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As is so often the case in these situations, information trickles out and much that is initially reported is later contradicted. But this morning’s shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas is looking more and more like a Columbine copycat effort, including a possible second person involved, the use of explosives, and even the black trench coat the shooter is reported to have worn.

Authorities say possible explosive devices have been found at and adjacent to the Texas high school where a shooting left as many as 10 people dead.

The Santa Fe Independent School District said in a statement Friday that authorities are in the process of rendering the devices safe.

It isn’t clear yet who or how the shooter was stopped, but at least one police officer apparently engaged the shooter and was wounded.

The police chief at a Houston-area school district says a police officer was shot and wounded during a shooting that killed multiple people at a local high school.

Walter Braun is the police chief of Santa Fe Independent School District. He says the fatal shooting Friday morning at Santa Fe High School also left at least six people wounded, including a police officer.

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says eight to 10 people were killed after a gunman opened fire inside the school. Two people are in custody.


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  1. @ Dan Zimmerman.

    Thanks for the Info! For some reason there’s more about Donald Trump on the Local News, then the School Shootings. I wonder if it’s because it hasn’t Sunk In Yet…

      • I suspect because the GOP that “Tried” to vote the Farm Bill through, couldn’t muster enough votes to Pass the Bill. Another Donald Trump sponsored DOA…

        • Is your entire contribution to this site nonsense and unrelated posts? Most legislation in most of us history is DOA.

          what does this have to do with this copycat shooting?

          • As I recall, the person that asked me why I haven’t seen it on the New Yet. Is because they were covering Thing Done and Not Done under the Banner of Donald Trump…

        • Actually, the comment was related to the fact that the mainstream Liberal controlled media spends more time jabbering about what President Trump eats on his steaks and making fun of everything about him than they do covering actual news. I guess you failed to make that connection. I recall commenting back and forth on several topics with you on various sites a few years ago, and you actually seemed pretty with it and bright then. What’s happened to you? Have you become just another frustrated Clinton supporter who has nothing better to do with your time than troll sites that you disagree with? That’s a sad commentary on your state of mind if that is the case.

  2. Pictures floating around alleged to be of the kids trenchcoat , has pentagram and hammer + sicle commie pins on it.

  3. Another HS kid bullied mercilessly by Democrat liberal females until he lost it?? Or, just another example of Obama’s 8 year long attempt to destroy our education system and the values this country once cherished…

    • It’s called mentall illness. I was bullied , beaten by 6 black men and suffered a fractured skull broken face. Fractured jaw & more. I never had even an inkling of a thought to harm children. Its only a sick deranged individual that does this shit

    • Kids do not turn into shooters by being bullied. That myth was started at Columbine, and had zero basis in reality- as with most myths of that shooting.

      The only person to blame is the murderer.

  4. Save the taxpayer’s dollars. Caught red handed , place him on a gallows & pull lever. I’m so tired of these sick individuals shooting & killing children. Make an example of him & maybe the next one considering cowardly actions will think twice. Watching someone do the death dance on the end of a rope is a good deterrent.

    • RA -zero
      Quote——————————–Save the taxpayer’s dollars. Caught red handed , place him on a gallows & pull lever. I’m so tired of these sick individuals shooting & killing children. Make an example of him & maybe the next one considering cowardly actions will think twice. Watching someone do the death dance on the end of a rope is a good deterrent.———————————————–quote———————

      Typical uneducated Neanderthal SS type response. It might surprise you to know that mentally ill people actually “want to die” and in 5,000 years of recorded history State Sponsored Murder has never deterred any mass murder from carrying out his plans or even a person intent on only one murder.

      • So you’re good with repeat violent offenders then? The hangin’ takes care of the repeat part.

        Why so hostile? You’re personally attacking everyone here with whom you disagree. That’s a typical tactic when you have nothing to back up your claims.

        • That’s not his point, the point being that capital punishment deters only that one criminal (permanently), but does not prevent others from committing murder or other atrocities. And as to that, I agree. Humans have been killing each other throughout recorded time, and even before if Otzi is any indication. But no matter how many people have been executed by various governments over the ages, the murder rate is undiminished.

      • If someone had been deterred from committing murder based on wanting to avoid their own death sentence, then hiw would you know?

        How would you know that an event which did not happen, didn’t happen for that specific reason or another reason?

        You remind me of kindergarteners arguing that if you die in your dream, then you’ll die right then in real life. How would you know what someone who died in their sleep was dreaming about, or whether they were even dreaming at all??

      • You don’t have to state sponsor it if that’s your issue. Privatize it, hell you could probably find a non-profit to do it provided the condemned was properly and conclusively found guilty in court.

        Hell I’ll do it for free if the condemned is conclusively guilty

      • Capital punishment has never stopped one murder?

        Nonsense. We just had a guy who was released from a 30 year “life” sentence, murder two people in my city three weeks after release. If we had capital punishment in my state they likely would still be alive.

        Also dozes of studies show about 80% of Us murder is committed by persons with ten or more arrests (meaning they have probably committed a lot of crimes). Increasing sentences by 30% for repeat criminals would stop over 50% of US murder.

        As far as the mentally ill — thank to the ACLU — it is harder in the US to hold the mentally ill for mandatory treatment than in any developed democracy. The mentally ill commit not just more gun violence, but more knife murder, beating murder etc.

      • Now that’s is an interesting statement. Now how in the hell do you know the death penalty has never stopped a murder? How do you know that maybe 1000’s of folks bent on murder, didn’t change their mind and not murder someone because of the death penalty? You must be clairvoyant I guess. Go back into your hole under your rock and leave the conversations to those with more intelligence.

  5. At this time one big question is , Where did a 17 year old get all the weapons? Many previous mass underage murderers simply get them from their parents who leave weapons out and not locked up because there is no Federal Law mandating safe storage like every other civilized nation on earth has and has had for decades and decades.

    So far the talking heads on CNN who purport to know everything about nothing have never even discussed ‘safe storage laws”, only gun ban laws.

    • Safe storage is BS because those other “civilized nations” have no right to privacy (or rights to self-defense, free speech, assembly, press, or really anything else) and the police will just barge into your house to check your safe and then take all your stuff and arrest you if they aren’t completely satisfied.

      • To AnonoMooseBrain

        quote—————————-Safe storage is BS because those other “civilized nations” have no right to privacy (or rights to self-defense, free speech, assembly, press, or really anything else) and the police will just barge into your house to check your safe and then take all your stuff and arrest you if they aren’t completely satisfied.———————quote

        The anti-gunners love Morons like you. Say did you go to school to become an idiot or were you born retarded. In case after case deranged kids getting a hold of their parents guns and causing mass murder should have immediately called for safe storage laws. And safe storage laws would prevent the 1,300 children who get killed every year from unattended guns from being accidentally shot not and killed not to mentions the triple amount that get maimed for life.

        And yes the police should arrest you if you leave guns laying around unattended and confiscate them and throw you the hell in jail to save the lives of innocent children that would get killed because you were to shiftless and lazy and irresponsible to make sure loaded weapons were not under lock and key.

        • Does bashing other comments on TTAG really get you going? It is possible to disagree without being a jerk. Well, it’s possible for other people.

        • Geez, buddy, take it easy. Can’t you just counter the guy’s point with facts and logic in a reasoned discussion? Your entire argument is going to go down in flames, I know, because I’m well familiar with the subject and its adherents’ inability to make it work.

          Still, in the interest of enlightenment, or at least just not being a dick, couldn’t you just give it a halfway decent and civil shot without going ballistic? Because, c’mon, we all know full well that you wouldn’t dare speak like that straight to someone’s face.

        • The data show safe storage laws don’t have any effect whatsoever. Not one death prevented. The study that asserted so did not look at OVERALL studied rate trends.

          Look at Hawaii, it had an increase in overall youth suicide since it passed safe storage laws, and its trend on murder was falling long before it adopted such laws.

      • We have laws against murder. We have laws against taking guns on school grounds. We have laws against 17-year olds possessing firearm. Do you really think adding a law about locking up guns in the home will make a difference in a case like this? If these adults had such piss poor parenting skills that they let this kid get to the mental state he must have been in to do this, do you really think they’re going to worry about safe storage laws?
        Good parents secure their firearms without a legal requirement. And good parents prevent their children from turning into this.

        But I’m sure you’ll just say I’m an NRA neanderthal for pointing this out.

        • To Jasonm

          quote——————————We have laws against murder. We have laws against taking guns on school grounds. We have laws against 17-year olds possessing firearm. Do you really think adding a law about locking up guns in the home will make a difference in a case like this? If these adults had such piss poor parenting skills that they let this kid get to the mental state he must have been in to do this, do you really think they’re going to worry about safe storage laws?
          Good parents secure their firearms without a legal requirement. And good parents prevent their children from turning into this.

          But I’m sure you’ll just say I’m an NRA neanderthal for pointing this out.———————————————-quote

          Your 100 per cent wrong. What you are basically saying is that since no law passed can ever be 100 per cent successful we should continue to do absolutely nothing about the problem. In reality nations that do have safe storage laws have been way more successful than we have on preventing accidental child shootings and children taking their parents guns and committing mass murder with them. Again History proves you all wrong.

        • Sfe storage laws have no positive affect and probably have caused lots of deaths form people unable to open a safe to protect themselves from a crime.

          DC has one of the strongest safe storage laws, and a very high rate of murder and minors committing violence with firearms.

          my guess is you don’t know the extent of existing laws — or the fact that anyone can get in a safe.

        • Both of those things happening are statistical anomalies. Death by accidental shooting is somewhere in the range of 150-250 according to the CDC data from 2015. Minors going mental and shooting up schools is even less often than that. Further, this right here

          “Your 100 per cent wrong. What you are basically saying is that since no law passed can ever be 100 per cent successful we should continue to do absolutely nothing about the problem. In reality nations that do have safe storage laws have been way more successful than we have”

          is completely disingenuous because criminal law is meant to be punitive justice after the fact, so all this does is stack charges once loser goes and shoots somewhere up. As for “preemptory” type laws meant to stop behavior, most are horseshit as it is because they criminalize an action that has no victim. Second, the only way these laws work and are able to be enforced, is if there is a way to actually see the violating activity and cite it. You get seatbelt tickets cause johnny law sees you don’t have it on at the stop light. Cops in America don’t get to bust in your door or pop in for “surprise” inspections here in the states because we have 4th amendment rights. In those super awesome successful civilized countries owning a gun means your right to security and privacy in your home is suspended so the state can come check on you.

          Please tell me you support the Trump regime coming into your house to check on you when they feel like it. Cause that’s the only way this dumbassery is enforceable, and God knows you never shut up about the 5th Reich that is this administration

        • Your[sic] 100 per cent[sic] wrong.
          Maybe you should learn English, before trying to communicate in it.

          What you are basically saying is that since no law passed can ever be 100 per cent[sic] successful we should continue to do absolutely nothing about the problem.
          I see your writing and reasoning skills are matched by your reading comprehension. I never said any such thing. I said the sort of people who would be irresponsible enough to raise a kid like this one are unlikely to follow a safe storage law. I think there are lots of things we can do to solve (or at least reduce) this problem. For starters train and arm willing teachers, add armed school guards, and hold police, social workers, and/or school personnel accountable for seeing the problem but not doing anything about it.

          In reality nations that do have safe storage laws have been way more successful than we have on preventing accidental child shootings and children taking their parents guns and committing mass murder with them. Again History proves you all wrong.
          I’d love to see a study that shows a causal relationship between safe storage laws and these things. Unfortunately, it would be effectively impossible to measure, so your claim is bogus.

          In the USA, without safe storage laws in most states, our fatal gun accident rate is down 48 percent. It’s almost like education (in this case by us NRA neanderthals) does more to promote safety than passing laws. I guess that’s History proving me wrong.

        • to TT

          Quote———————————–Please tell me you support the Trump regime coming into your house to check on you when they feel like it. Cause that’s the only way this dumbassery is enforceable, and God knows you never shut up about the 5th Reich that is this administration———————-quote

          I will answer your statement with two responses. The first response is that when shiftless , irresponsible people see one of their neighbors lose all his assets and end up in jail it makes ” believers out of dead beats” very quickly because the only thing they really value is their money and freedom.

          Second many counties like Japan do indeed have the right to come into the home to check and see if you are obeying the law and surprise , surprise the courts have often ignored the U.S. Constitution many times in the interest of the public good and safety as the Constitutional rights were never meant to be written in stone and the history of the Second Amendment in this country proves that the courts have ignored that right many, many times simply beause they have the power to do so. In other words they have told the public when it comes to the public safety take your constitution and wipe your ass with it.

    • Of course the anti-gun crown loves the NRA and its Neanderthal followers as the anti-gun crowd only has to sit back and watch them destroy themselves by preventing safe storage laws, vetting of all gun purchases and the Republicans preventing a true National Health Care Plan from being implemented that would give free mental health care to all those that need it just like the rest of the civilized world has had for over 100 years.

      • Gee, I didn’t know a state had to pass a law before responsible gun owners could, on their own initiative, safely store their firearms!
        When are you going to figure out, Cisco, that you cannot outlaw stupidity, you can only punish people for being stupid after the fact.

      • Crisco, remedial English would be your friend. I’d say you should start about seventh grade, including spelling, grammar, punctuation. Your lack of basic writing skills makes you come off as a total dumbass.

      • The US used to lock up and treat people who might be a danger to themselves or society, but progressives put a stop to that, because it was mean. Democrats have more blood on their hands from events like this than any NRA member.

    • So how would a safe storage law be enforced without violating peoples fourth amendment rights?

      Because other country’s don’t have a fourth amendment and so the governments of those country’s can mandate safe storage, they aren’t bound by a constitution unlike the USA.

      • To ACP

        Quote————————-So how would a safe storage law be enforced without violating peoples fourth amendment rights?

        Because other country’s don’t have a fourth amendment and so the governments of those country’s can mandate safe storage, they aren’t bound by a constitution unlike the USA.————————————-quote

        Surprise , surprise Genius boy Constitutional rights were never meant to be absolute. Just as you will get your ass thrown in jail if you hell fire in a theater and it results in harm to people stampeding to get out so to you do not have the right to insure children are killed from unloaded guns lying around the house or nut case children stealing them and committing mass murder with them. And remember the courts have and currently do simply ignore constitutional rights when they know the public at large is on their side. Case in point the Second Amendment that has been trashed as long ago as the 1930’s simply by ignoring it and letting laws passed that are not Constitutional Stand. Past and present History of the courts prove it beyond all doubt. Take the Constitution and wipe your ass with it because when it comes to protecting the public those in power will do what they have to do and want to do and the public will cheer them on rightly or wrongly. Again History has proven it in all countries including this one.

        And how would we enforce the law? Again are you really that stupid (obviously you are) the first time some irresponsible hill jack causes a child to get killed or lets a child steal a gun and commit mass murder we take all his assets to pay for the damage, like his house, his car, his money, confiscate all his guns and then we throw him the hell in jail for at least 20 years. This will very quickly “make true believers” out of the other lazy, shiftless, irresponsible hill jacks because they value money over everything else in life.

        • “””””””””””””””””Surprise , surprise Genius boy Constitutional rights were never meant to be absolute.”””””””””””””

          now we all know the Crisco kid is a commie and wants all personal citizen rights abolished –for the state

        • Do you have any citations for this claim about these imagined limits on constitutionally guaranteed freedoms?

          Congress shall make no law…
          …shall not be infringed.
          …shall not be violated…but upon probable cause…

          I don’t see any exception clauses in there. Maybe “absolute” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

        • “Surprise , surprise Genius boy Constitutional rigthts were neverf meant to be absolute.” [sic]

          Really, then the 2A only applies to muzzle loading flint lock rifles and pistols and the 1A only applies to writhing with quill pens and manually operated printing presses with paper.

          “Just as you will get your ass thrown in jail if you hell fire in a theater…” [sic]

          The only thing the theater could do to me if I shouted fire with no actual fire is trespass me, now if I didn’t leave after being trespassed I would be arrested because I did not leave after being trespassed.

          And here is some reading for you“the Court overturned the Schenck decision that had introduced “shouting fire in a crowded theater.” No longer was “clear and present danger” a sufficient standard for criminalizing speech. To break the law, speech now had to incite “imminent lawless action.” Source;

          “you do not have the right to insure children are killed from unloaded guns lying aroung the house or nut case children stealing them and committing mass murder with them.” [sic]

          How is it a truly unloaded gun can kill? maybe using it as a club, but it’s not going go bang. If we are talking about theft that’s a hole other problem, If a wanna-be-killer wants to get at dads gun in the safe all the wanna-be-killer has to do is not go to school for two hours to go to Home Depot to buy a power tool to cut the safe open and the wanna-be-killer has a gun.

          “And how would we enforce the law? Again are you really that stupid (obviously you are) the first time some irresponsible hill jack causes a child to get killed or lets a child steal a gun and commit mass murder we take all his assets to pay for the damage, like his house, his car, his money, confiscate all his guns and then we throw him the hell in jail for at least 20 years. This will very quickly “make true believers” out of the other lazy, shiftless, irresponsible hill jacks because they value money over everything else in life.”

          The only thing I can say without getting in to insults is – I’m glad you’re not a judge.

        • Okay There buddy….Slow day of trolling at fox news….Buddy, the old “1st Amendment—restrictions and yelling fire in a crowded theater” nonsense created by Libtard DemoCommies was debunked long ago…Since if someone was hurt in a false report…It was the “actions of the individual that contributed to the incident.” Not the 1st Amendment—or some kind of false notion of regulation like that made up for the 2nd Amendment…Just more infringements….But I still believe that you should be banned from posting here… Because you’re not obnoxious turd… not that it has anything to do with the 1st amendment…..

        • To AC /DC

          quote——————The only thing the theater could do to me if I shouted fire with no actual fire is trespass me, now if I didn’t leave after being trespassed I would be arrested because I did not leave after being trespassed.————————-quote——————

          Wrong genius you could be arrested on a variety charges even if no one was hurt and if they were hurt you could go to the electric chair. Even if no one was hurt you could be arrested for inducing panic, disturbing the peace being a public nuisance etc. etc. Which again nullifies complete freedom of speech.

          And while we are on the subject of “absolute constitutional rights” again not true when it comes to freedom of speech as you can be sued and even jailed for “slander”. So once again it proves Constitutional rights were never meant to be “absolute” as when they are the safety and well being of the public can be and often was at risk and it is not the Constitution that gives you any rights at all that is a delusion. In reality it is your en-slaver’s the Supreme Court appointed for life that give you your rights and when they want to take them away (such as 2a rights) they simply do it as no one can stop them from doing it. Again take the Constitution and wipe your ass with it.

  6. This doesn’t happen on a daily basis in the rest of the world.

    Australia, Europe, Canada & Japan continue to do fine without some gun-obsessed maniac violating the rights of people’s lives and not having the fear to go to school, work or place of business without their day being possibly their last day on earth.

    One incident which is rare in Australia vs incidents that have become the daily norm in this country. Australia went 22 years without a mass shooting. This country cant go 22 days let alone 22 minutes without some fascist NRA member going off their rocker and shooting innocents.

    • Bullshit.

      It happens every day, in in every country.

      See how it works? My bullshit claim is just as valid as *your* bullshit claim.

      Now, go play in traffic…

      • to Ge Off His Rocker


        It happens every day, in in every country.

        See how it works? My bullshit claim is just as valid as *your* bullshit claim.

        Now, go play in traffic…——————————-quote

        Freedom Loving Real American is correct as other Nations have had safe storage laws, vetting of all gun purchases, very thorough back ground checks and they do indeed have way less homicides with guns and mass murders as well. Japan does indeed allow people to own both shotguns and rifles but their laws are so far advanced over ours that crime with guns in their country is minuscule compared to the rivers of blood now flowing the the streets of Captialvania U.S.A a nation controlled by Neanderthal stingy cheap skate ignorant Hill Billies who have all seemed to have gone completely mad when it comes to stopping the mass murder here in America. Its beyond all civilized comprehension.

        • Cisco kid
          If you don’t like it here (USA) you should definitely leave the country. Where do I send my donation to your travel fund?
          Now stop trolling this page and play in traffic or pack or do something productive

        • If we give you safe storage laws, I’m gonna want machine guns and silencers out of the NFA. That and national CC resiprocity. Deal?

        • @TheRealAmericanCommunist and Crisco Kid. I’m curious. How many roubles are you two paid per word?

        • “Rivers of blood”
          “we need safe storage laws”

          Uhm US gun murder rate has plunged 56% since the early 1990’s. Murder of student age 5-22 years old has plummeted 65% all as guns increased.

          And safe storage laws don’t prevent any deaths. If you wanted to prevent deaths you would advocate for longer sentences and capitol punishment.

          Over 80% of US murder is committed by person with 10 or more arrests. 70% of all Us murder occurs in 48 out of 3,000 US counties — every one of those 48 heavily Democrat.

          This is ANOTHER mass murder brought to us by the LEFT. do you deny that the ACLU (the left wing lobby for criminals and their lawyers) has fought to make it harder in the Us than any country to detain and mandatorily treat the mentally ill?

        • You keep saying ‘gun crime’… what about all the rest of the crime? Muggings? Rape? Assaults? Murders?

          It is a standard tactic to call out and vilify the gun, and subsequently specialize it as its own special crime.

          When looking at crime stats as a whole, the US is far below other ‘developed’ countries. I’ll reference suicide rates as an example of stat skewing, since it is easy and not related to crime, but is relevant to the conversation because ‘guns’….

          Remember when the Japanese suicide rate was astronomically higher than that of the US – people hid that fact by reporting only on the rate which was the result of guns – completely flipping the paradigm on its head.

          Sorry that you have a deficiency when it comes to cognitive thought.

        • Maybe these two are right? I recently read a statistic that reported 9 out of 10 London stabbing murder victims used their dying breath to express gratitude for Britain’s safe storage law, which spared them from a gun violence death.

        • To rip the truth

          quote———————-Remember when the Japanese suicide rate was astronomically higher than that of the US – people hid that fact by reporting only on the rate which was the result of guns – completely flipping the paradigm on its head———————quote

          To say that we should do nothing about gun violence just because the Japanese have a high suicide rate is so asinine I wonder if you are playing with a full deck of cards. The Japanese did indeed fix their gun problem with civilized gun control laws and we have not. Their suicide rate is a different problem altogether.

    • You would definitely be safer if you moved there so get packing and go live in Europe

      • To Angry Nut Case

        quote————————–You would definitely be safer if you moved there so get packing and go live in Europe—————————–quote

        No we need to deport ignorant hill jacks like you that prevent us all from living in a safe and civilized country. The rest of the world passed sensible gun control laws decades ago while we continue to do absolutely nothing, zero, zelch, nada. Now what part of this do you not understand Jethro Bodine.

        • Who’s going to do the deportation – you? Key is under the door mat if you want to swing by.

        • Killer has a jacket with a hammer and sickle and communist red star on it.

          By the way where I live has virtually no gun control and a lower murder rate than Europe.

          In fact if you are not a criminal, you are about 40% SAFER from murder victimization in the US than in Europe. over 90% of US murder victims are criminals. these outlier events, are statically trivial and as common in Europe.

          in fact when I was in Australia two years ago someone killed eight kids with a knife.

        • Cisco, ;you would not mind us taking a blood sample from you to see which drugs effect your deranged thought processes?
          Why should gun owners leave the country? We are happy here (When deranged lunatics are not screaming anti-gun lies at us.). You are the one that is unhappy with this country because we don’t follow what the “enlightened” others do. We have always gone our own way, and it has worked rather well for the citizens until the leftist (communist sympathizers) gained control. We do not need to be enlightened by ignorant people.

        • to Unrepentant Libertardian

          quote——————-. You are the one that is unhappy with this country because we don’t follow what the “enlightened” others do. ——————quote

          Now your finally realizing the truth. Its a miracle you understood that this is the problem. We should not be happy the way this country is (because of retarded hill jacks like you) and the rivers of blood flowing down the halls of our schools on a weekly basis.

        • This ” Safe and Civilized Country” is in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Mexico. They are waiting for you to come and enjoy the fruits of their gun control.

    • “…some fascist NRA member going off their rocker and shooting innocents.” None of the past mass shooters were NRA members and I doubt these two were either based on their age. The only link we typically find between these scumbags is that they are usually Progressives or Progressive sympathizers.

      • to Matt Rectum Gas

        Quote————————–“…some fascist NRA member going off their rocker and shooting innocents.” None of the past mass shooters were NRA members and I doubt these two were either based on their age. The only link we typically find between these scumbags is that they are usually Progressives or Progressive sympathizers.——————quote

        Screw you ignorant hill jacks. We need to implement gun control laws like the rest of the civilized world has had for decades and their success at it proves they were right beyond all doubt. None have weekly mass shootings at schools like we do. Now you ignorant retarded Neanderthal what part of this do you not understand.

        • A CNN article published today lists all 22 “school shootings” since the beginning of the year. Most of them did not involve “mass shootings.” You believe CNN, right? By the way, as I state below, the CNN metric includes shootings involving ADs, gang shootings and domestic violence, and nonstudents getting killed on college campuses.

        • Cisco, go… Well, see my comment below as to what you should shove up your rectum.

          School shootings are indeed getting more common. All the more reason to have armed guards at our schools. We protect all other places of value with armed security, why not schools? Oh wait, that would make the planned slaughter of innocents harder to pull off. The more sheep led to slaughter, the stronger the cry to disarm the law abiding public. That is what you want after all, Cisco. A disarmed populace. Much easier to control and manipulate.

        • Cisco – do you get paid by the Ad Hominem? Stop being a little bitch and start acting like an adult.

        • Or… you know… we could round up commies like you and ship you off to Venezuela… Given that we’re the ones with the guns, my solution is far more realistic.

        • quote—————–Cisco, go… Well, see my comment below as to what you should shove up your rectum.

          School shootings are indeed getting more common. All the more reason to have armed guards at our schools. We protect all other places of value with armed security, why not schools? Oh wait, that would make the planned slaughter of innocents harder to pull off. The more sheep led to slaughter, the stronger the cry to disarm the law abiding public. That is what you want after all, Cisco. A disarmed populace. Much easier to control and manipulate.————————–quote

          There were two armed police at the school and they were unable to stop the gunman so your idea is not foolproof. Neither is mine but safe storage laws would indeed have stopped many of the shootings. And as far as your rectum comment. Shove your comment up your stinking asshole fker.

        • quote——————-Cisco – do you get paid by the Ad Hominem? Stop being a little bitch and start acting like an adult.———————quote

          Stop acting like an ignorant Moron and listen to what I have to say because I am speaking from and with Historical facts and laws that have been proven with other nations.

        • to power brain

          quote—————————Or… you know… we could round up commies like you and ship you off to Venezuela… Given that we’re the ones with the guns, my solution is far more realistic.——————-quote————–

          We need to deport Nazi racist scum like you to make America a civilized country to live in. And by the way Moron plenty of Socialists like myself have just as many guns as Nazi’s like you have so try and make us leave Herr Hauptman. We have no need of Nazi’s like you here.

        • Cisco! Good to see you you’ve openly admitted you are a socialist! Socialists are scum and have no place in America, or any ‘civilized’ country. You all inevitably want Communism. Every. Single. Time.

          I love how you gin up how you also own guns, and that you and your commie pals are so l33t and opr8tr. Here’s the thing, Commies like you are all self-defeating. The whole reason for your struggle is to be lazy and be at the top of the heap of ‘equals’. Doesn’t really work that way. Your ass-backwards mental state will always keep victory out of your reach and all you can hope for at best is tearing society down to complete anarchy and bloodshed.

          Dipshits like you just don’t understand the world. You don’t realize that laws are words on paper. You don’t comprehend that when you push people out of society, you make them capable of untold violence. You don’t get just how dangerous a game it is you want to play.

        • to Grogfecespie

          Communism you oaf has been extinct now for many decades and the industrialized world now is Socialist and that you Moron includes the U.S. Ever heard of Social Security or Medicare you idiot. Its just that we have more social programs to implement such as a National Health Care Plan, free college education that even the country of Uruguay has as well as equal rights for all citizens something the U.S. still does not grant such as equal rights for gays and the right of any person who is a citizen to run for president. Simple basic human rights that only socialism will eventually bring about.

          • The only difference between socialism and communism is the means to get there. Socialism brings those results from within by political means, Communism comes by means of violence, but the end result is the same.

        • Translation: “Hi, my screen name is Cisco Kid and all I know how to do is spout bullshit, lie, and name-call. I am a dumbass who doesn’t know the difference between a social program and socialism. I also don’t bother to consider the quality of ‘free college education in Uruguay’ where I got my prestigious degrees in dipshitery. I love to claim that gays don’t have equal rights, but that is such a flagrant lie I just hope no one will notice when I blurt it out. Oh! And lest I forget, I also believe that Communism is ‘dead’ while advocating for socialism and a Bolshevist platform.”

          Sound about right to you?

          Tell me, does it ever get boring having exactly zero knowledge on the subjects you rant about?

        • To Frogfecepie

          “quote————————————– I also don’t bother to consider the quality of ‘free college education in Uruguay’ where I got my prestigious degrees in dipshitery.——————————————————quote

          This is too easy but when you deal with the unwashed they deserve to be made fools in public so here goes Genius. I am really laughing over this one.

          You also missed the whole point of my reference to free education in Uruguay and that is that if a country much poorer that the U.S. can and has supported free public education including college how can the U.S. lie to the American people and claim we cannot afford to do the same as the rest of the civilized world had done for in some cases for over 100 years. Of course this all went right over your head until I had to explain it all to you.

        • comrade cisco. You say the US is a socialist nation. And that’s where the trouble comes from. Socialism breeds violence, murder and contempt for human life.

          Destroy socialism and have a better country.

          • The United States is also a Socialist Country, Sir! Apparently you’ve never heard of the “An Act for the relief of sick and disabled Seamen” of 16 July 1798…

        • I am impressed, Cisco. You could not possibly have made yourself look more like an imbecile, but you have. Oh, and if you *REALLY* want to go down the road of “free college education” then you of course know about stringent European and Asian admission standards like le bac in France. Have you taken le bac? I have. Most American students (indeed, most French students) can no pass it. To go to college when it is “free” means it can not be handed out like a participation trophy as it is here. Socialists like you have ruined our primary, secondary, and post grad education system. You want to do the same thing to the country writ large. No. Fuck you and your degrees in gender studies. The US could have “free college education” but so much fat and garbage would have to be cut that you would never allow it.

    • Oh for fucks sake, not you again. Go fornicate with the barrel of a shotgun and pull the trigger. Nobody wants to listen to your bullshit.

    • This doesn’t happen on a daily basis in the rest of the world.

      That is true. (Of course it doesn’t happen on a daily basis in any country.)
      What does happen in most of the rest of the civilized world is rape, robbery, and assault.
      London, which already had a higher rate of other violent crimes, just passed NYC’s murder rate.

      Incidentally, there are 93 countries with a higher homicide rate than the USA. All of them have strict gun control.

      In the USA, our murder rate is primarily criminal on criminal violence. In most of Europe, it’s criminal on innocent violence. A non criminal in the US is safer than a non criminal in Europe.

  7. Meanwhile, CNN is reporting that “1 school shooting a week” since the beginning of the year. But in an effort to change the conversation about “school safety,” CNN redefines “school shootings to inflate their figures. According to the article, they include a shooting that involves atleast one person being shot (not including the shooter); a shooting that occurred on school grounds; included K-college; included gang violence, fights and domestic violence; and finally included accidental discharges as long as the injured person was not the shooter and it occurred on school grounds.

    They then list all 22 incidents, one of which was by a BB gun, the idiot teacher and part-time deputy who managed to discharge a handgun during a safety demonstration, a shooting at an apartment building on a college campus, two people killed in a dorm, neither of whom were students and may have been domestic violence, an AD that went through a wall at another dorm, two other nonstudents shot at a college campus, and so forth.

  8. Man the retardo troll is out to play today…Soros pay you by the word?!? It is reported the columbine copycat got his guns from daddy. Similar to the idiot in Dixon who got his gat from mommy.

    • to Thinks he Walks on Water. Brother you really chose the right moniker

      quote———————-Man the retardo troll is out to play today…Soros pay you by the word?!? It is reported the columbine copycat got his guns from daddy. Similar to the idiot in Dixon who got his gat from mommy.—————–quote—————–

      Precisely my point he got the guns from his old man and if he had kept them locked up because we had safe storage laws 10 kids would still be alive as we speak.

  9. So why wasn’t he shot by a teacher? I thought Texas didn’t follow gun free school zones, or was this one the exception?

    • so no cop shot him meaning we need no cops anywhere?

      Schools with armed guards or armed teachers have lower levels of violent crime — are you positing since they don’t stop every crime they are useless? fire extinguishers don’t stop every fire injury or fatality, are you saying they should be removed from schools

      You are channeling the anti vax flat earthers, giving an example of a vaccinated person getting a disease and saying it is pointless to vaccinate.

      gun owners prevent 2.5 million crimes a year. Are you saying because they don’t stop every single crime that is not significant??

  10. I understand Dicks will stop selling pump shotguns and lobby for their ban. They blame “we need a shotgun in every home” Biden.

  11. I guess Father won’t be going to Prison after all! Emancipation age in Texas living with Parents is 17-years old. Shooters were 17-years old. Father’s Firearms, yet Son goes to Prison…

    • Let me propose a scenario… Son takes dad car (without permission) for a joyride and in doing so drives the car though a park hits five people and drives off. Would the dad be charged with hit and run or would the son?

      • If both Father and Son lived in Virginia, and the Under Aged Son committed the Crime. Yes the Father would be seeing Prison Time…

        • I would think that would be unconstitutional. It’s either a specific intent crime, or a general intent crime. In either case the father had no intent.

            • Yup, if that is the law in Texas, the father could be charged with the crime of not securing his firearms, if in fact they were not secured. He still would not be charged with the shooting.

              • Yea, maybe. We still don;t know the circumstances. Did the kid break into a metal locked cabinet? Did he break off attached trigger locks? When we know the circumstances, then we can talk about it.

        • ” § 8.01-44. Action against parent for damage to private property by minor.

          The owner of any property may institute an action and recover from the parents, or either of them, of any minor living with such parents, or either of them, for damages suffered by reason of the willful or malicious destruction of, or damage to, such property by such minor. No more than $2,500 may be recovered from such parents, or either of them, as a result of any incident or occurrence on which such action is based. Any recovery from the parent or parents of such minor shall not preclude full recovery from such minor except to the amount of the recovery from such parent or parents. The provisions of this statute shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other law imposing upon a parent liability for the acts of his minor child.”

          Scoure –

          With the limit of $2,500 the son is the one that has to pay, not mom and dad. Medical bills ain’t cheap.

        • Yep, Marty. That’s what I could find with a quick search, trying to find a law for a state you aren’t in is not easy for me. At lest we now know civilly mom and pop would free from civil action in VA.

          Secundius, If you would could you link to where in VA law is says the dad could be charged?

        • Secundius,

          Would you please give me a link to where in VA law the dad and son would get charged with the same crime, I don’t know where to look for it.

          As it is the son is the sole individual responsible for the crime of homicide, no one else.

        • If the son where to go in to the local mini-mart and shoplifted a bottle of Mtdew and pack of jerky would dad get charged with shoplifting as well?

          If the son raped a girl from school would dad be charged with rape as well? or would the son be the one that would have to register as a sex offender?

        • I don’t see anything in § 16.1-269.1 that says the dad could be charged with the same crime as the son. It’s only the son that can be charged if this had happen in VA.

        • Secundius, nothing in firearms or ammunition involves high explosives. Period. Don’t try to clap back with some horseshit. It is a fact. Gunpowder of any form or composition is a low explosion that deflagerates. The only thing close to a high explosive would be a primer, and good luck scraping those into a bomb.

          Second, to answer how many kids have to die before I support gun control, the answer is: All of them.

          • Even “Alliant”, “Hodgdon” and “Western” Reload Gun propellant enclosed in an Aluminum Pipe threaded and Caped at both ends will make a Pretty Good Pipe Bomb. The two “Knuckleheads” got the Explosive from Somewhere. Or maybe they were saving their 4th of July Fireworks from last year…

        • Possible, but unlikely. The brissance of smokeless powder is too low to be effective at making pipe bombs.

          • I never said that that’s what was used! I only suggested those Three as “Possible” explosive mediums. Explosives were Obtained Somewhere! The Only possibility that Comes To Mind and is Readily Available is “Gun Reloader Propellant”. Unless YOU can come up with a better source of it’s possible Origin, that “Doesn’t include “Sliding” from an “Alternate Parallel Universe” into THIS universe…

        • Stay focused.

          “If the Father Reloaded his own Ammunition Stocks, then Child had access to High Explosives too…”

          That is what you posted, and what I responded to. Smokeless powder (gunpowder, gun cotton, “Gun Reloader Propellent”, all essentially the same damn thing) deflagerates and has too low a brisance to used for explosives. I am replying to what you said, not putting words in your mouth. Chill out.

          It appears his homemade “explosives” are amateur attempts at best. One of his devices was nothing more than a CO2 cartridge with tape on it.

          You need to realize that to the media and a lot of police, if something can be construed in the loosest sense as a bomb, it is. These are people who treat a shaken soda can as a nuclear device -_-

          • So “Reloader Propellant” is sooo “Anemic”, that it doesn’t even make a Good Gunpowder Alternative Substitute. I might as well Not buy it then! I guess the NRA will be glade to hear that another Firearms related product is being taken of the market. So say’s you…

            • Smokeless powder used in reloading ammunition is not an explosive. It only burns but does not explode. Put in into a pipe as in a pipe bomb, you won’t get much of a bang. On the other hand, Black Powder is an explosive, and placed into a pipe bomb will be a true destructive device. Black Powder is not used much in reloading cartridges except in Black Powder cartridges used in the turn of the 20th century. In case you missed it, the weapons used in the Texas school shootings were not black powder firearms.

              • And a Confined Propellant medium inside a Pressure Vessel (Container) with a One Atmosphere Oxygen Air Gas mixture “isn’t” going to explode! That’s your Knowledgeable Claim! If that was true, you just rewrote the physics of a Cartridge Bullet…

              • The cartridge does not explode, it burns. It burns fast, but it burns. I’ll tell you what. Instead of using Smokeless Powder in the shell casing, use Black Powder. That would be an explosion. But do yourself a favor, us a long cord to pull the trigger and plan on replacing the firearm.

              • The more you write about this subject, the more you prove to the rest of us you are an idiot.

        • What the actual fuck are you talking about? You made a false claim that reloading components are high explosives. They are not. Period. Everything else you have said is a mystery to me.

        • Holy shit Secundius. You actually think a cartridge discharging is an explosion?!? You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and should not be near ANY firearm or ammunition until you reevaluate some life choices and brush up on your physics.

          • Some kind of Explosive force is required to Propel a Projectile out of a Gun. The Simple Burning of a Reaction Mass with NO Force applied to the Bullet is going to do that. Unless you No of a Level of Physics that wasn’t Taught at the US Army’s Ordnance School…

        • There is a world of difference between expanding gas pressure and an explosion. Guns DO NOT FIRE VIA EXPLOSION. The gunpowder burns, generating gasses (primarily CO2), which in turn propel the bullet through the bore. NO EXPLOSIVES INVOLVED.

      • I would think the dad can’t be criminally charged with a crime he didn’t commit. He may be civilly responsible.

    • Are you saying that the actual murderer shouldn’t go to jail? Just the guy that owned the guns and shot no one?

      You and comrade cisco rode the same short bus, right?

  12. Those two, plus those supplying the weapons, should be quickly convicted, executed and never called by name again.

  13. Demon-crats making these shooter’s hurry up because they want too take guns away!
    wonder how they going too spin this as the AR wasn’t used, good bye duck and goose hunting
    say good bye too cowboy guns!

  14. I regularly conduct training for unarmed persons on how to survive active shooter situations. I always start out by expressing how the media makes folk heroes of these slimy scum murderers by spending weeks after each event telling us every aspect of the sociopaths’ lives and making sure we know them better than we know most of out neighbors. Is it any wonder then that the disenchanted and disenfranchised will turn to this psychotic outlet to make their mark on society and get even for all the years of neglect and abuse they feel they have suffered at the hands of whoever is convenient to blame?

    There is no question that these people are responsible for their own actions and will be called to pay for their actions, but I think the twin ‘gods’ of our twisted world, the news media and social media sites like Facebook have a great deal of responsibility in this sad and tragic scenario. Anyone who commits a crime like this should disappear into obscurity, not be used as a focus for more and more news ratings and turned into the “poster boy” for anyone who has ever had a bad day at work or school and wants to get even with the world.

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