Police ID Allen Texas Mall Shooter as 33-Year-Old Mauricio Garcia

The front entrance of a home connected to suspected mall gunman, Mauricio Garcian, in Dallas. The home was searched overnight by law enforcement officials related to the mall shooting in Allen, Texas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

By Jake Bleiberg and Rebecca Boone, AP

The gunman who killed eight people at a Texas outlet mall was identified as a person who had been staying at a nearby motel, but his motive was a mystery Sunday, a day after the attack turned an afternoon of shopping into a massacre.

Three law enforcement officials who spoke to The Associated Press named the gunman as Mauricio Garcia, 33, who was fatally shot Saturday by a police officer who happened to be near the suburban Dallas mall. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.

One of the officials said investigators have been searching the motel and a home in the Dallas area connected to the suspect. The official said police also found multiple weapons at the scene after Garcia was killed, including an AR-15-style rifle and a handgun.

Authorities released few details in the aftermath of the assault. They offered no clues about why Garcia would open fire on strangers or any details about those who were killed, including their names.

The name of the gunman in Allen emerged as the community mourned for the dead and awaited word on the seven people who were wounded.

The attack unfolded at Allen Premium Outlets, a sprawling outdoor shopping center. Witnesses reported seeing children among the victims. Some said they also saw what appeared to be a police officer and a mall security guard unconscious on the ground.

In this frame grab from video provided by WFAA, people are evacuated from Allen Premium Outlet, Saturday, May 6, 2023, in Allen, Texas. (WFAA via AP)

Dashcam video circulating online showed the gunman getting out of a car and shooting at people on the sidewalk. More than three dozen shots could be heard as the vehicle that was recording the video drove off.

Allen Fire Chief Jonathan Boyd said seven people, including the shooter, died at the scene. Two other people died at hospitals.

The wounded remained hospitalized Sunday — three in critical condition and four in fair condition, the Allen Police Department said in a statement.

An Allen police officer was in the area on an unrelated call when he heard shots at 3:36 p.m., the department wrote on Facebook.

“The officer engaged the suspect and neutralized the threat. He then called for emergency personnel,” the post said.



  1. Far be it from me to contradict Biden, but this is a great example of the fact that this nations problems do NOT come from MAGA Republicans. It’s quite obvious that this guy is not a Trump supporter. He is not the type that wants a better America and a lower national debt or less government in all of our lives.

    This is someone that was coming of age during Obama and has never known what it’s like to experience anything of prosperity, responsibility, or happiness. Living with your parents that long can do that to people. Welcome to the Obama/Biden legacy. It’s all about death and destruction.

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    • Try again Hombre.

      US Debt was at $10 Trillion at the start of the Obama presidency.
      in 8 Years, the US House of Representatives (originator of ALL SPENDING) raised it another $10 Trillion. Dems controlled House for just 2 years of Obama’s 8.

      During the 4-years of the Trump presidency, the US House of Representatives (originator of ALL SPENDING) raised it another $8 Trillion. Dems had control over House for 2 of the 4 years of the Trump presidency.

      So, to sum up, Republicans did nothing to reduce the deficit then, nor will they in the future.

        • Article 1 Section 7 Clause 1

          All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

        • No way will they *ever* do that.

          Has there been a calculation of how many *trillions* were handed out? 🙁

        • It’s fake money any way. Need more print more. In debt is just an excuse to keep prices high and more control over the people.
          And not to complain about my Great Illustrious , Benevolent, All Knowing All Powerful President Joseph Robinett Biden , wasnt He supposed the be “The Unifier”. Seems like theres a whole lot of pissed off people all over the world to me.
          What happened?

        • Geoff — why yes, yes they have. This article is a fair treatise on debt amounts per President, and it explains the particular method of how they arrived at these conclusions:

          Which President Has Put the United States the Most in Debt?
          President Joe Biden is on track to add the most to the budget deficit, largely due to the costs associated with battling the coronavirus pandemic.

          In January 2023, the nation hit the $31.4 trillion debt limit Congress passed in 2021. Republican lawmakers in control of the House of Representatives said they won’t raise the debt limit unless Democrats, who control the Senate, agree to budget cuts.

          On Oct. 1, 2021, at the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt was $28.4 trillion. Between the end of fiscal year 2020 and the end of fiscal year 2021, the national debt grew $1.5 trillion, a 5.6% increase year over year. For fiscal year 2022, President Joe Biden’s budget included a deficit of $1.84 trillion, and by August 2022, the national debt had grown to $30.8 trillion. — https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296

      • AR lib, You’re clearly a partisan. There’s a little more to proposed and approved budgets. Anyone saying otherwise is out of touch with reality. The trajectory of our country has been the same for decades. The Puppet just escalated it.

        • The US hasn’t had a real budget in years, if not decades. Our government has used continuing resolutions to fund themselves and spend our money.

      • Correct, it’s the Uniparty. Primaries people! The GOP doesn’t want to be saved, we have to force it. Revival or bust.

  2. Just heard on NBC news at 6:30 that the “suspect”, name and race not mentioned but that he was a “white Nationalist and a Neo-Nazi”! The man is of Hispanic Origin because other outlets have identified the name of the “alleged” shooter and he isn’t a Caucasian!! But mentioning the name of the shooter wouldn’t fit the Democrat and corrupt DOJ, FBI narrative about Whites being a higher risk for terrorist threats. Wait until they say he was also a Catholic! They get the trifecta!!!

    • Just because someone has a Spanish name doesn’t mean they are not white. Spanish are white people. Hispanics are white people. The only time Hispanics are not white is when they have native American blood or Black mixed in them.

      • Of course, this may be true…but with the left EVERYTHING is racial. EVERYTHING! It’s the card they play from the pit of Hell.

      • “ Spanish are white people. Hispanics are white people. The only time Hispanics are not white is when they have native American blood or Black mixed in them.”

        What about Asian blood? You’re a racist special ed bus wait for refueling. Go FYS.

        I’m sure everyone who isn’t on your doom azz side of the argument is a racist.

      • “The only time Hispanics are not white is when they have native American blood or Black mixed in them.”

        No Latino influence? No Aztec or Mayan blood, at all? 🙁

        • Aztec or Mayan would fall under the category “Native American” (which is stupid, but whatever).

          “Latino” (a term that “Latinos” ironically use to the exclusion of the only people who are literally Latin) is a linguistic term, but “Hispanic” would refer to ancestry from Spain – a Western European country with a majority Celtic population and a Germanic aristocracy; i.e. closer to the early US settlers than Greeks or Czechs, whom no one ever categorizes as anything but white.

          Along these lines, I was watching a podcast the other day where someone noted the irony that the Excalibur hotel tournament had a black actor playing the medieval King of Ireland (which was funny), but he also thought it was funny that a white actor was playing the King of Spain. I don’t expect most modern people to know about medieval history, but the hilarious part was that Spain has a blue-eyed King in 2023.

        • They came up with Hispanic to put everyone from south of the USA in their own “race” category. It’s stupid for many reasons, not the least of which is that it excludes Brazilians, who don’t speak Spanish!

          Indians (Native Americans) are Asian by the way. That’s where they came from. Don’t tell the climate nuts, but the sea began rising long before the Hummer was invented. Natives were eventually cut off from the rest of the world for a time. Ethnic “Hispanics” are a mix of Spanish (Europeans) and Natives (Asians).

        • “a black actor playing the medieval King of Ireland”

          Yes, the current fad in Hollywood (and Broadway) is to race swap historical pieces. I wonder when they’ll get Christian Bale to play MLK Jr. or Obama?

        • Yes, exactly. They made up that “race” when victimhood went from the most shameful thing in the world (to be avoided at all costs) to being a cash cow.

          Regarding casting, I’ve always thought something similar, except my benchmark is Dolph Lundgren. When Capt. Ivan Drago stops being denied the opportunity to play MLK or Rosa Parks, people can claim casting the actor who best fits the part is raciss. Until then, they can S T F U.

        • “Aztec or Mayan would fall under the category “Native American” (which is stupid, but whatever)”

          Both Aztec and Maya are native Americans, their genetic heritage does not contain any European bloodlines whatsoever.

          It would be difficult to find any particular population more ‘Native American’ than the Mayan and Aztec.

          Of course, the Europeans came to the homeland of the Mayans and Aztecs and pretty much wiped them out in their greedy search for gold, as authorized by the Christian God.

        • “It would be difficult to find any particular population more ‘Native American’ than the Mayan and Aztec.”

          Good to see you put the questionable term “native American” in quotes. Because they weren’t native to America.

          The settlement of the Americas began when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Bering land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum (26,000 to 19,000 years ago).

        • To Man with no name’s astute observation, I’d add the fact that “America” the name (derived from an Italian), the culture, and the country are creations of Western Civilization. The opinions of Finns, Koreans, or Nigerians about “American” politics, economics, books, movies, etc. may vary, but none of them have a thing to do with the Mayans or Aztecs. Claiming otherwise makes about as much sense as calling Gauls and Carthaginians “Native Romans” (to the exclusion and implied deprecation of the people who founded, ruled, and accomplished just about everything in that empire).

        • Man with no name, there is evidence of modern humans in the America’s up to 35,000 years ago. Polynesian DNA has been found in some ‘native South American cultures. The Asians were stuck in bringing for about 19000 years while the Clovis people roamed north America.

          I will not get into the Salutrean argument. There is currently not enough evidence to confirm or disprove it. But it is interesting to consider.

          And much much older evidence of hominid occupation has been found in Commifornia.

          By hook or by crook humans move around and humans from one branch of the tree or another have been coming here in repeated waves from different directions since our ancestors and their parallel primates left Africa.

        • “…there is evidence of modern humans in the America’s up to 35,000 years ago.”

          Where did they come from?

          “And much much older evidence of hominid occupation has been found in Commifornia.”

          Where did they come from?

          “By hook or by crook humans move around and humans from one branch of the tree or another have been coming here in repeated waves from different directions since our ancestors and their parallel primates left Africa.”

          Where did they come from? I rest my case.

      • except the central and south americans of spanish ancestry enjoy higher social status and run those countries. we get the squat hispanics of indian origin illegally crossing our border because they are poorer, less educated, have next to no social mobility, and have less political clout than those of spanish origin.

      • I am Hispanic.
        I do not consider myself white.
        I find that offensive.
        You do not speak for me.

        • They’re saying people that are bi-racial are white , because they think race is just like math, and you can round up. The side they round up to depends on the arguement they’re trying to make. A lot of the people that comment here are dumb and/or racist. I’m not blaming the forum. This is the same cross section of humanity that exists everywhere.

        • NEPAdam,
          Who is saying or even implying that? Try finding one instance before you make false statements to call anyone else “dumb”.

      • hispanics are whatever they need to be for the communist narrative. George Zimmerman and this guy get promoted to white. When they get beaten by the cops they are listed as POC.

  3. I’m not going to post the link, but the source for this “neo Nazi” tact is the WaPo.

    Here’s their “evidence” —

    Authorities have not released a motive, but a patch on his chest said “RWDS,” an acronym that stands for Right Wing Death Squad, according to people familiar with the investigation. The phrase is popular among right wing extremists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists, they said, and while there is still a great deal of evidence to analyze and authorities have not reached any conclusions yet, investigators are approaching the shooting as a possible hate crime.

    He must be related to George Zimmerman — another “white Hispanic.”

    A wag on another site that I frequent says “Hey, that narrative isn’t going to advance itself, you know.”

    • “…there is still a great deal of evidence to analyze and authorities have not reached any conclusions yet…”

      Why would they need to? The MSM is doing that for them. And the “authorities” have no real way to release any information to a wide spectrum of Americans, except through… (wait, it’s coming…) the MSM filter.

    • Looking increasingly like a plant. Question is, who? After the fact, or the sh00ter?

      • Funny how certain people around here only start calling the murderers plants and talking about “false flags” when it comes out that the perp was a right winger.

        • Swarf — has it come out that the shooter is a “right-winger?”

          Perhaps you can explain the tattoo on his left hand that looks suspiciously like a Hispanic gang symbol?

        • The only thing funny is the increasingly large amount of mass shooters leaving far left manifesto’s in their wake.

          Or, were you, like the MSM trying to ignore that?

    • a patch on his chest said “RWDS”

      In other words, he was a member of a fed-infiltrated group. “Hey fellas! I got us these cool patches to wear so everyone will know we are right wing.”

      “Hey g u y s” goes to moderation. WTH?

  4. Shooter Mauricio Garcia

    He was “a white Nationalist and a Neo-Nazi…”

    Just like George Zimmermann, labelled as a “white Hispanic”, IIRC. It’ll be interesting to watch the spin on this investigation.

    On another matter, I see there was also a run-down and killing of seven humans near an illegal center, also in Texas. I’m sure these people are a lot less dead, and they’ll barely be mourned since no firearm was involved that we know of.

    So- seven dead by gunfire, not counting the shooter, and seven dead by vehicle…

    • A couple of weeks ago, a teenage employee of a supermarket was caught on surveillance video as he inserted pins into food. The brat’s in jail, the store pulled all suspect goods off the shelf and published a warning to customers who might have bought contaminated food before the brat was caught. Again, an act of domestic terrorism (more likely, personal revenge against the world) perpetrated without firearms.

  5. A Spanish surname I see. Well this story will go into the memory hole very quickly. He could have killed 30 people and it would disappear just like that. Just like the black overweight, New York City subway shooter story just vanished into thin air.

    Actually I take that back. A murderer with a Spanish surname did in fact murder 30 people. And nobody talks about him anymore. The shooter in Uvalde Texas.

  6. We have such a shortage of white supremacists in this country, that the media has to invent them.

    “It’s the narrative, stupid!”

    • According to Pr0gressive’s ideology, the melanine impoverished majority must be punished for their ancestral crimes against those 0ppreassed people of color.

  7. Who cares what color or nationality he was. He was a pathetic human being for doing what he did. Killing innocent people and injuring some for no reason at all but himself being screwed in the head. Does race, creed, nationality, etc really matter at this point, when innocent people are slaughtered for now reason, other then a person being so mentally ill, that they carry out this mess. He could be purple polka dotted for all I care. He still did what he did regardless.

    • You are simply a better person than most liberals. They don’t care about black on black crime. They only care if the perpetrator is a white person. Most liberals are very racist people.

    • Of course, you may indeed be right, but to the left…EVERYTHING is racial. Don’t forget that. EVERYTHING! Race is one of dems trump cards played from the pit of Hell.

    • “Killing innocent people and injuring some for no reason at all but himself being screwed in the head. Does race, creed, nationality, etc really matter at this point, when innocent people are slaughtered for now reason, other then a person being so mentally ill, that they carry out this mess.”

      It matters because one particular group will use that to push an agenda of hate, that’s why…

      • Exactly Geoff. I bet “Brannon” understands that too. He’s here to help push the narrative. Noting the shooter’s ethnic background destroys the white supremacist narrative.

  8. Will we find out that this murderer wanted to force the government to repeal the Second Amendment???
    Yes, I know it sounds crazy. But I believe the last three or four killers stated that was exactly what they were trying to do.

    “Motive for massacre: Louisville bank shooter Connor Sturgeon wrote chilling 13-page manifesto laying out his THREE reasons for killing spree: To prove how easy it is to buy a gun, highlight America’s mental health crisis…and kill himself”


    • Appears to be a new paradigm. Committing spree killings to promote gun control.

      Wasn’t that the aim of the Christchurch mass killer?

      • You are correct. And the shooter at the NY food store also said the same thing. He wanted the government to confiscate guns too.

        Most of these anti-gun folks are mentally unstable people. I have personally talked to them and they admit they themselves are against gun ownership, because of their own self admitted mental instability.

        And of course they project this on to other people. I think many in the Anti-gun crowd are physically very dangerous people. On TTAG they have covered the crimes committed by the Mayors Against Guns. And some activists have actually tried to murder other people using a gun.

        I absolutely believe that there are a number of them, who are willing to commit mass murder. In order to force the government to confiscate everyone’s guns. That is how mentally sick these people really are.

        • “Most of these anti-gun folks are mentally unstable people. I have personally talked to them and they admit they themselves are against gun ownership, because of their own self admitted mental instability.”

          Damn straight. They say things like “I could never own a gun, I’d get mad and shoot someone!”

          I say to folks like that (and I have!), “You have no idea how happy I am that you recognize that personal failing in yourself, and that you don’t own a gun. Good! 🙂

          For the rest of us who don’t have that problem, LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!” 🙁

        • “I absolutely believe that there are a number of them, who are willing to commit mass murder. In order to force the government to confiscate everyone’s guns.”

          I find it odd that the FBI suddenly released the (unlikely) motive for the Vegas shooter five years later, after they told us they didn’t have a motive.

      • Also the 2019 Dayton shooter. Remind me, what do we call it when somebody perpetrates violence against a civilian population to apply pressure towards a political agenda?

  9. “Who cares what color or nationality he was?”

    The media. The government. Leftists. Donks.

    But I repeat myself.

  10. The press is saying that he is a light skin, Hispanic neo Nazi.. I guess they forgot to look at the Puro tango blast tattoo on his hand…. I don’t think any white supremacist group would ever accept a former Latino gang member that did not speak English… this is definitely a false flag..

    Just more proof that the lamestream Mockingbird media is the most dangerous entity in this nation… there is no left Wing or right wing because they’re all a part of the same bird..

  11. imagine that, Hispanic male… no wonder it’s not a headline. Race- baiting news rganizations.. it’s only a headline if it’s a white blue-eyed devil.

    • No bueno senor. No bueno🙄 White hispanglish or not us white boyz will get blamed…

    • The not a headline? I have multiple stories on multiple feeds. And the ttag faithful are bending over backwards to not acknowledge that the criminal might be a republican because it is only leftys that do this shit

      • Now explain the apparent gang tattoo on the perp’s left hand.

        Or did you think that was a symbol of the GOP?

  12. Why does anyone need to have an assault weapon that can kill 30 or more people in mere seconds? Sometimes the bullets, which were designer for the battlefield to begin with, can tear through multiple people. Why do we let anyone have these things so easily, especially in Republican controlled states which seem to lead the score card in recent months in terms of mass shootings? When is enough enough? We’ve repealed and replaced Obamacare. We’ve amended the constitution to let women and black folks vote. We can amend the constitution to take away these semi automatic weapons of war off our streets once and for all.

    • The Consitution can also be amended to removed the freedom of speech and that would mean you personally (and the rest of us) would no longer have the right to publicly ask such nonsense.

      Why not just remove the Constitution all together and appoint a king to rule over us all?

    • David, why do you hate black people so much? ALL the cities with the dead young black bodies (with triggers pulled by young black fingers) are liberal cities. But you don’t care about the VAST majority of the murders with handguns being the tool of choice. But you don’t care. Why? No, you want State (Big Gov) centralized, collective power…at the expense of the individual. We see you Leopard. Nazi and Communist alike just LOVE the State (Big Gov). Why do you Comrade? The tools are NOTHING more than semi-auto rifles…and yet you wish to remove them from the populace and thus reduce the ability to engage in Asymmetric (Guerilla) warfare…the point of the Second Amendment. Wise up.

    • “We can amend the constitution to take away these semi automatic weapons of war off our streets once and for all.”

      An amendment won’t confiscate anyone’s guns. That’s up to people like you.

      You will be one of the first ones to go house-to-house to “take these weapons of war off our streets once and for all.” Won’t you?

    • Why does anyone need a pecker that is a foot long and as thick as a beer can and can fire dozens of rounds without reloading?

    • david hoggwash…The perp could just as easily used his vehicle to mow down 100 shoppers. So why do you own an assault vehicle to transport your stupid azz around?

      I suggest you stfu, get a box and go door to door and tell people to put their guns in your box…don’t be surprised when some nice lady plants a frying pan on the top of your fukin head.

    • David,
      You do realize my 1880’s vintage Winchester is capable of punching holes through multiple bodies as well. The rifle was designed as a hunting rifle. As will any common caliber hunting rifle.
      Even the 1770’s vintage flintlock long rifle I own will at anything under 100 yards will penetrate through a deer and could possibly kill a second deer sized animal. Or Humans. For that matter, a standard crossbow used for hunting can pierce through a deer’s chest and stick into a tree beyond the animal.
      And, you do have it backwards. The Military M-16 was developed from the civilian AR, not the other way as you seem to believe.
      Next is the fact the Military chose the 5.56mm round because it was not a potent as the full power 7.62mm round it replaced. The idea was to wound instead of kill. A wounded man takes more than just the individual soldier out of the battle line and uses up resources for the support and medical personnel needed. The dead can wait until after the battle and use nothing in supplies.

      • “The Military M-16 was developed from the civilian AR, not the other way as you seem to believe.”

        Bullshit, the AR15 was developed as a selective fire military weapon, research the “coconut AR15”.

        • @Miner49

          “Bullshit, the AR15 was developed as a selective fire military weapon…”


          the origin design and intent of the AR-15 was as a semi-auto civilian rifle adopted from the AR-10. when the mitary need came around that design was made select fire.

      • the 5.56mm was designed to wound trope is so fuddy. military fighting doctrine changed and shifted to having more ammo to suppress and manuever around enemies.

    • My vintage blunderbuss could kill dozens of people with one load. Just one round from a standard, 12 gauge shotgun can launch 27, twenty-four caliber projectiles, any one of which can penetratrate a human skull. Stand off about fifty to a hundred yards away from a crowd and you can severely injured or kill a dozen people with each round fired.

      Of course a motor vehicle can be an extremely lethal weapon that can easily kill a hundred people.

      Don’t get me started on arson as a weapon.

  13. Federal agents have been reviewing social media accounts they believe Garcia used and posts that expressed interest in white supremacist and neo-Nazi views, said the official, who could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

    …In addition to reviewing social media posts, federal agents have interviewed family members and associates of Garcia to ask about his ideological beliefs, the official said. Investigators are also reviewing financial records, other online posts they believe Garcia made and other electronic media, according to the official.

  14. In the previous thread on this shooting, there was considerable discussion of the failure of people to utilize their vehicles to neutralize the perpetrator. People actually drove past him and away.

    I can understand the rationalization for cowardice or perhaps a failure to understand that a two ton vehicle IS an EXTREMELY DEADLY WEAPON. However; I can not understand why people refuse to understand that the vehicles driven by these mass murderers are potentially just as lethal as an AR-15 or a pistol or a politically correct shotgun. Has everyone forgotten the Nice truck attack? It isn’t the guns!!!!

    • “The suspect is being held in city jail and refusing to talk, police said.

      The FBI is working to determine if the crash was an intentional act and, if so, whether there was a domestic violent extremist motive behind it, law enforcement sources told ABC News on Sunday. The FBI is supporting local and state investigators, and is not the lead agency in the investigation.

      At this point, investigators have not reached any conclusion about whether the crash was a deliberate act targeting the victims because of their perceived immigration status or an accident, the sources said.”

      A Range Rover, a quite expensive vehicle known to be preferred by those of the hate-filled ‘Progressive’ political bent. Able to transport a crew of ‘Antifa’ thugs and a heavy load of bricks over muddy rugged terrain to peaceful conservative rallies.

      That’s gonna get memory-holed real fast… 🙁

  15. ” …who could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.”

    So he discussed details of the investigation publicly with the AP even though he could not discuss details of the investigation publicly?

    Later, if this is proven false, will the official discuss details of the investigation publicly with the AP and admit that everything that he told them anonymously is bullshit?

    • Additionally, two senior law enforcement officials told NBC News that Garcia both consumed and posted neo-Nazi and white supremacist content on the internet.

      Garcia was in the U.S. Army in 2008 and was discharged over “mental health concerns,” according to WFAA. No other details were available.
      Also, plenty of pictures of people wearing the RWDS patch. Proud Boys, January 6th Rioters, etc…

      • Is there a photo of the shooter wearing the RWDS patch? No? Why not, Liar49er?

        Perhaps you would be so kind as to explain the apparent Hispanic gang tattoo on the perp’s left hand? There just happen to be photos of it — but you won’t see them on the lamestream media.

  16. And 27 people are reported to have died in a fire at a gold mine in Peru.

    Are they less dead because they weren’t shot?

    Lil’d will now doubt blame those evil right-wing greedy Capitalvanians.

  17. Police searched a home connected(maybe connected) with the shooter. Police tore up the house, stole a bunch of shit, and took the broken toaster back to the precinct as possible evidence.

  18. The nut case had been posting on Far Right Neo Nazi web sites.

    Also in Brownsville Texas another Far Right Neo Nazi ran down and killed 7 people.

    Once again proving the FBI correct when it has stated the biggest danger to the American people are Far Right Neo Nazi groups.

    Meanwhile the Far Right Proud Boys have been sentenced to 14 years in prison for trying to Help Herr Drumpf overthrown the U.S. Government on Jan 6th and establish an all white right wing Dictatorship with Herr Drumpf appointed Der Fuhrer for life.

    • “The nut case had been posting on Far Right Neo Nazi web sites.”

      Citation? So far, the WaPo originated that little tidbit and the rest of the JournoList picked it up. What sites did he visit? Oh, you don’t have that information, do you?

      No one seems to be able to explain the tattoo on the perp’s left hand that is visible in photos (except for those on the lamestream media sites, many of whom cropped the photo so it could not be seen). Explain that, dacian.

      “Also in Brownsville Texas another Far Right Neo Nazi ran down and killed 7 people.”

      Texas seems to be suffering from a sudden invasion of Hispanic white supremacist neo-Nazis lately. What’s up with that?

      Oh — you’re lying. Again. What a shocker.

      • Que no es possible un metizo es supremo blanco? Don’t be ………ethnist?

      • Isn’t it amazing how much we know about his “motivations” so quickly while we’re still waiting to “understand” the motive of the trans-identifying Christian school shooter? Purely coincidence, right?

      • To The Man With No Brains

        quote———Citation? So far, the WaPo originated that little tidbit and the rest of the JournoList picked it up. What sites did he visit? Oh, you don’t have that information, do you?——–quote

        Its obvious you watch nothing but Fox News. The citations you are screaming about were broadcast on all the major news channels WORLD WIDE, NOT JUST IN THE U.S. Try MSNBC or France 24 News or DWM News or BBC World Wide or BBC News America just for starters you utter Moron.

        Man with no brains you must enjoy making a complete fool of yourself.

        • “The nut case had been posting on Far Right Neo Nazi web sites.”

          Citation? Still waiting for one.

          “The citations you are screaming about were broadcast on all the major news channels WORLD WIDE, NOT JUST IN THE U.S.”

          Cite one source — just one — that proves any of the speculation. You can’t.

          Reuters: “Reuters could not independently confirm the reports.”

          France24: “Text by: NEWS WIRES — Reuters could not independently confirm the reports.” (Yes, they quoted Reuters.)

          BBC: “Investigators are working to establish whether a gunman who killed eight people at a Texas shopping mall had far-right links. … Federal agents are now reviewing social media to look into his beliefs, reports CBS News, the BBC’s US partner.”

          BBC quotes CBS: “Investigators are looking into whether the gunman who killed eight people and wounded seven others at an outlet mall in Texas on Saturday was motivated by domestic violent extremist ideals, according to a law enforcement source.”

          MSNBC: “A social media page appearing to belong to a gunman who killed eight people at a Dallas-area outlet mall … Authorities have not revealed a motive. A senior law enforcement source said the gunman’s social media site is part of the investigation.”

          (Crap — now I feel all dirty; I’m going to have to shower to get that MSNBC stink off of me.)

          The only source for the speculation is OK.ru, a Russian website.

          So you trust Russian media, dacien? How very Soviet of you.

        • To the Man with no brains

          You big bag of rectum gas you were citing the preliminary reports when the crime first happened not the later reports that showed in both examples I gave both nut cases were far right racists.

          Try another lie you flunked out again.


          A preliminary review of what is believed to be the shooter’s social media accounts reveal hundreds of posts that include racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist rhetoric, including neo-Nazi material and material espousing white supremacy, two senior law enforcement officials said.

          The officials stressed that the investigation is ongoing. The preliminary review found that the gunman’s social media posts were not liked or shared by other users.

          Police and the Texas Rangers, working with the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, are investigating the shooting as a case of racial or ethnically motivated violent extremism, two senior law enforcement officials said.



          Again more proof Man with no brains that you are an abject liar and deceiver of the truth,.

        • “…you were citing the preliminary reports when the crime first happened …”

          Fuck you, dacian — I pulled the quotes straight from those websites this morning when the stories were updated.

          “HERE WAS THE LATER REPORT A preliminary review of what is believed to be the shooter’s social media accounts …”

          A preliminary review of what is believed to be

          Fuck you, dacian. “Preliminary” is not final nor conclusive. “Believed to be” means it hasn’t been verified.


          It didn’t show his face — that photo was pulled from the Russian website. Fuck you, dacian.

          “…you are an abject liar and deceiver of the truth,.”

          I’ll give that the answer that it deserves: “I know what you are; what am I?”

          Oh, and fuck you, asshole.

    • And speaking of a nutcase with murderous intent…

      How’s your plan for the purge coming along? So many logistical details. Not as easy as you first thought.

  19. What is rather telling about the major media outlets and anti gun politicians is the handful of incidents they can milk for the agenda get plastered all over the news cycle for days if not weeks. The incidents that don’t fit the narrative either get left to local news for that evenings news, or buried within hours. And many of those reported get tweaked and twisted to fit the agenda. Seldom is the truth reported anymore.
    Sorry, but what we see is political grandstanding and a foolish agenda instead of truthful reporting and honest concern for the victims. Many workable, functional solutions have been offered and proposed by the pro gun side that have been ignored or downplayed by the gun grabbers. The goal is to have the populace disarmed, and disabled in their ability to defend themselves from the criminals and from the ever growing tyrannical bureaucracy.

    • Some of the account’s most recent posts appear to foreshadow the mass killing. On April 16, it uploaded a series of pictures outside the Allen Outlet Mall’s H&M entrance, where Garcia would later open fire. It also shared screenshots of a page indicating the mall’s busiest hours.

      In late April, the account shared pictures of body armor laden with magazines for a rifle. The bulletproof vest had a patch reading “RWDS,” an acronym for “right wing death squad.” Law enforcement had previously referenced the patch when identifying Garcia as a potential politically motivated extremist. The following day, the account posted pictures of a torso (presumably Garcia’s own) tattooed with a swastika and Notzi SS bolts, alongside a caption railing against “diversity.”

      The OK.ru user also uploaded a picture of his hand, which appeared to bear the same tattoo as the shooter, and an old identification card with the name “Mauricio.” A picture of receipt for multiple guns, uploaded in January, has the name “Mauricio,” along with a poorly redacted phone number that appears to match one identified as the shooter’s.

  20. The police required a translator at the home of the shooter.
    Did the shooter even understand what RWDS meant?
    Did he even understand what right wing even means?
    What was his education level?

    • Maybe he did post on right wing sites and search white supremacist sites. Question for me is how long exactly did he keep up the charade?

      • Or the question might be “Who planted that search history on his computer?”

      • I was thinking he might be like Dacian, Miner49er, or David Hogg.
        Waiting to see more evidence if such things are released.
        Or are they going to hold back evidence like the Nashville shooter?

  21. Some of the account’s most recent posts appear to foreshadow the mass killing. On April 16, it uploaded a series of pictures outside the Allen Outlet Mall’s H&M entrance, where Garcia would later open fire. It also shared screenshots of a page indicating the mall’s busiest hours. In late April, the account shared pictures of body armor laden with magazines for a rifle. The bulletproof vest had a patch reading “RWDS,” an acronym for “right wing death squad.” Law enforcement had previously referenced the patch when identifying Garcia as a potential politically motivated extremist.

    The following day, the account posted pictures of a torso (presumably Garcia’s own) tattooed with a swastika and Nazi SS bolts, alongside a caption railing against “diversity.”

    The OK.ru user also uploaded a picture of his hand, which appeared to bear the same tattoo as the shooter, and an old identification card with the name “Mauricio.” A picture of receipt for multiple guns, uploaded in January, has the name “Mauricio,” along with a poorly redacted phone number that appears to match one identified as the shooter’s.

    • Liar49er, again failing to cite the source of his post.

      Forget it, Jake — it’s the Daily Beast.


      The OK.ru user also uploaded a picture of his hand, which appeared to bear the same tattoo as the shooter …

      Let’s assume for a moment that this is actually Garcia’s account (although DB makes it abundantly clear that nothing they’re reported has been verified).

      What was the tattoo? What does it signify? The DB writer doesn’t say and is curiously uninterested in finding out.

      One more thing: the domain OK.ru. Isn’t that a Russian website? Does the Daily Beast normally accept Russian websites as providing accurate information? Do DB readers still believe the “Russian collusion” falsehoods?

        • “We do know he had neo-Nazi ideation,” Texas DPS Regional Director Hank Sibley said about the shooting suspect, 33-year-old Mauricio Garcia of Dallas. “He had patches. He had tattoos.”

          Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist can’t believe the truth. I’m shocked I tell you!

        • From your BBC source:

          “The big question that we’re dealing with right now is what’s his motive, why did he do this?” Mr Sibley said.

          “Well, the big question is, we don’t know.”

      • While we’re (WFAA) not showing the image here, the tattoo on Garcia’s hand very clearly appeared to be the “Triple D” logo used by the City of Dallas. You can see the logo in the upper left-hand corner of the city’s website.

        The logo consists of a a three-ringed “D” with a broken connection on its left-hand side, with a three-leafed “tree” placed inside of the empty space in the middle.

        The “tree,” per the municipal archives, “is meant to symbolize the quality of living in Dallas, and also to project a feeling of greenery, growth and concern for the environment.”

        • You just plagiarized a “fact check” from ABC affiliate WFAA 8, Dallas. — https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/did-the-allen-texas-outlet-mall-shooting-suspected-shooter-have-a-gang-tattoo-on-his-hand/287-ac67de7a-57a8-4b4a-a37e-b38a04566306

          Now ask yourself this: why would a supposed “neo-Nazi white supremacist” Hispanic — who according to the Daily Beast has Nazi swastikas and SS lightning bolt tattoos on his body — put the logo of the City of Dallas on his hand? Is he symbolizing the quality of neo-Nazi living in Dallas, projecting a feeling of greenery and concern for the environment, as white supremacists are wont to do?


          Photos circulating of Garcia showed a tattoo on his left hand potentially representing the city of Dallas.

          Texas law enforcement told Newsmax this tattoo might be an indicator of potential gang involvement with the Puro Tango Blast prison gang. Tango Blast tattoos typically indicate where the bearer is from, such as sports or city symbols and area codes, according to the official.

          Puro Tango Blast is one of the fastest growing gangs, with exploding growth, no constitution, and no leadership, according to the official. They can move between gangs.

          The decentralized nature of Tango Blast makes it easier for the members to avoid organized crime cases, according to law enforcement.


        • The Conspiracy Theories are strong with you.

          If you look at the photo of his arm with the SS tattoo, there’s a Texas (state outline with name in script) above it.

          This guy joined the army, and was employed as a security guard. Sounds like a typical Proud Boy – not just proud of his country but his city and his ideology. Funny thing, the Proud Boys also wear RWDS patches.

        • “The Conspiracy Theories are strong with you.”

          Me? You quoted the Daily Beast, for chrissakes.

          “If you look at the photo of his arm with the SS tattoo, there’s a Texas (state outline with name in script) above it.”

          The photo on the Daily Beast, sourced from a Russian website? None of which have been verified as belonging to the perp?
          Hell, no.

          “Funny thing, the Proud Boys also wear RWDS patches.”

          Got a photo of the shooter wearing one? Didn’t think so.

        • Man You Are Dense.

          NY Post a very clear photo of the gunman. You can his face and the tattoo. It is absolutely, unmistakably the Dallas City Logo.

          See for yourself. Just remove the tinfoil hat first.

        • “Man You Are Dense.”

          I’m just not willing to swallow dubious “evidence” posted on Russian websites as the “truth.” You are. Which one of us is “dense?”

          “NY Post a very clear photo of the gunman. You can his face and the tattoo. It is absolutely, unmistakably the Dallas City Logo.”

          That’s where I first saw the hand tattoo, the NY Post. I never denied that the tattoo might be the Dallas city logo. What’s interesting is that you haven’t presented a reasonable explanation why a Hispanic neo-Nazi white supremacist murderer has a city tattoo on his hand. It’s common knowledge among Dallas LEO that the tattoo signifies gang involvement, and that possibility the police have admitted investigating. And you’d think that a Dallas TV station would be aware of this as well.

          “RWDS patches.”

          Got a photo of the shooter wearing one?

          Tell you what — you’re dishonest, a proven plagiarizer, relying on unverifiable far-left-wing websites and Russian disinformation. Come back after any of the wild theories you’ve presented has been proven true, honestly engage in discussion, cite your sources, and then we’ll talk.

          Until then — stop wasting everyone’s time with your bullshit.

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