“Shanna Marie McLaughlin, a former Playboy Playmate and University of Central Florida graduate student, was arrested Monday evening at the Orlando International Airport when she tried to pass through a security checkpoint,” reports floridatoday.com. Go Knights! And is that graduate or student or graduate student? ‘Cause if she’s going for graduate degree, McLaughlin must be both sexy and smart. Or . . . not. “According to an arrest affidavit, McLaughlin placed her duffel bag into the X-ray machine and a Transportation Security Administration worker ‘saw what appeared to be a handgun on the screen.’ The affidavit said the worker discovered a Ruger SAA .45 long colt, loaded with hollow point bullets.” Ruger Vanquero? Blackhawk? Hello? Are you paying attention. In her defense, McLaughlin  . . .

” . . . spontaneously stated the gun was her boyfriend’s, and she did not know it was in there.” She also told the worker that she has a concealed weapons permit, which he verified, the report stated.

So they didn’t haul her off somewhere and whip the information out of her? As if. And in case you think I’m being sexist (after not being racist in the last post), know this: “Police arrested McLaughlin and charged her with a misdemeanor — carrying a firearm in a place prohibited by law.”

I wonder why the TSA gave her a free ride. After all, their endlessly condescending blog specifically states that “in case you’re wondering, the ‘I didn’t know it was in the bag’ excuse works just about as well at the checkpoint as ‘The dog ate my homework’ worked with your high school teacher.”

As far as I can tell, the TSA does not have the power of arrest. For that they speed dial the local, state or federal agents ready to do their bidding (i.e. all of them). But they can fine and do fine passengers for carrying a weapon into their territory, up to $10,000. But not in this case. Obviously. Oops, I did it again. Or did I?


  1. Oh right, responding.

    Eh, if she knew it was there, she would’ve declared it…although being stuffed into a duffel would count as a safe way of transporting it. It also has to be unloa…

    Oh right, it has to be unloaded.

    … can’t talk, picture…sush…

  2. I’ll be honest. If you want me to read articles with pictures like this, move the print so that it hugs the body of the young lady in the photo.

    I really can’t gather myself together enough to read what you penned, with the photo above.

  3. “Playboy Playmate Shanna Marie McLaughlin Busted for Gun at Orlando Airport”

    Oh. I see what you did there.

    Something’s making my brain run all cooky…

    • The chicks never looked like that when I wsent to UCF. BTW does she have a ribcage or is that a total photoshop fail?

  4. I can’t believe it. The TSA is doing full body cavity searches on six-year old boys, and this awesome babe didn’t even get a patdown. Does the TSA recruit its agents from NAMBLA?

  5. If they have their stuff together, then the NRA will both provide her with legal representation and tuition. She is the poster girl for……… whatever you want her to be.

  6. She looks good, but believe me, she is lazy in the sack…It could happen! No, I would be glad to look deeply into her case, after I examine the body of evidence. Am I digging myself into a hole?

  7. Is it really that difficult to separate one’s range bags from their vacation luggage?
    And how many brain cells to give your outbound baggage that extra bit of scrutiny before you head to the airport? Sheesh….

  8. Ok- so you were going to avoid politics on your website, which of course proved impossible to do. I would assume you intended to avoid sex which has proved im- oh, never mind….
    Nice Guns!

  9. She shouldn’t be convicted. Fl statutes say CWFLs must “knowfully and willfully” carry a firearm into a “prohibited place”.

  10. How could they pick on this poor girl for carrying a lil ole 45 when she has those mighty fine 50’s ready for action. I know why our whiney ass TROLL hasn’t responded to this fine photo yet, he must have hit his head when he fell our of his chair.

  11. the saddest part of the story, sorry took a while to read it, was that she has a boyfriend. Dang it!

    • “she has a boyfriend.”

      Most of the men on this site are equally as disappointed. Some of the women, too. 🙂

      • In honor of Shanna, I just put Sheri’s bra on my head and pronounced myself as Captain Boobyman…Sheri failed to see the humor.

  12. “Yes, Officer?”

    Male officer: “Um…. Ma’am, Um …. your um bag>.. ummmmmmm…..”

    “Yes, Officer?”

    “Um, … I’m sorry, ma’am I Ummmm….. ”

    “Yes, Officer?”

    “Uh, Yeah, right, Uh, ….. oh yeah … ma’am … uh, is that a gun?”

    “Yes, Officer, I’m sorry I did not know that was in there. I do have a permit.”

    “Uhhh…. yeah.. well, uh you know…. we can’t let that uhhh, through ,,, um … you know …?”

    “Yes, Officer.”

    “ummmmm .. oh, yeah , right … about that uuhhh, gun, could you, like, maybe ummm …. ummm….. uhhhh….”

    “Yes, Officer?”

    “Oh the gun, … yeah the gun — yeah, … uhhh, you’ll need to take that back ummm over there, just umm don’t uuhhhh walk too fast , you know… ummmmm.”


    Female Officer, arriving: “Miss, that is prohibited here. I am citing you — here is your appearance date. Immediately remove the item from the area.

    Male Officer: …oh. Yeah. Ummm… Immediately.

  13. Maybe if she had Megan Fox’s head. Just not into the strawheads… nice boobs though. Props to that!

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