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We all knew that there would be protesters outside the NRA’s annual celebration of all things firearms related. I mean, since the NRA just single-handedly defeated the “common sense” measures that 90% of the population wanted, the streets would be flooded with them! Right? Well,right now the protest is in full swing. And there are (and I’m being generous here) about a dozen people in attendance. In fact, the press seems to outnumber the protesters down there.However, the protesters appear to be congregating behind any camera they see to make their numbers appear larger. So a word to the wise: take the mainstream reporting with a sensationalist grain of salt.

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  1. Rather ironic that the most violent thing that could possibly happen at the NRA convention is something started by these “anti-violence” lowlifes.

    • It will be a short revolution I guess as they cower behind our troops that turn to fight with us

        • True. Im hoping it will never come to that BUT I think we are beyond fixing this country in the voting booths. It may not be today, this year or in my life time but Im sure it will happen. I only hope there is enough integrity in a majority of our military to realize what they fight for.

  2. I opposr your statement that the NRA “single handedly defeated…” It wss no “single hand” that accomplished anything of the sort. Yet it was us, we the people in our vocal protest, that caused fail to the would-be registration scheme. I personaly give much credit of organizational help & influence to the Gun Owners of America.

    Please be more carefull in your accolades in the future, giving credit where credit is wholey due.


    • It was 100% satire, taking the “gun control advocate” mindset. In all probability, it was most likely unaffiliated Americans who kept making calls to Senators that killed that legislation, not any gun group in particular. I thought it was obvious from the context…

        • Jive Lady: “Oh stewardess! I speak jive.”

          Randy: “Oh, good.”

          Jive Lady: “He said that he’s in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him.”

          Randy: “All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I’ll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?”

          Jive Lady: “Jus’ hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da’ rebound on da’ med side.”

    • If there was any golden opportunity for the anti’s to come out in droves to make their voices heard it would be this NRA convention.

      Apparently very few of them had enough true conviction to log off huffpost and get off their asses long enough to to make a public showing. Maybe they’re happy enough with the msm’s smear job of gun owners that they don’t feel the need to interrupt breast feeding their six year old.

  3. LMAO, yeah, and there was an unfortunate issue with a geocaching flash mob party that had been scheduled for today that the parks people tried to break up thinking they were protesters too. So ignore any “protesters” you see without signs… they were probably the Geocaching group that got turned around.

  4. The NRA should hold their next convention in Bismark SD, in February. Let’s test the power of the anti’s personal convictions. This just goes to show that fraud is the dominant theme in any government pronouncement be it social or economic.

  5. I have an idea, why not get a hundred or so folks from the NRA to head out with sandwiches and water for the anti’s. Take the time to explain the issues we are facing and OMG use logic and facts.. Oh if that would hit the news, that would be hilarious!!!

    • I mean really it isn’t being mean, you are bringing them lunch in support of their first amendment rights no? It also slaps the media up side the head that the NRA are not a bunch of crazies..

      Oh Mr Noir is there to, get him to go out with ya, along with Emily Miller.. Oh that would catch them off guard big time.

    • That is actually an awesome idea Daniel. If I see a protestor at the next gun show I might just do that while OC’ing. Treat them with total respect.

  6. The anti’s really like that 80% or 90% figure but they include in that figure the 70% that don’t care, couldn’t be bothered either way, think the gun owners are getting a raw deal being equated with a couple of madmen but just don’t say it or are too busy eating a burger while texting in their cars to notice. With over 100,000,000 gun owners out here, I’ll go out on a limb here and say that the vast majority of that 80/90% personally know a gun owner that hasn’t killed anyone so why does that 1% want to punish them?

  7. More like 90% of the people the media networks decided to ask around the office, I certainly didn’t get a poll vote.

    I can only imagine the protestors:
    “Grr! Were angry at you for something we were told you did! We cant think for ourselves so well do what the media told us to! How dare you do that thing that I don’t actually know what it is!”


  8. You would be generous with a dozen. I just left the show and I think I counted 4 protesters, a handful filming a documentary and the rest would be curious what the cameras were there for. Any more than that would be just enjoying this beautiful day outside!

  9. The million mom march struck again & 99 percent of criminals want good guys to go without guns. How do they they do it? One flash of brilliance after another, Randy

    • The other 10% were breaking a sweat on their fron porch waiting for my tax dollars… uh I mean their welfare check to come in the mail.

  10. I had to get a magnifying glass. I didn’t realize insects were gun-grabbers.

    Thank goodness we can just squish them and go about our business.

    • Gad, you NRA types are brutal. Such troglodytes!

      “Help! I’m being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!”

  11. “However, the protesters appear to be congregating behind any camera they see to make their numbers appear larger.”

    I once saw an overhead shot of a protest like that, taken from the roof of a nearby building. On the ground below were two or three “pie wedges” of about 15-20 people each, with a news camera at the tip of each wedge. From the camera’s view, there was a large tightly-packed crowd of people. From above, not so much.

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