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Speaking to Fox News following the attempted assassination Saturday of former President Donald Trump, Israeli Special Ops veteran Aaron Cohen may have said it best.

“God must have been watching down on the president,” he said. “Snipers are typically trained to shoot into the cerebral cortex of the cerebellum at the top of the brain stem. It incapacitates you; it keeps your hands from moving… It’s about the distance of the shot. One hundred-thirty yards. That’s a putt. Anyone can put a two, two, three (.223), optic on a target from that distance and hit it. It’s not a difficult shot to make…”

Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, has been identified by law enforcement authoritiesas the attempted assassin. Since last evening, his home has been raided and already federal law enforcement and the media are doing a deep dive on who this misfit is, whose bullets grazed the president’s right ear, killed an innocent rally attendee and wounded two others, before Secret Service snipers took him out with a shot to the head.

Crooks had apparently crawled on top of a manufacturing plant an estimated 130 yards away from where Trump was speaking, a situation that has many security experts baffled as to how a man with a rifle could have openly crawled atop a building, got in position to shoot, and fired four to five shots at a crowded presidential rally before security neutralized the threat.

Map courtesy of NY Post

One self-described eyewitness interviewed by the BBC said he and his friends saw the man climb on top of the building, rifle visible, and tried to alert police who seemed “like they didn’t know what was going on” according to the man.

“We could clearly see the rifle,” the unidentified man said. “I was like, why is Trump still speaking why have they not pulled him off the state, I’m standing there pointing at him for like two or three minutes, Secret Service is looking at us from on top of the barn. I’m pointing at that roof, just standing there like this, and next thing you know, five shots ring out.”

He suggested Secret Service snipers may not have been able to see the shooter initially from the angle of the roof, but added, “Why is there not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? I mean this is not a big place.”

That’s a question a lot of people are asking and some important people are going to be asking. Crime scene investigators were still on the ground in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the assassination attempt took place and already a congressional oversight committee was demanding a hearing with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

And already, conspiracy theories were flying on both sides of the political spectrum—left-leaning voices suggesting the assassination attempt was part of a right-wing plot to make Trump a hero, right-leaning voices alleging Biden had Trump’s security detail reduced to allow something like this to happen. None of the allegations have been founded in any way and for his part, President Joe Biden spoke with Trump in a conversation that was said to be one of concern and respect and then publicly decried the violence and said he was glad Trump was okay. World leaders were also quick to denounce the violence and wish Trump well.

Trump, miraculously, turned his head as he spoke as one of the would-be assassin’s bullets grazed his head when it struck his hear. Trump seemed to swat at his head, note the blood on his hand and dropped to a squat as Secret Service agents swarmed him. Then, in what has already become the most iconic image in election season history, as agents whisked a bloodied Trump off stage, he raised his fist to the crowd and mouthed the words, “fight, fight.” The images captured of the moment have the U.S. flag waving in the background.

Wall Street already says the incident has raised Trump’s chances of winning the presidency, while entrepreneurs on social media were quick to capitalize on the moment and were already selling t-shirts with the image on various platforms.

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    • From Gun Control useful idiot democRats stinking up the halls of the TN congress to all across America there are worthless shtforbrains brainwashed democRats who are openly distraught the insane 20 year old pos failed to assassinate POTUS DJT…

        • You say a lot of insane things, but I don’t think any is more insane than thinking Ben Carson is going to be Trump’s running mate.

          • If Carson wants it, he’d make a fine Surgeon General.

            But I doubt he wants it, his lack of enthusiasm last time around leads me to believe he’d like to retire in peace…

      • “From Gun Control useful idiot democRats stinking up the halls…”

        You’re getting me hard talking dirty like that deb… 😉

  1. Couldn’t impeach.
    Couldn’t bankrupt.
    Couldn’t lockup
    Couldn’t shoot.

    They’re gonna volley nukes and glass the planet just to get him, aren’t they?

    • They are definitely trying to provoke Putin into escalating to nuclear weapons. They are also trying to encourage Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah to escalate until Israel is compelled to use nukes. Then again, the greatest threat is President Biden or his puppet masters making good on his threat to utilize F-15s armed with nukes against the American people.

  2. How the fuck is 150 yards not within the perimeter?
    This shit stinks to high Heaven. The alphabet agencies needs thorough bleaching.

    • The bernie sanders supporter , who shot up the baseball game , had to go practice a couple of days before he committed his crimes. And he didn’t know how to clear his own weapon. When it jammed up on him.

      The liberals might have guns, but apparently, most of them don’t know what to do with them.

          • The bad guy struck me as someone who bought an AR, a few hundred rounds of ammo and likely sighted it in on a 100-yard range.

            IMO, the shooter’s piss-poor training likely saved Trump’s life…

            • The cops apparently climbed up to the roof, and he pointed the rifle at them, they hid, then he turned and shot at former President Trump.

              Not such a calm situation, and though everyone seems to have done poorly, thank God the cops disturbed him

            • That’s what I said yesterday.

              The outcome would be what you’d expect from someone who did some work at 50 yards, probably indoors, and didn’t understand wind at 2-3x the range he’d worked on previously. Though it’s possible it was a sheltered or flat 100 yard range with still conditions.

              If you assume off-the-shelf 5.56mm 55gr FMJBT, a 50 yard zero would mean the bullet would hit ~+0.25″ high. A 100 yard zero with the same bullet would give you a drop of about 0.3″. A 36 yard zero would give you about +1.3″.

              So, pick your poison on the zero, the elevation isn’t going to matter much and this guy had that dialed in pretty well to hit Trump in the ear. It’s the wind, and that Trump moved, that seems to have caused the miss.

              • Kid was aiming S and the wind was WNW at 5-8.

                Nonfactor for that shot. And even if it was, it would have pushed into target, not away from it. The kid just lacked basic skills. Thank God.

          • Apparently not good enough. You get one chance. You get one shot at “the King.”

            In both examples the assassin’s failed and were killed by security.

            • When you need two things to be successful and you only have one down pat, your chances of success drop drastically.

      • The alleged attacker is a patsy and not the actual trigger man–what we really want to know is who was on the grassy knoll.

        (Too soon?)

        On a more serious note, Congress would be wise to demand the whereabouts of every Central Intelligence Agency employee yesterday.

        • The actual trigger man was on the ‘Grassy Knoll’ and the Zapruder film proves it. Just watch Mrs. Kennedy as she crawls across the trunk of the limo reaching out to retrieve the hair covered back of the President’s skull. The shot that caused that wound didn’t enter from the back. I’ve made enough head shots from distance on animals to know that. Small in large out.

        • ^^^^THIS^^^^
          You can not tell me 150 yards was outside the “Perimeter” for these bastards. They tried to kill my President! Fuck you if you think I’m a conspiracy theorist. If I had said President Trump was going to be targeted how many of you besides Miner would have mocked me? None that I know of.

          • “You can not tell me 150 yards was outside the “Perimeter” for these bastards.”

            There’s speculation that the counter-sniper’s position was tasked to cover substantially outside of 100m. Like maybe 1Km+.

            Which leads me to believe they had no coverage at that range.

            What baffles me is *why* the local cops didn’t have someone parked on that roof…

            • “classmates described him as conservative”


              NYP interviewed a classmate. He said this guy always wore a mask, even after Covid. Only Lefties volunteered to continue masking up after it was apparent it was useless.


              One did say:
              “He didn’t seem like really weird or anything. I would have pegged him as a Republican,” one former classmate told The Post in the aftermath of the shooting on Saturday.

              That isn’t the same as classmates describing him as conservative. That person may have assumed that based on him wearing camo. If that classmate knew he donated to Democrats, that probably would have changed the assumption. Most people don’t make political donations. You’re usually hardcore if you do that.

    • It’s not within the perimeter of the Venue. It absolutely should have been within the security perimeter.

    • Providence? Luck? Foreordained before the world began? Perhaps. An undertrained & 20 year anti fool at the ready only succeeded in going to eternal fire. And murdered & injured innocent bystanders. The amount of claptrap & “what-ifs” occurring is truly astounding. Not a peep(yet) at the very large 1st Baptist Hammond,Indiana church we attend(the vast majority are pro-Trump flag wavers,pro-2A & conservatives). Tomorrow will be “interesting”🙄😧

      • Oh yeah CNN is “reporting” the shooter had no criminal record but he was “bullied” every day. Uh huh. Sure that “justified” assassination & capital murder.

  3. “The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.

    This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago.

    I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.”

    –Thomas Massie

    I’ll add that it’s the same bureau that pushed the Russia collusion conspiracy theory for years while they knew it was a lie from the very beginning.

    • And also the same bureau with several dozen employees who denied the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s notebook computer.

  4. Once the kangaroo court felonies are thrown out on appeal, Trump should ask for the rifle as a souvenir. And hang it on the Oval Office wall.

    • “…Trump should ask for the rifle as a souvenir.”

      Doubtful that’s gonna happen, most likely it will end up in the Secret Service, FBI or ATF ‘trophy’ room.

      That rifle and defiant fist-pump pic framed against the American flag are significant historical artifacts…

  5. Just FYI, my ballistics calculator reveals what might have happened if the would be assassin had been armed with a politically correct, President Biden recommended, twelve gauge shotgun. Assuming that a shotgun was loaded with 00 buckshot, Heavi-shot. The retained velocity would be on the order of 650 feet per second.

    The retained velocity would be more than adequate to penetrate a human skull or ribs. While the penetration might not be adequate by the FBI’s homicidal standards, a hit to the head or thorax could be lethal.

    At a range of a hundred yards, the pattern spread would be on the order of about twelve feet in diameter. Presuming that the perpetrator’s aim was true and the centroid of the pattern was centered on President Trump, the odds of hitting Trump would be reasonably high. However; the odds of a critical hit verses a peripheral hit would be perhaps only one-in-three. Of course the odds of hitting multiple innocent bystanders would be extremely high bordering on certainty.

    Imagine some maniac armed with a Remington 870 tactical express with a six round magazine and one in the chamber. They’d be able to launch 63, 00 buckshot projectiles in perhaps half a dozen seconds.

    This could have been so much worse!

    • I forgot to mention.
      The probable projectile drop at 150 yards would be about 50 inches. That is smaller than the pattern diameter. Even a Biden Butt Buddy who doesn’t understand ballistics could have scored a hit.

      • Agreed.
        However; I remain engaged that Yamhill County Judge Ladd Wiles gave my marijuana bootlegging tenant a free pass for shooting at my son with a 12 gauge shotgun. The judge was to abysmally stupid to understand that a 12 gauge shotgun is a deadly weapon. Yamhill County Judge Cynthia Easterday didn’t have a problem with their attorney arguing that he only loads his shotgun with buckshot when he shoots at my family. Fred Guinn would have had the attorney handcuffed in front of the jury then frogmarched out of the courtroom to go see old sparky in action.

  6. Incredibly lucky. He was moving his head around and turned toward the shooter at just the right millisecond. We could have been watching his head open up like a watermelon being hit had that move been just a bit different. Divine intervention? Fortuitous? Luck? Take your pick.

    • I seem to recall reading that General Washington had a number of bullets pierce his coat, but was never struck himself. If true, that had to be divine intervention. We have to figure this was as well.
      If anyone thinks this type of stuff doesn’t happen, read the details about the Cokeville Miracle.

      • During one battle of the Revolution, a British officer and the Redcoat equivalent of a designated marksman, had a clear shot at Washington, but didn’t take it because by military tradition at the time, it would have been dishonourable for one officer to engage another so unannounced.

  7. Anyone think the statements of being horrified from the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, and the like are sincere, and nothing more than lip service?

    I didn’t think so.

    • Or they realize if it had worked they could have been next and cooling things down is their best option. Honestly don’t care so much about what they say as what they do next.

  8. Info gleaned that may prove true – 1) the wounds of the bystanders were head wounds. 2) the shot that grazed Trump was the 4th, and possibly the last, shot fired by the shooter.

    If true, this could paint a very different picture of the shooter and his goals than the spray and pray assumptions underlying most discussion.

    For sure, though, a very very very close call for Trump – one for record books…

    Further – not only was the roof open, but the route to the roof was open, to a suicidal twit with a slung rifle. And he apparently KNEW all that…

    Credulity strained to the max, folks.

    • Honestly the last bit of even having the idea the other roof may be open for business was the most suspicious to me.

      • To be 100% clear – I do not doubt that roof boy Crooks was the shooter, or the list of who got shot. It is just really hard to believe he was adlibbing. I think we are on the same page here, but want to make my position clear.

        • Lot of moving targets to keep an eye on with regards to what happened vs what gets reported but yeah would agree the shooter likely had intel beyond his means. Much like the Trannifesto I imagine it will be months before we have a reasonably good idea of everything that went on……. The car with whatever fireworks it had will be another oddball data point to sort out.

          • “When an officer climbed to the roof, Crooks pointed his rifle at the officer.

            The sources say the officer retreated down the ladder and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, ”

            Not funny, but sparked a laugh – now there’s a freaking ladder…

  9. Meh, this will dissolve into tomorrow’s news cycle, with , ” I’m Sheila Talkinghead live in Milwaukee where a very defiant has just taken the stage, cheered on by his rabid supporters against the directives of multiple law enforcement agencies “….

  10. ignoring the intended targets for a moment… I do weep for the state of marksmanship in this country. Come on people, we used to be far better.

  11. @darkman

    “Just watch Mrs. Kennedy as she crawls across the trunk of the limo reaching out to retrieve the hair covered back of the President’s skull. The shot that caused that wound didn’t enter from the back”

    Maybe, maybe not! I shot an armadillo, range 20’+, a fist sized hunk of him landed 3′ to my right. High powered rifles do surprising stuff. Especially to brittle, fluid filled containers.

    The thing that film proves is the selfless courage of Mrs Kennedy.

    • 20 feet is not the 89 yards of the supposed shot that killed Kennedy or the approximate 137 yards from the grassy knoll. You’ve been listening to to many of Dementia Joe’s shotgun stories. Your knowledge of ballistics certainly is on par with his.

      • Bullshit. 6.5 Carcano is a highly under-rated cartridge, and 89 yards ain’t that
        far. Plus the fragment only traveled 18″ or so.

        Unfortunately, the Zapruder film proves only what I said it did.

        I saw some of the old Italian ammo not that long ago. An incredibly long and skinny bullet, does big-time damage when it tumbles at 2500fps or thereabouts.

        I suspect Oswald used handloads anyway.

        Get you a coconut and a cam – test your bullshit.

        • I almost bought one of those rifles but the lack of ammo, or even cases, at the time stopped me.

          The hell did you see Carcano for sale?

  12. I wonder if the shooter was one of the ANTIFA BLM thugs who was bailed out of jail with funds that Vice President Harris raised?

    • He was ANTIFA.

      Thomas Matthew Crooks (AKA ‘Thomas Crooks’), the man who tried to murder Donald Trump, donated to Joe Biden on Inauguration Day. He donated $15.00 to ‘ActBlue’ for the ‘progressive turnout project’.


      Matthew B Crooks, the father of Thomas Matthew Crooks, is a mental heath professional in Pennsylvania.

      Thomas Crooks registered ‘republican’ so he could vote against Trump in the Pennsylvania Closed Republican primary.

      Thomas Crooks allies with Antifa & BLM. He has attended BLM ‘mostly peaceful’ (riots) in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York and has been arrested at them for his mischief and mayhem and is known for his extreme views and involvement in violent incidents. He has been arrested multiple times for charges related to causing public disturbances and assault. He has links to radical groups, including online associations with people promoting drastic actions against perceived enemies,and has been involved in activities aimed at causing disruption and unrest in different parts of the United States.

      Part of his ‘resume’ includes:

      Seattle Protest (2023): He was participated in a violent ANTIFA protest in Seattle, characterized by violent clashes with law enforcement and property damage.

      Portland Unrest (2022): He participated in a violent riot in Portland, Oregon, where he and fellow Antifa members violently attacked and clashed with counter-protesters.

      Minneapolis Demonstrations (2021): He was part of Antifa actions during demonstrations in Minneapolis, marked by violent confrontations with police and incidents of arson.

      Some of his ‘membership’ associations include ‘Portland Black Bloc’, ‘Seattle Antifa Collective’, ‘New York City Antifa’, ‘Los Angeles Antifa Network’, ‘Los Angeles Antifa Network’.

      He was a violent left wing animal. One among thousands.

      • And with all that was able to pass the instant background check to “legally” purchase a rifle. He must have some inside assistance.

        • Looks like it was daddy’s rifle, his parents must be charged, tried, convicted, & imprisoned just like the parents in Michigan, they knew their son was trouble. I want to know how with his arrests he passed the background check at the nursing home, likely Democrat prosecutors dropped the charges.

          moderated? for what?

        • Reportedly DADDY’S rifle! That explains a lot. Reminds me of the puke in ILLANNOY who’s daddy vouched for him for a FOID. & on July 4th 2022 he murdered 7 at a parade. Robert Cremo 2 & 3. Both young cretins named after daddy🙄😧

        • we don’t know if he did purchase the rifle. Its being reported at some places that it was his dad’s rifle and he stole it from dad.

      • Source? There is a massive amount of misinformation being spewed across the interwebs at the moment. He is being reported on the MSM as having no criminal record. If he was indeed ANTIFA, that would explain a lot, as they would identify Trump as a demagogue fascist dictator who needed to be killed. At present, I will withhold judgment on his affiliations.

  13. When law enforcement authorities conspire with Democrats to leave our candidate unprotected we must do it ourselves:

  14. Only two possible conclusions can be drawn, regarding this.
    #1 The FBI and the Secret Service were incredibly, incompetent.
    #2 They were involved.

    • There’s a third option.

      This was a mish-mash of services that didn’t really communicate very well and are full of DEI hires. The higher ups, who didn’t have eyes on, were telling everyone to hold tight right until things went completely sideways.

      There’s a reason people say “The Officer Corps will be the death of us”. Shit like that is why.

      Such people are sometimes “PC” AF (Gotta win those hearts and minds! We don’t want an “incident”!) and sticklers for ROE. When they say “We must be engaged to engage” they mean it and they will stick to that rule even when they get radio reports of guys with AKs and RPGs pointed with obvious hostile intent at friendlies and requests for permission to engage the BGs.

        • Perhaps it seems like a quibble but I fail to see how SOP for the past 20+ years can be said to be “incompetence”.

          It’s quite clear that the people who are doing such things are quite competent at doing their assigned tasks. Tasks that no one has decided are improper for over two decades.

          There’s a difference between simple incompetence and intentionally not bothering to fix a glaring issue. The latter requires a much higher degree of malice or agnosticism about real-world outcomes than does the former.

          The implicit assumption in “they’ll be the death of us” isn’t that the people in question are incapable of doing their job. It’s that they don’t give a fuck about the people under them. A form of selfishness in the extreme.

          • They have a 14 billion dollar budget and their ship was almost blown out of the water by a 20 year old loser who humped diner trays in a nursing home.

          • “A form of selfishness in the extreme.”

            I remember very well that it was the libertarians, in the 1990s, who always promoted selfishness. And they were very comfortable with any and all definitions. and degrees of selfishness.

            Because the christians said selfishness can go too far. But the libertarians who are atheists, always disagreed.

      • “This was a mish-mash of services that didn’t really communicate very well and are full of DEI hires.”

        Or, this was a multi-agency situation and everyone thought that rooftop was someone else’s responsibility…

  15. Given the shitshow that apparently is the protective details of everyone in this race except Biden, incompetence can’t be taken off the table yet.

    The level to which they’re farming things out to local/State LE is kinda surprising. That’s going to create all kinds of miscommunication and territorial pissing matches.

    It’s entirely possible that it produced a “Who the fuck is this guy and why is he not answering the radio? Someone check on this dude… oh shit!” sort of situation. Given the amount of trolling and [obvious] bullshit coming out around this… ugh, the information space is currently fucked with return to [semi]normal operations TBA.

    How often do you suppose these events occur and someone reports a guy on the roof with a rifle and the actual answer is that they saw someone who’s part of the security team? When Bush Jr. gave a local speech while I was in college we went to go see it just to go and see it and several of the girls with us had some really, really, really fucking silly questions about “The guys with the guns”.

    Not really because they were stupid but because they had zero experience with the topic and had never even thought about it for a second until they were there looking at things.

    What I am sure of is that: 1: We can’t trust things like anon 4chan posts claiming to be the counter sniper that shot this guy and that they’ve been investigated and fired for engaging a target they were told not to, as if that really needed to be said. 2: Everyone’s going to try to make political hay of this. 3: The media’s a soup sandwich. 4: We came within an inch and fractions of a second from a no-shit civil war.

    I said years ago that you’re in a cold civil war with people who want you dead and that you are NOT just walking away from it. I was told that doesn’t exist. I pointed to Bleeding Kansas at the time. Civil Wars are preceded by strife and violence, even murder, of Trump supporters was already happening.

    Today: look at the Left being mad as a wet hornet that this guy didn’t pop Trump in the grape fatally. There ain’t no peaceful divorce. Believe it yet? Or are you going to wait until they’re trying to scwhack you and yours personally before you get the fucking picture?

    • Divorce?
      No way in Heckler!
      I don’t want to sacrifice any territory.
      Far better to conquer the coasts then deport all of the vermin along with all of the illegals that they invited into the country

    • “This was a mish-mash of services that didn’t really communicate very well and are full of DEI hires.”


      No other than the NYT published an article claiming 10 percent of the public believes political violence against Trump is acceptable if it results in him not being president.

      They are that fvcking crazy… 🙁

      • How many times do I have to say this:

        They’re not crazy, you simply don’t understand their objectives because those are not objectives you yourself would try to attain.

        The fact that some people think differently than you do doesn’t make them crazy. In this instance, it makes them ruthless.

  16. The video showed multiple SS agents surrounding Trump and getting him to the vehicle. Some of the female agents did not instill a lot of confidence in their competence.
    More DEI hires?

    • “Some of the female agents did not instill a lot of confidence in their competence.”

      That massive dose of adrenaline kills fine-motor skills, full stop. Fingers turning into flippers.

      It is impossible to train for that, the military has tried and failed.

      That being said, I bet she gets pulled from the protection detail and gets re-assigned to a position like doing background checks…

    • Did the white guys who got drunk and hired prostitutes to party the night before Pres Obama’s Columbia trip inspire confidence?

      That org is rotten

  17. If I were President Trump I’d put a gauge earring in the hole with a.223 bullet inside. Kinda a FU like in Tremors. Kevin Bacon was great in that movie.

  18. BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden condemns yesterday’s assain….er…assassination attempt on Richard Nixon.

  19. Classmates said he had few friends, was a bit of an outsider, wore hunting clothes to school, and was teased (I’d like to know about what). Tried out for high school rifle team but was rejected for being a bad shot.

    Was working in food prep for a facility for the elderly. Had little social media presence.

    To me, sounds like he disliked life and wanted to be somebody. Maybe he thought if I kill the most famous person, then I’ll be just as famous if not more.

    TLDR: probably not a political motivation, but a selfish one.

  20. Here is a golden oldie from the 1970s. From our past. And perhaps our future. video music 3 min long.

    I’m old enough to remember the bombings, the assassinations and the political kidnappings of the 1970s and 1980s. Ships and aircraft hijacked.

    Fasten your seat belts everyone.

    The SLA. The Weather underground. The Jewish Defense League. The Black Panther Party For Self-defense.

    And those are only the most famous ones.

    “urban guerilla” by hawkwind


  21. “I have one job and that’s to beat Donald Trump, … We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.

    —- Joe Biden 2024”

    Well Joe… the Democrats attempted assassination failed. There are thousands of left wing’ers crying over the fact that Trump is still alive. There have been hundreds of instances in the last few months (and prior) of left wing’ers, ranging from celebrities to tik-tok’ers to talk show hosts to democrat politicians, who have called for Trump to be killed, and in general, all right-wing/conservative people or republicans to be killed. So it was only a matter of time before one of the millions of deranged ‘left-wing motivated’ actually tried to use the left-wing self-created and ‘made up’ Trump-Derangement-Syndrome (TDS) angst to try to do it.

    Yet, like all things left winger’s get involved with they screwed this up too.

    If you are not left-wing, liberal, or a democrat – Joe Biden and millions of others want you dead or rounded up to be put in a ‘concentration camp’. You are the reason their marxist socialism communist over throw of the country is not going as they hoped.

  22. Trump needs to hire his own private security. The USSS is either compromised or incompetent. The fact the shooter could set up on that rooftop that close and not be engaged prior to firing multiple shots is inexcusable. “TOP MEN”


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