Apparently lacking any sense of irony whatsoever, President Obama signed the Brian Terry Memorial Act into law yesterday which renames the Border Patrol outpost in Bisbee, AZ for the murdered agent. As reports, “on Tuesday, when Obama signed the bill into law, he did not hold a public signing ceremony with Terry’s family. The announcement that Obama had signed the memorial act into law was stuffed in the middle of a White House press release packed with other announcements not relevant to Terry.” Neither Obama nor Attorney General Eric Holder had anything to say about the law. Agent Terry was unavailable for comment.


  1. The first thing they should do is post a sign there that says “This memorial brought to you by the ATF”
    Rest in peace Terry, we’ll see justice for this eventually

  2. Gutless murderers. The President of this United States of America and his AG. Both of them. We should be proud.

  3. We can only hope that in November, the American voters will sign the Barack Obama Memorial Act and bid him a not-so-fond adieu. Bye, Barry, and don’t let the White House door hit you on the ass.

  4. Have we ever had a President tried and executed for acts of treason against the People of the United States? It’s about time we did.

  5. Got the slow down the comments
    Being a 2 fingered typist it is hard to believe I was going to fast

    • Short story if I am not going to fast
      You guys forget to take your meds, skipped appointment with the shrink ?
      In my opinion calling for the execution of any present or former POTUS is an act of treason.
      Don’t much care for Barry but he is the President of the United States of America.
      Have wondered if the SS agents in Columbia drank alot and used the services of hired women might have been thinking I might have to take a bullet for this asshole so I might just as well enjoy this night.
      Like it or not don’t call for executing with our elected officals .
      Thats why you vote, FLAME DELETED
      Gotta get back in the bunker now

      • Oh yes I had forgotten the founding princable of this nation.

        Elected officials shall not be questioned or held accountable for their actions, even if said actions amont to conspiricy to commit genocide.

    • Sorry about that. Stephen’s on the case tonight. Try typing like the wind tomorrow. Should be OK.

      • RF,
        FLAME DELETED, just one of the words that came to mind at that time after reading execute the POTUS comments
        Keep up the good work, lots of good info and various opinions
        Thank you, Dave M

  6. So what’s the law/act here? It seems like its just the renaming of a building. As a side note that’s a weak ass attempt at looking remorseful. No contact with the family? Please. Way to go Barry. If I were related I’d be more insulted after this than anything.

    • The didn’t hold a public ceremony. The pic above is probably a stock photo from a different signing.

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