Neighborhood Watch Death

When I first saw this, I thought it was a troll — someone who knew enough about gun owners to get their blood boiling and have a good laugh. But the more I read, the more I’m not sure. I mean, it might still be someone trolling the gun owners, but this reads like a wish list of proposals that we’ve already heard from organizations like the Brady Campaign and Moms Demand Action, and fits in nicely with their agendas. And the guy that wrote it did an AMA on Reddit not too long ago and appeared to genuinely want this to happen. Anyway, read it for yourself and see what conclusion you come up with . . .

The 28th Amendment, as drafted, will implement a series of common sense gun laws and implement new revenue streams for Americans.

The 12 provisions below will work to make America a more safe place by eliminating the obviously failed experiment that is the second amendment.

  1. The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, being no longer necessary to a secure state is hereby nullified.
  2. The production and sale of new firearms, being defined as a rifle, pistol, or other gun, will be disallowed until a time in which the number of firearms in circulation is equal to 50% of the population as determined by the Census.
  3. No gun may reside in the same building as anyone who has failed a mental health evaluation, as performed by a medical professional, as approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).
  4. A mental health examination, as performed by a medical professional approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) must be passed in order to receive a firearms license.
  5. An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income will be assessed by all gun owners. ย In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individualโ€™s income. ย Taxes levied under this amendment shall be appropriated in equal portions to programs to expand Affirmative Action programs and begin to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves.
  6. Any person making the choice to own a firearm must carry $250,000 worth of liability insurance for each weapon owned. ย This insurance must be provided by a publicly owned insurance company to be established.
  7. All firearms must be retrofitted with both a global positioning transmitter as well as a fingerprint activated locking mechanism. ย Failure to comply with this provision will result in a fine, prison time, and forfeiture of the privilege of firearm ownership.
  8. The National Rifle Association, Michigan Militia, and other โ€œgun rightsโ€ groups shall be considered terrorist operations.
  9. United States Marshals will be randomly placed at various โ€œsporting venues,โ€ where a firearm could be otherwise legally discharged. ย This could include publicly or privately owned venues where the following (but not limited to) take place: ย hunting areas, shooting ranges.
  10. In a calendar year, no person may buy more than 100 rounds of ammunition.
  11. Assault rifles, semi-automatic, and automatic weapons, as well as those not fitted with GPS and trigger locking devices will be immediately seized by the government. ย The owner will be compensated fair market value of the weapon, minus the cost of the seizure operation.
  12. President Obama will establish a Secretary of Firearm management. ย This office will have final say over future gun regulation to prevent against rampant innovation that was not forseen by the second amendment.

Youโ€™ve seen our very easy to implement common sense solutions! ย Now SIGN THE PETITION!



    • I’d say lots and lots of thought went into this. Lots and lots of pot riddled Leftist hippy thought. Just look at how he propses a tax on gun owners and the southern states to pay reparations for slavery. I’m sure this came about from being out of dope while he waits for his next welfare check.

      • This could be very useful, if we could get MDA, Feinstein, et al to explain what parts of this they disagree with.

        Could be a good debating tactic to flush them out. Most would be too careful to commit, but if we could get the true believers and hoplophobes to force them to, perhaps along the lines of “Famous Celebrity: Do you support the Trayvon Amendment? If you don’t, you support the NRA and want to kill babies.” You might get affirmation from a lot of celebrities that way, done well, maybe by tweeting?

        • I wish they (MDA, VPC, MAIG, etc) would start pushing this. It is obviously similar in many ways to their end game. It would be nice if they just came out and said it openly. Then maybe we could have that “honest national conversation” they keep saying we should have. It’s not like they have anything to lose since they keep losing all the other national conversations on gun control.

      • Leave weed the fuck out of this, mister. Are you actually suggesting that smoking pot makes people predisposed to being anti-gun? That’s full of shit.

        • Not predisposed to being anti-gun, but predisposed to saying/doing things that would otherwise be ridiculous. Alcohol has a similar effect.

        • Sadly, the libtards made weed look bad as they embraced it…far too enthusiastically. It should be legalized, but if you don’t practice moderation…..well….they don’t call it dope for nothing.

        • no its a Fact! Pot and all drugs make people do stupid, mostiy irrational actions/comments. Pot is not “safe” nore does it help you have improved or rational thoughts.

          been in art word my whole life, bounced over 50 parties…. Had way to many pot smoking Friends… as the only Sober one that to this day has never done a drug and got drunk only 4 times in 43 years. i know for certain that no drugs is good for you. because i can actually remember what happens, not what potheads think happened. hehe you guys are sooo funny when hammered/stoned lol

          yes they CAN be used for helping people, 98% of the time it is misused and people either Grow out it, or their lives are ruined.
          while they are foing drugs they can never admit they are screwing up and are ruining their lives. yes even pot can kill, pot kills by people doing stupid stuff.

          one though he fly, splat! end of party. another thought he could hold his breath for 5 minutes, 30sec later he dtarted higgling and he drowned. the list reallllly long, on drugs people become Stupid, some go nuts. others have died in cars accidents, many have started fires would assume by falling asleep with a candle knocked over.

          so please stop telling Rational people or any group of people Pot is never the Issue.

    • I think whoever wrote this should have gone further, honestly, since in order for the 2nd amendment to be fully revoked, the 4th amendment should also be revoked, as to allow both stop and frisk and unwarranted home invasions by agents of the government to insure an unarmed population. This means the 1st amendment should also be abolished, and, hell, the whole bill of rights needs to be scrapped to make the writer’s dream come true.

    • The troll level of this site is EPIC! It already has thousands of comments, plus the author is apparently going to answer questions on ARFCOM.

      This is probably a huge rick roll.

      • I thought perhaps it was batsh*t liberal ranting, but take a look at the guys name:

        Richard Cabeza…

        Dick Head.

        • Nice catch, Andre. This may be a pro-gun guy baiting the Anti-2As to make fools of themselves by jumping on this ludicrous bandwagon!

          Best thing, though, this proposal, even if legitimate (s long shot) has exactly ZERO chance of ever becoming a ratified amendment. While there is precedent for the repeal of an amendment (prohibition), there has never been an attempt, successful or otherwise, to repeal (or “nullify”) any portion of the Bill of Rights.

          If this is valid and not a tongue-in-cheek satire it would be interesting to discover how long it took the author to learn the trick of typing and posting on the Internet while his head was up his ass.

  1. HaHaHaHa……..

    The proposed amendment would be almost as effective at protecting people as a restraining order. Almost.

    Good laugh, though.

  2. Ha so he wants the thugs to run wild beating people as they please with no means of defense, and he will be naming the amendment after one such thug! lmao

    This has to be a joke… an elaborate one at that.

    • Black Americans have always had the most to lose by disarmament. It’s appalling they could be cajoled into agitating against their own self-determination. The same goes for Jewish Americans.

      If you don’t study history, the world’s a mystery.

  3. The second amendment isn’t the only one getting town to shreads with this pile. Thank the baby Jesus it will never happen.

  4. Ha. I think #5 is the most telling of all. Someone wants more, and they don’t want to work for it. Here, let me pour your a nice tall glass of Get Over It. Just pathetic.

    • This wonโ€™t ever even come close to being considered. Looks more like a wish-list than anything else. As for #5, if you read closely, it says “An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income will be assessed by all gun owners. In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individualโ€™s income”. The key word here is “BY”. Who are we (the gun owners) assessing this tax against? Non gun owners? Government officials? So #5 I could go for since it’s “for the children”!

  5. “An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income…In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individualโ€™s income. Taxes levied …pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves”

    This type of blatant discrimination completely contradicts the left’s agenda. This is troll bait if you ask me.

    • Yeah, because Texas played a very minor role on the Confederates side and aside from my mom and I no one else was born in Texas or even resided in Texas for an extended amount of time since my lineage immigrated here I should be assessed a 10% tax? Oh well fancy that, looks like I sold all my shit to a hobo yesterday.

    • What about descendants of slaves who own guns? Do they get taxed to pay reparations to themselves?

    • But wait, it doesn’t specify only white gun owners, so any black gun owners will be paying a tax to pay reparations to themselves. Mind. Blown.

    • Don’t most blacks live in states that were formerly part of the Confederacy? So we tax blacks to pay reparations to blacks. That sounds like it would be as effective as a typical government program.

  6. I still think it’s a troll. The regressive racist tax in #5 was what convinced me. I left this comment nearly 24 hours ago, when there was only one other comment there:

    Do it. Repeal the Second. Quit nibbling around the edges with laws that do nothing but impede the law-abiding. Go big or go home. If you think America is on your side, repeal it. Call a Constitutional Convention, or get 2/3 of both houses of Congress to agree. Assuming you can do this, then get 38 of the 50 states to ratify it. I’ll make you a deal, even. I won’t stand in your way, if you accompany your repeal efforts by stopping the other efforts to expand gun control in the meantime. Do it, if you can. I welcome the challenge.

    Now there are some 650+ comments, but mine is still “awaiting moderation.”

  7. Oh, also, make sure you read the names of the people who “signed” the petition. The fact that nobody is making any effort to vet and clear the names on that list is another thing that makes me call it a troll.

    Also, is it being hosted in someone’s basement? The site is constantly returning 502 and 503 errors due to overload.

      • I guess those slurs are what the author is trying to get, if he has any real purpose. But some of the other names and addresses were pretty entertaining.

    • From a quick scan, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao seem to have signed multiple times. That’s cheating!

      I do like some of the other names, but some are pretty offensive. My guess is that the author was trolling for racist comments (they are getting plenty) to quote. Doubt many are serious, but let’s see how those comments are used.

      Anyway, a few from the first page:

      518 Usum Kinspecial Bangingyourmom, Onyourbed Nov 20, 2013

      517 U R A Jack Ass Land of the, Free Nov 20, 2013

      515 Michael Bloomberg NY, NY Nov 20, 2013

      514 Admiral James Kirk Star city, Iowa Nov 20, 2013

      513 Sarah Brady I am smashing guns with a hammer,, RIGHT NOW !!!!!!! Nov 20, 2013

      512 Ah yall bitches need some mothaf^ckin fiber I need my dick gps tracked, it carries mo than 100 rounds’a far-powr, tho Nov 20, 2013

      510 EBT Card Gunsmoke, Texas Nov 20, 2013

      508 BiteThePillow GoingInDry BallsDeepinLiberalAss, Massachusetts Nov 20, 2013

  8. I don’t believe this is a troll. I live in Chicago, and I have many very smart and well-educated friends — who also know next to nothing about firearms — who would back most of this in a hot second. They’d balk at number 5 and maybe number 8, but that’s about it.

    • Yeah but that’s just it… the slight over-the-top parts that make it more obvious it’s troll-bait.

      After all, a good trolling is almost indistiguishable from the extremist reality.

  9. What a revolutionary document! Perhaps not in the way the author intended, but revolutionary nonetheless, as in causing one should such an amendment ever ‘succeed’.
    The trouble is that if just a few of these measures were implemented in a few locales, that wouldn’t be enough of an assault on our rights to trigger a big response. For example California, NY, etc. have in essence embraced much of the sentiment contained in this petition through passage of recent laws and yet the vast majority of us are not willing to do much about it except perhaps send a $10 check to the local gun rights org.

  10. Definitely troll worthy! These “regulations” try to hit on every argument that law abiding gun owners have brought up and/or oppose. He is purposefully going out of his way to try to upset gun owners. If not a troll, then probably one of the most delusional proposals that I’ve ever heard!

  11. “The owner will be compensated fair market value of the weapon, minus the cost of the seizure operation.”

    So Mr. Smith, the fair market value of your Glock 19 is $500, however… the cost of this operation to retrieve your gun – with the 3 patrol officers, 8 SWAT members, a commanding officer, helicopter, hostage negotiator and media coordination consultant – comes to $48,978.34. The remaining balance of $48,478.34 can be paid for with cash, check or even credit card for your convenience. The IRS will pay you a visit later for the 10% tax on the $500 since you live in a Confederate state.

    Don’t laugh.

    • You forgot the 2 apc’s and cost of the battering ram that chipped its paint knocking down your door. Oh and the flash bangs before they raided your house.

  12. Well I guess the author of this “amendment” wants all out civil war. The “Immediate Confiscation” of most guns wouldn’t have ANY other possible outcome. But if that’s how they want to go with this….

    Also, to whoever wrote this piece of garbage amendment: F.O.A.D.

    I don’t even want to have you in the same hemisphere as me.

    Go play tag in a minefield.

      • That dude’s reaction is pure gold. He’s one of the gun crazed, guvinmint hatin’ idiots who really live on a different planet.

        Not only can’t he see the joke, he actualy really believes this is the kind of gun control Obama wants.

        In other words, he’s one of us, but one of the stupidest of us.

  13. Come on guys, at least they are going after Democrats:

    “In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individualโ€™s income.”

  14. Number 5 will require the elimination of more than just the second amendment. While they are at it, why not give President Obama the right to control gun ownership even after he leaves office? In fact, why not start the discussion now, exactly how many powers will be granted to Obama even after he leaves office? I mean, we really can’t allow even the possibility that a Republican might some day become Commande in Chief so obviously Obama must retain control over the military. And a Republican might screw up the wonderful Obama economy so he would need to retain control over the Treasury. Obviously Obama must retain Veto power or who knows what mischief the Congress might think up?

  15. My reading of #5 might be off but doesn’t

    “An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income will be assessed by all gun owners.”

    mean that we get to asses the tax? It would be nice to get something from the federal government for a change. I think they want to change the word by to on.

  16. Obvious troll is obvious. That said, I’d love to see something like this go up for a vote. It’s always a good day when an anti-gun effort gets completely and utterly destroyed at the polls. It’s the subtle ones you have to worry about.

    • I don’t think you want to see this go up for a vote. Of course it will never pass, but it will get votes, and I genuinely think the number would surprise you. Seeing that number would destroy any residual hope you had about the intelligence of our populace.

      • Although, putting it to Congress would reveal the truly dedicated traitors. That, in itself, is valuable information.

      • Fortunately, I have no residual hope as to the intelligence of the electorate. One must only look to the buffoons who we elect to represent us to see that.

      • I agree with Matt. A whole lot of people supported Obamacare, and many still do. Much of the voter base of this nation lies within the inner cities, and those locations are not known for their intellect. I’ve been to job fairs in LA and came away severely underwhelmed.

  17. Troll bait.

    Not worth our time to address, especially being that every argument in it has been thoroughly defeated.

  18. I saw this the other day and I still think it is just trolling. No way anything even slightly resembling this atrocity would ever even be seen in either the house or senate. Any representative even suggesting it would get laughed at and possible tarred and feathered by their constituents (San Fran/NYC/Boston excluded).

    The part about any gun owner living in southern states that were part of the CSA paying reparations was pretty funny though, it shows a significant ignorance of American history. There were plenty of slave states that were not part of the Confederacy. Overall, I can only feel pity for the ignorance of anyone who actually thinks this would ever work, or be a good idea. To play devil’s advocate, say it passed by the majority needed to amend the constitution and was signed into law by the president. How long do you think it would be before the union dissolved? Minutes? Days? Pure tomfoolery, plain and simple.

  19. Come on guys, this one is too easy.

    The guy’s name is Richard Cabeza.

    Cabeza is spanish for “head”.

    Dick is often short for Richard.

  20. Remember the number 13, guys: you only need 13 states to disagree in order for this to fail. They need 38 to ratify a Constitutional Amendment.

    Never going to happen.

    1. Texas
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Louisiana
    4. Alaska
    5. Vermont
    6. Montana
    7. Arkansas
    8. Florida
    9. Arizona
    10. Wyoming
    11. West Virginia
    12. Georgia
    13. South Carolina
    14. Mississippi
    15. North Dakota
    16. South Dakota
    17. Idaho

    And those are just the top of my head certainties, I imagine at least 20 states would vote against ratification.

    • This would never make it to the ratification stage. Any politicians voting for this drivel would be summarily kicked out of office.

    • Dude! Michigan is specifically mentioned in this piece of crap and you didn’t include us in your list!? Put us up there in the “shoot the paper out of their hands” category please.

  21. I too read this yesterday. I just sighed and thought, “Bring it. I’m sort of bored with work right now. Might as well have another revolution to liven things up.”

    • Right? Sometimes I think a zombie apocalypse would bring some refreshing focus to my otherwise mundane life.

      I guess I should be careful what I wish for…

      • Many, many years ago I saw scribbled graffiti on a bathroom wall in the Texas Tech University library that said, “Let’s go to war… I’m bored with chemistry.”

        Some, days, brother. Some days.

  22. Ah, you must be one of the guys that thinks its funny to watch people spray coffee on their keyboard…I got to No. 6 on the list and stopped reading. This turd of an “amendment” got a good laugh out of me(reads like it was written by a 5th grader), it will never be passed.

      • Ok… who wants to call and find out what hapless shmuck is on the other end of that line with no idea?

    • I did. It went to a message box. There was a nice recording calling for common sense confiscation and how we’re all a wannabe thug who got what he deserved…I mean Trayvon..

    • Guys, this is fake.
      The contact name Richard Cabeza… Cabeza is “head” in Spanish.
      So this guy’s name is actually… well, you can figure it out.

      • There’s actually a musician with that name I think he’s a bassist for some metal band I’ve never heard of.

  23. Let’s just get this over with…quit debating. Let those who want our guns come for them…let us defend our rights to keep them. Then once the streets are washed of the blood of the Second Civil War, then no more debating guns…all gun laws are repealed and we actually follow the Constitution…that thing all politicians swear to do but don’t…yea….

    Let’s just be done with the debate. No more gun laws…at all. Let full autos be available at the convenience store and magazines be limited by how much weight one can carry…

    Molon Labe!

  24. Troll bait for sure, first its too well written to be a real government document, second it would/could never get passed, third anyone who voted for this would/should be tried for treason. Its not going anywhere; this is like the ultimate wishlist of the antis and if they COULD Pass it I am sure they would but I don’t see it ever happening.

    • Notice the skittles held in front of that sign?

      If I was a black dude, I would probably troll groups like this with similar stunts. Black gun guys get all the fun. I guess I’ll have to resign myself to college kids, hipsters, and yuppies without a clue.

  25. My main beef with this (the absolute ridiculousness notwithstanding) is that it is, in my opinion, far too specific for a Constituional amendment. In my mind a Constitution is there for broad, sweeping, general dictates of what the government can and cannot do, and to enumerate the rights on which it cannot infringe. It exists to specify the size, scope, and framework of the government. When the Constitution starts reading like legislation, something is wrong. And yes, I think some of the current and past amendments fall into the category of things better left to legislation. Prohibition comes to mind, a blatent attempt at social regulation.

    Take my home state of Michigan. Some special interests wanted to pass an amendment prohibiting bridge construction without a vote of the people (to prevent the new international crossing from being built), and there is now one in the works to limit wolf hunting or some other nonsense. That kind of action does not belong in a state Constitution, it is not part and parcel to the fundamental operating principles of the state government and the ability of citizens to exercise their natural rights. It exists only as super-legislation.

    Now, perhaps I’m misunderstanding hundreds of years of theory and such. I’m only now beginning to read about such things from a legal and historical perspective. Flame away if you must.

  26. Gee how many of those lines are discriminatory? If you live in an apartment building and someone has mental illness you can’t have a firearm? Unequal taxes doesn’t that go against our very fiber? I just want to be watching the anti gunners when something happens they could have used a gun for, burglary, rape, murder all come to mind that changes an attitude when you realize you need to be able to protect yourself as the police can’t do it anymore. I never would want to have to use my gun for protection but I know I have it in case it’s needed.

    • Unequal taxes is exactly what we have now. And, yes, scratching out the “unequal” part… taxes go against our very fiber. It’s called theft.

  27. Come on, this is a gunner trying to show, all in one place, the ridiculous compendium of proposals such that we see them in their entirety, they are truly totalitarian.
    โ€œโ€ฆwill be immediately seized by the government. The owner will be compensated fair market value of the weapon, minus the cost of the seizure operation.โ€
    That is a direct reference to the Stalin era practice of charging the family for the cost of the bullet for an execution.
    โ€œseized by the governmentโ€ is way too direct. No disguise. A true confiscator knows to use Orwellian language like.
    โ€œ The proper designated agency will be discharged with the responsibility for the securing of weapons determined to be held contrary to current law. The owner of the secured fire arms will be justly compensated net a transfer service fee.โ€
    The language is too transparent, to the point, Anglo-Saxon.

    • BTW
      The smoking gun for tounge in cheek is that the 14th amendment (Equal protection clause) proves this is satire when you want whip the rebels again with an extra 6% above other states for their insurrection 150 years ago.

    • I’m happy to see that someone knows sarcasm when they see it. The references to Obamacare is a clue as is charging southern states an extra 6% and the 100 rounds per year limit.

  28. Nick and Robert,
    Please reuse that image above for a ‘Incendiary Image of the Day’ post so I can post the following comment….
    “Dear NAACP, the greatest leading cause in the death of young black males is other black males. Once YOU fix that then YOU can work on some other issues in YOUR community. Once your murder rates go down, education levels go up, income levels go up, drug use/abuse declines, drug warfare ceases/decreases and general morality of your population increase THEN you can talk to me about my guns.”

  29. They should call it the “Purple Drank” ammendment. LMAO This is because I think whoever started this petition had too much to drank.

  30. This would spark the revolution that results in the nullification of the “28th Amendment,” replacing it with the 29th: “Anyone who proposes a bill, whether state or federal, which would infringe the 2nd Amendment shall first be cited with a warning, and upon their second offense, executed by firing squad without delay. Such execution shall be broadcast to the public though television, internet, and common forms of media. The body shall then be hung from the nearest major landmark such as The Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Washington Monument, Golden Gate Bridge, Space Needle, Gateway Arch for at least 24 hours. The execution and subsequent hanging shall be funded from their own assets, which are to be ceased in full; if not enough funds are available, then the seized assets of other persons executed under this passage. Surplus assets are to be used to fund youth firearms education and training in safe firearms handling.”

    • This, but there should not be a warning for the first offense. I’m down with the firing squad but their staff should also be lined up against the nearest wall.

  31. what’s really funny is that in the comments on the web site the OP “tired of senseless violence” yet wants all hate mail sent to “[email protected]” or something like that.

    you do intelligent people a disservice by rehashing this drivel. if the looneys want our guns and money, they can come and take them.

  32. I read the responses of the Reddit User StabaGunNut that submitted this and did the AMA. This comment stood out from the others.

    StabAGunNut[S] -1 points 1 day ago
    -I feel that male gun owners use their weapons to “prove their manhood.”
    -Every gun owner buys a gun with an intent to kill SOMETHING.
    -They have drones. They have laser-firing aircraft that can blow up one target every 15 seconds in a 150-mile radius. They have surveillance satellites, nuclear bombs, missiles, poison gas, tanks, aircraft carriers, bombers. The U.S. government beat the THIRD REICH. They beat JAPAN. And that was 75 years ago, with 2,000-mile long supply lines. Seriously, not to be defeatist, but itโ€™s not like theyโ€™re going to invade with cotton-shirted police carrying pointy sticks. At least, not before they laser-bomb you from orbit using atomic drones with nerve gas.

    Laser Firing Aircraft? WTF is that? I have heard that before. Take a look at the text of the “How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time!” by Richard Rowe, linked to TTAG not days ago. It contains this verbage verbatim. Could it be Richard himself? Or a looney that he inspired?

    I think not. Someone had the idea “If I scream loud enough and crazy enough from the ultra left, it will move people away from the pole and in to the center?” And he mined Richard’s crazy article for material.

    It’s a good idea if you want to de-radicalize average folks in favor of gun control. Google Sherif and Hovland’s Social Judgment Theory for more information about how this could be effective. In short, every one of us hears an attitude/opinion and then sorts it compared to all the other attitudes we are familiar with. An extreme opinion forces the individual to subconsciously asses where their own opinions lie and either move towards or away from the opinion in question depending on how close it is to their own…

  33. Trayvon spelled backward is Novyart.

    The Urban Dictionary defines Novy as a bad texter. The UD defines art as: “The purpose of art is to create an emotional response in the person that is exposed to that art.” Therefore we can state that the deeper esoteric meaning of Trayvon’s name is that he was a bad texter who was into creating bad emotional responses in people.

  34. I had to do one of my “Did I go to The Onion on accident?” double-takes after reading a few lines of this story.

  35. Gotta be trollbait. This is way too over the top to be serious even by the most hardcore statist. The hardest of the hard statists wouldn’t bother with anything after the first point. “The second amendment is null and void. Turn in your guns or you will be shot”.

  36. It may or may not be serious, but sadly I’m acquainted with more than a few people who would find this to be a reasonable proposal. Low information voters? Alas, some of you fine folks have no idea of just how low it can go.

  37. Just want to point out, it seems to read out that the author agrees that the 2nd Amendment does indeed mean “shall not be infringed” at ALL and that an amendment nullifying it is required in order to do these things they propose.

  38. I agree that it is just elaborate trolling to get riled up posts from gun owners, that the troll can use as proof of how crazy gun owners are

  39. I think this is troll but this is tooo easy but why the hell notโ€ฆ..

    The 12 provisions below will work to make America a more safe (SAFER) place by eliminating the obviously failed experiment that is the second amendment.

    1.The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, being no longer necessary to a secure state is hereby nullified.

    Ok he starts off with a problem, this is the WHOLE amendment (if they could pass it). Prohibition was brought in with the 18th amendment and repealed with the 21st . So everything after this is yet another amendment.

    2.The production and sale of new firearms, being defined as a rifle, pistol, or other gun, will be disallowed until a time in which the number of firearms in circulation is equal to 50% of the population as determined by the Census.

    This doesnโ€™t make any sense??? Are you trying to prohibit the ownership of firearms or just stop there production. If youโ€™re going full Monty here why not just confiscate all guns?? If youโ€™re not going to confiscate them how do you expect the number of them to go down. Also this is going to create a black market trade of fire arms from Mexicoโ€ฆ

    3.No gun may reside in the same building as anyone who has failed a mental health evaluation, as performed by a medical professional, as approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

    First I didnโ€™t realize that was part of the ACA, and how are you going to do that? Are you going to have everyone with mental issues register on a websiteโ€ฆOh wait?

    4.A mental health examination, as performed by a medical professional approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) must be passed in order to receive a firearms license.

    Firearm license; where does this firearm license come from? I thought you were collecting all of the guns and getting rid of them to be replaced by rainbows and unicorns. Why do you need firearm license if guns are going the way of the dodo.

    5.An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income will be assessed by all gun owners. In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individualโ€™s income. Taxes levied under this amendment shall be appropriated in equal portions to programs to expand Affirmative Action programs and begin to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves.


    6.Any person making the choice to own a firearm must carry $250,000 worth of liability insurance for each weapon owned. This insurance must be provided by a publicly owned insurance company to be established.

    Not sure why you are going to need this since you are going to take my guns anyway? Sooo what companies are going to provide this gun insurance? Is this part of the ACA too? Am I going to have to sign up for it though healthcare.govโ€ฆoh wait..

    7.All firearms must be retrofitted with both a global positioning transmitter as well as a fingerprint activated locking mechanism. Failure to comply with this provision will result in a fine, prison time, and forfeiture of the privilege of firearm ownership.

    Wow, people have been trying to make a gun that recognizes its users for about 20 years now and they still havenโ€™t been able to make it work. Thatโ€™s cool that you finally figured it out and we can put that techology on our firarms. In fact that might be a great way from for me to keep people from trying to steal my 1911.

    8.The National Rifle Association, Michigan Militia, and other โ€œgun rightsโ€ groups shall be considered terrorist operations.

    Are you going to include veterans organizations on that list tooโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

    9.United States Marshals will be randomly placed at various โ€œsporting venues,โ€ where a firearm could be otherwise legally discharged. This could include publicly or privately owned venues where the following (but not limited to) take place: hunting areas, shooting ranges.

    HUH?!?! What are the US Marshals going to doing at these ranges? Are they there to give me shooting tips?

    10.In a calendar year, no person may buy more than 100 rounds of ammunition.

    Thatโ€™s coolโ€ฆcoming soon

    11.Assault rifles, semi-automatic, and automatic weapons, as well as those not fitted with GPS and trigger locking devices will be immediately seized by the government. The owner will be compensated fair market value of the weapon, minus the cost of the seizure operation.

    AHHHH HA so you are just going to seize all the guns anyway arenโ€™t you….

    12.President Obama will establish a Secretary of Firearm management. This office will have final say over future gun regulation to prevent against rampant innovation that was not forseen by the second amendment.

    What the hell is the point of this, you JUST SAID you are taking all of the guns so why do you need the laws?

  40. Obviously failed experiment? Were still here because of it.
    This has to be a troll, nobody is this stupid outside of the government, and there are ALOT of stupid similar thinking people.

  41. Obviously this is some anti’s pipe dream. Still, “Trayvon?” You’ve heard of an instant classic? Trayvon is an instant anachronism. Yet, this jack wagon is still waving the bloody hoodie? Good grief.

  42. Don’t think it is a troll. I think it is satire by Dick Head (Richard Cabeza is the name of the site contact). His email is [email protected] and the “how the bill of rights should look” where he inserted a “Tweet” text in the image is clearly satire. Instead of a contact section, there is a “Hate Mail” section. And the owner posts on supposedly

  43. “5. An income tax equal to 4% of an individualโ€™s income will be assessed by all gun owners.”
    COOL – I could use a piece of that tax that will be assessed on everyone and given to gun owners. Just proves how ignorant the libs really are.


  44. Why not just rewrite this amendment?

    “The Constitution of the United States is hereby annulled.”

    It’ll be a shorter time before everything else falls apart; gets it over with alot faster.

  45. Hitler would be very proud.[at how stupid this is].Ah,ya, good luck with your petition,I’m sure Feinstein,Bloomberg and Watts want to be the first to sign,oh ya I forgot Sharpton.

  46. I almost fell over laughing when I read the names of people who signed the petition. Adolf Hitler, Piers Morgan, F*ck *uck, and other fake names.

  47. I feel like this may have just been a joke that people are taking the wrong way. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor and humor doesn’t translate well on the Internet as we all know.

  48. A lot of time has been wasted on this.
    It’s either a parody or written by an apparent clueless moonbeam. The site is registered to an apparent St. Louis MO college. And the phone number points there, too.
    The fact that the amendment/website was named for a small-time thug who was killed trying to kill someone, instead of one of the kids that gangbangers killed, speaks volumes of the corruption of the left-wing liberal extremists.

  49. Sad to say, but instead of declining, the racist majority has drastically swung from the white population to the black population, And by God we can all see this was written by Black racist, I mean just read this:

    “…and begin to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves.”

    You’ve got to be kidding me. You expect me to believe that the “descendants of African slaves” are still suffering after 2 centuries. Oh, and did you forget, we had a civil war to fight for your freedom, with 3/4 of a million dead because of it.

    No one owes you damn thing.

    Any race murders one of any other race it is just that, murder; Look at a Black person funny, burn us all.

    • Your “common sense is nought but tyranny. YOU, sir, are an enabler to DESPOTISM. Your “common sense” is handmaiden to TYRANNY.

      SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!! We will NEVER surrender to your dictatorship of the intelligentsia.

      We will find you. PRISON is your destiny.

      • William, you need to chill the hell out. You definitely don’t need to be bringing shit like “We will find you” onto this site. Understand me clearly: I think this guy is an agent provocateur, and his goal is to find ammunition for the civilian disarmament movement to point to in order to demonstrate that we are wrongheaded. I encourage you to not engage him at all, but if you choose to, do it without stuff like that. I will delete things such as that, things that could be perceived as threats, each and every time I see them.

        • I think this Cabeza character is either not real, or, as you say, an Agent Provocateur. If even 1/3 true, this cat would put a Cambodian Communist, year zero believer to shame.

        • There is already a law on the books for people conspiring to violate the rights of a citizen – 18 USC 241. He’s just stating the obvious.

      • Matt, I am sure that what you mean is to “find him” so that he can he be placed (by force, for his own good, you see) in a mental institution, to get the care that his sick and warped mind desperately need. Because we care….in the name of the children. Its all about the love.

    • Well, if you’d have said it was a troll, I’d have said “Well done.”

      What we have here is a perfect example of Poe’s Law, defined as: The idea that without a clear indication of the author’s intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism.

      I have no interest in determining if you are telling the truth, or if is a parody of extremism.

      As you say it’s not, my only words for you are “GTFO.” I have no interest in asking you anything. Your so-called “common sense measures” are farcical, at best.

      To the rest of the readers here, I strongly encourage you to not take the bait. No good whatsoever can come of it.

      If there is a better example of someone “fishing for quotes that will ultimately be used to tar our entire movement” than this, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.

      • Your movement is exactly that. Excrement. Bile. Bodies in the street due to your religion of carrying weapons of mass destruction to protect your truck and your tooth.

        My measures would ELIMINATE gun violence. It would ELIMINATE poor black children being murdered by sociopaths (and then being aquited by a jury of racists like B37).

        Nothing good has come from Florida. The dictator Bush, Trayvon’s death at the hands of a sociopath.

        We will win this war.

        Repeal it.

        • “Repeal it.”

          I would invite you to review my comment up thread, which is the same comment I left on your site (which, last I checked, was still “awaiting moderation” more than 36 hours later).

          The gist is: “Bring it.” If you think you can repeal the Second Amendment, do it. Quit mucking about with meaningless laws and half-measures, and do it. And if you can’t, kindly shut the hell up.

          Oh, and I take offense to your statement that “nothing good has come from Florida.” I came from Florida, and I’m pretty friggin’ awesome.

        • How could you “win this war” without the tools of liberty (firearms) you so clearly despise? Your comical (and fake) measure (if implemented) would bring the Richard Burton character from 1984 to life. For that, if I indeed thought you were real, and had a chance of even remotely pulling off such an evil scheme…well….I am just glad your not real, and there are CLEARLY too few who would remotely think like you to make any difference.

        • So only the lives of the Black children are important? You make a cry against racism, yet your own words declare you a racist in the very same sentence.

  50. The Marshals are kinda like federal bailiffs/sheriffs, mostly concerned with running courts and prisoner operations, with a little bit of fugitive apprehension to make it sexy. I don’t see why they’d have them at the ranges instead of the BATFARBE. Maybe just as all handguns are GLOCKS, and all rifles are AK-47’s to these people, all federal LE’s are Marshals…

  51. Oh hell, I just had to get on the wagon with this troll. I think it would be a great thing if anyone signing this work of art (be honest with your name and address if you would) have their FIRST amendment rights taken from them. Come on now, sign up and shut up would be a great “motto”.

    Like OMG, this is such a good time. And I quote…
    “Your movement is exactly that. Excrement. Bile. Bodies in the street due to your religion of carrying weapons of mass destruction to protect your truck and your tooth.
    My measures would ELIMINATE gun violence. It would ELIMINATE poor black children being murdered by sociopaths (and then being aquited by a jury of racists like B37).
    Nothing good has come from Florida. The dictator Bush, Trayvonโ€™s death at the hands of a sociopath.
    We will win this war.
    Repeal it.”

    Mr Cabeza seems serious here. Delusional yes, but serious non the less.

    Now the 2nd has become a “movement” , a “religion”, poor black kids are being murdered because of it and B37
    is a racist as determined by whom?. I’m sorry, does Obummer Care determine who is a racist and who is not? Is this in the Bill TOO ?

    Oh, and yes Cabeza does have a meaning of “head” according to the Urban dictionary.
    So Richard (dick) Cabeza (head) is not too far off.

    p.s. Aquitted not Aquited and I do not own a “truck”.

  52. He posted some voicemails in the hate mail section “you don’t see obese people walking around saying the spoons made them fat”

    • He/she/it’s delusional; they will fly into the garbage can of history of their own accord. Future generations will discover their literary masterpiece and say “WHAT????”

  53. Thanks for the belly laugh this story provided.
    The only thing missing is internment camps for gun owners.

  54. “My measures would ELIMINATE gun violence. It would ELIMINATE poor black children being murdered by sociopaths…”

    Eliminating black children seems rather genocidal, don’t you think? And after all that fuss about Affirmative Action?

    I have a suggestion: first, learn the English language, THEN go about proposing inflammatory “amendments” to the Constitution.

    • That’s really not bad English, my friend. Questionable English perhaps. But by no means “bad” English.

      The sentence made sense. All it needed was someone like you to go all English teacher on it, right?

  55. I kind of hope they push this, especially article 5. It just makes the current cultural and political landscape official and draws a metaphoric and geographic line in the sand.

  56. The New Declaration:

    “Given that Modern Technology, Advancement in Human Wisdom, a Registry of Deeds, a Bureau of Standards, and a Repository of Maps have been shown to be sufficient to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, the Central, or Federal, Government of the United States has been determined to be unnecessary, and is therefore hereby declared to be Null and Void.”

            • I’m sticking with the thin stew, Rich. I get it. The first time I ever drank Scotch to excess, I puked clam dip over a balcony onto a girl’s head, and it converted her to Christianity. TRUE STORY. Haven’t been able to touch it since. Irish whiskey, however, is a different story.

              It was over 35 years ago, and I was a novice then. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  57. When I see this crap I think of the quote that Robert Downey Jr. said in the movie Tropic Thunder “Everybody knows you never go full retard”.

    • I really don’t like when people use “retard” as an insult. I’ve met a few retarded people, and they’ve been some of the kindest, most loving people you’d want to meet.

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