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Question of the Day: Is Carrying a Gun an Answer to Sexual Harassment?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

“Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin said that she’s been a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace because her co-workers know she carries a weapon,” dailymail.co.uk reports. “‘I think a whole lot of people know I’m probably packing so I don’t think there’s a whole lot of people who would necessarily mess with me.'” On one hand, that’s a silly thing to say . . .

It kinda sorta implies that a woman packing heat would draw her gun on a man who, I dunno, grabbed her vagina without written permission. Not that the Secret Service would allow a woman to carry a firearm around the President. But seriously folks, if a woman’s carrying a concealed firearm around a sex pest it’s not bound to have an inhibitory effect.

Or would it? I mean, everyday carry is a great idea as a hidden rape prevention kit. And who says the gun has to be hidden? I’m not entirely sure, but I bet the sight of a firearm on the hip of a woman would send a pretty clear signal discouraging sexual harassment. And if not the sight of a gun, would the knowledge that the not-victim is strapped send a similar signal?

One more thing: the kind of woman who carries a firearm is not the kind of woman likely to tolerate sexual harassment. It’s true: gun ownership is empowering for man and women.

Your thoughts?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Is Carrying a Gun an Answer to Sexual Harassment?”

  1. if trs25 fails on the non- reciprocating deagle mount i’ll consider a lifetime warranty. i would understand if this constituted abuse.

  2. Anyone think the reason she isn’t being sexually harassed is because she does not post pictures of herself in her underwear for everyone to see?

  3. As we like to say, “An armed society is a polite society”.
    I know I’d never dream of being anything but a perfect gentleman to a woman with a gun. 🤠

  4. If a woman carries concealed and her suitor molester has no idea, it would not have any deterrent effect.

    If her molester knows that she is armed, I am pretty confident that her molester would contain his harassment to verbal proposition or mild verbal harassment.

  5. “The sight of a firearm on the hip of a woman would send a pretty clear signal discouraging sexual harassment.”

    The funny thing is that’s the precise scenario the left uses against open carry. They think the woman would easily be over powered and the gun used against her.
    My counter argument is, if a woman is carrying a firearm openly, there is a high probability she’s a badass with that firearm.

  6. Seems Mrs.ATFAgentBob gets molested/harassed more often when she’s packing heat… Of course I am the one doing the molesting/harassing.
    mmm mmm mmm something bout a woman packing a full size 45 revolver or semi auto in a nice leather holster or draping the sling to an AK, AR, or Mini around her frame just gets me riled up.

    ATF Agent Boobs… errr… oops… Bob

  7. Here is a non-conservation viewpoint –

    I was working with a Kenyan man when this happened.

    He was flabbergasted at the reaction to the death of a single lion. He had seen friends maimed and killed, livestock stolen, and villages terrorized by wild lions. I had to try to explain that there were many in the US that are completely ignorant on the realities of lions as predators.

    Liberal non-hunting anti-gun city dwellers do not understand that Humans are not always the top of the food chain and sometimes very dangerous animals have to be killed to save lives.

  8. The Second Amendment guarantees that citizens will not have their right to keep and bear arms for use as a component of a citizen’s militia assembled to take affirmative actions necessary to return our constitutional republic to the Constitution and remove those public servants that have run amok of the Constitution, usurping powers unintended for them to have, that, when abused would subject citizens and naturalized citizens to acts of tyranny against them by those chosen to represent them as their voices for management of our country.

    Personal protection is not the reason for the Second Amendment, it is a side benefit from being prepared to defend our country from the enemy within at any time and place.

    The rules for concealed carry and using a weapon dictate that personal arms are for use to prevent imminent (to be determined at the moment by the person carrying), life-threatening events, from taking place. No other reason, ever!

    Exposing a firearm in order to impress and/or threaten someone is illegal.

    When open carry is allowed the same rules apply for using a personal firearm.

    Should a person decide to show their firearm to someone it must immediately have the chamber emptied (with the firearm pointing away from everyone) and the all rounds removed from the weapon before passing the weapon to that person.

    Never point a firearm at anything you don’t want to kill! Accidents happen all too frequently to risk killing someone with an unloaded firearm.

  9. My take is besides the liberal virtue signaling there’s a real reason Harvey Weinstein was into Civilian Disarmament. It has a lot to do with he knew most were powerless to hold him accountable and that a hollow point from a J-frame or a G43 wouldn’t care that he was Harvey Weinstein when his victim was able to turn the tables on him. He could control virtually anything else, but he couldn’t control that so in reality he was deathly afraid of it.

    That said rape is different than harassment, and verbal boundaries different than physical. If someone grabbed another person and there was serious belief that there was going to be a sexual assault, I would have a very very hard time finding them guilty unless there were other circumstances involved.

  10. I’m Just Going To Get a Powered Scope and a Red-Dot For Close-In Threats, Then I’m Good…
    My Setup I Want:
    $1350.- S&W M&P15 Performance Center 18″ 5.56 AR-15
    $500.- Leupold VX-R Patrol 1.25-4x20mm
    $350.- VORTEX Venom/Mount

  11. Wow!! That’s some gun bashing.I thot the price right but that pistol is ugly to me. Not cool ugly like a tt33, ugly like a hi point( which are pretty good guns) but ugly. And speaking of tt33, 7.62×25 I sure do like that cartridge, with today’s modern bullets it’d be a contender I think. And for those who’ve not shot 7.62×25 don’t judge it’s performance using privi partizan hollow points, they are loaded to Mauser specs regardless of what the adds say. Turned my tiger into a pussy cat.

  12. Comparative anatomy:
    800gr @ 2895 fps = 14,895 ft-lbs

    1,026gr @ 3,300 fps = 24,520 ft-lbs.

    Reality anyone ?

  13. Christopher ‘Kit’ Carson slept with his two pistols half cocked by his head and his rifle under his blanket next to him. Today we see neighborhoods (Atlanta) as wild as the West of Carson’s day and the reason to mimic his behavior.


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