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Pennsylvania Women Defends Herself, Kills Intruder During Early Morning Break-In

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A Beaver County, Pennslyvania, woman fatally shot an intruder who broke into her home last Wednesday morning, according to authorities and local reports.

The incident occurred around 5:00 a.m. when the woman, who was alone in her residence on 10th Avenue in Beaver Falls, was awakened by strange noises. Armed with a 9mm handgun, she went to investigate the sounds in her basement where she encountered a man who had entered through a broken window, police and district attorney statements to KDKA CBS News and Breitbart revealed.

Upon confronting the intruder, the homeowner fired three rounds, fatally wounding the man, identified by WPXI as 49-year-old Brent Farmer. Beaver County District Attorney Nate Bible described the moments as “terrifying” for the woman and declared her actions were justified under Pennsylvania’s “castle doctrine.” This law allows residents to use deadly force to protect themselves against intruders in their homes.

“There stands this guy who she had no idea who he was, and she ended up shooting him three times and killing him,” Bible told KDKA-TV. He added that from a legal standpoint, “she did nothing wrong.”

Further comments from Bible highlighted the gravity of such decisions by homeowners when facing potential harm.

“If someone enters your house, they are making that conscious decision. They are there to steal from you or hurt you in other ways. You have that right to protect yourself and use deadly force,” Bible stated.

The district attorney also shared advice for individuals who do not own firearms, suggesting self-defense classes or owning a large dog as alternative protective measures.

While the investigation by Beaver Falls police and county detectives continues, Bible indicated that criminal charges against the woman are unlikely.

The name of the homeowner has not been released, and further details regarding the intruder’s motives or background are pending as investigations progress.

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