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President Trump’s Promise to 7-Year-Old School Shooting Survivor: Quote of the Day

Robert Farago - comments No comments

“Schools are places where children learn and grow with their friends. Their halls should be free of fear. It is my goal as President to make sure that children in America grow up in safe environments, giving them the best opportunity to realize their full potential. I will continue to focus on protecting Americans and improving the safety of our Nation.” President Trump’s letter to Ava Olson, quoted in ‘Please keep kids safe from guns’: How Trump replied to a 7-year-old’s anguished letter [via denverpost.com]

0 thoughts on “President Trump’s Promise to 7-Year-Old School Shooting Survivor: Quote of the Day”

  1. There is a large market of women that want to carry but can’t rack the slides of most pistols. For my wife it’s either a Sig or a Sig. A 9mm version would be nice too, but maybe S&W is following Glock’s lead.

    • Surprisingly, despite his usual bluster, Trump can be quite the eloquent politician when necessary. How this will square with his promise of eliminating gun free zones, will likely not be known. With current events (Russia BS, NoKo drama, China, Immigration, Trade etc.), gun issues are perpetually stalled.

  2. Love him or hate, unlike Obama or the anti gun leftists, he didn’t use that letter to go on a diatribe against guns. There is hope that he will not cave to the minority pressures of blaming the gun for the actions of madmen.

  3. just called 911 I was put on hold now the police are the way because I feel the guns in my safe might want to do me harm. Donald keep me safe from guns

  4. The little girl and her family needs to look to the civilized world and how countries like Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia have no shootings or violent crime whatsoever.

    Safety and the value of human life is a genuine right, Your antiqued “right” to kill does not trump the rights of people’s who should not fear everyday being possibly their last day on earth.

    I hope she does not grow up to lies, fake news and propaganda about how the civilized world is “dangerous” despite these countries especially Australia having increased personal freedoms, better healthcare, lack of homelessness, better multiculturalism, excellent economy and better quality of life.

    But according to the gun-reich supporters, These things described above are “fascist”.

    Countries like Australia, Europe, Japan and Canada are doing perfectly fine without NRA supporters or any gun-reich support going off their rocker.

    She’d be wasting her effort into taking to a russian puppet anyway.

    • ……You should maybe do a little research before making all those wildly inaccurate claims about all of those “civilized” countries you mentioned.

    • RFLAPATLP, FLAME DELETED. “No violent crime whatsoever” you must not read anything that has independent reporting. No one has a write to be safe. You may have an expectation of being safe but no guaranty of it. Look at Kane and Abel. People been hurting and killing since the creation of man.

      • “Independent reporting” is a term we’d like to call FAKE NEWS.

        You do not speak for me or the multitude of Americans that want strict laws and more freedoms.

        Only your NRA and gun-reich tyrants more guns in the hands of the public.

        Australia has proven time and time again than laws work.

        They’ve suffered no more mass killings whatsoever.

        As someone who has been to Australia many times, Your claims of it being a “violent” country are complete and utter bovine excrement.

        Your right people have been killing since the beginning of time.

        But then we evolved and released we could do better and became a civilized society over time.

        It’s people like you that hold onto the backwards thinking.

        Australia is a shining example that laws work. And they’re statistically more freer than this country.

        It’s just your bigoted cowardly klan-master robert farago is still drinking the kool-aid.

        • “your right people have been killing…”
          yes, yes they have. try not to get in their way.
          “…we evolved and released…”
          what, the kraken? i hope you are more fluent in your native tongue.

    • That gun-reich supporters for you.

      All ad-homiens and no facts.

      I’m so sorry I cant dumb my facts and posts down for you.

      But I’ll try to speak in the simplest terms for you.

      People learn that bad piece of metal that goes bang makes innocent people go down, Therefore more people decided that the boom boom toys are more bad to all the good guys and do more bad and good, so people decided to restrict the boom boom and then things like freedoms and all the other rights increased.

  5. Quote:

    Safety and the value of human life is a genuine right, Your antiqued “right” to kill does not trump the rights of people’s who should not fear everyday being possibly their last day on earth.

    End Quote

    Actually our “right” does trump people’s fears. The law of the United States, the US Constitution, clearly states citizen’s rights and places limitations on government:
    “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    However much you may wish and no matter what you say, “shall not be infringed” trumps it all.

  6. What kind of depraved addled mind would shoot a kid? It takes a perticularly evil kind of narcissistic nihilism to kill innocence. I can’t imagine the rage against humanity, God, and nature to commit the ultimate affront to life. This evil philosophy needs to be fought tooth and nail with logic, reason, philosophy, religion, and yes arms; because there can be no virtue in allowing violence to befall yourself or others without resistance.

  7. I’m happy my grandkids are homeschooled…yeah (I hope!) Trump is trolling as usual. If not he can kiss any chance of finishing his term goodbye…

  8. I was eating lunch yesterday and overheard two young women having a gun conversation. They were not for banning guns, but then missed the mark. One of them said gun owners should have to have insurance. To which I thought for what purpose? What are you insuring against? Mass shootings? How would insurance do anything for that? Accidental deaths? Her example was children finding the gun and shooting themselves. A very small number that insurance wont change. We have insurance for things like cars because of the frequency of use and the frequency of damage, injury or death is much higher for lawful vehicle use. People using guns illegally won’t have insurance. The point of this rant, like the woman in the article is that their ideas were not well thought out and we’re more based on feeling than facts, reason, and evidence.

    • Insurance for misuse of guns is an ignorant idea.

      For suicide, what’s the point? For crime, that’s illegal. For negligence, well there are plenty of more dangerous accidental causes of death and injury we don’t mandate insurance for; most of which are not recognized as constitutionally protected rights.

  9. “The People of the Gun can take heart in their political activism/engagement,…”

    Not until we no longer see news reports about gun control, or anti-gun organizations.

  10. How is the POTG’s activity to save their hobby/lifestyle a paradox? Whoever has the most to lose is the one who will “fight” the hardest.

    There’s very little gain or loss in controlling someone else’s life, but there’s a huge amount to gain or lose if someone tries to do that to you.

  11. It’s funny, the leftists widely tout polls when they support their position but deride & discredit them when they show something unsavory to them. I did complete the ATF comments (of course against any further regulation) but the fact that you had to include your full name (as a matter of public record) I’m sure put off a lot of people from doing so.

  12. I made my comment
    After I commented, I browsed several pages of other people’s comments
    The great majority of the anti gunners comments were a cut and paste of the exact same form
    It must have appeared on some anti gun website and people just copied it and submitted it

  13. Negotiating Rights Away since 1934 and President Trump should study and contemplate what the report indicates .
    They should think and rethink before either utters another word,as the NRAe’s written statements would indicate anything other than complete support for the Constitution and 2 nd. amendment.

  14. “Odds are the ATF will bend to political pressure and find some way to ban bump fire stocks.”

    Do you have some kind of evidence to back that statement up? The ATF folded in our favor while the politics at the time pressured them the other way under the Obama administration. Also, I honestly don’t see any political pressure here. At least not publicly. The GOP, NRA, and Trump haven’t even spoken of the issue in months. Seems to me your just riding the fear train. My prediction? The ATF gives up on the issue.

    Want a real political threat? The midterms. We need to keep congress red and keep making America great again.

  15. The ratio between unique comment and form comment is interesting. Gunnie comments were 25% form; hoplophobe comments were half form. That’s far more telling than the overall ratio, since anyone can just click on a web page.

  16. The NSSF’s “safety booklet” echoes the NRA’s basic pistol course notion of leaving guns unloaded until you’re ready to use them. Great for the occasional shooter: not as useful for the self-defense oriented owner.

  17. They would be good for disciplining dogs, cats and children when they are across the room. 🙂

    I probably would not survive doing such to my wife unless I had a significant head start.

  18. 1. A gun is a tool like a hammer, saw or shovel the intent of the user makes it what it is, not it’s designed use.
    2. A Gun owner is not an automatic killer just as a Hammer owner is not an automatic carpenter.
    3. The second amendment gives people the right to own a weapon, or not if you don’t like guns don’t own one do not presume to limit my right to own one.

  19. completely false. there is NO WAY Hillary would ever be President. I mean jesus christ SHE LOST TO DONALD F’N TRUMP!!!!! she is the ONLY person he could beat. people LITERALLY came out of the woodwork to vote AGAINST her!

  20. Ever since the JFK/Nixon debate the most charismatic candidate has won. And ever since both parties have nominated the least charismatic candidate they could find.

  21. “Heller was wrongly decided.”

    Four words that determined the outcome of the election. And only one of them had to change. If she said “Heller was rightly decided,” she would have won the election.

  22. Thee things EVERYBODY should know about guns:

    1. ALWAYS keep a gun pointed in a safe direction
    2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
    3. Gun control = people control

  23. I live in a Gun Friendly State. NRA stickers are not a problem here.
    As Rick The Bear posted “The NRA’s 3 rules poster states: 3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.”
    In my State if transporting firearms in your vehicle they MUST be unloaded. The only exception is the one in your holster.

  24. 1. on February 7 of 2018 the number F.F.L.s decline to lower number is Store Fronts is in 50 States 30,000 -Store Fronts Gun Dealers is left too. there should 600 F.F.L.s Store Fronts Gun Dealers Retailers in all 50 states

  25. Since the crown says I am not “allowed” to have a select fire version I’m not that interested. It’s the “law” after all.

  26. I own a Walther ( Interarms version ) PPK/S that I would never sell, and no it’s not a safe Queen, although it is in mint condition. Going by a firearms monetary value seems to be a bit off to me. I am not a collector, nor do I want to be. A firearm is a tool meant to be used as one. An example of this way of thinking would be owning a 1950s or 60s Craftsman open end wrench or a new one, which is worth more? If the older one works why replace it. Money should not be the issue here. I did own a valuable Browning Hi Power that I couldn’t wait to get rid of, not because of it’s value but rather it’s incompatibility with me as I’m not a 9mm fan. What your saying is hold on to something ( even if you never shoot it ) because it’s worth money. OK for some but not
    for everyone. If a veteran of WW!! brought.back a German firearm because he took not off a dead Nazi, that vet probably would never think of selling it, and that is understandable as he’s not holding on to it for it’s
    monetary value, but rather something he has good or bad memories of. Money is not always the issue. I own an M1 Garrand my dad gave me, but he said before he passed away, this is yours to do with as you wish. When I find the right buyer ( not a collector ) someone who will shoot it, I will sell it as it has no meaning to me other then sentimental value. I don’t shoot it so why not let someone who will use it have it.
    IMO keeping a tool that never will be used as one makes no sense.

  27. Don’t get too happy…PA sportsmen shot themselves in the foot, so to speak.

    There were a number of bills up in PA over the last few years for MSRs and semis. One I personally had been working on with my District State Representative. That particular bill would have allowed hunting game animals with ANY semi-automatic rifle, with only caliber restrictions for different game and a 5 round magazine limit. Once the bill was passed and turned over to the PA Game Gestapo, they opened the policy period up for public comment…overwhelmingly, PA sportsmen, spoke out against hunting with MSRs on the basis of, “people jus gunna be sprayin’ bullets ereywhere” and “more accidents and shootings are going to result”, because we all know, the other 30+ states that allow semi-autos are war zones come hunting season.

    So to anyone in PA that made their voices heard in helping to nullify a right we should already have, you put the F-U in FUDD.

  28. No not at all.
    No company regardless of its products. If or legal at original point of sale. Use or possible misuse by an individual or group (end user). Should be responsible. For what it Is, or has been used for after the legal sale of said product.
    Like my legalize here??


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