There’s been a lot of talk about guns in Milwaukee, after a photo of three sewer workers openly packing heat on the job went viral (above). Make that former sewer workers . . .
American Sewer Services, the subcontractor doing the dirty work for the city, fired two of the men and suspended the third for violating company policy prohibiting employees from carrying weapons on the job. Yes, well . . .
According to, “Legislative Reference Bureau statistics that show the area around 19th and Meinecke — about a three-quarter mile radius — has been the scene of eight homicides and 37 nonfatal shootings in 2017.”
The fact that the sewer workers were white men in a largely black neighborhood has added a racial component to the “debate” over the incident.
Be that as it may, the City of Milwaukee is “directing the Department of Public Works to develop a policy prohibiting contractors from allowing employees to carry weapons while working for the city.”
Disarm Americans working in high crime areas because…? Are these people insane?
Yes. Next question.
As for the company and the city’s view point…It’s all about liability…money means more than employee safety.
And so…. at what point does the sewer company become liable for the employees safety? The company is making it a condition of employment that they are not allowing the employees to provide for their own security. The company (or city) should then become legally liable for the security they took away from the employee. Where are the armed guards standing by?
Was Hitler, Mao, or Stalin insane? Historians have been debating that for years. Frankly, once you understand that leftists believe the end justify the means, and their goal is authoritarian rule over society, their actions may be the act of mad men, but they aren’t insane.
The above comment and all its replies should be required reading. Good stuff, folks.
Like most progressives, they are simply obsessed with power over other people’s lives.
But obsession IS a form of insanity! So, yes…
Funny you complained about a typo in the owners manual, Mr. Pot. :p
Good review, but this toy is definitely not for me.
Good review of a meh gun! I liked the mention of the “tigger” guard – does that prevent your handsome little feline friend from pulling the trigger?
The people at the top of the gun control pyramid, kapo bloomberg and soros, are evil. The people that have knowingly accepted their money, such as shannon watts, are evil.
But the majority of gun control advocates are simpletons. Not insane. Just easily led and of low intellect.
“The people at the top of the gun control pyramid, kapo bloomberg and soros, are evil.”
JWM gets it.
A Pox (preferably smallpox) on every last one of them.
I agree. The leaders are obsessed with controlling the actions of others; their followers are merely brainwashed and irrational (but not insane).
So who lays for security and police protection?
Yeah I thought so.
I’d say megalomaniacal rather than just insane.
That said, if you’re breaking company policy by packing on the job you might want to be a little more discreet than plastering pics of yourself brandishing in public on the job all over facebook.
White people working in a majority black city fixing Infastructure (sic) to help blacks live better, bitch about whites defending against lazy blacks who wont do the job the whites do. f***, em let them s**t in the street like animals; somalia ghetto style.
Milwaukee isn’t a majority black city. It does have some shitty black neighborhoods. And why are there so many blacks in Milwaukee, you may ask?
Because Wisconsin, like other radically liberal Midwestern states(Minnesota being another one) established a relatively luxurious welfare standard—and social workers from Chicago actually encouraged their ghetto denizens TO MOVE THERE. And the people of Wisconsin, who had no historical experience with the absolute chaos which results from blacks being in a place, welcomed them in.
It is no small coincidence that the most reliable predictor of whether an area will have a high crime rate and a low standard of living is its percentage of black residents.
So I agree. We should cut off all Federal and State welfare programs to those who choose to not work. If these people were made to take care of themselves, they would kill each other off or die of natural causes and the problem would solve itself.
Does anyone think that if these ghetto mothers had to actually provide for their offspring that they would have so many? These people are on the taxpayers’ teat from the moment of conception until they die. Free health care. Free food. Free housing. Free money. Free breakfast and lunch at school. Then free housing in the correctional system.
THEY ARE LOST. Time for them to be cut loose and made to fend for themselves.
I love it when an old lady with zero high speed low drag training beats young criminal whippersnappers. What would Costa and Yeager do? Probably marvel in disbelief.
Timothy Sullivan started it all and he was committed to an insane asylum.
gun control advocates are liberals
liberalism is a mental disorder
quod erat demonstrandum gun control advocates are insane
“Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
Yep we’ll just shoot you…a young gang spanglish looking fella’ gave me the finger yesterday(thought I cut him off but he was speeding). Glad I have a pistola in my car😄😎👍
9mm – universal, easy to shoot, easy to carry
.22 – cheap to shoot, easy to carry a LOT.
If we get the Hughes amendment repealed, a select-fire Glock 17 SBR suppressed is my dream range toy…
To be “fair” the fired and suspended dudes flashed their gats in public. And I get it…I’ve been in all the worst neighborhoods of Chicago without injury. I have been in some deep shite though. NOW I just try and avoid the city. If I do travel to Chiraq I’ll be armed. It’s MUCH worse.
I was wondering why the dude pulled his gun? for a photo opp? Mostly when I OWB carry, open or covered, if I don’t strut around, no one really notices. If I were pulling it out and showing folks, I’d get some side eye, and I live in Kentucky.
Insane? No. They just have a completely different world-view than we do.
In the eyes of a Progressive/Leftist you exist to service the State and that’s it. You can see that in Batty Bernie’s little rant anti-tax bill on the floor of the Senate. Guns in private hands serve as a bulwark against such people going from holding the views they do to actually acting on them.
As much as I hate to invoke the comparison (which isn’t really a comparison) and possibly achieve the 1 in Godwin’s Law, a look through the history shows that “Progressive” is just a really long way to spell “Nazi” and that’s a group of people that generally don’t want an armed populace due to the threat of a resistance to their tyranny.
The issue in Milwaukee isn’t solely a “gun control” issue. It’s a RACE issue. Milwaukee was just the subject of a Louis Theroux documentary in which he went to the inner city(read:black) area of the city and revealed the absolute dysfunction of the area. What was the response of the politicians in general,and the black politicians specifically? “Who let him have access to the crime scenes? He’s making us look bad.”. Anybody with any common sense knows that violent crime in the US is disproportionately a black thing.
There’s a politician in Baltimore who is calling for convenience stores to remove their bulletproof glass because IT MAKES THE BLACK COMMUNITY FEEL LIKE THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALS. Seriously. Never mind that the owners of those stores are under constant threat of violent crime at the hands of black people.
It’s the same reason that gun grabbers shy away at the mention of gun crime in Chicago. Chicago has the gun laws they want—but when it’s revealed to be a failure they say nothing.
All the mass shootings (and when I say mass shootings, I am referring to the popular media definition—a crazy white person shoots a bunch of people in a public place) do not have a body count which equals a year of black violence in Chicago. But, again, the gun grabbers don’t want increased law enforcement in that area, and would decry any increased prosecution and incarceration of black violent criminals as racist.
So yeah, they’re insane, but their insanity is more a type of religious zealotry—and their religion is the false egalitarianism of racial equality.
The anti-Plexiglass thing is Philadelphia, but otherwise you are correct. The word the councilwoman used was that it was “denigrating.”
“they didn’t think to check under my hat.”
Are they insane? Possibly. Are they totalitarians? Absolutely.
Nobody rationally believes that the sewer workers were in danger of shooting up the neighborhood. There’s too much consistency in gun control advocates’ actions to suggest insanity. The most likely prospect is evil.
No they are not insane. They know exactly what they are doing, the same way the Nazis did. It sounds insane to us, because we love freedom.
Gun Control Advocates are admirers of Adolf Hitler. They truly believe that they can take a civilized country and force the population to go along with their morbid beliefs. They truly believe that they are entitled and should rule us. They are vicious liars as well.
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I’ve been extreamly impressed with the 140 grain .357 vortex rounds. (I don’t have any experience with this bullet in any other caliber.)
They seem to burn clean, and hit hard. With manageable recoil in .357.
I have some friends who trap hogs and hit them point blank in the head. They’ve tried out a few different calibers, but have chosen to stick w .357 out of a lever action.
“Question of the Day: Are Gun Control Advocates Insane?”
Actually, most aren’t. They track reality just fine. Some just have different values than you do, n a boat load of rationalization and cognitive dissonance to fool themselves with: neuritics and narcissists run amok. The rest are sociopaths in our midst: fine with sane, peaceful, responsible people getting killed by the crazies, if it gives them a scooch of advantage or convenience.
Most aren’t actually delusional; they just play that way in front of the TV cameras.
Australian gun style confiscation is already here. California has passed a law to confiscate all the semi-auto rifles over 2 years and the recent Supreme Court decision not to change the lower courts ruling on another assault rifle ban law completely trashed Scalia’s former ruling and totally trashed the Second Amendment. There is no way the Supreme Court is going to lose face and reverse itself and rule against California’s new confiscation law if it works itself any higher in the court system.
As far as compliance the Far Right talks tough but one thing that they worship higher than guns or God is their money and few will risk losing their personal fortunes and spending years in the pen in O.J.’s old prison cell. I hear the toilet paper in the prison has the 2nd Amendment printed on each sheet.
They’re not insane, they’re nucking futs.
Piggie popping with a .44 mag? Preferably a Ruger? Yes, please!
quote———————–After over 200 years of history, we can see what the Founders who created this nation got right and what they got wrong. We don’t have to be content to live in a left/right, two-party system. What would the possibilities of gun rights, free speech, or human rights be if more places were allowed to live by their own laws and rules?—————————–quote
Its obviously you flunked History Class as in the past we ended up with Right Wing States who trashed Constitutional Rights. We had whites only drinking fountains, Whites only restaurants, laws that took away minorities rights to vote, gun laws that discriminated against minorities, laws that forbade minorities from marrying white people. Laws that banned people from erecting minority churches and religions. It goes on and on. That is why the Feds stepped in and said enough was enough and the Constitution applied to all peoples not just the privileged white majority.
You are right about States Rights being crushed by a Federal Reciprocity Law but the Right Wing are all hypocrites and can and will look the other way when crushing states rights benefits any of their causes. Just like the Far Right telling voters to vote for Roy Moore the pedophile because if your Republican Pedophile its cool and ok to run for office but not if your a Democrat that just patted a few women on the ass. Ditto if your a Republican President, Quote: “I can do anything, even grab em in the pussy”. And so far he has been proven right, he can, and with the Republican hypocrite voters that’s cool too.
Well here’s a thought, have local LEO block off the neighborshood
Rescue group I volunteer for had a Golden Retriever loose in a reall rough part of San Antonio
All the gang bangers went inside their cribs!
Were able to able to get the dog to come to our volunteer with hotdogs and ended up naming the after the cop who helped closet to the vehicle the dog was under.
So I don’t think the contract workers so they could have called law enforcement.
But in answer to question, not insane. Just evil people
Well I’m getting my wife a Taurus SS 85 Ultralite. HER CHOICE. Not at all concerned she can’t handle recoil-she’s very strong. The main thing is “have a gun”…
“I hate poachers and I’m glad they got caught”
There was a time when taking the King’s deer was a hanging offense. The King is more generous now and he lets his subjects take a couple of deer if they pay the King’s ransom.
Sorry felony conviction no voter right, Democrats love convicts because they vote for free stuff like cable tv, three meals and housing. Felons take away my right to safety so why should they get theirs back at all.
My personal best on a handgun was 80 yards on a small hog with a 9mm. That’s probably more skill than luck, but we’re overrun, and you don’t let them get away. We can’t get ahead of the birth rate no matter how hard we try.
Got two more sows (about 120lbs and 140lbs) last night with a 270 after they ran off three bucks from in front of me in a clearing.
Hank, that’s a great shot! 80 yards with a 9mm to drop a walking pork chop! Congratulations!
The 270 is a fantastic caliber as well. Really does the job on deer and pigs. My brother and I actually reload for 270 using Barnes Bullets and the accuracy and lethality are excellent.
Am I ok with the NRA supporting Roy Moore? Absolutely!
First of all, there has not presented any proof of any wrongdoing my Roy Moore, all we have are allegations that he did something 40 years ago, and now we’ve found out that one major piece of “proof” has been falsified by the accuser, which calls her entire allegation into question.
Secondly, the only other choice is to support the democrat, and we know where he’s going to come down on the question of gun rights.
We cannot afford to lose that seat; we need every Republican in the Congress that we can get, and we need non-establishment Republicans if we ever hope to get the Trump legislative agenda through.
Last thing; the absolute last thing that we need is to give the dems any kind of momentum going into the 2018 mid-terms.
Should the NRA support Roy Moore? Hell yes!
I decided to learn to shoot a hand gun at the age of 57, a few years ago. My husband had several recommendations, I’d look, but, it took him three days to remember his hands are much bigger than mine. Hey, we’ve only been married 25 years.
Started with a 380. More of a full size, but still small. The manufacturer does not make the model any more, to my knowledge. Slightly unreliable, became worse. I now own a few guns, in 380, 9mm and 45. Of course, I can’t conceal carry the 45, and keep my pants up. Can’t open carry, either. Same problem. As one gun salesman said, with me, there’s a lack of real estate. But I am accurate at 7 yards, practicing for further distance.
In hindsight, if I were to start all over again, I’d recommend renting a .22 to learn to shoot. Then I would rent a few 380’s and 9’s, before I bought. If I were to own one gun, I’d recommend an easy to take down and put back together 9mm (easy to clean) the smallest 9 that I was comfortable practicing with. The ammo is cheaper than a 380 or 45, and plentiful. I prefer semi-auto over revolver, however, I am fine with a 38, just not fun to practice at the range.
I don’t see how this could possibly be a terror attack according to the Democrats and the mainstream media. The perpetrator of this was not white, Republican, an NRA member, and he did not commit the crime with a scary-looking evil assault style military grade gun with an attached rocket launcher or chainsaw bayonet with a bump stock.
It looks like the person in question was a member of the religion of peace and was probably a well-adjusted and assimilated immigrant from around the world here doing a job that Americans won’t do.
No doubt this is one big misunderstanding.
Remove the “/sarc” and you can get a job with the DNC.
“eight homicides and 37 nonfatal shootings in 2017”
“The fact that the sewer workers were white men in a largely black neighborhood has added a racial component”
JFC – No More Gun Free Zones.
Criminals are Allowed to have guns. Allow your Workers to protect themselves.
I was dove hunting with my son and his wife this season. They got up to leave for dinner, walked about 75 yards away and spooked a pack of 12-15 hogs bedded down. The pigs started trotting in my direction. I had my FN 5.7 on my hip, 20 ga. O/U shottie, no rifle. I waited until the pigs were about 40 yards away, and took aim off-hand at the biggest sow in the pack. Hit her twice, then the screaming and running started!
I proceeded to fire maybe 12 more rounds, prolly hit another couple of pigs. None dropped, but as long as they wind up dying that’s fine. It was a lot of fun for me, and we hopefully got rid of a couple pests. Those damned things have ruined acres of pasture.
The RINO’s don’t care and won’t listen. I know. I live here in Flori-duh.
The RINO’s are nothing short of Bloombergian Sorosers and pose a beyond-the-pale danger to every right, freedom and liberty, not just 2A.
I’ve heard they are coming out with a striker fired USW and I would be very interested in one of those. The current hammer fired USW is also interesting, but I prefer having a consistent trigger pull. I may get one eventually, but I still have 4 stamps to fund.
Anyone know if this mount can be used effectively to mount a UTG 3-9X32 1″ BugBuster Scope on a Ruger Mini 14?
Will ejected casings contact the scope?
What would the eye relief be on the scope with this set-up?
Thank you for the input!
It’s been known for some time that the people who pay for a study generally end up with a study that supports the conclusions they want.
That’s why the government set up many of the grant programs that it did, in an attempt to remove that bias.
In theory it’s a good idea but in practice the grant agencies become politicized and the bias comes back in, often in worse ways. “Climate Change” grants are an example of this but PC creates even worse examples.
A friend of mine worked as a researcher for a major hospital. When it came time to re-up grant proposals they often put them in the hands of a woman who specializes in such work. She was a black lesbian and she was very rarely turned down, even when the proposal was nutty. Probably because she was a trifecta of PC. No one wants to turn down the proposal from someone who’s a triple protected class.
What i don’t realize is in reality how you’re now not actually
a lot more well-favored than you might be now.
You’re very intelligent. You realize therefore considerably on the subject of this matter, produced me personally consider it from
so many numerous angles. Its like men and women are not interested unless it is something to do with Woman gaga!
Your individual stuffs excellent. All the time take care of it up!
Been there plenty of times before. Not the first time something noteworthy has happened. Damn, I really need to start wearing some plates when I go to the range, dirty looks be damned.