With ATF angling to crack down on pistol braces but the popularity of large format pistols still at an all-time high, it’s great to see an entirely new category of rear accessory that appears to provide so much utility to owners of large, accurate, highly-capable pistols. Since Black Collar’s APS doesn’t contact the shooter’s body but is, rather, designed as a rear support for resting the gun on a solid surface, ATF’s pistol brace restrictions that are focused on holding a braced pistol one-handed and at arm’s reach don’t appear relevant. The APS looks like a very useful accessory for benchrest pistol style shooting, for everything from bullseye to hunting applications.

Black Collar Arms’ press release follows:

Black Collar Arms Adjustable Pistol Support (APS) Now Available

Austin, TX (07/15/2022) – Not a shoulder stock, not a pistol brace, the brand new Black Collar Arms APS — Adjustable Pistol Support — is available and shipping now at https://blackcollararms.com/product/aps/

APS supports the rear of a large format pistol on a bench, ground, or any other solid surface and offers 3 inches of vertical travel for precise point of impact adjustment. The Adjustable Pistol Support is a brand new category of rear accessory for firearms and is ideally suited to large, accurate pistols. 

Our first model is a clamp-on design that fits any AR-15 style pistol buffer tube (any round tube 1.17″ to 1.20″ in diameter) or any adapter designed for a GHW Tailhook MOD 1 pistol brace.

APS Features:

• QD sling socket on one side of clamp
Clamps to any round tube 1.17″ to 1.20″ in diameter
• Accepts any Atlas bipod-compatible foot (not included) to match your shooting surface
• Provides approximately 3 inches of height adjustment to fine-tune point of impact. Rotate post to raise or lower it
• For external use only

APS Stats:

• Weight: 7.1 ounces
• Height: 6.21 inches (top-to-bottom in shortest config)
• Post Diameter: 1.125 inches
• Maximum Width: 1.5 inches
• Material: 6061 aluminum
• Finish: Type III Hardcoat Anodized Black or FDE Cerakote on top of the hardcoat anodizing (other Cerakote colors/patterns available on request)
• Made in Texas
• Patent Pending!

For more information and to order your APS or submit a dealer inquiry, visit https://blackcollararms.com/product/aps/ 

About Black Collar Arms

Based in Leander, TX, Black Collar is dedicated to creating innovative and functional firearms and components. The Pork Sword Chassis forged the market for minimalist, modular firearm chassis and Black Collar’s first ground-up firearm design, the straight-pull MBA rifle and pistol line, is coming later this year.

Questions, feedback, concerns, or naughty pics to share? Email our boy Jeeves at [email protected] or find us on Instagram, Facebook, and www.BlackCollarArms.com


  1. If the left didn’t like the “shoulder thing that goes up” what is the chance they will like the “shoulder thing that goes down”?

  2. Am I missing something? It looks like the only actual use of this would be to use it in conjunction with a bipod for a bit more stability at the expense of being able to smoothly pan. Who is this for?

    Bench/prone, “large format pistol” shooters who also use bipods, and who want to settle on target and then manually adjust the height of this thing so that it, the bipod, and the target are all on the same plane? And then do that for every single target? That’s… quite a specific niche

    • That’s exactly who this is for, the tiny group of people that do benchrest shooting. It is most definitely not for leaving it in the retracted position and then shouldering it. Not only is that unpossible, but only a maniac would try something so illogical and felonious.
      They should wrap the hangy-downy part in soft padded rubber, so that it won’t scratch the floor when you put it on the rack at the range to go check your bench rest shooting targets.

    • Yes it’s designed to be a rear point of contact when used in conjunction with a front point of contact, whether that’s a bipod (my preference), a sandbag, a windowsill in a hunting blind, etc. I’ve found it extremely handy when hunting and target shooting. With lots of accurate, highly-capable pistols now chambered in .308, 6.5 Creedmoor, and other capable cartridges the APS can really help extend your effective range by stabilizing the rear of the pistol.

  3. I’m kind of taken aback at the “for external use only” specification. What they’re insinuating we might do with it is almost as bad as shouldering it.

      • I suppose… what someone, er, “does with it”, in the privacy of their own bunker (or bedroom) is beyond the control of Black Collar Arms.

        And that goes the same if any suppressor “wetting agent” is applied to it to facilitate easy insert… Er…

        You know.

        {Wet noises, giggles and sighs}… 🙂

  4. Does anyone really think that this scheme will fly? I certainly hope they are successful, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

    • I’m damn sure not interested in being a test case, that’s for sure… 🙁

    • Yes, the head attorneys at the top 2A legal rights foundations in the U.S. concurred. It is not a shoulder stock and it is not a pistol brace. There is zero foundation for claiming it changes the categorization of a handgun/pistol. Benchrest pistol shooting has been a popular sport since the 70’s, so there’s half a century of documented large format, long range, extremely accurate pistols being shot off of bipods, sandbags, giant sled rigs, and more with and without rests designed to support the rear of the pistols, and in many cases physically attaching to the pistols including to the rear. The APS has an obvious and highly functional purpose that every shooter of a large format pistol can take advantage of.

      • “There is zero foundation for claiming it changes the categorization of a handgun/pistol.”

        Didn’t the ATF at one point claim simply shouldering something like that instantly creates a de facto SBR?

      • The most absurd thing about this statement is that it depends upon logic being the ruling factor behind regulations.

        In any case, the same thing that happened with pistol braces will happen. Everyone and their cousin will start showing off how great this thing thing is to shoulder on youtube and the ATF will find a way to give you 3 years in prison for it.

        …unless the recent EPA ruling has some actual effect.

  5. Jeremy (who may, or may not have, spoke in class today) –

    Do you have a letter from the BATF stating that mounted on a MSR buffer tube and holding it against your shoulder will not get you arrested and charged with an NFA felony?

    • No, we did not design it for contact with the shooter’s body, whether the shooter’s shoulder or otherwise, so there’s no reason we would ask ATF for any sort of opinion on that behavior.

      ATF as of a few years ago no longer rules on accessories. They will only rule on a complete firearm and the ruling is for that *specific* model and configuration as submitted. So, for example, if we submitted one of our Pork Sword Pistols with an APS and brand X bipod on the front and brand Y optic, etc etc, any ruling they provided would apply specifically and solely to that caliber, length, and model firearm as equipped with those specific models of accessories.

      We consulted with the head attorneys at the top 2A legal rights foundations in the U.S. and they provided extensive feedback. It is not a shoulder stock and it is not a pistol brace. There is zero foundation for claiming it changes the categorization of a handgun/pistol. Benchrest pistol shooting has been a popular sport since the 70’s, so there’s half a century of documented large format, long range, extremely accurate pistols being shot off of bipods, sandbags, giant sled rigs, and more with and without rests designed to support the rear of the pistols, and in many cases physically attaching to the pistols including to the rear. The APS has an obvious and highly functional purpose that every shooter of a large format pistol can take advantage of. You don’t have to be disabled to use it as designed, you don’t have to be of a certain stature or arm strength to use it as designed. Any pistol that can benefit from a rear point of contact when used in conjunction with a front point of contact (bipod, sandbag, anything else solid, etc.) will see massive stability and accuracy gains through the use of the APS and it’s quickly, easily, and finely height-adjustable for dialing in a rock solid point of aim.

      • Interesting. I have an AR pistol equipped with a KaliKey charging handle + BCG, legally rendering it a “bolt action” item here in CA and therefore not subject to our AWB classification and registration. I’m considering this new accessory for review.

        • You got me thinking – Something like that would be ideal for my .300 BLK build with a suppressor…

  6. Once again exactly what is the point? No matter what you call it it’s a 9mm semi-automatic rifle. What exactly can it be used for? Hunting? Nah. Any interpretation of Self Defence. Nah. Target? Nah I,ve done a LOT of target shooting myself especially with Rifles of all kinds and I see no real target place for this though I was in nthe UK inter services winning Sub -Machine Gun-Team Winner with the Sterling [and you certainly CAN shoot 4inch groups with a Sterling at 50mtrs, and with the bloody STEN [ provided you take the time to correctly line up the barrel to best advantage!] come to that and I’ve done both regularly back in the 60’s/70’s. I see bench shooting is mentioned, No self respecting MUSKETEER would considcer such a thing. Bench shooting is for tremble handed old men and children and those past it – he said tongue in cheek. Give me a decent sling. Parker -Hale Sights and and a azimuth stick any day.

    • “Once again exactly what is the point? ”

      Read the article, the point is stated.

      Whether you agree or not is not the concern of anyone here.

    • “Give me a decent sling. Parker -Hale Sights and and a azimuth stick any day“

      For those who may have missed it, that’s what we call a ‘Rifleman’.

    • “Once again , what’s the point.”
      Well I can see drilling a couple holes in the fenders of your vehicle then jabbing them handles in the holes and then you could drive around with gunms on your vehicle looking like 007.
      You know 007, that British spy guy. He had gadgets all over his car.
      Ahh shucks, I forgot Albert, you live in the UK.
      So once again, what’s your point. It’s not like you can have any of that stuff.

    • What’s this odd, tea-scented breeze blowing over us from the east? Oh, it’s Colonel Albert Blimp telling us dumb wogs “wots gud fer us” again…oh Colonel, you’se a right sharp ‘un you is!

  7. It needs a button or lever to disconnect the threads for coarse adjustment. Rotating it a billion times to move the full 3 inches it slow and tiresome. I’d much prefer to push/pull it to the approximate length and then do a few twists to get the exact height. See the MasterPiece Arms monopod or CAA ARS stock if you don’t understand my description.

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