Louisiana attorney general Jeff Landry
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry

While lawmakers in many states like Virginia, Colorado and Maine have pushed all sorts of anti-gun measures this spring, those in some states have worked hard to restore or expand gun owners’ rights. And one good example of that is Louisiana.


The House of Representatives in the Pelican State recently approved three pro-gun Senate measures and sent them on to Republican Gov. Jeff Landry for his consideration. All three make a significant, needed change that will be positive for the state and for Louisiana firearm owners.


One of the measures, Senate Bill 194, would enhance and strengthen the state’s firearms preemption law, which basically keeps municipalities and parishes from passing more restrictive gun laws than those in state law. If signed into law by Gov. Landry, this measure would expands the types of behavior political subdivisions are generally prohibited from regulating, provide standing for both individuals and organizations to seek declaratory and injunctive relief when political subdivisions are in violation and require political subdivisions to repeal any offending ordinances or regulations within six months of the bill’s enactment.


“A person or an organization whose membership is adversely affected by any ordinance, order, regulation, policy, procedure, rule or any other form of executive or legislative action promulgated or caused to be enforced in  violation of this Section may file suit against an offending political subdivision in any court of this state having jurisdiction for declaratory and injunctive relief,” the measure states. “A court shall award a prevailing plaintiff in any such suit reasonable attorney fees and costs including expert witness fees and expenses.”


This measure would further restrict the authority of local governments to regulate firearms to include their “manufacture, …carrying, …storage, …[and] taxation;” and add “firearm accessories, knives, edged weapons, or any combination thereof” to the preemption statute.


Another measure sent to the governor is Senate Bill 214. That measure would create a uniform set of laws for carrying concealed firearms in dining establishments, ensuring lawful citizens have the right to defend themselves and their families in places that serve alcoholic beverages.


Yet another measure passed and sent to the governor, Senate Bill 152, makes some technical clarifications for some of the state’s carry statutes. As Gov. Landry is a strong Second Defense defender, he is expected to sign all three measures into law.


One other pro-gun measure is still on the move in the Louisiana House of Representatives and is expected to be considered soon in the House Commerce Committee. That bill, Senate Bill 301, would prevent payment processors from using firearm-specific merchant category codes (MCCs), a move that several other states have already passed during this legislative session.


  1. Surprised it is that well thought out. Well let’s see if it becomes a template to copy as a minimum standard or ignored by RINOs.

  2. There are other bills pending in the Louisiana legislature:
    SB 234 by Senator Miguez: CONTRACTS: Provides relative to prohibition on certain governmental entity contracts with companies that discriminate against firearm and ammunition industries.
    SB 234 has cleared the Senate and presently pending the House committee on Appropriations.

    SB 301 has passed the Commerce Committee (15-0) and is awaiting a date for the full House to consider the bill for a final passage.

    SB 424 by Senator Miguez: SCHOOLS: Provides for firearm accident prevention and safety education for elementary school students. Presently pending the House Education committee.

    The votes taken on all the pro 2A legislation has with few exceptions, been straight down party lines.

    There is no doubt that the Honorable Governor Landry will sign all of these into law. It has been a long time coming and now they will have to work hard every session to keep these new laws intact.

  3. Hit them in their pocketbooks. Hopefully soon we can get them on civil rights violations nationwide and reap huge civil penalties against these traitors, even retroactively against current violations/infringements.

  4. Louisiana is very fortunate to have Governor Jeff Landry at the helm. LA is pro 2A, pro TRUMP, anti Gun Control and tough on criminals. And they do not call the state The Sportman’s Paradise for nothing. Onward to flush Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe…

    TRUMP 2024

    • Without the work of Senator Miguez and Governor Landry CC would still be only a dream and hope in Louisiana. A local Representative told me last year that Senator Miguez would be the author and driving force for CC and that a Republican governor would sign CC into law. So far the Representative’s crystal ball has been 100% correct.

  5. It’s pretty damn easy, just waiting for ANYONE in Congress to remember the words “shall not be infringed”.

  6. Update: Governor Landry on May 13 signed SB 152 and SB 214 with both effective 8/1/24.

  7. Well that’s nice. Now how will Louisiana address the theBiden’s Murder for Hire BATFE hit squad ?

    • Possum, that is weak spot in the Louisiana legislature. Since 2021 bills have been introduced to limit law enforcement’s participation. Each year the bills failed.
      2021 & 2022 House bills made it to the Senate where they failed.
      2023 & 2024 House bills did not get out of committee.
      Also, Red Flag bills introduced in 2023 & 2024 have failed in committees.

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