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Post Paramus, Moms Demand Action Demands Disarmament

Robert Farago - comments No comments

 Moms Demand Action brand the Paramus mall crime scene (courtesy facebook.com)

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA) is nothing if not quick. Even before the nature of last night’s suicide-by-cop incident in Paramus NJ was revealed, the anti-gun group’s Facebook page proclaimed “ANOTHER DAY IN AMERICA, ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING THREAT.” Threat. Cute. To which they added . . .

Last night it was Paramus, but tomorrow it may be your town, your mall, your school, your college campus. Just last week there were three mass shootings America, in addition to the tragic murder of a TSA agent at LAX. Tell your members of Congress NOW that moms want new and stronger gun laws.

Notice that MDA didn’t call for civilian disarmament. Make no mistake: that’s their endgame. Not “universal background checks.” Universal civilian disarmament. Check out this comment underneath the post  . . .

Kathleen Matthews NRA should be disbanded and now. Guns should be turned into the local police authority, this way you will clean up America and people will be free to walk into a mall school, cinema, and not fear for their lives.

Ms. Matthews’ comment was deleted minutes after it appeared. Now why is that? Because MDA doesn’t agree with her call for the end of the NRA and civilian disarmament or because it does? I’m thinking the latter.

Founder Shannon Watts knows that demand-a-ban action would label her organization “extremist.” That’s OK indeed desirable for the NRA, references to which flow through the comments section like toxic chemicals dumped into a polluted stream (e.g., Victoria Snyder‘s “The nuts, have been given permission by the NRA, the politician and talk radio.”) But not for Mommie dearest.

We are educating, motivating, and mobilizing moms and families to take action that will result in stronger laws and policies to save lives.

Vague much? While we know how MDA feels about “assault rifles” has anyone ever asked Shannon if she favors a handgun ban for Americans (excluding police)? Of course not. As long as MDA demands “Gun Sense in America”—a tagline added after Ms. Watts dumped the One Million Moms for Gun Control moniker—the mainstream media will pick up whatever they’re putting down.

Note: the MSM does not want to look at the woman behind that curtain. They know well enough that they’ll find a goose-stepping gun grabber. Meanwhile, it’s clear that Shannon and her Facebook monitoring minions are determined that we never find out MDA’s real agenda. Until we do.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Post Paramus, Moms Demand Action Demands Disarmament”

    • Are the ignorant idiots over at MDA not aware of how strict the gun laws in NJ are already? Magazine capacity is already limited, AWB is in place and CCW does not exist in this state, so that only cops and criminals carry guns with them. But they want even more restrictions? And how’s that going to improve our safety, by further disarmament?

      I live about 20 minutes away from the Garden State Plaza, my sister was shopping there just this past Saturday, along with thousands of other potential victims. From now on we’ll both avoid that and other malls as much as possible, since even though an entire army of cops responded, they didn’t do anything for the first 2 hours, and they didn’t find the guy for about 6 hours. The cops obviously won’t get there in time to protect anybody, so it only makes sense that law abiding citizens be allowed to carry for self defense, and yet the only answer that the leftists can come up with is ‘ban all guns now’! Amazing…

  1. What exactly are the criteria these idiots are using for a “mass shooting”? If there were three last week, I must’ve missed them.

  2. Dirk…………..

    For the love of God man and all that’s holy………………….

    Put on your game face and give Shannon Watts(TM) the Action that she’s demanding!!!!!!!!!

  3. I’m telling ya, they’re an advance cadre here to disarm us before the zombie revolution starts! Don’t know how long I can spread the word before the find me.

  4. I’m really starting to get on board with the “stop giving these idiots press” movement. If they say something substantive worth rebutting, fine, but I don’t see any redeeming value in talking about them every time they squawk “more gun control,” because they do it every time.

  5. Now they’re using “mass shooting threats” to further their position? So, a guy with no intention in harming anyone but himself walks into a mall (with a gun stolen from his brother who legally-owned it) and scares some people. At which point, the individual takes shelter and puts a bullet through his skull. Where exactly was the “threat” for a mass shooting? I guess all of those negligent discharges by LEO’s in public places would also fit this criteria?

  6. I thought calling LAX a “mass shooting” was a bit of a stretch because only one person died. In this incident, it seems the only person shot was the perpetrator, who shot himself.

    Regardless, California and New Jersey already have extremely strict gun laws.

    • Ah, but you’re not paying attention. They’re not decrying mass shootings anymore, it’s a “mass shooting threat.” I suppose that’s defined as anyone carrying a gun where there are more than a handful of other people.

      Here’s a scenario: Open carry to Walmart (in an open carry state), one idiot gets scared and makes a MWAG call, massive police response, other people get nervous because of the police response (possibly even some of the people who saw the MWAG and thought nothing of it), and presto! You have a “mass shooting threat.”

  7. $20 says Shannon Watts(TM) has a handgun in her home already . . . . it is the rest of us she wants disarmed. Of course, a FOIA request filed with the Indiana State Police (hint hint) for Shannon’s name (including all of the other legal monikers she has used such as maiden and prior married name), her husband, etc would prove me right or wrong. . . . just sayin

  8. the real problem here is that that Shannon Watts was a bored housewife who used to matter in the working world, but since she left to raise the kids, no one has really given a shit what she had to say. She happened to be in the right place at the right time and Bloomberg latched onto her as a more attractive face to his agenda. She is sticking with this because suddenly, people care about what she has to say and that makes her feel good.

    Never mind that her organization has never articulated a message that clearly speaks to the endgame. “Universal” background checks will not prevent Sandy Hook, LAX, etc. Either she knows this and is being disingenuous or she doesn’t know, which indicates stupidity. My guess is the former. She also clearly has some math problems as “Million Moms for Whatever” claims 100,000 members (only a tenth of what she thought she could get) and based upon most of their events, my guess is that that the actual number of active people is smaller by yet another order of magnitude. I’d be surprised if she had more than 10K people who really believed in all she stands for. A Facebook “like” is not the same as an active supporter. Hell, her org has about 122,000 likes while the NRA has 2.7 million. Hmmm. Go figure.

  9. I believe one needs a permit to even purchase a bb gun in Jersey, so how are those gun laws doing? Moms Demand Attention will wither and die eventually. It would be one thing if their members were actually educated on firearm types, history and function, but they aren’t. They are an emotionally-driven response team completely devoid of facts. Yawn…

  10. As far as it highlights the absurdity of the carve-outs and special privileges for weapons – Yes! The sooner the grabbers realize that the people they claim will protect us when we are all disarmed are themselves just flawed human beings with their own moral hick-ups emotional biases, the better.

    Publish away.

  11. I gotta say, judging by their tactics for clearing a building of zombies (riding up the elevator, really?), these guys would have been eaten on day 1.

  12. well, evidently its in vogue to hate people for things like their political affiliation, social status, groups they belong to, etc…. I’m going back to the good old days and hating people because of their ethnicity, gender, intelligence, and sexual orientation.

    Hey, if its good enough for them, its good enough for me.

  13. That Gazillion Moms’ agenda is quite radical is known from their previously stated goals. As I recall, among their goals were rollbacks of shall-issue State carrying laws and the reinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Maybe those goals have been discretely removed from public view since then, but that’s where it all started. If my memory serves me right.

  14. Can someone ask that shooters mom why she sucked at being a parent? Raising an active shooter is a pretty big fail in the parental success measurement game. An active shooter is no different than a serial killer, or murdering gang banger, just the rate at which the deaths occur is different. How many murders happened yesterday, regardless of the method?

    If MDA is gonna demand some action perhaps they should start with improving the skill set of it’s members?

    MDA’s real purpose, “MDA demands you give up your guns because we suck at beings mom’s.”

  15. While it initially looked like this would end badly for the guy, it isn’t going to turn out that way.

    Two men, both armed with guns and wearing masks, had just left the store with stolen cigarettes and lottery tickets when they were confronted by the “concerned citizen,” telling both suspects that he was going to call police and advising them to stay where they were, said Berks County District Attorney John Adams. A brief scuffle ensued, during which the suspects pulled out their guns, Adams said. The citizen then pulled out his gun, for which he had a license to carry, and shot both suspects, said Adams, who personally reviewed surveillance video of the scene. The man who fired the shots remained on the scene and surrendered his gun when officers arrived, said Adams, adding that he doesn’t expect to file criminal charges because it appears the man “acted justifiably under the law.”


  16. Vigilantes go looking for trouble. this man was in the right place to assist his fellow man.

    Or for evil to exist good men need only to call the police and walk away.

  17. If someone, a witness, sees you committing a crime, especially while armed, you have forfeited your right to live in most cases. That is the best way to scare people from committing crimes when even pickpocketing can lead to instant justice.

  18. So, my question is, if Richard Shoop wanted to kill himself, and did in fact, by current reports, do so per a gunshot to the head, couldn’t he have accomplished the exact same aim at home, without inconveniencing hundreds of mall shopper and a small army of LE personnel? I do appreciate that he chose not to do what so many other folks who opt to check out via “suicide by cop” do, to wit, take a whole bunch of other people out with him. Still, better to be inconvenienced than to be dead, I suppose, so let’s thank Mister Shoop for his restraint.

  19. Ok, my only kid is 9 months old, and we’re planning on homeschooling, so it won’t matter to me anyway, but if the school accepts custody of your child for 6-8 hours of the day, how can they ban you from being there? Your kindertgartner is just gonna walk off the school property without you being present? I can’t see how they can do this without removing your child from the school as well.

  20. I note the use of the word “vigilantism” in an apparently negative way. What exactly is wrong with vigilantism? It seems to be a knee-jerk derogatory term used by statists, just like “racist”.

    I’m surprised to see it used in such a manner in this post.

  21. So is Kathy Matthews going to support the use of violence and force to disband the NRA and to take gun away? Their anti violence rhetoric is so much b–l s-it. MDA literally gets orgasms when they think of gun owners and NRA members being liquidated. For Shannon Watts and her fellow travelers, its better than a vibrator.

  22. Do you want to know the one, simple principle that you can use to crush every argument that civilian disarmament proponents have ever made? Everything they argue is a contradiction.

    Example gun grabber argument:
    We cannot trust armed citizens to follow assault and murder laws in “sensitive places” … but we can trust armed citizens to follow “gun-free zone” laws. Which is it? Do the gun grabbers trust armed citizens to follow laws or not?

    Example gun grabber argument:
    Statistically infrequent events are irrelevant reasons for citizens to be armed … but statistically infrequent events are wholly sufficient reasons to disarm citizens. Which is it? Are statistically infrequent events irrelevant for shaping public policy or not?

    Example gun grabber argument:
    A gun is useless in the hands of a citizen because a criminal will take it away and use it against them … but a gun is a killing instrument in the hands of a criminal because the victim has no chance. Which is it? Is a gun useless or not? Does the person on the receiving end of a gun have a chance or not?

    I kid you not. Every single argument they make isn’t just wrong or inaccurate — it is actually the exact opposite of the truth and contradicts their own argument. So next time a gun grabber lays one on you, just stop for a moment and look for the hidden contradiction in their argument. It’s there. Just figure whatever they say is the exact opposite of the truth and you will find it. Make sure you point it out to them.

  23. Hmmm. I guess I’m 3x more homicidal than the average TTAG poster. Sounds about right. I’m not sure how I feel about that, other than this irresistible flood of rage…

    Seriously, though, I enjoyed the article. I’ll post this to my FB page for those few people who will read it. I’m one of the folks out there roaming the streets who is honest enough to tell the people who ask that a police officer probably won’t be able to arrive in time to save your life. Armed self defense is the right of every responsible citizen, despite the efforts of our politicians who wish to destroy that right, or relegate the use of firearms to technology more than 100 years old.

  24. Has anyone noticed that the BradyCampaign youtube channel has at this time 561 subscribers (my favorite of their videos is “your voice matters”, with ratings and comments disabled.)

    guntruth has 3,628.

    NRAVideos has 64,477

    hickol45 has around 826,000



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