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Question of the Day: How Do We Get More Than 3m People to Carry a Gun Everyday?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

RF's everyday carry (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

“We estimate that nine million US adult handgun owners carry loaded handguns monthly,” The American Journal of Public Health concludes in its report Loaded Handgun Carrying Among US Adults, 2015. “Three million do so every day, and most report protection as the main carrying reason. Proportionally fewer handgun owners carry concealed loaded handguns in states that allow issuing authorities substantial discretion in granting carrying permits.” In other words . . .

In states that piss on the Second Amendment to the United State Constitution, fewer people carry loaded — loaded! — handguns than citizens residing in states that respect our founding document’s prohibition against government infringement on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Who’d a thunk it?

Not The Trace. For some reason, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop machine doesn’t make that connection between gun control and carry. (And I bet they didn’t have to pay to download the study.) Their email blast has this to say about that . . .

Those gun carriers are engaging in a behavior that if not invented by the NRA, was steadily cultivated by the group over the past three decades. [Bold text theirs.]

The new research, authored by researchers at Harvard University, Northeastern University, the University of Washington, and the University of Colorado, sheds light on the demographics of regular gun carriers.

He is most likely to be:a conservative middle-aged white male

– living in a suburban Southern community
– raised around guns
– motivated by a perceived need for self defense
– not threatened by another person with a gun in the last five years

Twenty-percent of carriers are veterans, and less than 30 percent have children.

WHAT? Less than 30 percent of Americans carrying everyday have children? OK, they lost me.

Especially when you consider that John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center reckons there are over 16.3 million permit holders in the U.S. Dividing Lott’s total by the AJPH’s 3m daily carry stat, only 18 percent of Americans with permits carry every day. That doesn’t seem right, does it?

Anyway, I haven’t lost my determination to carry everyday, wherever I can. Nor, I suspect, have you — even if you live in one of the aforementioned Constitutionally corrupt states. The question is, how do we convince more Americans to carry?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Question of the Day: How Do We Get More Than 3m People to Carry a Gun Everyday?”

  1. I’ll be 59 in a month. Live in a northern state. Have kids.
    I’m a liberal conservative, and since I retired a semi-hazardous line of work, haven’t been threatened by anyone.
    And I carry.
    Every day. I guess out of habit and also out of a strong desire for self preservation.

  2. Oh lordy…..I don’t want to write a book report this early in the morning, I haven’t even finished my coffee! If I get into this, it’s going to tread on weapon, holster and caliber wars and we all know where that will take us.

    Let me preface this with little factoid once more, no weapon, caliber or holster is perfect for everyone, all the time.
    Let’s keep this narrow and leave the difficulties that the female gender commonly experience trying to comfortably carry concealed out of his and instead examine why it is that those folks that wanted to carry, tried it few times and stopped. What happened? I don’t subscribe to the notion that it is some societal moral difficulty. It’s much simpler and basic than a persons inner struggles with carrying a lethal weapon capable of taking a life instantly. Most of us have that daily ability driving our vehicle down a public roadway.

    ATFagentbob hit the nail on the head. Face it, we are carrying around a chunk of metal, plastic or polymer that to be effective, are rather large and heavy. Yes yes and this is what I want to avoid as there are many tiny little pocket pistols, but then we start into the weapon and caliber wars and that is what we are staying out of because yes we could all shoot like Jerry and Hickock45 and carry a tiny .22 and be bad asses.

    It’s a mindset. To effectively enter into the mindset that we WILL NOT be a victim, that we will defend ourselves takes the will and determination to carry a weapon religiously. For the newbie beginner, that is changing our daily habit of the things we carry, our wallet, keys, phone, our “daily carry” and now adding something significant. That is a lot for most people. To get past that initial uncomfortable feeling of having that weapon on ones person, it has to be carried a LOT. As ATF Bob said, carry a large weapon around all the time and see what happens. That’s essentially it. The weapon has to be carried all the time, everywhere, in the house, when your mowing, ALL THE TIME until the person feels naked without it. When you leave the house and your don’t have your weapon, you feel like you’re missing something.

    As I mentioned, this is a mindset. Carrying a weapon doesn’t do a bit of good if you can’t draw and shoot or won’t draw and shoot. Practice practice practice. Embrace the mindset, carry and practice. Stay in focus, carry and practice. Admittedly, this seems like a lot and it is. This is evidenced by the shockingly low numbers of people who actually carry. Concealed carry permit numbers don’t accurately reflect those who carry. Of the four folks I know who have a valid permit, only one carries his weapon to work with him and has it on him when he leaves.

    • Ralph, would you answer truthfully when someone you don’t know calls you on the phone to ask you this kind of question?

      • I would not. Even the Dr., during a physical, get’s an audible “FV<K-THE-WHAT ??? ! ! !", and he drops the GENERAL ELECTRIC HILLARY-OBAMA MEDICAL RECORDS DATABASE QUESTIONNAIRE questions.

      • “Ralph, would you answer truthfully”

        Not a chance, @Rusty Chains. That’s my point. If 3mm are projected to carry every day through some “survey,” the real number is likely to be far higher.

  3. I doubt their statistics based on the demographic information they list.

    Does attacker present no threat if armed with a knife instead of a gun? Should you quit carrying because it has been more than five years since you were attacked?

    Remember that a bunch of idiots with calculators said Hillary had a ninety percent chance of being elected president.

  4. We estimate (because no one has a stomach to pop that zit) that the Trace demographics are regular bunch of POS (D) piss ant tyrant gun grabbers.

    zHe is most likely to be a liberal POS immature sexually fluid possibly human

    – living in a ball of snakes urban-inbred, short on oxygen, high on crime, liberal (D) community
    – raised around zhis two dads
    – motivated by a overt need to serve the POS (D) and satan
    – not threatened by another person with a gun in the last five years

    Twenty-percent of reporters are aware of veterans, and more than 30 percent have children-fetish issues, or support others who do..

  5. just read the survey and… please some one check this to make sure i am not wrong but….

    OMG – 77% of the people who did not carry in the last month answered that THEY DID NOT HAVE A CARRY PERMIT. Last time I checked 37 states still require a carry permit so they. so I am willing to bet a lot of the gun owners who answered this question do not carry daily because it would be illegal for them to do so.

    Here is the more interesting fact. Of the 328 of gun owners who answered this survey, owned a gun, and had a carry permit, 79% said they did carry daily. If any of there numbers are clos to correct, that would mean that with somewhere between 14.5 and 16.5 million carry permits there could be as many as 11 to million people are carrying a day.

      • I really hope some one will read the survey and confirm I have not misread it.

        If I have read the survey correctly this is a clear case of statistical manipulation to make it look like there is only a small wacky group of gun owners out there carrying rather than a growing number of responsible citizens taking responsibility for there own safety.

  6. Good thing Stephen Paddock (the Las Vegas shooter) didn’t have one of these bad boys.
    On second thought, even a bolt-action rifle would’ve been more deadly than his inaccurate bump-fire stocks firing 5.56 or .223 from hundreds of yards away.
    So thank God Stephen Paddock wasn’t just evil, but he was also a lousy shot, and stupid enough to use bump-fire stocks that made his aim even worse, and a small caliber that kept the fatality rate low. Yes, 58 deaths is terrible, but imagine how much more deadly it would be if he’d shot at this crowd of 22,000 people with scoped bolt-action rifles!

  7. I’ve never had a kitchen fire but I’m in no hurry to get rid of my fire extinguishers.

    The price of preparedness is low. The cost of being unprepared is immeasurable.

  8. “… only 18 percent of Americans with permits carry every day. That doesn’t seem right, does it?”

    Who the hell knows? Concealed means concealed. I carry in church but I wouldn’t mention it to my pastor, even though he is a gun owner. It’s really nobody’s damned business.

    That “3 million” statistic is every bit as accurate as the stats you might read on how often married couples have sex. There’s really no way to prove when a survey respondent is lying.

  9. National Reciprocity…………………………………………….end all gun laws so every good person carries and bad guys are scared to death far less crime after all the bad guys get shot and the gene pool gets lots of chlorine and if crazy liberal berntards Killarytards stopped shooting people!!

  10. Two things are required to increase the number of people carrying a firearm:
    1. More publicity on defensive gun uses. There are many defensive gun uses that occur every day, (even at the lowest estimate -more than 100 per day). People change behavior if they see utility in the change.

    2. Ferociously support National Reciprocity and local “Shall Issue” efforts. Politicians count votes. They employee minions simply to register how many voters want Gun Control, and how many don’t, (they just record counts, not any of the reasoning). Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi will support their perceived majorities regardless of their party agendas. They can do nothing if they are not in office.

    When is the last time you called a Senator or Congressman? We need to call every day.

  11. What Hugh Hewitt’s idea would most likely mean is more dead people. How many gun owners “stockpile” ammunition? Probably most of them. (Those of us who live in New York are almost forced to since every ammo purchase has to go through an FFL making it more economical to buy in bulk.)

    What is a “stockpile?” The Sandy Hook shooter did his dirty work with a few hundred rounds. Same with the San Bernardino terrorists.

    And since these mass shooter types tend to plan, what’s to stop them from buying in small amounts until they have what they need? (Which in most cases isn’t all that much.)

    Meanwhile, law enforcement is spending it’s finite resources tracking the Americans who takes advantage of a sale at Cabela’s leaving fewer law enforcement resources to go after actual criminals. Result? More dead people, people killed in run of the kind of crime the media and political establishment, not to mention folks like Hewitt, ignore.


  12. They found that shall-issue states were associated with 8.6 percent higher firearm homicide rates and 10.6 percent higher handgun homicide rates. The study suggests that allowing law enforcement the discretion to reject applicants may save lives.

    Because deaths by other tools don’t count.

  13. One of the major problems is that in about the middle of 2007 a major population shift occurred in the USA. More of the population since 2007 now live in major metro areas (cities) than in rural area’s. History, (the romans, etc.) shows in every major civilization that this trend has occurred, it caused a turning point and started a decline, eventually resulting in crisis, collapse and civil war. We are not immune.

    Why, Because the large population centers start to be able to dictate to the rest of the population laws and policy based on perception rather than fact. Non producers dictating policy to producers who have little or no say in their future.

    This is starting now, just take a look at the liberal left and their agenda of subversion and distortion of facts. Whenever they start talking about “common sense” gun laws, you can guarantee it’s not about safety or reason, it’s about control. Don’t be fooled, the 2nd amendment is the only right that really matters, without it the rest of the bill of rights might as well be toilet paper. Just my .23 cents worth ( adjusted for inflation).

  14. The study is bogus. The data for 2015 shows that there are two states may issue with very high murder rates and Illinois was no issue in 2015 with an above average murder rate. By eyeball, there is no difference in variability of murder rate between may/no issue states and shall issue states. It is highly likely that they excluded DC because “it is not a State.” In other words the dropped the District because it reverses the correlation.

  15. The ban on domestic violence offenders owning firearms is troubling. Not all “domestic violence” incidents are felonies,and not all are a husband beating his wife.

    Some domestic violence charges are misdemeanors. I’d wager that the majority are, actually. But this law allows the removal of a civil right for a misdemeanor. Two brothers can get into mutual combat and be charged with this. Misdemeanor domestic violence can be someone making threats–but this person also faces losing his 2nd Amendment rights, if I understand this correctly.

    I’m all for felons forfeiting their rights. But this pre-crime and misdemeanor stuff is not right.

  16. I have a ZT knife. I received it as a gift. Its a very nice knife. But at $175ish, not worth the money. ZT is owned by Kershaw. As chance would have it my favorite carry knife is a Kershaw Skyline ($40 and made in the USA). They are surprisingly similar. The $130 gap in cost is not readily apparent.

    Sinn is a great value brand in premium watches. That sounds ridiculous, but its true. Think Breitling level of finish with an off the shelf Czech made movement inside.


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