“Firearms were the cause of about one-tenth of workplace fatalities in 2015, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),” daytondailynews.com reports.

“The shootings run the gamut from robberies and other crimes, to police officers and security forces killed in the line of duty, to suicides, to disgruntled employees or spouses coming in and killing people.”

As the video above concludes, “the most successful plan is one in place before it’s needed.” So, do you have a gun at work? If so, where do you keep/hide it?


  1. Maybe I do, maybe I dont, if I do it’s not in plain sight, if I don’t you wouldn’t know anyway.

  2. Sometimes in Canada there may be a gun at work and you wouldn’t even know:

    “Police have charged 24-year-old Husayn Nathoo of Calgary in connection to the discovery of guns hidden at the University of Calgary.”


    Hopefully the gangsters associated with said gun won’t start their shootout at your workplace, and will be polite and very Canadian, and start it in the middle of the road or at a house in a quiet neighborhood, or perhaps at a mall instead, like they do most of the time.

    • Good thing it was only guns stashed. Canadians are polite up until the point they get a hockey stick in their hands. Think of the potential carnage!

  3. There were 4836 workplace deaths in 2015
    That means 484 firearms-related deaths in 2015

    By way of reference, there were 5840 deaths in 2006, 5657 in 2007, 5214 in 2008, and a low of 4551 in 2009.

    The years 2009 to 2014 averaged 4661 deaths/year, with highest being 4821 in 2014 and the lowest being 4551 in 2009.

    The 4836 seems to be an uptick towards the 5657 to 5840 range seen in 2006 and 2007.


  4. I would never violate official company policy by defending myself from violence in the workplace with any kind of seven different weapons which are stashed around the office nor by carrying a firearm as licensed by the jurisdiction where I live.

    That could get me fired.

    / sarc off

    • I understand what you’re saying but I cannot risk losing my job on the extremely slight chance that I would be in a situation at work that I would need my gun.

      • In most jobs, it takes very little effort to make your gun being discovered even less likely than you needing it!

  5. You bet I do, I work in a public building with minimal security. Where do I keep it? Out of sight of coarse.

    • Same here, always armed. When I did work I did CC. Also ignore those ‘unarmed victim zone’ signs. Self defense is universal, whatever actions are needed to survive are always right even if local laws are contrary to natural rights.

      • Self defense is universal, whatever actions are needed to survive are always right even if local laws are contrary to natural rights.

        Best comment on the Intertubez this month!

        I like this shortened version that I saw on a sign at a rally:
        — My rights are never wrong! —

  6. Standard conflation of guns with criminal aggression. Wouldn’t want people to think they’d be justified in being prepared to defend themselves. Nothing to see here, move along.

  7. Nope, under pain of a decade or more in prison if detected… Unless I am working from home in which case my safe is about 1 metre from my desk and chock full of guns (half of which are antiques or soon to fall into that category) and the ammo locker is right next to the safe.

    I’m seriously considering moving to the US after I finish my degree but even over there I still wouldn’t be allowed a gun in the workplace.

    • Actually, whether guns are allowed is a business by business issue; there are no universal rules or laws, except in public employment. As to the latter, only a few allow guns, and the feds only recently allowed officers in military recruitment offices to decide whether to allow staff to carry personal weapons; otherwise, possession of firearms in a federal building is a felony unless one is a law enforcement officer engaged in the scope of his employment.

      • They’d be a no go for me for a few reasons as guns in hospitals are apparently a no go over there too (I’d be in public hospitals for training for a few years). Besides which scrubs aren’t practical to mount a holster on (and they are just so hard to accessorise with).

        • UnPC Aussie,

          There is no federal law that bans possession of firearms in hospitals in the United States (except for federal Veterans Administration hospitals which fall under a blanket ban at all federal buildings).

          While some states may ban possession of firearms in hospitals, not all states do. As for the states that do ban possession of firearms in hospitals, the ban is nothing more than a civil infraction (a simple fine of a few hundred dollars) in some of those states.

        • Interesting information, I figured most hospitals would have institution level bans to try to keep gang bangers from bringing them in (like signs would be effective at that). I won’t really have a choice about where I’m matched so I’m just hoping it wont be in California, New York or New Jersey as a starter.

      • I am in public employment and I have carried pretty much every day for the past 5 years. Most often concealed sometimes open. Depends on how I feel that day and how tight the waistband is. Today is an open carry day.

    • UnPC – I’m sure are a great fellow BUT did we invite you? What skills do you have that we are missing/in need of (consider 94million un/under employed) who is sponsoring/supporting you financially until you can support yourself? when are you going to go back home?

      We already have some 50million foreign born, largely unassimilated people squatting in our corner of the world, and a few billion more that would crowd (totaling ruining it) if allowed to do so.

      • Given his well-established views on guns, I’d say he’d fit in just fine here. American culture really only has a few basic tenets; it’s not an all-encompassing philosophy. As to the un/underemployed, a good chunk of them are that way by choice. If he wants to come here, enjoy/appreciate our freedoms, and work hard to contribute to society, why the hell not?

      • Neiowa – you are indeed correct! I am a great fellow! My mother tells me that every night when she calls just before I go to bed.

        I’ll take a moment now to answer your specific questions:

        1. BUT did we invite you?

        No specific invite was delivered (who would I see about sorting that unfortunate mistake out now that The Donald no longer returns my calls?) but that nice shiny visa class just for skilled Aussies could be considered an open invite I guess. I’d be applying for entry as a skilled migrant likely on an E3 Australian specialty visa (non immigrant) and then switching later on to an E2 or E3 immigrant visa (not really sure what classification an MD comes under) to get a green card and later citizenship.

        I guess the comment from Red in CO could be considered a conditional invite if I can’t get through to The Donald right? – Cheers for the invite Red!

        2. What skills do you have that we are missing/in need of (consider 94million un/under employed)

        I heard you folks were going to be about 90k+ short on the number of doctors you needed by 2020 so I figured I’d come over and lend a hand considering that most of those 94 million un/under employed wouldn’t have the relevant skillset for the job I’d be filling.

        3. Who is sponsoring/supporting you financially until you can support yourself?

        I would be supporting myself with my savings initially until my first pay check came in, I would hopefully be sponsored for my visa by whatever hospital accepted me into their residency program.

        4. When are you going to go back home?

        Hopefully never, except for holidays and family events or if you good folks did something completely pants on head retarded like a complete repeal the Bill of Rights. I’d be planning on staying and eventually becoming a citizen. I liked living over there as a kid and figured I’d come back to stay when I could.

        5. We already have some 50million foreign born, largely unassimilated people squatting in our corner of the world, and a few billion more that would crowd (totaling ruining it) if allowed to do so.

        Not technically a question but I’ll reply to it as though it were a question. I’m foreign born but some of my formative years were spend in the US, I’ll even subconsciously slip back into a good ol’ Texan drawl if I speak to someone from around those parts for longer than a few minutes (that generally confuses everyone in the conversation until we figure out what happened). I like bourbon, beer, guns, hunting, fishing, camping and generally pissing away time in the great outdoors (I’m also experienced in the US/Aussie past time of bitching about politicians and the retarded decisions they make). I don’t squat outside of a gym now that the baffles on my club’s Steel Challenge range have been raised so that I can see the targets without adopting my patented “Shit or Shoot” stance. I promise not to bring 50 million or even a few billion mates with me when I come (at worst/best you’d get my girlfriend who will also be an MD by the time we come over). I promise the only thing I may ruin is the atmosphere in the shitter when dropping a number two after a night on the turps.

        • Hey Aussie – Consider this an official invite. Welcome to America. Another English speaking Doctor will be just fine.

        • Your attitude, views on guns, professional skills, and work ethic are most welcome in the United States as far as I’m concerned. I live in Iowa, and we could definitely use more like you.

          Your compliance with US immigration laws is most appreciated. Not everyone follows them, but we have much higher respect for those who do. With your skillset, I doubt you’ll have too many issues getting in.

          If you do settle in Iowa (a great, gun-friendly State, BTW), you’re welcome to come shooting with me any time.

        • Cheers for the invites fellas. I’ve pretty much made up my mind I’m coming (just working on the GF at the moment) I’ve just got to finish my studies, sit the USMLEs and get an offer. I’ll be coming across in 2019 to do some elective placements and I’ll hopefully be able to schedule my trip to coincide with at least one higher level competition in one of the disciplines I shoot. If not I’ll just be visiting a few ranges and shops to get some gear to bring back here.

          Peter – I currently have a 1,600 mile round trip to my main hunting ground so I may end up swinging by Iowa for a shoot regardless of where I end up!

    • “I still wouldn’t be allowed a gun in the workplace”

      I suspect you’re wrong, at least if you have the sense to not ask. Get the license, carry the gun, STFU.

      • Working in a hospital involves multiple clothing changes per day (usually at least 2) and open changerooms it would require a willingness to carry in my prison wallet (ouch!) to not have the firearm noticed by someone. Body fluid showers are about as fun as they sound (allegedly you can ask The Donald about that) and generally result in a quick change of clothes (had a mate get hit by the ultimate wet fart from a ruptured colostomy bag the other day and they were in the shower in under 30 seconds and stayed there for about an hour scrubbing furiously).

    • Firearms in the work place are a situational basis. If you want to come to the United States please do, it still is the greatest governmental experiment(proven) in the world. If you come here legally, freely compete in our market, you will have opertunities and rights. Never mind those who would disparage you, the US needs those willing to embrace there rights and responsibilities, not just look for hand outs. Remember though the right to bear arms is just one among a myriad that the United States gives to its citizens. It may (or may not) be the bedrock, but all the rights working in concert are what shape our unique country. My rights are not given by a government or a monarch but rather inalienable to my being and if you can work that ideology into your countries jurisprudence then the world could be better. God bless America and God bless the World.

      • I’ll agree that rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin and I’ll definitely be doing my part on both.

  8. When I worked in construction, always. Excluding where prohibited by law. It’s harder to conceal at my current job, no tool belt to hide the firearm. I keep it in my car while working, even though it’s against company policy.

    • What did you do in construction and how did you carry? I work in concrete myself and am considering it, but tool bags basically means anything related to the waist is out, and shoulder only works with a jacket. So, ankle? Or did you figure something else out?

      • When I worked construction I pocket carried( in a holster) a small 9 (keltec pf9) I have since upgraded and no longer work in the industry. but I suggest a light, cheap semi auto or revolver in a good pocket holster. it won’t weigh you down, you won’t be pissed when you scratch it to hell and no one will know. Anything on the waistline is out of you bend down as much as I did, never found a ankle holster I liked(plus construction sites can get muddy) and shoulder carry bugged the Shit out of me.

      • I have a wallet holster for my SIG P238. Kept it in my back pocket. My back tool pouch helped hide it. Now I’m a sawyer at a window plant and I’m concerned someone might catch a glimpse of it. My overalls’ rear pocket isn’t quite deep enough. It’s still hard to make out, but not impossible.
        I was a metal stud framer/drywaller.

  9. Nope. I’m a full time student who lives and works on campus. All my firearms are either stored in the campus police building or at mom and dad’s house. I wish Michigan would allow campus carry. When the state constitution says “Everyone shall have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of himself and the state” it does not apply to people like me. Some animals are more equal than others, I guess.

  10. Absolutely not. I work with children who have behavioral problems. The likelihood of me ever needing to defend myself with a firearm is very low. The likelihood of one of the kids getting their hands on a loaded firearm should one be present is significantly higher. I could probably pocket carry something smaller, but that’s more hassle than it’s worth.

    • That is a great reason not to carry, the fact that you thought it out is what keeps my faith in my fellow humans going. Hopefully your facility has an armed guard and that you exercise your rights not at work.

    • Ditto. There is always a gun on my hip, and at my desk there is another within arms reach that is always loaded. I have no children or grandchildren at home or visiting, so secure storage is not an issue.

  11. ““Firearms were the cause of about one-tenth of workplace fatalities…..”

    Amazing…I thought one had to operate a firearm for it to work….

    • You are correct sir, its knee jerk, condescending policies that result in nanny states instead of a government of and for the people.

  12. Pistol on my person. J-frame or 1911 with loaded mags and ammo in my desk in case. Also a rifle in my truck outside…..I get that the likelihood of that coming into play is minimal. I have never had to draw on someone at work, but we fired a guy who threatened us and has plenty of guns. All of a sudden. Anti gun people were asking if “maybe we should keep a gun around in case he does something” in their world no one carries unless they are hunting. In reality there are three of us in the company who carry at work, and out regardless of weather or clothing.

  13. I work from home. I am self employed. My company policy is that I carry at all times unless I’m somewhere that it’s prohibited by law. Some of my clients wouldn’t be happy if they knew I carried at their facilities, but that’s why we have concealed carry. They don’t need to know, and I’m not going to tell them.

  14. Combing the rates of jobs actually involving firearms and/or involving a high likelihood of antagonistic confrontation with every other job is one of the stupidest things I’ve heard recently. Yes, it’s true, the chance of being involved in gun violence rises measurably when you either a) directly involved with criminals and insane people and armed, and b) if you are a criminal or a crazy person. Shocking.
    As for me, I am armed 24 hours a day, legally, and I see no reason to change that. Twice a year, I need to step into two paricular government buildings that I cannot carry in, which are the exceptions. So…the only place I cannot be trusted with my firearm is amongst government buisness…that should be telling about how some”leaders” feel about the populace.

  15. I worked at a company that for years had no policy on weapons at all. About 75% of us had carry permits so there were a lot of guns in the office and we never had problems.

    Then there was a review of the employee hand book and language was added that you could not have exact quote – “any thing that could be used as a weapon”. I called and talked yo Hr and our lawyers. I said forget those of us who have legally carried handguns for years for a second, and pointed out how the new policy means having box cutters, screw drivers, or really any tool that my team uses would violate the policy. Even books, magazines, and scissors would violate the policy.

    I got a doe caught in headlights look and the first 2 things out of their mouths were ” we forgot about licensed gun permits” and “we never though about how other objects could be used as weapons”.

    That being said they refused to change the language, but I was given a exception waiver that I could hand out to those whose job require access to items that could be used as a weapon starting the would be expect from that rule. Hr received a lot of those waivers.

    • Did that waiver include use of a chair, pens or pencils, access cards, keys or lanyards? I could probably keep going…

    • “…and “we never though about how other objects could be used as weapons”. ”

      Yeah, had me one of those ‘discussions’ when a new boss showed up.

      It’s 6:55 AM, I’m waiting for the day shift to show up so I can go home. I’m idly cleaning fingernails with my Spyderco Harpy and she gets a look of horror on her face and says “That’s a weapon!” “This?” I said, looking at all 4 inches of Harpy.

      I reached behind me and plucked a 250ml volumetric flask from the rack of 20 on that counter, held it by the neck and made a motion like I was going to smash it on the counter. “Harpy is all of 4 inches. If I smash it, that will be about a 10-inch long jagged sharp knife. “Tell you what,” I told her, “every mechanic in that plant has a pig-sticker 2 times that size in his pocket right now. Are you going to tell them they have weapons?” “I then pointed at my head and said “*That* is a weapon”.

      She rapidly re-considered her position on the issue…

  16. No way! I own an NAA guardian 32acp because I like to shoot skeet with it… Yeah that’s it.

  17. I have told the people I work with that I would never shoot any of them. They are not worth going to jail for. They are mostly liberal idiots though.

  18. Self-employed for more than 2 decades. So yeah most of the time. And I’m ALWAYS armed with “something”…

  19. One of many in the Uniformed Services, so no. I can’t say “Armed Forces” because we are disarmed and Force sounds too aggressive. Or something like that.

      • Nope. Shortly after the election DoD released a policy that is basically a spineless, toothless response to an earlier directive. It basically amounts to getting a 90 day “may issue” permit by commanders that in reality will be a “no issue”. That was before the inauguration.


        Hopefully the President didn’t get advised that “the problem is fixed” and he will still honor that campaign promise.

        • I work as a DoD civilian in a secure complex (meaning highly, well, um, you don’t need to know) and the federal ban covers us, too. There are unannounced searches, so I figure that I’d be the one to get caught if I were to be carrying on-base at work, since Murphy’s Law affects me more than most other people. As a consolation to us disarmed workers, we have lots of federal LEOs working in the building walking around with their belt badges and open carrying, and there are armed guards at the doors. So, if an incident were to occur I’d just wait a few minutes and a firearm would probably become available if I needed it.

          As to the recent change in DoD regulations announcing the limited “may issue” permits for the troops at their commander’s discretion (meaning essentially “no issue”), it is pretty narrow in scope and doesn’t cover retirees or dependents, or honor any state carry permits for DoD civilians. Basically, things haven’t changed on military bases. I’d like to see Trump issue an EO directing DoD to honor state carry permits. I could maybe see not being allowed to bring my firearm into the building, but I’d damn sure like to have it for the trip to/from work (including on-base) and leave it in my vehicle (I park in a guarded restricted access lot) or check it at the guard desk while I’m inside at work. I’m not holding my breath, however.

  20. I was shocked — shocked! — to find a gun in my pocket at work today. How it got there I’ll never know.

  21. Nothing about haji wannabes… Of course that never happens.

    To answer the question, Yes!

    So ten percent of a small number involve a gun and this small number includes suicides, robberies, cops and security KIA. Hmmmm more hoopla.

  22. I work for the FD, no guns on city property . I don’t think you could find one firehouse with out guns…. My whole crew comes to,and from with a gun.

    Locked up in our lockers or in a safe in the guys pick ups , in a locked parking lot .

    It’s not so much for at work as it is getting to and from the hood .

  23. Against company policy on the property. But, fortunately, KY state law says they have no authority to disarm me for the entire 45 mile commute to/from work. If they take any action at all against me for keeping it in my car, KY state law says I can sue them in civil court and will be awarded damages. I tried to enlighten the out of state corporate HR folks that their policy is in violation of state law but I got the blank stare. So, I’ll just let them figure it out the hard way.

  24. It’s understood, or at least assumed, that I do not carry a gun to my workplace. Anyone who threatens the lives of the people working and/or patronizing there stands a pretty good chance of getting shot by me for their trouble, but I can only explain how after the fact.

    I’ll give you a hint, though: Sometimes I lie about what I do or don’t have on me.

  25. At one time the very large company I worked for issued me a huge three ring binder full of company policies and made me sign for it. I figured the language would be in there somewhere, but in truth, I never bothered to read the damn thing to find the language that I knew would be there; if it had been a pdf file I would have done key word searches to see the specific language. Their security was good enough and I had enough alternate paths out that I never really felt the need, also my vehicle was close enough to my primary back exit that arming myself would have taken a timed half a minute.

  26. I used to work at a power plant, so carrying while working was a definitive no. My job involved crawling into very tight conditions to weld and burn. I, and many of my co-workers, all had guns in our vehicles though. I am presently working at a gun store where all the employees are armed.

  27. To Un PC Aussie,
    Concealed carry while wearing scrubs is indeed a problem
    Here in Florida, it is against the law to carry in any hospital that offers emergency mental health services
    So a regular hospital, rehab hospital or ambulatory surgery center would be fine for carry
    The problem of concealing has made me choose off body carry
    I keep my Bersa thunder cc in my laptop case
    It is always within reach
    The draw is slower, but it is well hidden from view

    • Yeah I think if i worked in a hospital that banned guns then I’d look at the rules around carrying something like an ASP baton and having the (hopefully armed) security guards on speed dial, not ideal but I’d be hopefully working in the OR so it would be less likely to be the target of an attack or violent patient (they’d hopefully be knocked out by the time they got to me…

  28. Fortunately, I work for a company that allows legal concealed-carry on the job. It’s a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy – but considering some of the less than friendly areas we work in, it’s a policy that I can live with.

  29. I would never tell anyone that I carry a gun at work or any where else. Because I carry a pocket gun (perhaps I should do a pocket dump picture) sometimes my wife forgets I carry one because she can’t see it.

  30. As a self employed plumber and electrician I do carry at work. And I carry in clients houses and on their property. Living in South GA it sometimes gets hot and my carry piece is revealed but I have yet to find anyone who has a problem with it. Few will mention it. I’ve probably had more contractors and other workers ask about it than I have actual homeowners.
    At my previous job I worked part time without the owner finding out I was carrying. Then the day I accepted a full time position my shirt rode up and he saw it. Told me he was okay with it. Skip to a year later and as punishment for a mistake at work he tells me I can’t wear it to work anymore. That was my last day working there.

  31. Unfortunately, no, I do not have a firearm at work. I work on a USAF base and for contractors, firearms are strictly verbotten….

  32. Yes, i am surrounded by hundreds of guns at work. Never had an issue with “work place violence” before, been in the business for over fifteen years.

  33. Yes , when I am in my office there is a firearm on my possession . I put my firearm on in the morning and take it off at bed time 95% of the time , I am carrying , and 100% of the time in my business . Everyone in my office knows I carry and I am the controller of our in office cash , I make the nightly deposit and often leave my office alone with considerable amounts of cash , so I am dutifully prepared to answer any threat that may be waiting for me , I train often on my personal range most of the defensive drills I’ve seen and have created a few of my own , but yes , I am ready to protect myself and my employees 100% of the time I am in office . I do not know if any of my employees are carrying and would not inquire as much , the more the better , in my humble opinion .

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