after taking part in the straw purchase of a handgun that was used to kill one central Illinois police officer and wound another during a shootout.

      Ashantae Corruthers, 30, appeared at a sentencing hearing Tuesday in federal court, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Illinois said in a news release.
      Corruthers was accused of engaging in a conspiracy to illegally purchase and transfer a firearm and conspiracy to engage in misleading conduct. She pleaded guilty in June 2023 and admitted that she conspired with Regina Lewis and Darion Lafayette to buy the gun in 2020 at an Indianapolis gun store for Lafayette, Lewis’ cousin, who was a convicted felon and could not legally buy a firearm.“

      • Man, I sure spent a lot of time researching and copy/pasting, just to have all y’all scroll past without even a glance. The byline clue you in?

        • After I thought about it a moment, I realize that of course they scroll past without reading.

          After all, they worship an authoritarian leader who backed out of a scheduled debate on 60 minutes because he was afraid he would be fact-checked.

          “What, you mean I can’t just spout my bullshit…”

          Just like his ‘bone spurs’,McDonald’s theatrical performance, kitty grabbing, and all the other BS stories, they are all allergic to fact checking.

          An allergic reaction to fact checking is one of the early symptoms of TDS.

          • You’re promoting Harris who along with vowing to confiscate guns from the law abiding, also
            brought in tens of millions of future DEMmunists, along with the fentanyl killing 100,000 Americans annually;
            funded Iran with billions that went to Hamas & hezbollah;used taxpayers money to pay for sx change surgeries for convicted unalivers, as well as putting boys in girls locker rooms and sports, & explicit gay “literature”in K-12 libraries.

            Even tho you found examples of Feds actually doing their jobs, your presence is very repulsive, and that’s why we scroll past your blithering BS.

          • “An allergic reaction to fact checking is one of the early symptoms of TDS.”

            You should know Miner49er. You really need some mental health professional help for your TDS.

      • Those sentences WERE slaps on the wrist. 2.5-yr sentence for aiding and abetting in the murder of a police officer who kept us safe? That’s a slap on the wrist, and so were the others. This issue has NOTHING to do with our right to bear arms. This issue is one of supplying guns in ways that let them wind up in the hands of criminals.
        Remember: If one of those criminals gets the drop on you, it doesn’t matter how good you are with your gun. You’ve had it.

    • Depends on the evidence available but sometimes traffickers or end users get rolled up. Given the location I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the firearms involved ended up in MA and NY in addition to NJ and MD. 1 down several hundred to go but at least this was an actually relevant use of ATF resources.

        • “Nothing in the story mentioned illegal use of any gun“

          Unfamiliar with America’s firearm laws? It is a crime to provide firearms to a prohibited person.

          “investigators have recovered multiple firearms from McInnis’ July 1 through October 5, 2021, spending spree under suspicious circumstances or from people who were prohibited from possessing firearms“

          • “Unfamiliar with America’s firearm laws? It is a crime to provide firearms to a prohibited person.”

            Not entirely true Miner49er.

            The military does it all the time. There are people who enlist in the military who were convicted of offenses which would make them a ‘firearms prohibited person’ out in the civilian world and the military issues them firearms. There are people who are members of federal law enforcement who where convicted in their earlier years of offenses that makes them a ‘firearms prohibited person’ (e.g. I know because one particular ATF agent has told me he was and he knows others in ATF and FBI that are in the same category) but they still get to own personal firearms and carry firearms officially even though they are ‘firearms prohibited persons’ under law.

            Apparently, its only a crime when the ‘government’ decides its a crime – because there are a lot of ‘exceptions’ not outlined in law made if one is in the right group.

  2. Will someone please tell that guy a beard is not suppose to look like you glued dryer lint to your face and dyed it.

  3. Willy nilly placing a firearm in the hands of a criminal is despicable. I sold an AR to my own sister and had her do a 4473. I dot the eyes and cross the tees, too many people would like to shut me up including some aholes on this forum.

      • I think her point was that she could demonstrate she had made a good faith effort to ensure that she was not supplying a firearm to a prohibited person.

        I know it’s a foreign concept to many on this list, but good folks want to do the right thing and would feel terrible if they unwittingly supplied a gun to a criminal who later harmed someone.

        • “I know it’s a foreign concept to many on this list.”

          and what list would that be and who are these ‘many’?

          stop excereting your mental illness delusions in the comments Miner49er.

      • I would think that if you have no legal authority to require the form, I have no legal requirement to answer truthfully.

        • “I have no legal requirement to answer truthfully“

          Then I would have no legal requirement to sell you shit.

          No one has a legal obligation to sell you anything, and they are perfectly within their rights to have standards regarding who they sell their property to.

          Sadly, it seems your position is just more of the right-wing ‘guns for everybody!’ creed… children, those ruled incompetent, felons, wife-beaters, etc.

          • You’re not telling the truth. No one on the right has that creed. You OTOH push Harris who is on video after video calling for banning and mandatory “buybacks “ of tens of millions of legally owned of semi auto ARs and AKs while bringing in tens of millions of illegals including thousands of Venezuelan gang bangers taking over our cities

          • No one has a legal obligation to sell you anything, miner? So you agree that a store owner can deny service to anyone? So if they don’t want blacks doing business there it’s ok with you?

            You’re so full of tds and hatred that you no longer think straight. If you ever did.

  4. Background checks are unconstitutional.
    4473 unconstitutional.
    FFLs unconstitutional.
    Serial numbers unconstitutional.
    ATF unconstitutional.

  5. This story highlights something that is critically important in legal proceedings: evidence.

    The accused in this story may very well have responsibly, ethically, and legally sold his firearms to upstanding people who are legally able to own firearms. Unfortunately that is irrelevant if law enforcement accuses you of selling firearms to “prohibited persons”. What matters is whether or not you can produce documentation, photos, audio / video recordings, etc. which PROVE that you sold your items legally to people who have no legal entanglements barring acquisition, possession, and/or ownership.

    Word to the wise: if you purchase firearms and the seller generates documentation that identifies you as the buyer, you better do the same if you ever sell those firearms to someone else–and keep those records in a safe place.

  6. In case my erudite comment in moderation limbo never shows up, here is the Cliff Notes version:

    The accused man in this case indeed may have done everything on the up-and-up. However, he has no evidence of such–no sales records or disposition records of any form. The only available evidence to law enforcement are the sales records at Federal Firearm Licensees–all of which point to the accused.

    If you purchased firearms from any entity (individual or business) and that entity recorded the sale to you, you best record your disposition of those firearms and keep those records in a safe/secure place. If Johnny Law comes knocking, you will be going to prison unless you can produce those disposition records.

  7. I note most, if not all, of those examples from IL, Chicago, and surrounding area; the sentencing seems light, even if there was a fatality as a result.

    • “the sentencing seems light, even if there was a fatality“

      With a closer look you might note the case involving a fatality was the second conviction, 4 years because she wasn’t the principal in the transaction.
      The other party received an 8.5 and 5 year sentence, to be served concurrently:

      “URBANA, Ill. (WAND) — A Normal woman has been sentenced to 8-and-a-half years in prison for her role in a “straw purchase” that put a gun in the hands of a man who killed a Champaign police officer two years ago.

      The News Gazette reports… U.S. District Judge Colin Bruce handed down the sentence Friday to Regina Lewis, 28, who pleaded guilty May 16 to conspiracy to engage in misleading conduct and conspiracy to illegally purchase and transfer a firearm. She was given 8-and-a-half years for the first charge and 5 years for the second, with the judge ordering that she serve both sentences at the same time.“

      In any case, I clearly refuted the original poster’s claim:

      “They generally get a slap on the wrist(I know nothing will happen in Chicagoland)”

      8.5 years in the federal pen is not a “slap on the wrist”.

  8. considering the millions of firearms purchased and owned legally, straw purchases are extremely rare. On the other hand, of the ~50,000 children annually under the age of 13 placed in ‘gender affirming’ care therapy and administered puberty blockers and hormones with ~23,000 of them being seriously permanently injurered or killed , by such pseudo-science attempts to create the opposite gender for them is some how ignored with Comrade Kamala supporting it.

    • clarification for: “of the ~50,000 children annually” – that’s since Biden took office.

      note: ‘gender affirming’ care ‘transition’ therapy to create an opposite gender – it has a 100% failure rate, its pseudo-science, because its not possible to convert a person from their birth gender to the opposite gender. Its basically; ‘window dressing’ and drugs to give the ‘appearance and feelings’ the ‘gender changed’ person wishes to believe to satisfy their mental health state of gender dysphoria to relieve their distress by their own mental health perception they are the opposite gender. So while it may be somewhat relieving to them to live in their imagined state of the opposite gender – they are not really the opposite biological gender they imagine them selves as and wanted because ‘gender affirming’ care ‘transition’ therapy to create an opposite gender fails 100% of the time and is pseudo-science because its not possible to actually convert the human species person to the opposite gender biologically.

  9. I notice that whenever certain people (frequent flyers) post in this forum the whole place goes to $hit. It’s always the same people crapping out their guts and the same people biting the hook and arguing from post to post and perpetuating the troll’s ability to redirect the conversation. I realize that some here just love to argue, whatever the issue, but it only serves to undermine your validity as well as the trolls’.


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