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Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago

John Boch - comments 26 comments

What happens when a pervert tries to crawl through the bedroom window of a young woman in a Chicago neighborhood to do Lord knows what? Well, if mom’s got a gun and the knowledge, skills and proper attitude to use it to defend her daughter, Mr. Pervert won’t see any happy endings. Just such a scenario played out Saturday night in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood.

An unnamed man’s plans for a fun Saturday night came to a screeching halt as mama bear brought out Big Bertha and blasted the (fatherless man). While her shot didn’t offer taxpayer relief, it accomplished what the mom wanted: for the intruder to retreat.

He retreated alright, leaving a handy blood trail for police to follow. And surprise! They caught him and took him to the hospital before he ran out of red stuff.

Notably, the woman praised Chicago Police for their help and support.

At least the prosecutor on call declined to tell the cops to arrest and take the woman to jail, unlike the man attacked by a mob earlier this summer who shot three and was then arrested. Fortunately he was released prior to arraignment.

Mom now wants to move though, because she doesn’t feel safe. Especially since the police seized her gun for evidence. Who can blame her?

WGN9 has the story:

CHICAGO – A woman said she jumped into action Saturday night to protect her children as a man allegedly tried to break into their home in the city’s South Shore neighborhood.

Investigators quickly learned the man had allegedly tried to break into a nearby home and was shot by a woman who is a Concealed Carry License (CCL) holder.

According to the Chicago Police Department, officers responded to a report of a person shot around 10:45 p.m. in the 2300 block of East 69th Street. They found a man, initially believed to be the victim of a shooting, with a gunshot wound to his leg.

“I’m just super shaken up. I’m a single mom. I live here with my children, so that’s the last thing I expect, for someone to try and come in on my daughter,” the woman, who did not want to be identified, told WGN News. “It’s just like a nightmare that came true.”

The woman told WGN News she had come home from celebrating her birthday with her family. Not long after, everything took a turn for the worst as her daughter was in the bathroom.

“While she was showering, a guy like put his hand through the window and she ran out, ‘Mom, somebody’s coming through my room, coming through my window,’” said the woman. “I just went into action and when I actually saw the guy, he was still hanging on her window and he just looked at me and I said, ‘I’ve got a gun, I’m going to shoot.’ I just fired a shot. I didn’t even know he was hit ’til the police came.”

The man, who has not yet been identified publicly by Chicago police, was taken to the University of Chicago Hospital in fair condition.

Fortunately mom had the means with which to thwart the pervy perp’s attempted home invasion. The little girl was just coming out of the shower. It seems a little unlikely that Mr. Perp wanted to deliver some Girl Scout Cookies.

26 thoughts on “Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago”

  1. Unreported by you(Boch)the po-leece confiscated her gat leaving her defenseless. The “news” reported as much. And why would it matter(at all) if she had a CCL?!? All you need to shoot a perp in your own home is an unconstitutional FOID. Now she’s a target with no gat.

    • “Mom now wants to move though, because she doesn’t feel safe. Especially since the police seized her gun for evidence. Who can blame her?”

    • Not trying to defend the Chicago Police here, but its pretty common, in all 50 states, with a permit or not (e.g. permitless carry states), that police take (‘confiscate/seize’ if you wish to use those terms) the defenders gun into evidence.

      • But why do they take the gun as “evidence”? Evidence of what exactly? If it is clearly a defensive firearm use, such as shooting an intruder in your home is almost invariably so, there was no crime committed by the shooter, and therefore no need to seize the gun as evidence. If the homeowner says, “I shot that guy,” the firearm used is entirely irrelevant. It is NOT evidence of a crime. I wonder what would happen if you told the cops to pound sand and go get a warrant.

        • “But why do they take the gun as “evidence”? Evidence of what exactly?”

          I’ve never clearly overall understood an exact reason why because overall the ways its applied can change with jurisdiction, plus they can decide to not take it at all if they want in some jurisdictions. So it seems somewhat variable and subjective.

          In some jurisdictions they give you the choice to surrender it or not for ‘examination’ and don’t take it unless there is something wrong that causes them to question your claim of self-defense, but there again it depends on the jurisdiction. But it also sometimes (rarely) depends on what they see at the scene when they arrive and if the circumstances are obvious or not. if they think there will be any thing to question but there again it depends on the jurisdiction.

          There is probably something somewhere that gives a good reason.

          here, they take it automatically and test fire it to get the ballistics data in case the data is needed for prosecution and to check it out to make sure its not a crime gun or a stolen gun. Usually you get it back within a two week period.

          And already having the evidence gun if they by chance prosecute you, also seems to be a recurring theme across the country as one of the reasons they take the gun.

          Because remember, even though you may not be under arrest (maybe only ‘detained’ which is a kinda form of arrest anyway) you are still a ‘person of interest’ for a ‘possible crime’ and your gun is a ‘gun of interest’ for a ‘possible crime’ until adjudicated as self-defense or they tell you they are not going to charge you with anything.

          So I’m not sure of all the dark magic legal stuff the prosecutors do, but ya never know until they say “Yep, self-defense’.

          I’m thinking its probably a 4th amendment violation, but somewhere in the legal system a precedent was set that said its ok to do sort of like the ‘community care taking exemption’ thing but I don’t really know

          It just seems to vary across the country as to the exact reason why though from what i can tell.

          • I’ve heard of cases where the police arrive, then look at the gun and record its serial number then give it back to the defender.

            here, they take it automatically but I did have one incident where the police didn’t take it.

            The cops arrive and are doing a very professional job, no standing around and talking or anything, no wasted effort, like a well tuned machine.

            They put my gun on the hood of a police car and it stayed there while they went about their business. Then the two officers with the gun on their car asked me to come to the police station with them to give a statement so I got in the car, the officers got in, and off we went, the gun fell off and they didn’t notice.

            My wife called my lawyer who met me at the police station.

            Unknown to the police my wife told the lawyer she had the gun and had picked it up after it fell off the car and everyone left.

            My lawyer asked if my gun was in evidence to which they replied it was locked up in the evidence room. He told them it wasn’t, they went to check and couldn’t find it. He told them where it was, they said they would send someone to pick it up and no one ever arrived to do that. About a week later the police inform me I can come by to pick up my gun.

            It was a pretty obvious case of defense anyway. A blind person in the next county could have seen how obvious it was. A crew of 4 roaming around robbing people, 3 robberies in two days (counting ours), they drive up jump out and attack. The police were already looking for them, they shot one victim and knifed another even though both complied, the victims lived but the knifed guy lost a kidney.

            They drive up on us, jump out and bring the gun to bear on my friend who was with us and I drew and fired, bad guy down never to get up again, the others ran and left the car. Police caught the rest over the next week.

          • .40 – NOT disagreeing with ya by any means but that ‘2 weeks’ without your gun can seem more like 2 years, especially if one lives in a ‘sketchy’ neighborhood.

    • Own more than one firearm. If I had been involved in a shooting I would have had to surrender my duty weapon to FDLE. I carried a 1911. I usually have half a dozen or so laying around and I qualified with every one of them. Just stick another one in the holster and keep on keeping on.

      • SC – that should be ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ – ya gotta wonder how long ‘mama bear’ will have to go without the ability to protect her self and family………..

  2. I was told a long time ago that Chicago is a place where no good deed goes unpunished.

    Hoping for the best, but think it may be a while before the floaty stuff settles.

  3. No paleface would ever do such a thing…And until the bigots on this forum can make that hold water I suggest they stfu and clean up their own trashy backyards.

    Your disgusting bigoted rhetoric fuels the sht that shows up on TV, at Trump rallies, etc…Take a bow azzholes…

    h ttps://youtu.be/XwUnznN1fbQ?feature=shared

  4. The Po Po receive ‘Administrative Paid Leave’ after shooting a perp. It would only seem fair for this mom to receive in kind compensation for going out of her way to ‘Protect and Serve’.

  5. A lot of jurisdictions will make the gun owner produce a receipt In order to get there. own gun back.
    Lots of luck producing your receipt on a gun you may have inherited.


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