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Pregnant Florida Woman Uses AR-15 to Kill One Home Invader, Chase Off a Second

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Remember, no one needs an AR-15 rifle. Weapons of war like that have no place in a civil society.

You might have a hard time convincing a Lithia, Florida woman of that, though. Or her husband. Or their young daughter. All three are probably alive today because the family owned America’s post popular rifle the eight months pregnant woman knew how to use it.

Two armed men broke into Jeremy King’s home last week and held him at gunpoint. One of the thugs grabbed his 11-year-old daughter.

According to baynews9.com, when he told them he had nothing of value to give them . . .

King said one of the men started pistol-whipping him while another kicked him repeatedly in the head. His wife, who is eight months pregnant, was in the back bedroom and peeked out to see what was going on.

That’s when one of the men took a shot at her. But she retreated and grabbed an AR-15 rifle. Yes, one of those things.

“When he came toward the back door in her line of sight, she clipped him,” King said. “He made it from my back door to roughly 200 feet out in the front ditch before the AR did its thing.”

In other words, he fell down. Dead. His accomplice ran off into the central Florida night.

As dailymail.co.uk reports, Jeremy King sustained a fractured eye socket, a fractured sinus cavity and a concussion. But if his wife hadn’t been armed, it could have been much, much worse.

‘Them guys came in with two normal pistols and my AR stopped it,” King said.

“[My wife] evened the playing field and kept them from killing me.’

Gun control activists won’t talk much about situations like this. They won’t acknowledge law-abiding gun owners using firearms — tools which they have a constitutional right to own and carry — to defend themselves, their families or their homes. Never mind using something like an AR-15 to do it.

It’s almost as if, instead, they’d rather argue — falsely — that America has a gun violence problem. And that the alleged problem is at epidemic levels. Because pushing that narrative furthers their cause of total civilian disarmament.

As we’ve pointed out time and time again, and as the actual statistics bear out, nothing could be further from the truth.

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