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“A man carrying two guns has been arrested at Euro Disney,” reports. “Police have detained the armed man, aged 28, in Seine-et-Marne near Paris. His firearms, thought to be handguns, were concealed in a bag. Security staff alerted police at around midday after the man’s weapons were picked up as he walked through an X-ray scanner while trying to book a hotel room. French media say the European man was stopped at the New York Hotel.” Here’s what they found . . .

As well as the two handguns, the suspect was carrying a box of bullets and a copy of the Koran on him, according to police sources.

An Interior Ministry official confirmed the arrest. The man was not previously known to police or intelligence services.

So a “European man” (a French citizen born in Lagny who lives in Paris) with a couple of handguns carrying a Koran attempted to enter Disneyland Paris. I’m thinking Islamic terrorist. Despite widespread coverage in the mainstream media, those words are curiously absent from the stories. Disney advertising influence, political correctness or sensible journalistic caution? We report, you deride.

[h/t TP]

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  1. I read he was not just a “European Man” but also a “Modern Man”. Not to be confused with “Muslim Extremist” or “Middle Aged Muslim Male Clinging to Guns And Religion”. Literally.

  2. They don’t want to infuriate the musloid goat humpers, so they left the part about his name being Barry or mohammed out.

    • I would guess that the press was being pressured to not include the “Islamic Terrorist” description in the article and I applaud the writer for slipping in the reference to the koran in the backpack. Unless this was some suicidal Catholic trying to blame the attack on Islam for some nefarious reason I think the inclusion of the koran reference was brilliant.

  3. Disney advertising influence and political correctness combined with uncertainty regarding motives, although personally I lean towards terrorism.

  4. And he must of gone to the Crown Point gun show so he could by the guns without background check.

  5. I guess he wasn’t a very serious terrorist, only 20 rounds and only one mag for each gun. I thought you could just pick up an AK in a park under a bush or something.

    • His load out sounds more like a concealed carrier, than a terrorist.

      Somewhere, I read that the guns and ammo were 7.65 mm. That is a .32 acp isn’t it? Sounds like a pitiful terrorist if he is only carrying a Kel-Tec P32 or something.

      • Terror is about terror, not maximum body count. The box of ammo could have been 50 rounds, not 20, I don’t know if the article specified.

        The point is, in a crowded Target Rich Zone, especially one where there are whole families of infidels and I suspect damn few Muslims, emptying two pistol magazines into that crowd creates maximum terror and a big splash in the news. Whether or not he had time to reload before the authorities were all over him, mission accomplished.

        He was unable to smuggle two small pistols into the hotel or park. Maybe it was a test of defenses? At any rate, they now know that if they want an AK for the job they have to find another way to get past the gates.

        • Exactly. The impact on tourism to both France and that most western of symbols, Disney, would be devastating…

    • Did the authorities really “thwart a terrorist”, or did they just bust some dude for carrying guns in manner contrary to the law. Who knows? I don’t. He may well have been a terrorist.

      • Bingo. I think we know why everyone here is assuming he’s a terrorist when they could just as easily be the ones ‘caught’ carrying guns into a hotel.

    • This: I thought that place went belly-up years ago. If Islamic terrorists are targeting that money loser they must be looking for a lower body count.

  6. I wonder if those were automatic guns, where you just hold the trigger and they just spray bullets?

    • Well according to the breathless reporting I heard when this story first surfaced he had automatic guns. Not pistols. Not two pistols. Not automatic pistols. Just those pesky automatic guns again.

      Didn’t hear anything about that darn Koran though.

      But definitely AUTOMATIC GUNS!!!!!!

      (heard ad nauseum)

      • Of course they were ‘automatic guns’. It’s too hard to spray .9mm bullets everywhere from your clip magazine thingies while shifting and operating the clutch! At least he had handguns; those shoulder thingies that go up cause extra carnage!

  7. Hmmm, another example of a religion, as one gets more devout, the more homicidal one becomes.

    Actually, it fits more the definition of a cult, or a criminal orginization. Especially the part where If a Muslim converts to another religion, or becomes an athiest, the Hadith commands that all good muslims should kill them. You know, blood in, blood out.

    Also as a criminal organization, they look at anyone out side of their group as fair game for rape, pillage, plunder and murder.

    • I got a Lee Loader recently. It is a lot of fun, though reloading .38 sp. one at a time is a slow process.

  8. If a spree killer or terrorist really wants to get firearms into a Disney property, all they have to do is walk them up to the fence at some non-descript part of the property in the middle of the night. Then enter the park the next day, go to said location, retrieve firearms from the fence, and go to town.

    Or they could just kill a bazillion people in the massive crowd at the entrance to the park that have not yet gone through the metal detectors … and the enterprising spree killer doesn’t need a firearm to do it.

    • I usually only carry one gun into a hotel (my EDC). I guess it is the second one that makes you a terrorist. The third one makes you a 3-gun enthusiast.

  9. Can’t help but be reminded of a Letterman joke from years ago:

    “Disney announced today that there would be no more fireworks in the evening at Euro Disney outside of Paris. It seems that every time the fireworks would start, French people would try to surrender to German tourists.”

  10. I wonder how the jewish people can be blamed for this. Perhaps Obamba knows. Maybe the guy was Jewish and had a sidur and they thought it was a koran. Why doesn’t disney give him a job so he won’t want to kill anyone.

  11. Just check out the media blackout on the widespread, coordinated rape and sexual assault attacks by young Muslim “refugees” in Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve. Alex Jones and the black helicopter Dale Gribble crew seem less and less crazy the more I see things like this.

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