Home » Prescott: Hogg a Pawn for Billionaire Gun Control Lobby

Prescott: Hogg a Pawn for Billionaire Gun Control Lobby

Kat Ainsworth Stevens - comments No comments

Lesson of the day: be careful when quoting statistics. Always be confident in your numbers. Who here knows the Massachusetts stats last reported by the FBI?

Massachusetts gun laws and only served to infringe on the civil rights of law-abiding citizens.

The result is that our violent crime is almost 3 percent higher than the U.S. rate. Before Massachusetts invoked these laws, our rate was half the U.S. rate. Putting that in today’s terms, Massachusetts gun laws directly result in over 1,000 extra combined murders, rapes, robberies, and assaults each year. Is this what Hogg and The Sun want for the rest of America?

Hogg has spent the last year traveling the country, and I doubt he has been paying for this trip out of his own pocket. Rather than acting like a pawn for the billionaire gun-control lobby, perhaps he and The Sun should focus their efforts on known way to save lives.

– Al Prescott to The Lowell Sun, Hogg Wants to Strip Gun Owners of Their Rights

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