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Question of the Day: Do You Have a Backup Weapon?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

When I tool-up for the day’s activities, I carry a gun and one of my many folding knives (as recommended by thetruthaboutknives.com). I’m under no illusions about my knife-fighting skills. I don’t have any. But WTH. If something stops me from getting to my gun, I have a knife. Which is handy for opening things. And if I don’t have a gun, I carry a knife and . . .

Surefire P2ZX Fury Combat Light (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

a Surefire P2ZX Fury Combat Light. It’s great for blinding assailants and seeing in dark places (e.g., the black hole between the car seat and the center console). It’s not a bad striking weapon either.

Do you carry a backup weapon? If so, what exactly?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Do You Have a Backup Weapon?”

  1. I’m not going to support this idiot by watching his videos to see exactly what he had to say; I’m not going to acknowledge him by adding another view.

    But the guy’s right; I don’t NEED a formula one car to drive to the grocery store. I’ll bet he’s not driving a Prius either. So to Mr Jeffries I say “don’t tell me what to put in my rifle cabinet and I won’t tell you what to put in your garage”.

    Personally I think his objections are more due to envy than anything else.

  2. Statistics on crime from the 60’s n70’s are irrelevant now because the population of the earth has more then doubled. Even based on percentages it’s apples and oranges. Overcrowding and blah, blah, blah, stress blah blah, ethnic diversity, ,. the statistics don’t work . I think the crime rate is much worse now. Ie: my sister and her girlfriend hitchhiked 125 miles to see a concert, made it there and back. What are the chances of two 17 year old girls making it just 25 miles at late past midnight on a two lane highway now?

  3. everything is a bottle opener. everything else is a weapon.
    i’ve got a folder to pick my teeth and a bk24 for the larger branches in my way.

  4. R51 and either a bug or even another R51, depending on where and when I am goinig.
    That way, the extra magazines interchange!

    Those new R51s have turned into reliable slim and trim tools today!

  5. The same gonads that needle Gorka for carrying two guns, also are of the group that issue death threats. He gets a lot of death threats from leftists gonads. If only progressives were less violent.

  6. This post brings to mind the saying – STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! First guns are not the problem. I have owned and been around guns all of my life and I have NEVER seen a gun jump up and hurt anyone. People are in control of the tool. If it’s not a gun it’s a knife, bat or jaw bone of an ass (the person that posted this comes to mind)!

  7. Cell phone – because the police are only dozens of minutes away.

    But yeah – EDC pistol with a couple spare mags. Modded CRKT Anubis on strong side. Cold Steel Autoclip on weak side, and a Gerber utility blade folder in a pocket for most cutting chores. An Olight S1R Baton flashlight in each front pocket.

  8. “Question of the Day: Do You Have a Backup Weapon?”

    3, an addition firearm, and 2 Boker auto knives…and last, but not least, my will to live, and do anything I have to do to accomplish that…

  9. “Special Agent Orange…Cause I’m a karate man! And a karate man bruises on the inside! They don’t show their weakness. But you don’t know that because you’re a big Barry White looking (mothertrucker)! So get outta my face!”

  10. I’m fascinated that the same people who are funding efforts to deny our right to firearms are the same people funding violent domestic terrorists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

    It’s obvious the end game is total government control over an impotent polulation, with two classes- masters and the rest of us. I frequently wonder at what point tyranny will be too much for patriotic Americans to tolerate.

  11. It is all lies and self delusion, even a lot of self loathing. None of these people seem able to see that gun owners in general do NOT want to harm anyone. Because we DON’T harm each other, even when sorely provoked.

    When was the last shoot out at your local gun club, grocery store or state park… none here.
    Where do these people even get that idea? If most gun owners and shooters were that irresponsible, hateful and evil…. well, there wouldn’t even BE any anti-gun folks left alive, I suspect.

  12. #theprocessisthepunishment — Coined by the blogfather. Law, regulation or enforcement intended to extract cost, bother and risk from doing what they don’t like, but can’t manage to prohibit. So pretty much every gun control law, regulation, or program, ever.

    #rightnexttothewordmuskets — A particular kind of willful misrepresentation of the 2A. Named for the canonical example pointed out by Carol Roth, which also earned “Musket” Morgan his handle.

    Morgan: “The 2nd amendment was devised with muskets in mind, not high-powered handguns & assault rifles. Fact.”

    Roth: “@piersmorgan It was devised 4 people 2b able 2 protect themselves w same type of weaponry used by those from whom they might need protection.”

    Morgan: “@caroljsroth Where exactly does it say that in the Constitution – must have missed it?”

    Roth: “@piersmorgan right next to the word ‘muskets.’”

  13. Such moronic drivel.

    “There was a time when peoples’ consciences told them not kill people with their firearms.

    Yeah. Teenagers could even go to their local hardware store or convenient store and buy a semi-auto rifle that could accept high capacity mags (i.e. what libs call an assault rifle).

    There was a time when assault rifles were not readily available.

    Not in almost a century. And when they were available, some 70/80 years ago, there really wasn’t a prevalence of mass murderers. So the availability of assault weapons Semi-autos that could take a high capacity mag doesn’t seem to be a root cause to the problem.

    There was a time when people did not play video games that resulted in people dying before their eyes . . . If we could re-tool the ‘American conscience’ perhaps we could reduce killing to zero per year.

    I doubt it. It goes pretty far back – even to Cain and Able. But you are heading in the right direction here! – individual people and their conscience are what is killing people – not guns! The method doesn’t matter, but the decision to do so does! Good work man!

    But, since we can’t control consciences, what can we control? We can, if we choose to do so, regulate and control rapid-fire assault rifles.” – Dave Waldrop, I own guns, but I also have a conscience; does the NRA? [via citizen-times.com]

    Epic fail. So disappointed. You were almost there, but fell short. You went into full tyrant mode with “control” talk. Since you can’t control people’s thoughts and actions, then you need to control everything else about them, like their possessions, etc. Epic fail. A rational thought, almost leading to a rational place, but then he tripped over his own lame ideology. News flash Dave, you can’t control either. But what you can do, is instill values and reason and morals and purpose into your children. Laws like “assault rifle ban” can’t do that. You can affect their future actions with wisdom you can provide today. You can do that, and that would help a lot, I think. Bans, or regulations on problems that aren’t even the root cause, is a loose dwindling bandaid that does nothing but make one feel good about doing something about an issue. You even openly admit, that guns aren’t the problem, but then continue to advocate for their regulation anyways. It’s obvious the principles behind “freedom” aren’t valued highly in your book.

    But there is one small victory out of this nonsensical heap of garbage. He conceded, that gun’s weren’t the problem. Gun control is his solution, albeit a shitty one, but at least he understands that gun’s aren’t the problem.

  14. Um, lady slaves weren’t able to co-exist. One of the formative origins of gun laws was Nat Turner’s Rebellion. Go look it up some day. As it was once put “may your chains set lightly on you.”

  15. Very low recoil, easy racking of slide, night sights, pocketable in larger pockets = Sig P238. Only drawback is price. Personally compared Sig P238, Glock 42, Ruger LCP2, Browning 1911-380, and Bersa Thunder as side by side rentals. Sig absolutely softest of all. Bought the Sig. Not just for “seniors”.

    9mm’s with low recoil, reasonably small = Shield in 9mm and Ruger SR9C.

    Please no more videos like this, especially without subtitles for those who don’t want to listen.

  16. Glad to see the SIG P250 in the mix. I have one and I love it–and I’m a month away from 65. What Robert forgot to mention, though, is the ability for the P250 to use the magazine from the next size up version (the compact magazine in the subcompact version) with the addition of a grip sleeve. That allows for the capacity of a compact in the basic size of a subcompact. The other thing he forgot to mention is that the grip modules can be bought in different widths and easily swapped out. allowing the P250 to fit a wider range of hand sizes than guns that just use an interchangeable backstrap.

  17. Is it just me, or does it sound like some of Atibal’s people wrote-in in a few places here.

    If not, I guess it’s a good thing (testament to the product), but. . .

  18. *yawns*

    There’ll be a lot of people who drilled bear with 12G slugs when they were 5 in this thread.

    On the other note, some idiots, especially those who can’t count to Rule 4, are better without guns.

  19. The folks pictured appear to be radical black panther members; and the article seems to have a racist anti white tinge to it. Couldn’t find something less cringe worthy and more conservative with Colin Noir or Tommy Sotomayor.
    White people Know when their being talked down to and race baited. This article makes alarms go off in my my mind as offensive.

  20. The video doesn’t show the beginning of the incident. I’m guessing his child was already in his arms (not enough information available). Would you prefer he dropped him on his head if that was the case? My first assumption is that the guy was trying to flee with his kid. That would certainly be my first choice if practicable in any circumstance, but much more so if my son was with me.

  21. “What Would You Do With Your Kids During a Defensive Gun Use?”

    I don’t have little ‘uns. But if I did, before the DGU, I’d tell them to run away. Afterwards, I’d take them out for ice cream.


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