In the aftermath of a deadly school shooting at Apalachee High School in Northeast Georgia early this month that left four people dead and nine others wounded, a new poll reveals widespread support for increased mental health services, school safety reforms and holding students and parents accountable for threats of violence. Conducted by the Republican-aligned Cygnal polling firm, the survey of 518 Georgia parents of K-12 students sheds light on the priorities of families as the state legislature prepares to tackle gun safety policies next year.
Key Findings from the Poll:
- 71% of parents support increasing mental health services in schools to help prevent violent incidents.
- 69% support enforcing severe consequences for students who threaten mass violence.
- 59% of respondents favor holding parents accountable if their children commit acts of violence with firearms.
- 65% support training fully armed school safety officers.
- 88% believe that students who make threats to “shoot up a school” should face expulsion, arrest or other penalties.
- 52% of parents back allowing more local school boards to permit teachers to carry firearms, though 34% oppose the idea.
- 83% agree that parents should be notified of threats made by students, even if the student is cleared by law enforcement.
While a strong consensus exists on mental health and student accountability measures, more divisive proposals, such as raising the minimum age to purchase a firearm (42%) and banning assault rifles (36%), garnered less support. Additionally, only 19% supported the GOP-backed idea of ending “gun-free zones.”
These results provide a potential roadmap for lawmakers in the upcoming legislative session, with a focus on mental health, school safety, and holding both students and parents accountable for violence threats.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports: “House Speaker Jon Burns took an initial step last week when he outlined a series of proposals to expand mental health access, crack down on school shooting threats and give state-backed incentives for people buying safety mechanisms.”
52% of parents back allowing more local school boards to permit teachers to carry firearms, though 34% oppose the idea.
I have a real big problem with using the term “allow” in the same sentence as a natural, civil, and Constitutionally protected right. This is what happens when the left defines the terms of engagement.
“52% of parents back allowing more local school boards to permit teachers to carry firearms, though 34% oppose the idea.”
The only result quoting both the positive and negative responses.
Seems to be an effort to add more credibility to the 34% group.
Of course they are saddened that the results weren’t the other way around.
Home or private school if you can! Work’s for my granddaughters & my brothers kid’s🙄
This^^^. The liberal progressive educational indoctrination system formally known as public education has destroyed our children’s ability to learn.
It was clearly the guns fault.
Harris Promises to TRAMPLE 2nd+4th Amendment Rights, (so radically anti-rights will even) Violate Magna Carta if Elected.
(remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)
http-s — ://
How Illinois Will Use Dirty Cops to Disarm.
“As if Illinois residents don’t have it bad enough already, along comes some very crooked officers from the Normal, Illinois Police department who thought it would be cute to flat out lie about an otherwise lawful and responsible gun owning resident just to get his FOID card revoked. We’re not making this story up. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the matter of Kuhlman v. Hines, et. al, a case, which if proven to be true, should could erode any level of trust the comunity still has in its Police Department.”
(remove the ‘-‘ and contract to fully form url to watch, but if one appears after the = do not remove those)
http-s — ://
Just a thought here on the matter of school shootings.
I’ve noticed the majority of these events are in larger, schools with a fairly large student body and a high student to teacher ratio.
Could it be an issue of too many students who don’t really know each other forced together?
Used to be students went to a school withing walking distance from their home. And yes I know walking distance is subjective. Lets say within 2.5 miles of their home.
Small schools with smaller class sizes and a smaller number of students in a classroom might be better for the students. Then, allow the teachers to actually maintain discipline in the classroom.
Next would be yes, have the adults who wish to do so carry a concealed weapon.
Get the schools back to actually teaching basics of reading writing, arithmetic, basic sciences, civics, and history. Along with teaching basic logic, reasoning and critical thinking skills. Drop the fluff and politics and feel good garbage.
Just might be the old ways were used for so many generations because they worked.
“Used to be students went to a school withing walking distance from their home“
I agree, the schools used to be the center of activity in the community as parents and neighbors would attend school activities such as pioneer days, fall festivals, school plays and graduations.
That community involvement was a part of the educational process, as Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a village to raise a child”.
When schools were consolidated (mostly for financial savings) it cut the heart out of the community, and forced the students into a giant facility where teachers and administrators lost the ability to interact personally with the students.
Who is this mask individual.
Who is this masked individual.
” It takes a village to raise a child” is just more lefty propaganda. The real statement would be ” It takes the Government to raise a village Idiot – I’m keeping my kids the hell OUT of the village ! “
MINOR49er. Teachers and administrators have lost communication with parents and students because they are not communicating with students. Administrators especially sit in their “Ivory Tower” removed from the everyday life of the teachers and the students. This is an example of “Leading from behind” that the Left is so famous for.
Teachers are being forced to teach such things as LGBT nonsense, etc. Why not get back to reading, writing (cursive) and arithmetic? We use to have History and Geography taught in schools. Most students don’t know the capital of their own state or the basics of the Constitution, and the American Revolution.
In an attempt to sound tough and getting off script during an interview with Oprah she said that if anyone broke into her home they would get shot. Implying she would shoot them. After looking at the expression on Oprah’s face she quickly said maybe I shouldn’t have said that as Oprah nodded in response. She’s an even bigger empty suit than Biden if that’s possible.
“Additionally, only 19% supported the GOP-backed idea of ending “gun-free zones.”
See… they don’t really want to save the children.
So call it what it really is – ” Only The Criminals Are Armed Zones.”
… now retake the poll.
There is a machine gun manufacturer in Winder where I purchased a new gun on a registered pre 86 tube. Excellent dependable gun.
Send qualified teachers to a weapon safety course and the range and put em back in the classroom with a two way radio! Also keep an eye out for troubled students that may be in need of help and guide them to the right path.
Stop school shootings? STOP the BAD guy! Guns are NOT the PROBLEM.
We KNOW exactly how to STOP these mass shootings. It’s not PC or “nice” to think about it, but the way we STOP these shootings is we KILL the shooter. The sooner the better. The faster we stop the shooter the more lives are saved. It’s not rocket science. How do we stop them faster? ARM selected teachers and school staff. And we KNOW it works…
Survey? In the aftermath of a shooting, a flood, a fire, a big party of drunken college students, or whatever is on the forefront of current events, a survey will reveal inaccurate influence of that event. Common sense reveals simple truths. People with an agenda use this every time.
Awaiting moderation? for what?