The trans Doctor Frank-N-Furter and crew from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. 20th Century Fox Image

Gun control groups March for Our Lives and the Brady Center are back in the news and mainlining delusion once again, this time promoting the mutilation of children in an effort to counter gun violence. If you think that’s hard to read, try writing it. In a Supreme Court amicus brief on September 3rd, the groups argued that access to gender transition procedures would prove “crucial” to reducing firearm-related homicides. 

The brief was filed in United States v. Skrmetti, a case challenging the legality of a Tennessee bill prohibiting such procedures from being performed on minors. The document reads, “The FBI has reported a nearly 29% increase in hate crimes targeting transgender individuals from 2021 to 2022…These crimes are especially deadly when a firearm is involved. The number of homicides of transgender people nearly doubled between 2017 and 2021, and nearly three-quarters of transgender people murdered in the past seven years have been killed using a gun.”

Let’s break this down for a moment. First of all, a “nearly 29% increase in hate crimes” has little to do with firearms. Spraypainting an offensive phrase on a bathroom wall is considered a hate crime, similar to slashing tires or other types of property damage targeted at a particular group of people. In addition, saying that a crime is more deadly when firearms are involved is like saying a floor is more slippery when oil is involved. 

When it comes to homicide, we must understand the term before we can reveal the misleading verbal gymnastics being performed right in front of our eyes. The Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School says, “Homicide is a manner of death, when one person causes the death of another. Not all homicide is murder, as some deaths caused by another person are manslaughter, and some are lawful; such as when justified by an affirmative defense, like insanity or self-defense.” Homicide does not equal murder. It can occur as a result of a traffic accident or act of self-defense. There are multiple ways to make statistics work for you and preying on legal definitions and the lack of understanding associated with them is one of the tools to watch out for. 

Consider the Nashville, Tennessee, Covenant School slaying of three children and three adults carried out by transgender murderer, Audrey Elizabeth Hale. When police arrived on the scene and swiftly dispatched the killer, that added one more to the number of transgender homicides in 2023. In light of the confusing nature of homicide statistics, why not isolate the numbers to actual incidents of murder? Keep reading.

You’ve read some voluminous-sounding statistics, however, what are the real numbers associated with them? I’m glad you asked. A chart depicting the number of transgender and gender-diverse people who were murdered in the United States from 2008 to 2023 shows an average of 27.75 murders per year from 2017 to 2020, with a spike in 2021 during the height of the pandemic and COVID-19 lockdowns, which saw homicide rates up by nearly 30%, to 53. A 2022 study at the UCLA School of Law Williams Institute indicated that 1.6 million people in the United States ages 13 and up identify as transgender. Don’t bother with the calculator. I did it for you. The murder rate among the transgender community comes to roughly .0033%. While you’re letting that sink in, allow me to put it in perspective. The population of the United States was roughly 333,287,557 in 2022, the same year the FBI reported 21,156 murders took place. That’s .0063% or almost double the rate of transgender murders. This is what happens when you use real numbers rather than cherry-picked timelines and misleading percentages. 

Also, note the remark that “nearly three-quarters of transgender people murdered in the past seven years have been killed using a gun.” You can probably see where I’m going here, but I’ll tell you anyway. That statistic applies across the board, with nearly three-quarters or more of all homicides happening by firearm, a statistic not exclusive to the transgender community at all. 

Believing that once offside, you might as well hit the quarterback, the amicus brief goes on with perjurous intent, “In the face of the ongoing gun violence crisis gripping our nation, ensuring access to gender affirming care for transgender youth is not merely a matter of medical necessity—it is a crucial component in our fight against the epidemic of gun violence that disproportionately threatens this vulnerable population.” If only perjury before the Supreme Court of the United States of America was a crime. If only.

The groups also argued some children who cannot receive gender transition treatments may kill themselves, which they said commonly happens using a firearm.

It isn’t enough to point out the Elephant in the room. I’m going to walk over and kick it in the shins. This is a mental health issue, and the longer we put the problem off on everything and everyone else, the greater an issue it will become. We are supposed to be compassionate and treat mental disorders like gender dysphoria, not affirm them. And before anyone wants to take issue with me for describing it that way, consult the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 

In any event, looking at the actual numbers, I can’t even fathom how something like this gets in front of the Supreme Court. I have demonstrated that no such disproportionate rate of murder against the transgender community exists. In fact, it is significantly less when you do the math.  I have demonstrated that the percentage of homicides attributed to firearms does not draw a distinction when it comes to transgenders. Someone, please tell me why then must anyone lie, cheat and manipulate to such an extent in order to advocate for the mutilation of children, and what on God’s green earth any of it has to do with guns?


  1. They are partially right about the link between those “people,” and violence committed with guns. They have been the perpetrators of a large chunk of the recent school shootings and other random acts of violence. If I recall correctly, the failed Trump assassin had those kinds of predilections as well.

    • “If I recall correctly, the failed Trump assassin had those kinds of predilections as well.”

      Yeah there were some indications of sort of leaning that way.

      The Georgia shooter was gay but leaning towards deciding he was trans.

      The Nashville shooter was a hot mess of trans.

      There was that Pulse club shooter too, and others.

      There have been others. A medical research group in New York did a study a couple of years ago and discovered that ~70% of the mass/school shooters indicated they were ‘gender identity change’ leaning or just not ‘out’ yet.

      The trans ‘ideology’ has definitely spread its scent in the mass/school shootings incidents in the last 40 years.

  2. It is not a crime, since the brief is not submitted under penalty of perjury, but it is sanctionable. But I sincerely doubt anyone will bother to rebut this amicus or that the Court itself will take note of it.

  3. So let me get this straight (pun intended). Boys shouldn’t be like boys because that’s toxic masculinity, and now completely unacceptable. They should be like girls and now we have mentally delusional boys with absolutely no coping skills. No wonder they think that killing other kids is even a thing. All brought to you by the left.
    When I was in school 1965-1978 every boy had a pocket knife. We had fights, no one got stabbed, no one got shot, and no one got suspended. We brought our guns to school for rifle team practice in the basement and after school hunting. I wonder if my Long Island N.Y. high school still uses that range? Yeah that was sarcasm.

  4. Maybe if our society would stop telling boys they are really girls and that that’s ok these numbers would go down. Just a thought…

  5. Now separate out those murdered because MuH h8kR1m3 and those murdered because they were out in shitty areas prostituting themselves under false pretenses to shitty people at shitty hours of the day and those shitty people didn’t like being sold false goods so they, predictably, responded in a shitty way.

    Not exactly an anti-transistor hate crime. Just the result of shitty people doing shitty things to each other for shitty reasons.

    A phenomenon that will continue regardless of whatever gun control wet dreams these people have.

  6. Again, they are conflating suicides with homicides. The problem is that the statistics for transgender transitioning and suicide are just as manipulated as any gun statistics. While the doctors that drank the flavor-aid (and I am NOT one of of them) usually tell the parents of the kid that “they will kill themselves if you don’t say yes”. The problem is, it still happens, in some sources, with a higher frequency after starting to transition (read the David Reimer story, which is horrifying). I have long suspected that there could be some underlying physiological cause for this phenomena (such as all the damn plastic inside of us), but I am beginning to think it is purely mental in nature.


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