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Pistol-Packing Chicago Anti-Gun Activist Perfectly Practices Hypocrisy

John Boch - comments No comments

Pistol-Packing Chicago Anti-Gun Activist Practices Hypocrisy Well

Like so many gun control activists, Camiella Willliams (above) doesn’t practice what she preaches. The Chicago pistol-packin’ mama shocked an NPR reporter recently when she exposed her own well-worn set of double standards. She admitted to him that she had bought…wait for it…a gun to protect herself and her family.

At the same time, Williams works diligently to keep other inner city residents firmly mired on the gun control plantation. The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

Nobody disputes that residents of Chicago’s inner-city neighborhoods endure high levels of violent crime. With 523 homicides already this year, Chicago continues to earn its Murder City USA nickname. Meanwhile, Windy City cops have identified suspects in less than 13% of homicides this year – and that 13% includes ‘gimmes’ like police-related and civilian self-defense homicides.

Camiella Williams grew up seeing that violence first hand. Not only did she admit to the NPR reporter that she’d bought a firearm, but she also acquired a concealed carry license for her own personal protection. That’s not, however, what she tells her neighbors. At least until now. Instead, she’s only told them them how she’s lost 23 loved ones to gang “gun violence.”

And gun ownership isn’t anything new for her. She told The Trace she bought her first gun, a loaded 9mm, at age 12 for $25. Not long after, she started dealing dope in high school. Later, she became pregnant and eventually straightened her life out.

Pointedly ignoring the racist, classist and sexist history of gun control laws, she’s held up her life story as the foundation for her “guns are bad” shtick. She works day in and day out to promote gun control. Not for her though. The gun control she promotes is for the little people, the others.

But she avails herself of her constitutional right to armed self defense. She enjoys the proven benefits of firearm ownership for herself and her family.

Asked by the NPR interviewer about about the “inconsistency” of advocating for gun control measures while carrying a “weapon” herself, she said:

The people that will probably say that live in safe communities, never experienced the losses that I’ve experienced.

That’s right: she’s special. Her life and those of her loved ones count for more than yours.

We all know that guns save innocent life. The leaders of gun control orgs know the same thing. After all, if guns don’t protect innocent people, why would Shannon Watts hire armed bodyguards? At the NRA convention in Indianapolis, the Moms Demand Action communications director admitted that they hire armed security.

Why? To protect the moms from, as Erika Soto Lamb described it, “people on your side of the debate.” In the process, she proved that, once again, the only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy (or gal) with a gun.

Moms Demand Action obviously aren’t the only civilian disarmament activists who preach one thing and practice another.

I’ve seen how Father Pfleger of Chicago’s St. Sabina church employs armed bodyguards on a regular basis – even outside of his church. Pfleger is pictured above at a protest outside Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois in 2013. He marches there regularly, advocating for gun control for the little people while bringing armed security for himself.

Not surprisingly, Camiella Williams has worked with Father Pfleger. Also not surprisingly, her hypocrisy doesn’t end with guns. She moved out of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods almost a decade ago. Today, she lives in the far safer suburbs.

One might say Camiella Williams’ life stands as a giant, ‘do as I say, not as I do’ monument to hypocrisy.

That’s okay, Camiella. While our family members’ lives are more important to us than you and yours, we will still selflessly and relentlessly advocate for your right to protect you and your family with the proven benefits of firearm ownership.



0 thoughts on “Pistol-Packing Chicago Anti-Gun Activist Perfectly Practices Hypocrisy”

  1. She thinks it’s good for me but not good for thee.
    If she’d of stuck to slinging dope odds are she’d be dead now too. Uppity Witch!

  2. I find it hard to believe this person has any idea of what the thinking was at the inception of the gun industry. I had no idea there was someone that old living today.

  3. And this is why I do not use the term “fudd” to exclusively mean a middle-aged white hunter. It isn’t always the fancy double shotgun owner who insists the rest of us have no need to own a silenced, high capacity, fully automatic war machine to hunt deer.
    A Fudd can be more accurately defined as anyone who owns guns but would like everyone else’s civil rights to be limited or strictly controlled.

  4. I’m afraid of a lot of things. I try to prepare as best as possible to turn “terror” into “healthy respect”. I’m afraid of kitchen fires, so I get a fire extinguisher. Afraid of robbery, so I lock my doors. Afraid of having another kid, so I got snipped.

    Yes, I’m afraid of government. Thankfully it’s not pearl clutching fear I feel.

  5. It seems like there might have been some QC issues with some of the originals, that shipped in the wooden crates? I got a new one in September (came in the cardboard box) and I’ve had absolutely zero issues with it. No FTFs or FTEs. I’ve about 200 rounds through mine, though all of it was FMJ (mix of Federal, Perfecta/Fichoci and Monarch). I also think some issues may be “user induced” by folks trying to fire at it by holding on to the actual magazine, rather than the mag well or the actual rifle. My “cardboard box version” even came with a full-color warning card indicating not to hold onto the magazine. It would have been nice if the “cardboard box versions” did ship with at least two magazines (as there was even an area that could’ve been punched-out in the cardboard insert to hold a second mag), but it only came with one. However I was able to purchase two additional mags and have run mine with all three magazines and no issues. I was also able to unscrew the front thread protector and change out the front sight to one of the included other four to adjust for POI/POA and had no issue with that. It is threaded metric 13×1. However ATI sells a 1/2 x 28 converter-nut to use with NFA suppressors. That converter-nut will also hold the front sight hood in place when using a can. My only two issues/suggestions would be: it would’ve been nice if the thread protector more closely mimicked the style/appearance of the originals and it’s a shame the single takedown pin is not more of a HK style pushpin to make it easier to disassemble, without having to use any tools. I do plan on “SBRing” this one, once ATI makes a 922r compliant folding stock available and of course the corresponding NFA paperwork wait. In short it’s a really “fun” firearm (that I got for about $500) and I can’t complain, since I thought I’d never be able to afford any type of 9 mm MP 40.

  6. What do you get when you sink 100 antigun lawyers yo the bottom of the ocean? A good start for an echosystem. ( i feel bad for the sharks.

  7. Glad she will be okay. Even happier if we as TTAG had a hand in helping her.

    Hell, I would send her a gun if I had an FFL to send it to.

  8. I will add her to my growing list of race traitor hypocrite, black democrats, who think only “certain” black people should have a gun. I bet she doesn’t live in a gun free zone. And if she does she gets to be exempt from the law.

    I’m sure she is well compensated by George Soros money filtered through a “ghost” company.

  9. Six veteran Georgia professors are seeking….

    So, did any of them ever serve? Of course not! That would be well beneath any of them. They would be happy to spit on any actual veterans they might encounter. Perhaps a better description of them would be “Six tenured liberal whiney professors.”

  10. Mark Herring is an utter disgrace to the AG’s office of Virginia. Like Eric Holder, he simply refuses to defend and enforce laws he doesn’t like. Janet Reno is a model of principled consistency next to him. And we get him for another four years? Over an actual descendant of the original John Adams (as opposed to the minimalist composer)?

    I’m not holding out too much hope that Gillespie will pull it off. He’s a moderate GOP candidate, so a lot of Trumpers will stay home. For Lt. Gov, Jill Vogel has attended VCDL meetings and received recognition from Van Cleave, so she has my support. But she’s polling way behind Justin Fairfax. First woman governor or second black governor in four years. That’s what it comes down to.

    (And yes, Virginia has “a la carte” voting for the three statewide offices. Mix and match!)

  11. Is there any discussion of the Jewish Murder Inc., during World War Two????
    I know there were extra judicial killings by Jews on the order of the American government. They murdered anyone they thought was a spy.

    The Philippine government is doing something very similar now, using civilians authorized to kill criminals.

  12. The SciAm article is the usual statistical game of hide-the-sausage: confusing cause and effect, conflating lawful ownership with unlawful ownership, using the independent urban/rural splits on both gun ownership and suicide to imply causality.

    This is part of what brought me over to the side of gun rights in the first place. For how broadly academics, scientists, journalists favor gun control, you’d think their data would be rock-solid, overwhelming – but it’s not. It’s a series of cheap tricks, houses of cards that fall apart if you blow on them. If this is the quality of the data they think ought to convince scientifically-minded people, then there’s no “there” there.


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