Former U.S. President Barack Obama (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)


Despite no longer living in the White House, former President Barack Obama continues to be a headache to law-abiding Americans. On May 30, Obama spoke at a digital innovation event in Brazil. During the onstage conversation, Obama said, “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy [guns] over the internet, they can buy machine guns.”

In one breath, President Obama perpetuated the same lies as the mainstream media to push their gun-control agenda. Those lies were immediately called out by The Federalist:

  1. Anybody can buy a firearm (Prohibited persons; anyone under the age of 18 for rifles and 21 for handguns; and non-U.S. citizens cannot legally purchase a firearm.)
  2. Any firearm can be purchased (Since 1934, the National Firearms Act has heavily regulated many types of firearms, not to mention the myriad of other state laws.)
  3. A firearm can be purchased at any time (Background checks can only be run during certain times during the day and can take up to three days to complete. Firearms regulated by the NFA can take over a year to acquire.)
  4. Firearms can be purchased with few regulations (There are thousands of regulations on firearms on the state and federal level.)
  5. Anyone can purchase a machine gun (Since 1986, new automatic firearms can only be purchased by licensed federal firearms dealers for government entities, and some states completely ban the possession of machineguns.)

President Obama is no stranger to inventing his own truth to suit his own political agenda. In 2016, at a Memorial Day service, he said, “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” The Washington Post even went so far as to called the claim “strange” and “based in no real statistics, and which does nothing but distract the public.” This hyperbolic claim earned him “Three Pinocchio’s” from the Washington Post.

When his farfetched claims wouldn’t sway voters, Obama and his former administration tried time and time again to burden those law-abiding citizens who dare support the Second Amendment: his administration tried to stiflegunsmithing businesses, cut access to banking services for firearm manufacturers and gun shops with Operation Choke Point, and even going so far as tracking vehicle license plates at gun shows.

The former president can make as many false claims as he likes, but his “facts” will be as deceitful as ever and law-abiding Americans will always be quick to reveal the truth.


This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission.


  1. At least he didn’t ban bump stocks…right?
    Criminals will find ways to get guns…even if guns are banned outright…
    Current laws just make it harder for the law-abiding

    • You’re right about the bump stocks, and for all of his anti-gun bluster Obummer didn’t do anything illegal like banning something that had been approved for over 11 years in something like 16 different models… and now TrumpyBear “dosen’t like them” when he was stupid enough to be interviewed by we kicked their asses Brit Piers Morgan… what did Piers say? What do you think about silencers.. something like that?
      You can find me another allegedly Pro 2A candidate to vote for in 2020 – I’m sick of plastic man.

        • Right. Yeah let’s all vote Democrat! I’m sure that’ll be just swell guys! Let’s all become a bunch of whinny, panty waisted, nanny state liberals, who don’t need guns and rely on state for protection, sustenance and happiness. We don’t need guns, or money, or private property, or gender, or our flag, we just need mama AOC to take care of us and give all our hard earned money to the people more deserving of it, who’ve never had to earn it. Then we’ll be be safe!

        • Mr. “Let’s all become liberal”, you do realize the conservatives and red states are the biggest recipients of welfare and other government handout, and the vast majority of the money to pay for that comes from blue states, right? Seems American is now full of a bunch of welfare recipients waving Trump flags and complaining about other people getting welfare.

        • You do realize that’s because the southern red states you are referring to, have huge populations of poor blacks. But they didn’t teach you that in liberal land, did they?

        • Sorry bud, but you’re not too great on facts there, no matter how much you want to blame black people for America’s problems. 25 million medicare recipients are white, while 11 million are black. Numbers are similar for SNAP. Trump’s base is chock full of welfare queens bitching about other people getting welfare. I know…I’m related to a lot of them. While I work my ass off contributing to society, make a decent living to support my gun habit, and paying tens of thousands of dollars in income taxes each year, my Trump worshipping relatives sit on their asses all day collecting welfare checks while bitch about black people getting welfare checks.

    • Implies Trump banned buttstocks. He didn’t. Go back and reread what he said about them. Parse the verbage. I’ll wait here. After you do that, i’ll wait for you to find the executive action or law he signed to ban them. Still here, waiting.

      • Ozzallos, you love having your neck stepped on, don’t you? He betrayed us gun people, period. And he’ll betray us again.

        • Don’t care who you decide to vote for. That’s up to you. What does bother me is when I go to gun shows and see how much us gun guys continue to worship this guy who is not an ally of ours. There are Trump banners, flags, shirt, hats, even damn cardboard cutouts of him all over the place. I’m fully convinced that if he walked in there, half the guys would drop to their knees and open their mouths to an ‘O’ shape. And I just don’t get it. It confuses the hell out of me why us 2A supporters are so religiously behind a guy who is now irrefutably not behind us.

        • Well played Barn Animal. Well played indeed. But you do bring up a good question. What’s the difference? I don’t know. Maybe that Obama could have fucked us but didn’t. Instead, we got pistol braces, bumpstocks, and easier NFA purchases under him. Under Trump we get the bumpstock ban, the threat of banning suppressors, and “Take the guns first, go through due process second”. We would all be screaming bloody murder if Obama did any of that shit. But nope, its Trump, so we take it like good little boys and girls. Hell, we welcome it. I actually had to destroy my damn bump stock because it wasn’t worth the legal risks that could cost me my job, and it’s all thanks to Trump. Now he wants me to give up my suppressors too? May as well change the Gadsden flag to say “Oh yeah. Tread on me, daddy. Just like that. Oh, your fancy Italian shoes feel so good on my neck.”

    • A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun.
      He only controls the good guys, which is his true agenda.
      The bad guy with a gun…..or better yet the mentally deficient guy with a gun……or the distraught surviving family member of a gun shooting victim…….is only his Useful Idiot Tool to achieve his agenda.

    • The headline should’ve stopped at “President Obama Still Can’t Tell the Truth “.

  2. Obutthead has lied his entire life, why would this be any different? Glad handing SOS shouldn’t have made it into the Senate, let alone the highest office.

  3. It seems apparent that Obama is a consummate liar. Seems like he is unable to tell the truth. We can only hope that President Bush’s AG and his “troops” will get to the bottom of the Obama “conspiracy”, arrest him for his interference with a duly appointed official of the state.

  4. “(Since 1934, the National Firearms Act has heavily regulated many types of firearms, not to mention the myriad of other state laws”
    “Since 1986, new automatic firearms can only be purchased by licensed federal firearms dealers for government entities, and some states completely ban the possession of machineguns”

    And according to the NRA’s CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre Laval, the NRA “have supported the existing law on automatic firearms”, despite telling people they opposed them in ’86 and repealing them was a “high priority”.

        • Nanashi, show on the doll where the NRA touched you.
          Seriously, there’s a ton of legit reasons to criticize the NRA, and you harp on ancient history. You’re right, support of the NFA was terrible. Let’s start a campaign to vote the ones who supported it off the board. Nevermind, they’re all already dead. How about something relevant?

    • Watch the videos of the “voice vote” on the Hughes Amendment. It should have been a “Use Your Buttons” vote for something of that importance being as it was part of the so called Firearms Owners Protection Act”. I watched it live. Carefully count the hands and you will see that the Hughes Amendment did NOT pass but the shithead controlling the vote process declared that it did. Don’t believe me, look it up yourself and then bitch to people that don’t care anymore.

      • “Carefully count the hands and you will see that the Hughes Amendment did NOT pass but the shithead controlling the vote process declared that it did.”

        Is that evidence we can use to kill the Hughes amendment? If it’s true, it is proof of fraud…

        • It’s been out there a long time. The democrats love it and the republicans have no balls or spine and won’t touch it with a 10 meter cattle prod. Proof doesn’t matter. Government does what it wants.

        • I should add that St. Reagan, patron saint of neocons signed it. Republicans have never really been pro gun.

          Lay in all the guns and ammo you can before 2020. You have no friends in government.

  5. Of course he can’t tell the truth, he’s a politician, no different then any of the others.. . New rule, all politicians MUST take a polygraph test.

  6. In my thinking Obama cannot tell the truth about anything, like a good muslim Marxist he was born to lie. He cannot tell the truth about his shemale wife, rent-a-kids or that he is an Indonesian citizen born in Kenya. This bath house bum is a born psychotic devil.

    • Bullshit. He’s just an ex-President. Not Marxist or a Muslim.

      We have way more than too many real problems without making up fantasies to be afraid of too.

      • He may not be a genuine Marxist but the young liberals following in his footsteps definetly are. And they definitely are in favor of importing both the Mexican cartels and jihadis in to this country. Which I think is hilarious. I wonder how the feminazi gang is going like how they get treated under sharia law.

        • Nope, there are no Marxists of any note in American politics. Liberalism is not the same thing as Marxism. Even the “Democratic Socialists” are not Marxist, they are a vastly different idea with a similar sounding name.

  7. Why should guns be different than anything else he lied about? He cant spell truth!

  8. “President Obama Still Can’t Tell the Truth About Guns”

    President Obama Still Can’t Tell the Truth…

    There, I fixed it for you…

  9. I’ve never been a fan or supporter of “king obuma”, but this part of his statement is true. “Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation.” He doesn’t mention that they have to be purchased legally. A criminal can buy ANY WEAPON, ANY TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT (even holidays) with absolutely no REGULATION. You need to remember that criminals ignore our silly laws and do as they please. king O is correct for a change.

    • I’d never put “King” in front of any President’s name, current or former. Although sometimes Trump does sometimes sound like he’d like to be “Generalissimo Trump” or “Great Leader Trump”.

      I do agree though, Obama is correct if he were just talking about criminals. Laws exist as a means to punish criminals after the fact. Before the fact, they do nothing at all other than annoy honest people.

    • That is true in most countries in the world. If you wish to purchase a firearm and ammo, there is always someone who will facilitate the purchase – illegal or legal.

      • That is what the black market is for. They will sell you anything your little heart desires for the right amount of money.

    • I hate you too, thanks buddy.

      Just kidding, everyone’s a repentant sinner of some sort.

  10. The guy doesn’t know what truth is. His whole life is a lie. A massive lie perpetrated on the citizens of America. He’s a P.O.S.

  11. This pig has been disparaging the United States ever since he has been in any office. If the really stupid people had paid any attention to some of his presidential campaign rhetoric he never would have been elected but they let that smiling face fool them.the next time ha leaves he shouldn’t be let back in. The same for Turkey Neck, Kerry. Leave him in Iran if he likes them so much.

  12. Every comment here about obama lying is also true of dumpster. The difference is that dumpster has told about 6 times more lies in 3 years than obama told in 8.

    • Sorry Grinder, but you are so wrong. I suppose that you believe that the “Queen” would have been better for the nation?

      • Yeah and Miller had looked for three years for all those lives and he could prosecute Trump Forney didn’t find anything did.?

    • Actually, as big as a D bag Trump has been on gun rights, he’s probably the most honest president this country has had in a very long time.

  13. Former pResident Obowelmovement is a Marxist lier. He wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit him in the @$$,hell he can’t handle the truth.
    Now tell me I have him all wrong.

  14. The next Democrat will make disarming the populace top priority. All the bitching about Trump is going nothing compared to what’s coming.

  15. Obama is the second worst man-made disaster to ever strike the USA.
    The democrat party is the worst man-made disaster to ever strike the USA.

  16. “it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book”

    Well, those teenagers couldn’t knock over a 7-11 with a book, so what use would they have for one?

  17. 100 per cent TRUE OBAMA STATED A TRUTHFUL FACT. No he was not right about the machine gun part but hey he probably meant semi-auto assault rifles which are no less deadly. Remember Obama is not a gun nut so quit failing to see the forest for the trees by ignoring the most important part of his statement. AGAIN OBAMA WAS CORRECT I.E. ANY LUNATIC OR CRIMINAL OR TERRORIST CAN BUY A GUN IN THE U.S. THAT IS AN UNEQUIVOCAL STONE COLD FACT AND NO AMOUNT OF BLATANT LYING OR DISTORTION OF REALITY OR FACTS WILL CHANGE THIS. ITS TRUE.

    “Obama said, “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation”

    The average age of the second hand guns used to slaughter people in our major cities as in the Chicago study shows that it is 11 years old. They have been through many hands in face to face sales and not all are stolen either.

    Vetting of all firearms is long over due as all industrialized civilized countries have had this law for decades. The Brady Bill is decades old and has taken no guns its just that it does not cover face to face sales of second hand guns.

    Safe Storage laws would prevent thousands of guns from being stolen and prevent the deaths of the 1,300 children killed lat year in the U.S. by shiftless, ignorant and lazy gun owners who do not give a damn how many kids they kill which often ends up being neighborhood kids who came over to play or kids who were being watched by a baby sitter. Severe penalties which would include big fines and years in prison would get the attention instantly of the out house six pack gang who guzzle beer and pizza while kids shoot and kill themselves.

    Its about time the insanity stops because if it doesn’t as stated today on MSNBC only about 1/3 of U.S. citizens own guns any more and the other 2/3 of civilized people are fed up with all the mass killings and are willing to take draconian measures because the gun owning crowd will not even agree to basic gun laws all other civilized nations have had for decades and decades and they own guns too but are not knee deep in rivers of blood and bullets. 288 school shootings in the U.S. compared to the Europeans 2 school shootings since 2009 should educate even the dim witted 6 pack out house gang but then again why hope for miracles. In the end because they would do nothing when they had the chance now they are doomed to lose everything and its coming after 2020 and who can really blame an enraged public . Think about it, you deserve what is coming and then some.

    P.S. if you think the corrupt Supreme Court is going to save your ass just look at their decades long anti-gun history of refusing to even hear cases when the lower courts upheld anti-gun laws. The Supreme Court does not have to overturn the Second Amendment because they have just always simply ignored that it even exists.

    • Golly. This fella’s ignorance used to be more entertaining, now it’s more like a broken record player. Seems to have a sticky [shift] key, too.

    • you are so full of crap..I dare you to show proof of any of the :facts” you have presented as such….provide citations, please. Thank you.

      • “you are so full of crap..I dare you to show proof of any of the :facts” you have presented as such….provide citations, please. Thank you.”

        The majority of it came form documented studies that were presented by and quoted by MSNBC News which does indeed document their findings. Watch accredited news programs some time instead of State Run TV Foxy News.

    • I did not know that one could guzzle pizza! Is that like a smoothie? Maybe if you put it in a blender with the beer.

    • So if you ever get your true wish of all guns being banned, and then there’s still mass shootings and gang violence, what are you going to do then? Simply ignore it?

      • “So if you ever get your true wish of all guns being banned, and then there’s still mass shootings and gang violence, what are you going to do then? Simply ignore it?”

        Please have your wife read and interpret for you my post. Nothing I advocated had anything to do with banning guns, zero, zelch, nada. Am I getting through to you yet????

    • You’ve got to wonder about a guy who takes a screen name that means the same thing to Turks as Hitler does to Jews. Basically, a hate filled know-nothing.

      If guns are floating around the black market for 11 years, how do universal background checks or registration or safe storage laws help? Those guns won’t be entered into the government system. Safe storage is a joke for theft. A real $5-10k safe is only rated for 15-30 minutes with conventional tools, like grinders. Few people have anything as strong as a UL listed TL-30 safe, and it won’t stand up for even 30 the right tools. Someone who knows you have guns, like a government insider with access tona registration database, would be a to direct thieves to the right houses and clean them out while the owners are at work. The one thing he said that’s right is criminals.can buy any weapon they want, but he left out ILLEGALLY. You can get anything you want on the black market: drugs, sex, guns, explosives, slaves, fake ids, credit cards, info to commit identity theft. It’s all available if you know the wrong kind of people and have enough money. But, the same is true in every other country.

    • “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. ”
      That part is correct. All the existing restrictions are ineffective for their *claimed* purpose, I.E., reducing crime or protecting children, etc., violate constitutional protections of our civil liberties, and should be removed from the body of laws.

  18. Where’s the lie?? At Gun-shows, guns can be purchased from fellow gun-show attendees without any background check whatsoever. It’s called the Gun Show loophole. Private gun sales don’t require a background check, whereas purchases from a licensed dealer do. That dichotomy is on display every weekend at gun shows all across America. Hell, At gun shows in Texas, many private sellers are essentially walking billboards, advertising their guns on a backpack or by sticking a flag down the barrel of a rifle slung over their shoulder. So your claim that “Obama still can’t tell the truth” is a lie and you know it!

    • Private gun sales don’t require a NICS check at the federal level, private citizens don’t have a mechanism to do that. Some states require private sales go through an FFL dealer, therefore requiring a NICS check would apply. Gun shows have nothing to do with that, people can meet and arrange sales anywhere, therefore “gun show loophole” is a nonsensical term.

      • “Private gun sales don’t require a NICS check at the federal level, private citizens don’t have a mechanism to do that. Some states require private sales go through an FFL dealer, therefore requiring a NICS check would apply. Gun shows have nothing to do with that, people can meet and arrange sales anywhere, therefore “gun show loophole” is a nonsensical term.”

        Wrong in our state back about 20 years ago my Boss came to me and told me his best friend had just been killed by “the Ohio sniper” The nut case went on to kill many more people and he bought his two swedish 6.5mm sniper rifles at a gun show. I only mention this to prove that yes nut cases and criminals do indeed buy guns at gun shows with no paperwork and any one in Ohio can buy a gun at a gun show with no paperwork even if you just got out of prison or the lunatic asylum. Your post is beyond ignorant rather it is obscene.

        • Did he buy from a FFL or a private citizen who was at the gun show? 20 years ago, most major newspapers still had a Guns category in the classified ads. 20 years ago and today, federal law allows someone to.sell a gun as long as they aren’t engaged in it as a business, i.e. buying and selling to make a profit.
          You’re lying about the Ohio sniper. He only killed one person (Gail Knisley), and she was the only one struck by a bullet. He was diagnosed with a mental disorder, but wasn’t committed and didn’t have a felony record. He would have flown right through your vaunted universal background check, mandatory licensing, and any other useless scheme you masturbate about.

        • No, I am correct and you just can’t handle it without throwing a tantrum. The gun show was merely the meeting place (if that’s true in this case). Citizens could be meeting at a garage sale, a shopping mall, a gun show, a gun store, a livestock auction, an arboretum, etc. Laws regarding NICS checks don’t change because of any venue within a state, therefore, it remains that “gun show loophole” is a nonsensical term.

  19. “288 school shootings in the U.S. compared to the Europeans 2 school shootings since 2009”

    Hahahahaha, hey Vlad, you just impaled yourself on CNN’s idiocy.

    First of all, there were 6 school mass shootings between Jan 2009 and Nov 2018.

    Here is a list from 2019 of what NYTimes considers school shootings:
    Jan 02 Manassas HS Memphis TN 1 Pellet gun injury by student
    Feb 08 Frederick Douglass HS Baltimore MD 1 Non-student injured staff member
    Feb 12 HS basketball game Kansas City MO 1 Shot after argument at game
    Feb 26 Robert E Lee HS Montgomery AL 1 Kid shot in the arm by student
    Apr 01 Prescott HS Prescott AK 1 14 yr. old shot by classmate
    Apr 30 Univ. of North Carolina Charlotte NC 2 4 Shot in anthropology class
    May 07 STEM School Highlands Ranch CO 8 1 Shot by 2 students
    May 07 Savannah State Univ. Savannah GA 1 Shot by non student

    Five killed in 8 shootings in gunfree zones, mostly by students.

    As far as MSNBC’s idiotic ramblings about the number of gun owners, it is to laugh at….
    People who watch CNN, MSNBC and read the New York times are idiots, and should be institutionalized.

    In any case, look at what happened in London after a total gun ban. In 2018, 1,300 knife attacks.
    People are violent and we want our guns!!

    • “As far as MSNBC’s idiotic ramblings about the number of gun owners, it is to laugh at….
      People who watch CNN, MSNBC and read the New York times are idiots, and should be institutionalized.

      In any case, look at what happened in London after a total gun ban. In 2018, 1,300 knife attacks.”

      The only idiotic ramblings are coming from you not MSNBC News. The Knife attacks in Great Britain did the bridge terrorists not a damn bit of good as when they failed to get guns they attacked a bar after leaving the failed attempt on the bridge. The patrons of the Bar beat the shit out of them with broken beer bottles and chairs proving you are the one that fails to see Britain’s gun laws did indeed work that day because in the U.S. the slaughter would have been in the dozens.

      And the examples of nut case cold blooded murders you mentioned seem to indicate that if the numbers are under a certain amount of people than YOU DO NOT CARE”. Well try and tell that face to face to the grieving families because I want a ring side seat when they give you a little vigilante justice.

      The horrific fact remains and that is that Europe with their civilized gun control laws are doing things right and what are the Hillbillies in the U.S. doing wrong to have such a great difference in nut case murders in the U.S. especially in our schools. Rant all you want but Europe has way less nut case murders than we do and to claim as long as the body count is below a certain amount that WE DON’T CARE makes YOU a POSTER BOY for the outrage of decent civilized people who are madder than hell and they are not going to take it anymore.

  20. Either he’s a habitual liar or a totally uniformed puppet or both. He fooled enough people to get elected twice so you have to give him credit for sounding honest or the general public is awfully stupid.

  21. Let’s stop calling this man “President.” “Mister” is barely adequate for such an individual. He is without question a vile, treasonous liar who should be held in utter contempt by the citizenry. The man never tells the truth and is an entirely fictitious persona who was sold to the American public through a complicit media.


      In March 2012, we compiled a list of what were, at the time, President Barack Obama’s greatest achievements, to accompany our cover story, “The Incomplete Greatness of Barack Obama.” Today, at the end of his second term, Obama’s legacy is far more complete. Indeed, items from the original list—such as increasing national service opportunities, creating the Race to the Top education reform program, and expanding stem cell research—fell off in order to make room for new ones.

      But his legacy is also under threat. Donald Trump and the new Republican-dominated Congress have pledged to undo much of what the president has achieved, including repealing the Affordable Care Act and reversing important executive actions on immigration and climate change. So it is with this caveat that we offer the following updated list of Obama’s top accomplishments.

      1. Passed Health Care Reform
      After five presidents over the course of a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. More than twenty million Americans have gained coverage since the passage of the law

      2. Rescued the Economy
      Signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the most severe downturn since the Great Depression.

      3. Passed Wall Street Reform
      Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010 to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession

      4. Negotiated a Deal to Block A Nuclear Iran
      Led six nations in reaching an agreement with Iran that requires the country to end its nuclear weapons program and submit to a rigorous International Atomic Energy Agency inspections regime in exchange for lifting global sanctions.

      5. Secured U.S. Commitment to a Global Agreement on Climate Change
      Provided key leadership to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which produced the
      2015 Paris Agreement, a commitment by 197 nations to reduce global carbon emissions and limit the global rise in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius.

      6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden

      7. Ended U.S. Combat Missions in Iraq and Afghanistan

      8. Turned Around the U.S. Auto Industry
      In 2009, injected $62 billion (on top of the $13.4 billion in loans from the George W. Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring.

      9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’

      10. Supported Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages

      11. Reversed Bush Torture Policies

      12. Established Rules to Limit Carbon Emissions from Power Plants

      13. Normalized Relations with Cuba

      14. Put Medicare on Sounder Financial Footing

      15. Protected DREAMers from Deportation

      16. Established Net Neutrality

      17. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court

      18. Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards

      19. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Funding
      As part of the 2010 health care reform bill, signed a measure ending the decades-old practice of subsidizing banks to provide college loans. As a result, all students began getting their federal student loans directly from the federal government. More than half of the savings ($36 billion over ten years) is dedicated to expanding Pell Grants to lower-income students.

      20. Improved America’s Image Abroad

      21. Left His Mark on the Federal Judiciary

      22. Diversified the Federal Bureaucracy

      23. Passed Fair Sentencing Act

      24. Revived the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division

      25. Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection

      26. Gave the FDA the Power to Regulate Tobacco

      27. Trimmed and Reoriented Missile Defense

      28. Kick-started Clean Energy Investment

      29. Reduced the Threat from Nuclear Weapons

      30. Passed Credit Card Reforms

      31. Cut Veteran Homelessness by Half

      32. Enacted Government Surveillance Reform

      33. Expanded Overtime Pay

      34. Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges

      35. Cut the Deficit
      Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016, one benefit of a strengthening economy.

      36. Created the College Scorecard

      37. Improved School Nutrition

      38. Expanded the Definition of Hate Crimes

      39. Recognized the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide

      40. Strengthened Women’s Right to Fair Pay

      41. Secured the Removal of Chemical Weapons from Syria

      42. Protected LGBTQ Americans From Employment Discrimination

      43. Reduced Discrimination Against Former Prisoners in Federal Hiring

      44. Won Major Victories Against Housing and Mortgage Discrimination
      Through the Justice Department, reached a record $335 million settlement against

      45. Expanded Broadband Coverage

      46. Expanded Health Coverage for Children

      47. Improved Food Safety

      48. Let the Space Shuttle Die and Killed the Planned Moon Mission
      Allowed the expensive ($1 billion per launch), badly designed, and dangerous shuttle program to make its final launch on July 8, 2011.

      49. Rebuilt and Fortified the Gulf Coast post-Katrina

      50. Avoided Scandal
      Became the first president since Dwight Eisenhower to serve two terms with no serious personal or political scandal.

      [Ryan Cooper and Siyu Hu contributed to the 2012 version of this article.]

      • @Vlad Tepes, Keep drinking Obama’s Koolaid. Only ONE item on your list was important to the American people that was initiated and controlled by Obama, “6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden” . The rest are dubious at best, were of little to no importance to the American people as a whole or would have been resolved just as well or better without any action by Obama. It would be best of he returned to his home, Kenya and STFU.

        • “@Vlad Tepes, Keep drinking Obama’s Koolaid. Only ONE item on your list was important to the American people that was initiated and controlled by Obama, “6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden” . The rest are dubious at best, were of little to no importance to the American people as a whole or would have been resolved just as well or better without any action by Obama. It would be best of he returned to his home, Kenya and STFU.”

          Try telling that to the homeless Veterans he helped or the college students he secured low interest loans for. It does not surprise me in regards to your hatred of a black president but to say his accomplishments were “dubious” shows you have lost touch with reality.

  22. A president lied. Shouldn’t be any surprise. Those before him lied. The current one lies. And the ones to come will lie.

  23. “@Vlad Tepes You mean the 22 veterans that committed suicide every day, because they can’t get service, and the students that now have college that they most likely never pay back? Sorry, but your arguments are invalid.

    • ““@Vlad Tepes You mean the 22 veterans that committed suicide every day, because they can’t get service, and the students that now have college that they most likely never pay back? Sorry, but your arguments are invalid.”

      The gangster criminal republicans under Herr Drumpf reduced veterans benefits and the Republicans have blocked the bills the Democrats have introduced to cancel student debt and fund state paid for education. Your mind is what is invalid.

  24. We have liberal and conservative voters.
    Last election conservatives had 85% of all counties, versus 15% for the liberals.

    Amazingly enough, the 15% liberal counties have the most restrictive gun laws, yet commit 85% of all the murders in America.

    I’m curious how Vlad the Impaler will spin this number.
    The safest counties have the least restrictive gun laws with most of the guns and yet have the least murders.

    Who would have thunk it??? Please explain……

    • We have liberal and conservative voters.
      Last election conservatives had 85% of all counties, versus 15% for the liberals.

      “Amazingly enough, the 15% liberal counties have the most restrictive gun laws, yet commit 85% of all the murders in America.

      I’m curious how Vlad the Impaler will spin this number.
      The safest counties have the least restrictive gun laws with most of the guns and yet have the least murders.

      Who would have thunk it??? Please explain……”

      Even the Mentally challenged know the easy answer to your stilted propaganda and that simply is that the plethora of State and city laws are ineffective because states with lax laws funnel tens of thousands of guns into states and cities with tough laws. What is needed is a Federal Law.

  25. “Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy [guns] over the internet, they can buy machine guns.”

    Sounds like a solid plan to restore the second amendment.

    • ““Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy [guns] over the internet, .””

      For once we agree on something. We have a country run by the insane for the insane.

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