Despite assurances that he had no intentions to pardon his son from the president as well as aides as recently as a week ago, President Biden pardoned his son Hunter Biden on Sunday. The blanket pardon wipes out his criminal convictions on tax and gun charges and protects him from additional prosecution for any crimes “he has committed or may have committed or taken part in” between 2014 to the present. That is the year Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, while his father was the sitting vice president of the United States. The younger Biden’s role has been the focus of investigations that allege Hunter Biden was given the position for access to the V.P. and that undocumented money may have even changed hands to benefit the Biden family. President Biden and Hunter Biden have denied any wrongdoing.
Hunter Biden was found guilty in June of three federal felony gun charges related to the buying and possessing a firearm while he was an illegal drug user as documented in his own autobiography. He was also convicted in a Los Angeles court in September on three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanor tax offenses. Sentencing for his gun charges in Delaware was set for Dec. 12, while sentencing for the tax charges was set for Dec. 16 in California. Hunter Biden faced up to 25 years in prison on the gun charges and as many as 17 years on the tax offenses.
It was not looking like it was going to be a very merry Christmas in the Hunter Biden household. But then, not every felon has a dad for a president.
In a statement, President Biden said:
“From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.
“The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election…
“…Hunter was singled out only because he is my son – and that is wrong. There has been an effort to break Hunter – who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me – and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough.
“…Here’s the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice – and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.”
Both Republicans and Democrats were quick to condemn the move.
“Does the Pardon given by Joe to Hunter include the J-6 Hostages, who have now been imprisoned for years?” president-elect Donald Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social. “Such an abuse and miscarriage of Justice!”
“Joe Biden has lied from start to finish about his family’s corrupt influence peddling activities…President Biden and his family continue to do everything they can to avoid accountability,” Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.) said on X. Comer is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, which has investigated the allegations against the Biden family.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis, a Democrat said the elder Biden “put his family ahead of the country” and set “a bad precedent that could be abused by later Presidents,” the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported.
“I respect President Biden, but I think he got this one wrong. This wasn’t a politically-motivated prosecution. Hunter committed felonies, and was convicted by a jury of his peers,” wrote Rep. Greg Stanton (D., Ariz.) on X.
The Trump Effect
President-Elect Trump has said he would pardon every person charged in the January 6 protests and riots at the nation’s capital on Day 1 of his presidency. His pardon of Charles Kushner, his son-in-law’s father, in 2020 for a 2004 conviction on filing false tax returns, making false statements to the Federal Election Commission and retaliating against a witness is again in the spotlight as well after nominating Kushner as the ambassador to France.
In an interview, Trump had even said he would consider pardoning Hunter Biden or that it was at least “not off the table” once he became president again.
With Trump’s strong performance in the recent election indicating even to Democrats that some of their more extreme, left-leaning policies simply weren’t resonating with many Americans, there has been much handwringing and angst among the Democratic Party as they look at steps they can take to regain the electorate’s faith.
Said one House Democrat interviewed by Axios, “At this point, we are sissies compared to Trump and everyone around him.”
Maybe Biden felt driven to make one final decision as president that was firmly his and reassert his role as president under the Democratic Party banner. It is common practice for outgoing presidents to issue pardons, but this may be the first time one has issued one for his son. Certainly, his decision to step aside to allow Kamala Harris to run for the presidency was forced upon him, and as a lame duck president, even since before the election, he has been largely absent from any policy making or headline-grabbing decisions.
Or maybe he just loves his son like any father and said, “country be damned, I’m going to help my boy.”
It’s hard to blame him, especially given that his political career is done and his son was in trouble.
Aging and with his mental acuity visibly weakening, Biden, whose political career began in 1970 when he was elected to the New Castle County (Delaware) Council, enjoys little prospect that he will retire to an “emeritus” position like Barack Obama in forging Democratic Party operations and policy. With a dismal approval rating and an even more ineffectual presidency book-ended by two Trump presidencies, Biden is already leaving with a tarnished legacy. Political commentator and historian Bill O’Reilly has called Biden “the second worst president” in the history of the United States, falling only behind James Buchanan, whose ineptness led to the Civil War in 1861.
Once Trump assumes office January 20, America will hear little more from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who will unceremoniously not so much ride off into the sunset as will likely be driven in a motorcade of black Chevy Suburbans.
The Problem This Creates for Democrats
Even if President Biden’s decision in pardoning his son and not trusting the move to President-Elect Trump was purely made for personal and emotional reasons after reflection while spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Hunter Biden, his earlier forceful denials that he wouldn’t issue a pardon simply reinforces his detractor’s accusations that he is a “liar.” Indeed, it only hardens the resolve of those who cast their votes for Trump that it was the right decision to re-elect him.
Biden’s pardon is emblematic of the way much of the Democratic Party has operated, and clearly, the way Kamala Harris’ campaign, was run. Say whatever you need to at the moment for political expediency and then do what you really want to do once you’re in position to make that decision.
Gun policy is a clear example of this approach. Harris and the Democrats pushing her presidency have historically attacked the Second Amendment at every opportunity, though as soon as Harris needed to appeal to a broader electorate, suddenly she was a proud gun owner who “wasn’t going to take your guns away.” Few people believed her message and even Harris at times seemed like she could barely keep a straight face when speaking it.
Whether the topic is gun rights, immigration or a host of other issues, the Democratic playbook has become obvious to many Americans. It’s a familiar scene like the one in “The Wizard of Oz,” where Dorothy and her crew spy the man behind the curtain working the image and voice of the wizard and discover the great wizard is a sham: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. The Great Oz has spoken.”
If there is criticism to be laid down in President Biden’s decision to pardon his son, maybe that’s where it should be placed, Biden, after all was just following the playbook.
Lies and incompetence, as usual. Thank God we’ve rejected these people for the time being. Good riddance.
The voters embraced those same people in california, New York, and other crack pot brain washed states.
“Lies and incompetence, as usual.”
What’s the problem with pardoning his son?
Prosecutions for the 4473 form misstatements are extremely rare, TTAG just ran an article about an undocumented immigrant who purchased 170 firearms and lied on multiple 4473s without any prosecution whatsoever.
“Thank God we’ve rejected these people for the time being”
No, you elected Donald Trump, and I didn’t hear a peep from any of you folks 5 years ago when Donald Trump pardoned his son-in-law’s father:
“Charles Kushner is the founder of Kushner Companies, a New York based real estate company. He was convicted of preparing false tax returns, retaliating against a cooperating witness, and making false statements to the Federal Election Commission in 2005.
He served more than 16 months of a two-year sentence in federal prison and a halfway program before he was released in 2006, reported. Trump pardoned Charles Kushner in 2020, saying at the time that Kushner was devoted to philanthropic organizations and causes.“
And now Donald Trump has nominated Charlie the felon to be our ambassador to France.
“Only the best people!”
Hypocrisy, thy name is conservative Republican.
You just knew what was coming…..
joe biden swore he would not pardon hunter. Hypocrisy? And we did not elect Trump. harris/biden/miner49er elected Trump.
And you’re still too stupid to figure that out.
Miner49er doesn’t see the hypocrisy and stupid in his own post.
What do you expect from the guy that told us Hillary wasn’t breaking the law when she stored classified documents on her personal server and tried to rationalize it by removing or altering the classification markings.
And a guy that was still desperately clinging to the Russia Hoax as recently as this year. There’s a reason Democrats lie to their constituents with abandon. They see them all as Miner49ers. You should work on self-respect, Miner. Sometimes I don’t understand abuse victims. Just leave. Stop making excuses for the abusers.
Do you know what ELSE is rare??? Prosecutions for (subjective) disagreements about value of a commercial property where THE BANK THAT MADE THE LOAN WAS REPAID IN FULL!!
Hypocrisy, thy name is lying Leftist/fascist propagandist sh*tbags! Go suck start a shotgun, and enjoy the next four years, you pathetic @$$wipe.
By the way, MajorIdiot,
Karma’s a beotch, innit???? As Donald might say to Joe (if he were being honest), “Don’t start none; won’t be none”. And Joe’s pardon means Hunter can’t plead the 5th. And IF Senile Joe is investigated, and Hunter the Crackhead Whoremonger is called to testify, and he commits perjury (as we all KNOW he will), he CAN be prosecuted for that.
Y’all Leftist/fascist idiots made this bed; enjoy lying in it for (at LEAST) the next four years. Sucks to be a loser of a Leftist/fascist liar, dunnit, MajorIdiot???
Well he says lies and incompetence and you come a running so yet again thanks for proving his point.
“What’s the problem with pardoning his son?”
We’ll go in order. First the lie part. Old and busted: “I will not pardon Hunter.” New hotness: “I pardoned Hunter.” If you need more, I can’t help you.
And then? Oh, the incompetence: Penning a ridiculous attempt at false equivalence between Hunter’s very real gun, tax, and drug crimes vs. the phony political prosecutions of Trump, thereby goading large segments of both left and right to team up and dunk on you in the waning days of your utterly failed administration while simultaneously setting the stage for Trump to pardon himself, his friends, and whoever else he feels like whether they deserve it or not. Throwing loyal stooges like KJP under the bus, ensuring they have absolutely no future career prospects after you finally shamble, corpse-like, past Hunter’s forgotten stash of White House coke onto Marine One for that last sunset flight into oblivion. Convincing the American public that yes, in fact Democrats really are that arrogant and corrupt, thereby teeing up 12 years of conservative rule at the federal level (plus a few more SCOTUS justices, just to really stick it to the handful of allies and supporters you have left). Reminding us all just how feckless and ruinous your sad joke of an administration really was. Reminding us (one last time, as starkly and undeniably as possible) that nothing a democrat says can ever be taken at face value and that the Democrat party is not a political party at all, but a criminal organization that exists for two purposes, and two purposes only: to grift the American taxpayer for as long as the gravy spigot holds out and to sabotage and malign the United States of America, both at home and abroad, until our exceptional country can finally be replaced by international communism, the religion of the left.
So yeah… that’s what’s wrong with pardoning Hunter “Picasso on the Potomac” Biden. Good riddance, indeed.
He served more than 16 months of a two-year sentence in federal prison and a halfway program before he was released in 2006, reported. Trump pardoned Charles Kushner in 2020, saying at the time that Kushner was devoted to philanthropic organizations and causes.“
See above for the difference you seem to be struggling with.
“Prosecutions for the 4473 form misstatements are extremely rare”
There’s a left-wing lie talking point right there.
1. Its not a ‘misstatement’ that Hunter did. He intentionally lied.
2. Although ‘Prosecutions for the 4473 form misstatements are extremely rare’ – when a person intentionally lies on the form its not a ‘misstatement’ and they commit a felony and become a felon in possession of a firearm. An intentional lie is a lie, not a ‘misstatement’. Here is what a ‘misstatement’ is: An incorrect statement, a statement that is false, but incorrect and false because it was an unintentional error or an accidental mistake. A ‘misstatement’ was not what Hunter did, he knew he was intentionally lying and did so knowingly and he even confessed to it.
3. Hunter was charged with (1) knowingly making a false statement on a federal form (the 4473) (a felony, thus felon in possession of a firearm) – he was not charged with making a ‘misstatement’, (2) knowingly making a false statement to the gun dealer (a felony, thus felon in possession of a firearm) – he was not charged with making a ‘misstatement’, (3) knowingly possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs (a felony, thus felon in possession of a firearm). So although the specifics of the charges are worded different, and separately they may be rare if charged with any one of those but not all – in reality, the three charges together form a ‘felon in possession of a firearm’ without saying so and for that there is a 96% conviction and sentencing rate and he could have received up to 25 years on the charges because the totality collective of being found guilty of all those those form a ‘felon in possession of a firearm’ circumstance and compounded by the number of counts.
Hunter was convicted of these.
Your BS Miner49er – typical left wing ignorant BS.
Good to know lying on a 4473 is political entrapment.
Judging by his comments on the aforementioned illegal alien buying guns miner would appear to stand for all folks owning and carrying guns. A little different take from his past statements on the matter.
But then he does change and waffle from post to post.
As was previously pointed out a story or two back, Slow Joe must have finally figured out he better cover his own ass about any questions about Hunter’s Burisma dealings or they’d be in adjoining cells. Notice how the blanket pardon goes back to before Hunter got his “position” with the Ukrainian company. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that a rebate of some of the Bazillions Joe sent to Zelenskii ended up deposited
in a secret account for The Big Guy.
…. oops, almost forgot – fuck completely off, Miner.
And what about those secret accounts? Why wasn’t Hunter paying taxes on the millions he was making abroad? Oh yeah, he was specifically setting up various accounts in order to avoid detection so he wouldn’t have to explain how he made it!
What would happen if I tried that? If I committed all of the crimes Hunter committed, I would already be in prison before this latest round of charges. They cry political oppression because they know their audience still believes the Russia Hoax. Dems will never respect their constituency until their constituency begins to respect themselves.
What would happen to one of us plebs if we lied on a 4473?
If you are a democrat, you get to go free in your home town. If you are an illegal, you get to go live free in a hotel.
If you are not a democrat or illegal, then they put you in a root cellar until you grow roots.
The only reason these prosecutions went forward is because Judge Maryellen Noreika actually did her job and called BS on the sweetheart plea deal. At that point the DOJ had their testicles in a vice and no choice but to prosecute him. The smartest son on the planet basically confessed to all his crimes in his left behind laptop.
Yep. The mean old DOJ “out to get Hunter” was actually colluding with Hunter’s lawyers, trying to get him the best of deals. Suddenly, the “no one is above the law” Democrats are nowhere to be found. An entire decade of blanket immunity must be nice.
LOL, prolly better to them boys in a vice than vise!
Any possibility Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe will pardon his son hunter? Just to be clear…Absolutely no way Jose…Except should there be a TRUMP/VANCE 2024.
Now that a pardon has been issued, if Hunter, being a person of notoriety, walks into an FFL and requests to purchase a firearm and/or ammo, does that FFL have a right/choice to refuse service to Hunter, in an interest to protect his/her FFL?
Good question…
I would like to know the answer to this too. I would think that any FFL would have the right to refuse service to anybody, as long as he could justify his reasoning.
“This man is publicly known to be a public drug and alcohol addict, and he is also publicly known to be a public liar and deadbeat dad.”
I don’t know. Could he sue you if you rejected him with that reason? If I were an FFL, I’d have a conversation with my attorney about that. Maybe invite him for an afternoon at the range?
Lets not forget he’s a confessed drug user. A pardon doesn’t get him off the hook for a history of addiction. It’s been done before with amusing results.
Yes, that gun store can refuse service to anyone they believe is morally objectionable.
Thank you Chris.
“does that FFL have a right/choice to refuse service to Hunter,”
Yes! An FFL is under no obligation or legal requirement to sell guns to anyone. They are free to refuse to sell Hunter a gun, even with no reason at all. They are completely within their rights to refuse to sell a gun to anyone at all as long as they do not refuse to do so on a ‘protected class’ grounds reason, but they don’t need a reason at all anyway and all they need to do is say “Nope, not gonna sell you a gun” and don’t need to give a reason.
Its not refusing him service. When you buy a gun from an FFL you are paying for it but you are also transferring it IAW federal law from the FFL to you. Any property that has to be transferred by a federal license holder to a buyer IAW federal law – the holder of that property (the FFL in this case) can refuse to transfer it to anyone for no reason at all thus no sale.
Thank you, 40.
We all knew that this was coming, that being said it’s going to be a whole lot of fun watching their heads explode when Trump starts all his pardons.
Hands up anyone who didn’t see this happening.
Raising my hand.
Oh wait; I thought it was April Fool’s Day. Nevermind!
“Once Trump assumes office January 20, America will hear little more from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris,…”
Don’t be so sure on that one, there are mutterings a California governorship may be waiting for ‘Cackles’ the unfunny clown…
Not if “hair gel” Newsome doesn’t appoint Kamala as community dog catcher at some remote place.
Or if the Democrat mega-donors have already decided not to donate to her campaign.
John Morgan is furious. And he’d sue the pants off his own mama if he had the chance.
And at least one other has said that Harris’ loss was inexcusable and will not happen a second time with her (the donor’s) money.
Haven’t the feds issued full immunity to mafiosis in order to force them to testify?
This could be lit.
I believe there WERE a few instances where the feds granted full immunity.
And if I remember correctly, several of those mafiosos strangely came down with a case of “I can’t remember” itis, or “I don’t recall” facial tic.
Well, the INTERESTING part is that, now that he has COMPLETE immunity for his (many) crimes, he CAN’T plead the 5th – he’s no longer subject to prosecution for ANYTHING he did since January 2017. He can be COMPELLED to testify against “the Big Guy” – not that the lying crackhead whoremonger sh*tbag wouldn’t lie his @$$ off, but if perjury can be proven, his pardon DOES NOT protect him from that.
Investigate Senile Joe – and make the Crackhead Whoremonger testify – fun and game for all. Sounds like a job for Kash Patel.
Since the President of the United States has now OFFICIALLY chosen to disregard/ignore national and state firearm law for his deadbeat addict son, I would say that he has shown that ALL LAWS restricting firearms are subject to the same disregard.
I look forward to being able to buy my suppressors now without filling out forms. And I look forward to being able to open carry anywhere in the country, including California.
And yes, I really do want to buy a working cannon. I won’t need to fill out any forms now, will I, Mr. President? Oh, and I promise not to try to fit my cannon in the overhead luggage compartment. Don’t be silly; everybody knows that a cannon is something you have to put in checked baggage…right along with the Gatling gun!
And more arms, landmines and ATAC-Ms to Ukraine.
In only a few weeks he’s solidified his legacy as a senile war-mongering criminal.
He decided to run four years ago because of the “fine people” lie. His presidency hinged on an inflation reduction plan that was a lie. Lies, deaths and ashes are what he’s leaving behind and we still have six weeks of his self destruction to go.
Trump hasn’t even been sworn in and we have nations banging down his door to deal and Mexico breaking up migrant caravans.
all the Biden and anti-gun BS about ‘illegal guns’, and Joe Biden pardons his son the largest public profile illegal gun possessor (because he lied on the 4473’s) in the country.
Backlash Growing as Leftist Gun Controlling Dems Rush To Defend Hunter’s Gun Pardon.
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How do you spell hypocrite? d-e-m-o-c-r-a-t.
Temperate zone banana republic, we are…
Thanks a lot, Dems.
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And thanks again for that! I had a strong feeling that this could be one of the most pro-2A things Biden could have ever done. Obama was right. Biden effs up everything he touches.
But in THIS case, it may be a good thing for the American Citizen. Well, we sure do deserve SOMETHING for all the wars, inflation, regulations, and perforated border. How about that.
“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son – and that is wrong.”
Ya mean him lying on the 4473, a fact, and being caught was because he is your son?
Ya mean the tax thing, him not paying them, a fact, and being caught was because he is your son?
ya mean all of it, with the proof to back it up and in some cases Hunters own “Yep, I did that”, a fact, was because he is your son?
Ok, I’m an educated person but for some reason I can’t seem to logic my way to a “No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son”.
Your son broke the law, he got caught, then when the congress committee and other investigations are getting close to revealing your involvement with your son in selling your influence and the illegal and shady deals with enemies of the United States and the millions of dollars you made from it while you drove our economy into the crapper – when all that’s getting close to being revealed and ya can’t stop it ya jump in with a ‘hail mary’ pardon to stop all the investigations and prosecution of crimes that Hunter links you to so you can break the link, despite saying you would not do so.
So, you were lying then and you are lying now with your pardon excuse. Yes, a “reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases” can say he was not “singled out only because he is” your son… he was ‘singled out’, like thousands of people are ‘singled out’ every year, because your son is a low life human trafficking drug addict and liar criminal.
And on top of Hunter being a low life human trafficking drug addict and liar criminal, hes a deadbeat dad … and you Joe and Jill are deadbeat grandparents for not even, until under political pressure, acknowledging your own grand daughter of which Hunter is the father and then Joe those sex-capades with your own daughter Ashley and Jill let it happen. Cruel, inhuman, criminal, liars.
There is not one worst case of diarrhea that is crappier than the evil axis of Joe, Jill, and Hunter.
This pardon is the latest evidence of a simple operating principle that I stated months/years ago with respect to the Democrat Party: whether or not you are (or should be) guilty of a crime is a function of your political identity. If you are a Democrat, by definition pretty much anything and everything that you do is fine and dandy. If you are a Republican, by definition pretty much anything and everything that you do is horrible and wrong and warrants silence at the least and then prison time or even capital punishment at the worst.
I’m ambivalent about this. On one hand, he broke the law. On the other hand, the laws he broke are constitutional violations. I encourage everyone to do everything within their power to cheat on and avoid their taxes. I encourage everyone to do everything within their power to acquire firearms off the books. Taxes on earned income are slavery and theft. Firearm laws are repugnant to the constitution.
Could they really not pin him down on something like racketeering, or selling access to a government official to foreign agents? They could only get him on a law everyone should be breaking anyways?
“Could they really not pin him down…”
He wasn’t pardoned for gun or tax crimes. He was given a decade long blanket immunity. There’s a reason for that. They made over 30 million from their influence peddling. Imagine being that privileged and still not paying taxes. The plan was always to slow walk this case until after the election so Hunter could get his pardon. There’s a reason they lied about Hunter’s laptop. It was never about protecting Hunter. The Big Guy was in on it.
Gonna have to 100% agree with this statement.
They were never trying to pin anything on him. They were trying to give him a deal that no normal person would ever get. They had to go forward with some of the charges because it became so public.
Is there precedent for pardoning unknown crimes? I suppose there is, but always assumed you had to get convicted or at least charged to get pardoned.
It seems to me that could backfire. Any future accusation looks credible, because why would he get pardoned if he didn’t do (fill in the blank)?
And what about state investigations/ charges?
It almost looks like the gun/drug stupidity was a false flag operation to get blanket immunity for who knows what…
I think there has been a blanket pardon before. I don’t think there has ever been one spanning one month shy of 11 years. Here’s what I do know: it’s an admission of guilt. The guilt admission goes back well before Trump was in office. Trump is an easy scapegoat for them because Orange Man Bad always and forever, amen.
Yes. But the only right way to deal with an unconstitutional law is to abolish it for everyone. Laws that do not apply to some special people are the very definition of tyranny.
Did this come as a surprise to absolutely anyone??
Next he’ll pardon his brother. He has too.
That family has been a criminal enterprise for decades.
They’re saying Joe had no choice because it was “political.” Any normal person would already be sitting in prison after the major tax violations. They even go after celebrities for that. But the constant lawfare against Trump is totally not political, right Democrats? Good for Melania for not pretending like she likes the Bidens after what they did.
“Good for Melania for not pretending like she likes the Bidens ”
Amen to that, 10x. Downright refreshing.
What will they say, when President Trump issues a pardon to several hundred people, on his first or second day in office???
Oh the sky will be falling every single day, just like last time.
If Trump does pardon the “J-6 hostages”, don’t expect him to remember that their years rotting in jail/prison were suffered because he chose not to pardon them the last time.
I can imagine a possibility where before Jan 20 Joe will resign to let Kamala be president so she will pardon Joe.
Kamala’s Campaign Staff is Delusional; Claim They Did a Great Job!
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Joe Biden Tries To Justify Hunter Pardon By Peddling Another Round Of Lies.
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After Hunter’s Pardon, It’s Time To Prosecute The Rest Of The Biden Crime Family.
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Please don’t even talked to me about President Ford, and his pardon of President Nixon.
It just took a few decades for the democrats to do the same thing. For a very important big time well connected criminal.
Nixon never made any money. Like the Biden family did.
Has he given a pardon to his brother??? Because that brother also has some very serious “where did all that money come from” questions???
Chris T in KY,
The Nixon thing was about illegal eavesdropping on his political opponents to learn their strategy. Obviously an invasion of privacy and wrong.
The Bidens look like they made millions of dollars from FOREIGN NATIONS and may very well have GIVEN AID AND COMFORT TO THOSE FOREIGN NATIONS in exchange for those millions of dollars. That is several orders of magnitude worse than what Nixon did. And in my opinion, that is not pardonable since it is TREASON.
Technically, it was about the cover-up. Nixon didn’t even know about the break in to spy on his political opponents. Said break in just happened to be performed by a bunch of CIA-connected people. Weird coincidence, huh? Nixon didn’t want the hassle of it, so he wanted it kept quiet. It came to light that Nixon was focused on the assassination of JFK before Watergate. That’s probably another coincidence.
The Obama Admin spying on the opposing, and then incoming, administration, makes Watergate look like child’s play.
While we are on the subject of pardons, I would like to see Trump pardon Larry Vickers and force the ATF to return all his machine guns back to him.
The single most powerful, vocal and vociferous proponent of civilian disarmament and gun control in the history of the United States has gifted his son a Presidential Pardon for tax fraud and the illegal pocession and purchase of a firearm. Go figure.
I don’t think this generic blanket pardon would pass SCOTUS muster. A pardon is for a specific criminal CONVICTION. The only other specific individual person who was pardoned without a criminal conviction was President Nixon. Sure all the NAM draft dodgers and Confederate soldiers were “pardoned” but only as a group and Confederate war criminals were still tried and executed. Pardon for his criminal conviction-Legal. Pardon for his FUTURE indictments and convictions on corruption, tax evasion, etc…. NOT legal. And yes it all leads back to “The Big Guy”
Clinton pardoned Marc Rich (husband of a big donor to the Clinton campaign) whose indictment never even went to trial (because he fled to Switzerland).
All this, begs the question: Am I the only one ready and prepared for the next revolution?
His brother and the rest of the family will be pardoned before he leaves office.
Seriously, if you really didn’t see this coming, you probably rode the short bus to school.
Joe Biden’s SECRET MOTIVATION for Pardoning Hunter. (as a note, but not in video… it turns out now, its beginning to leak out, that Joe has been planning to do this since Hunter was first caught for his crimes. It was just a matter of timing to be the most effective as the investigations get closer to uncovering and exposing all of the criminal misdeeds of the Biden crime family.)
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‘Leaving Office in Complete and Total Disgrace’: Scott Jennings Chimes in on Biden Pardoning Hunter.
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The Trump Vibe Is Growing and the Left Is Big Mad.
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The Biden Guide to Loving Your Boy – 9 helpful tips for elderly fathers of adult criminals.
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White House Says Biden, Who Privately Discussed Pardoning Hunter for Months, Was Being ‘Truthful to the American People’ When He Publicly Insisted Otherwise. (yeah, he was planing to pardon all along, and lied to the country about it.)
“President Joe Biden was “being truthful to the American people” when he repeatedly insisted he would not pardon his son because he only decided to issue the pardon “this weekend,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Monday. Hours earlier, reports emerged that Biden privately discussed pardoning Hunter Biden for months but opted to “publicly say he would not.”
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Ex-MSNBC Analyst Nails Who’s Responsible for the Hunter Biden Pardon Fiasco.
“The Hunter Biden pardon is a done deal. He’s been issued a blanket pardon by his father, Joe, for any crimes that may have been committed between 2014 and 2024. It’s a trainwreck decision for multiple reasons for Democrats who now have no recourse regarding painting this man as a saint. It’s not about addiction—Hunter lied about the influence-peddling operation, as did his father. He was found guilty of federal gun charges and pleaded guilty to his tax issues this year. When the June gun convictions were handed down, Joe Biden was already thinking of a pardon despite what he was telling the media.
Biden reaffirmed that the justice system operates differently for the wealthy and well-connected. …
… ”
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But on the subject of Joe lying, for a few points among the documented and proven-to-be-lies 2,730 in his presidency in which Joe lied, but for these few here is whats also been proven so far…
1. Joe Biden lied in the debate (before the soft coup by Pelosi and dems and Kamala) about whether Hunter got money from China.
2. Joe Biden lied about whether he went to meetings with Hunter’s business associates.
3. Joe Biden lied about his family receiving money. He chose to run (before the soft coup by Pelosi and dems and Kamala) knowing his son had an addiction problem, and that this would put a spotlight on his past activities that he knew about, and lied about whether he knew about them.
4. Joe lied about not gonna pardon Hunter. He had been planning it for months.
Hunter Biden’s Pardon Is All About Protecting Joe Biden, Not His Son.
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The Media Lied To Create Biden’s ‘Decency’ Illusion. Biden Himself Exposed It. (note: not to forget that Miner49er also pushed that lie here here).
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Bryan Malinowski.
David Koresh.
Randy Weaver.
Ike Clanton.
John Parker.
Hunter Biden.
To infringe or not to infringe only the Shadow knows.