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Question of the Day: Why Do They Hate Us?

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Leonard Pitts (courtesy dallasvoice.com)

Gun nuts target one of their own the chicagotribune.com headline proclaims. First, the term “gun nuts” is patently offensive. It’s the firearms equivalent of “fag,” Kike” and “nigger.” Second, the pun on the word “target” is, you guessed it, patently offensive. It suggests that gun owners want to kill former Guns & Ammo contributor Dick Metcalf. For it is he that Pulitzer Prize-winning editorialist Leonard Pitts seeks to defend. By painting gun rights advocates as intransigent thugs who oppose “simple, common-sense ideas to take weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of those who should not have them.” WMD? WTF? Aside from Lenny’s disingenuous effort to portray civilian disarmament advocates as reasonable people seeking a “debate” on guns, I want to know: who pissed in his cornflakes? Underpinning this supposed call for civility is hatred, pure and simple. Why? Why do these people [sic] hate us?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Why Do They Hate Us?”

  1. if you want a .380 then it seems nice. if you want what every one has been telling glock to make for the past 5 years (single stack 9mm), then it just seems like a teaser.

    i would be way more interested in the r51 than the glock 42, but i am a slave to the golden state. i will not buy any gun that has micro stamping.

  2. Because some people choose to exist with cultural/ethnic/racial/religious stereotypes. It’s been going on forever, and only recently have people begun to learn to treat people based on what’s inside them, which in turn influences appropriate/inappropriate behavior.

    It’s just the easy way out by being stereotypical and prejudicial.

  3. The article is behind a pay wall. Can’t read it without paying. Never mind. Pitts is an idiot any way. Our local rag carries his scurrilous screeds now and then.

      • There are many of these newspaper sites, including my local Indianapolis paper now owned (ruined) by Gannett, that will allow you to hit the site a small number of times and then apparently the site drops a browser cookie on you to mark the number of times you have visited. Once that number is exceeded the site then requires you to pay for their content.

        Or find your news elsewhere for free as I do.

        • If you search for the article via google, the google link usually comes up without the paywall block. Great for WSJ and NYT articles, well, WSJ articles.

  4. I guess if that’s how we’re defining “weapons of mass destruction” then Saddam must’ve really had a huge stockpile in March 2003.

  5. The irony is that before Metcalf shot off his mouth about ‘sensible regulations,’ Pitts and his ilk were labeling him the same way – as a ‘gun nut.’ Metcalf has only recently risen to the rank of human in their eyes because he’s been booted from our ranks and looks like a convenient victim of the scary black rifle people.
    As an aside, can anyone name an incident when one of these so-called ‘gun nuts’ has been involved in a mass shooting? I can think of several regular nutbags who have used guns to do some awful things, but not a single one of them would be considered one of the people of the gun by our own.

    • That’s part of their frustration: Lots of activist dems are somewhat loony, obsessive. If we defend 2nd Amendment rights the senior anti-gun politicians know that, sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, some of their nuts will get a gun and go crazy, a la Loughner or Holmes et al. Guns really are a test for those who possess them. Power, as Mao said, really does come from the barrel of a gun, or taser, or RPGs, and prisons. Left dems and statists want their easily-persuaded minions empowered, but, uh, not THAT empowered.

  6. Because we are more powerful then they are.

    Committed anti gunners are unable or unwilling to control their emotional state, and assume that because they cannot , no one can.So it’s best to disarm everyone except designated agents of the state , who presumably are trained to disregard their emotions.

    The idea of an armed and peaceful population represents a major problem, because that means we can do something they cannot-that is , hold a weapon without the slightest temptation to use it violently.

  7. Why Do They Hate Us?

    Hate them back twice as hard.

    Yeah, a true discussion about violence will reveal some ugly truths (for example, compare crime rates among CCW permit holders vs. African-Americans), but if that’s what they want, let’s give it to them.

    For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that the U.S. population between from 2000 to 2010 was 300,000,000, * and that

    • 63% of the population was non-Hispanic white
    • 13% of the population was black
    • 15% – 30% of the population owned guns **

    From 2000 – 2010, there were 165,068 murders. *** The annual murder rate was 5.0 per 100,000 people

    The annual murder rate in the English speaking countries of Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom was about 1.0 to 1.5 per 100,000 people.

    Non-Hispanic whites committed at least 30% of homicides. ****

    Blacks committed at least 42% of homicides.

    Gun owners committed 67% of homicides.

    The overall homicide-offender rate among non-Hispanic whites was at least 2.5 per 100,000 non-Hispanic whites per year.

    The overall homicide-offender rate among blacks was at least 15.5 per 100,000 blacks per year.

    The overall homicide-offender rate among gun-owners was 11.2 per 100,000 gun owners to 22.5 per 100,000 gun owners per year.

    A non-Hispanic white person was ½ as likely as a member of the overall population to commit murder (0.5 x – ? x).

    A black person was at least 3 times as likely as a member of the overall population to commit murder (3.2 x – ? x).

    A gun owner was 2 to 4 ½ times as likely as a member of the overall population to commit murder (2.2 x – 4.5 x).

    * 282,000,000 in 2000 to 309,000,000 in 2010.
    ** “Gun Counts Can Be Hit-or-MissWall Street Journal. March 23, 2013
    *** http://projects.wsj.com/murderdata
    **** The race of 51,735/165,068 (31%) murderers is unknown.

    I make no claim that these “back-of-the-envelope” style calculations are any type of rigorous analysis. I leave that as an exercise for others more qualified than I.

    • “Hate them back twice as hard.”

      Absolutely not. Escalation will never solve anything. Use all your stats and fight with logic and knowledge. Even then, stats are hard to fight with. They can ALWAYS be misrepresented for whatever you (they) want.

      Always take the high road. We need to prove them wrong so their arguments fail.

    • Your hypothesized homicide rate for people owning guns is silly, because it does not break out the gun-owners with a prior record or prior serious loss of mental health. Many people own large kitchen knives. Large kitchen knives are used in murders, because it’s an item people about to commit murder often take in hand. Therefor “owners of large kitchen knives” have a much higher murder rate? No. Murderous people with a kitchen knife have a higher murder rate.

      The game in gun control is the focusing of the press on “mass murders.” These are rare. What is special about them? They mainly are carried out with guns, sometimes with vehicles, occasionally via arson. They don’t constitute a big fraction of murders, eliminating these rare incidents would not change the murder rates much, but they make the argument that without guns these would not occur. To some extent that is true. This rare crime probably would not occur with guns or fires. But that is a silly focus. The vast majority of murders are one-on-one. Without a gun a knife would be the tool. Without a knife a blunt object or rope would be the tool. And lo, an enormous number of would-be-murders by knife or blunt object are stopped by the presence of a gun in the hands of law-abiding people. In other words, to stop a few 4+-person homicides by grabbing guns, we’d enable a large number of murders and brutal beatings by unopposed thugs. The puzzle is not so difficult to put together.

      • That was a fine argument, with which I agree entirely. Although there has been a recent study purporting to show a spike in mass shootings recently, the United States has typically averaged about 6-10 mass shootings/year over the past 50 years or so, with very little fluctuation. Now, you could argue that restricting access to “assault rifles” or, as a friend of mine puts it, “anti-assault rifles” might make the scale balance insofar as these types of guns are the preferred weapon in about half the instances of mass shootings by crazies who sign up for the “suicide by cop, after making my statement” plan. But that argument would be false, not so much because a search for instances of self-defense with an AR-15 might balance the scale in favor of those citizens who lived as a result. but because, as my friend also put it, “the AR-15 in .223 configuration is not, strictly speaking, an “assault” weapon – the Garand M1 is, however. due to its higher stopping power.” I should think that, in this vein, we;d see a spike in crazies using shotguns to prosecute their dementias if the AR-15 were to be banned wholesale – with a consequential rise in fatalities since the shotgun is such an up close and personal weapon. In other words, since the AR-15 needs to be aimed, the rate of survival is probably higher overall. What might seem to make a difference, however, to those in a large crowd with no real way of escape from someone who seems to think that he is above it all, is the availability of 30 round magazines for whatever weapon might come to hand – although it is not really that hard to change 10 round magazines twice if you really think about it. I’d argue that the 30 round magazine is a first choice among many who see themselves as the misbegotten hero of their own movie because, well, it really doesn’t take that much effort to spray a room of innocents that way, and why bother to take the time to switch out a mag? Of course, if they had to, they would – with very little drop in the death toll.

  8. Been wearing the Onyx for a few days now and I LOVE it. Mine is for a Glock 26. I wish I had known about ordering it with an open bottom so I could put my Glock 19 in it… that sucks. I’ve been using a White Hat holster (which is excellent) but admittedly not as comfortable as the Onyx. Also, the spacing of the j-clips is much wider on the Onyx… just something to get used to.

    As far as reholstering goes, I have no problem whatsoever. After the first day, the Onyx took a set and now the Glock 26 goes in and out perfectly. Well worth the money in my opinion. Don’t skimp on your CC gear – your rig should be flawless whatever the cost.

  9. I shoot glocks very well. They are light, reliable and hi cap. However, reguardless of caliber, they also hideously blocky, have a long mushy trigger. And most of all; a glock’s only safety is – and it’s is only safe when it’s in -a holster. Any “pocket glock” is a recipe for disaster.

    • Hell I may buy the Glock 42…I am thinking the discontend observed is due to the cost of 380 ammo vs 9mm. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to get shot with a 380.

      It cost me $3.50 to reload a box of 9mm…..isn’t gonna cost me any more/less to reload for a 380. I tiny less amount of power to reload for a 380 isn’t worth counting.

  10. If you read back a week or so you will see a post by Robert about his experience with anti-semitic and homophobic taunting.

    Obviously the comparison between racism and hoplophobia is inexact. Thats not the point of the article so attempting to distract from it by raising a strawman argument is either poor comprehension or willful misdirection. The latter is the typical cheap trick used by those who dont hsve the facts

  11. Does anyone seriously believe that Harry Reid will even allow the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act to be introduced on the floor of the Senate?

    I’d be willing to bet that that bill wouldn’t even make it out of a Senate Committee with a Democrat in the Chair. It would surely be tabled for “further consideration”, and left to die without a recommendaton.

    It’s a nice gesture, but a fools errand. Cornyn is simply posturing.

  12. The saddest part of this discussion is the presumption about marketing strategies from people whp apparently don’t own a Glock. I’m likely to purchase a G42. As well as a similarly framed 9mm. Glocks are like that potato chip – you can’t just have one! I may or may not be typical, owning 2 Glock 19s, & 1 each Glock 22, 23, 26, & 35. Plus 4 revolvers, 5 other semi-auto pistols. Shooting is fun, right? My edc is the Glock 23, with the barrel swapped out to .357 sig. But hot summer weather really puts a crimp in carrying that, so the PPK/s has to fill in. I’d prefer the Glock trigger since it’s already in memory. Glock already knows its customers will buy all variants they produce.

    • I often carry the Nano for a single stack 9 but you’re right – I love my 19, my 26, and my 29 as well. Like chips, you can’t have just one – but I think my wife wishes the chips were a little less expensive 🙂

  13. “Why do these people [sic] hate us?”

    It’s the primary, root construct of all propaganda; “Hate the other guy.” Hate is powerful and it shuts off higher brain functions. It’s why Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Neo-Soviets all seem brain-dead.

    They’re really not, but when it comes to the primary roots of their agendas, it’s all based on hate and they aren’t thinking it through.

    It’s why they use hate speech to promote their ideal sets without even realizing they’re doing it. It’s considered acceptable to hate the other guy, and since it’s acceptable, it doesn’t set off the red flags like sexism and racism do. It is, however, NOT acceptable. That’s the second tier of using hate successfully in your propaganda; advertise it as acceptable. If you make “the other guy” the problem for everything that is wrong in the world, it only makes sense to hate him… Hate becomes acceptable and a self-justifying paradox.

    This is why they always talk about hate as being a Republican idea. Racism and Sexism are not necessarily hate-based. But they have to inflate it to distract. It’s another primary function of the Neo-Soviet platform’s Propaganda. They ALWAYS accuse the opponent of the very thing that they are doing themselves. I know plenty of people who believe that Women are inferior (I’m personally beginning to believe it might just be true). Or, that Blacks are inferior. None of these people hate women, or hate black people. They just view them as a tier below. There’s no hate at all. I view dogs and cats as a tier below… I kinda like dogs and cats. Is it not ironic that the Neo-Soviets portray their human pet keeping practices (welfare) as compassion, instead of the true, brutal racism that it is? I don’t believe genetics automatically imbues a living thing with inferiority within the same species, but some people do. It’s not hate.

    Refusing to think rationally while children die, all to push for the subjugation of “the other guy” is the deepest hate I’ve ever heard of, and it’s why we hate them right back. Seriously, willing to let their own children be slaughtered just to give politicians more power to “get other other guy.” I don’t know any political faction that goes that far except for the died-in-the-wool Democrats. Pretty much every other Political Party says “woah, hold up, no political agenda is worth killing my kids!” But, Democrats are perfectly willing… And even when their very own children have been killed, they still advocate more slaughter with tears in their eyes… There is no such thing as a greater evil than that. So, the cycle continues as we hate them right back for being so amazingly fucking evil and stupid at the same time.

    This is why I dislike all Political Factions (I believe the only acceptable government is no government at all), but I have a special place for hating Democrats; they kill their own kids for political gain! Even suicide bombers and child molesters aren’t that sick! This is why we should apply mental health standards to voting, not gun buying.

    • “It’s the primary, root construct of all propaganda; “Hate the other guy.” Hate is powerful and it shuts off higher brain functions. It’s why Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Neo-Soviets all seem brain-dead.”

      I like this. And greetings, fellow anarchist! However, though I agree that the only acceptable form of government is no government whatsoever, I accept the Constitution and Bill of Rights as a legitimate and workable compromise. I recognize that to most people, that seems incongruous, but it’s how I genuinely feel about the matter.

      As it’s unfolded in my time, however, I feel I may have been wrong about the acceptability part. It hasn’t turned out very well in the past 100 years, since the Federal Reserve Act. That’s the waypoint where everything seems to have turned in the wrong direction.

  14. The people who don’t understand gun rights people don’t get it, may not agree with it, and operate more out of fear. These are the people with whom we must actively pursue in dialog and to whom we should be more kindly disposed.

    Conversely, those who hate gun rights people do so because their demands for disarmament are stubbornly resisted. Gun people are not controlled by them, so therefore they must be neutralized. So they go Alinsky on us…demonizing and marginalizing in order to weed out our ranks, discredit the ones who are left, and then have their way with us through the thus-manufactured “common-sense” approach.

  15. Think of all the pissed off responses from people wanted a .380 if Glock had released the 9mm first. Can’t please everyone all of the time.

  16. “Why? Why do these people [sic] hate us?”

    Because a liberal is a liberal is a liberal…and that’s “Why? Why do these people [sic] hate us?”…

  17. I can tell you from personal experience that typical .380 micro pistols are plain tough to shoot. Uncomfortable as all Hell, and this even from someone who’s nigh recoil insensitive, I would rather shoot my M&P .40 with DoubleTap 200-grain (which scoots along at close to 1,100 FPS).

    I don’t even have big hands, either.

    The G42 would be perfect for those who can’t be bothered with 9MM, but want something that will fill their hand enough to not beat their little paws to death.

  18. “Gun nuts” isn’t anywhere near as bad as a racial slur. Just…….no. No.

    I’ve heard folks comparing people who carry AR15’s around to Rosa Parks. I’ve heard somebody say that a “No firearms allowed” sign on a business is the same as a “No colored people” sign.

    Just stop.

  19. “the term ‘gun nuts’ is patently offensive”

    I help moderate a relatively large internet forum, and my jurisdiction is specifically over the subforum dedicated to discussing politics. The threads about gun policy tend to be amongst the most inflammatory, and we’ve had to limit the use of such pejoratives.

    Of course we also apply the same standard to “gun grabbers”, which TTAG seems quite fine with.

  20. The reason people hate others is always the same: because they are not like them, they don’t understand them, and it frightens them.

  21. Given the price of their bolt-action bullpups, I’m sure this one will be up in the LaRue/POF/Noveske range. Their SRS platform bolt action is about $3K for the chassis alone, add another $2K or so for each barrel conversion. And wait a couple of years to get it after ordering.

  22. You forgot the Mini-14 drop-in kit. I don’t know if it’s being made anymore, though. I almost bought one once. Then, when I moved to NM, the movers wouldn’t move it. Luckily, I had packed all my other guns in sealed boxes, so they got moved. But the Mini-14 stayed behind, in the care of my sister. She put it in the attic, and the inside of the barrel rusted. Or so said the FFL guy she took it to to sell. He flimmed her, and bought it back for $250, INCLUDING an EOTECH sight! Unpleasant memory, that one.

    Anybody else have a mover refuse to move guns? It that against the law? I can’t imagine a good reason for that, but I’m pretty sure I can get a definitive answer from someone here at TTAG.

    • Former mover here. Firearms are a felony iirc booze is a stiff fine. Like tens of thousands. That being said we don’t search closed boxes sooo… One of the craziest moves was moving this woman into a house that it turns out was her exes. She planned to surprise him when he returned from out of town. On top of moving most of his furniture into his steel building the woman asked no to ” do something” with three shotguns she found in a closet. She said she had a 17 year old kid she didn’t want around guns ( no teaching safety I guess) and after assuring her they were unloaded I walked away. Next time I saw them they were thrown into a pile of wet leaves behind the house. I convinced her that might sour her reception and found a locking door to hide them behind. I honestly expected to be moving her out with in days or to see her face on the news but never heard how they made out.

  23. Too many difficulties to work out. Even with driver’s licenses, they are not actually universally reciprocal. E.g., a 14 year old can have a DL in South Dakota. But cannot drive in Nebraska. And a 16yr old from New York, cannot drive in NJ (age is 17 there)

    There is also several interstate compacts that most states participate in and help standardize offenses, points, etc. Add to this the close similarity in laws…only where they differ, age, but then the state you are in takes precedence over home state. Heck, an individual state can suspend driving privileges in that state, while you could still drive in other states.

    And what about the situation where the average resident of a state cannot get a license to carry, would that state be forced to recognize permits of non-residents! Really? Talk about unequal protection under the law.

  24. They hate us because we stand as examples that their delusion of a 100% controlled and safe society is wishful thinking. You will never find a more energetic enemy than someone who has been denied their preferred delusion because of the example of your existence.

  25. Wait.. Uhm.. What were we talking about. I keep scrolling back up, then down again. I get lost!
    That grizzly lever action is SWEET!!! The grain on the wood work is awesome.
    Oh yeah the models were nice too lol.
    Now head on over to IWI and report back!!!

    • “What were we talking about. I keep scrolling back up, then down again.”
      I just click from tab to tab.
      Hmm – I just discovered that ctrl-tab cycles tabs to the right, and ctrl-shift-tab to the left.

  26. The only reason that they hate us us that they see what we see as rights and responsibilities as privilege and reckless endangerment at best. For any of us to own the ubiquitous EBR with a 30 round magazine of Lake City Green Tips is something we feel is a god given right. We are responsible for our own lives. They view it as privileged excess that endangers everyone in the country in theory and try to use extreme cases of isolated violence by illegitimate “gun owners” to slander us all like spree killers waiting for a shot at the spotlight.

    The fact is that people who are anti gun are anti personal responsibility despite facts that continually prove that to be a dangerous and stupid idea. Cops don’t jump in front of gunfire. Only family and friends do and even then, a select group. You are in the line of fire it is your job to fix these things. The time between dialing 911 and dialing 9mm from a holster is the difference in the “good guy with a gun” response time. But by denying an inherent responsibility for your own safety and assigning such a right to “privileged” status of badge or permit holder only you create the fallacy your typical gun control advocate lives in. Fear of guns and love of badges despite the fact that the combination will not panacea the world’s woes.

    If we train people to be more willing victims there will be less crime; our definition of it will shift to reflect the mindset change. It will not be less violence, we just will care less. But thus is the luxury of not taking responsibility for your own safety or those you hold dear.

  27. I was describing Mr Pitts’ PERSONAL reasons for disliking gun owners, but I neglected to mention his POLITICAL reasons, which are myriad. Also it was time for me to shut up.

    Anyway, like all Communist Agitators (vice: your Supreme Commander – how could you vote for a man with his politics??? Oh right we did, Helen Clark) his method is to target particular enemies of the State, individualists who refuse to toe the State line, who are self sufficient for self protection and who do not rely on the State to protect their very lives.

    The tactics are: isolate, ridicule, belittle, demonize, vilify, then punish with all the resources of the State once power is fully consolidated. This will happen, as the antis are in the majority, and urban sprawl is ensuring the reduction of rural firearms owners.

    So Mr Pitts is using his own built in prejudices to further his preferred political aim: To make America safe for Democrat dweebs to spout nonsense without fear of reprisal from the honest citizens he insults.

    In particular he wants to normalise supine reliance on the State for all things. This has largely been achieved.

    You Americans need to relegate moral cowards of this ilk back to the fringes of society rather than giving them air to breathe and propagate. Ignore them at your peril.

    And he is profoundly unAmerican.

  28. These people always say the same thing; “the lessor citizens will still have over 2,000 guns to choose from”, yea, revolvers, and bolt action or pump rifles and shot guns. In resisting the bad guys or tyranny, we might as well be using spears and arrows. In the old days one could own a rifle with less than a 16″ barrel or a shotgun with less than a 18″ barrel or a long gun with less than 30″ over all length or a pistol with a butt stock or a semi auto rifle with detachable mags and a pistol grip or a folding or telescopic butt stock or a fore grip or a flash suppressor,or all of the above or a machine gun if the same handed over finger prints, registered the weapon and paid Uncle Sam a $200 tax. The same applied to a silencer, because all of the above were considered useful militia weapons. Oops, did I use a four letter word. In California we can only use 10 round magazines, while the bad guys and the govt uses whatever size mags they deem necessary.

    Today, we have been programed to believe we are the servant class and the bureaucrats and politicians the ruling class. Really, the opposite is true, we are the ruling class. Where I live in California, if I join the local police force as a volunteer reserve officer, I all of a sudden become worthy to carry a concealed weapon while off duty and am then in a position to protect myself and family while away from our home, where the FBI says most violent crime occurs.

    My nephew became a deputy in another state, joined swat and was promptly given a machine gun to take home to keep with him at all times. I am trying to figure out why that irritates me so much. The servant class dictates to the ruling how individual rights will be interpreted. And to be sure, whatever restrictions they put on us, never applies to them.

    I’m just saying

    Can you think of any other individual right in the constitution where individual states can restrict that right more than the Federal govt does?

  29. Why does Leonard Pitts hate the POTG? I am thinking it is because he developed abnormally from an early age. Maybe he was never allowed to go squirrel hunting with an uncle. Maybe he had no rural relatives that insisted he kill one of the chickens they fried up for dinner one evening. I cannot see this guy going to a shooting range, ever, with any buddies. Assuming he has any buddies. I doubt Leonard watched many Saturday western television shows where there was always a moral taught and the good guys faced off against the bad guys whether it be a farmer protecting his farm, a sheriff protecting a town, or a bunch of folks holed up in a church facing off against the Mexican army. Leonard does not know what it means to be someone of principle who chooses right over wrong. Right and wrong are variable to Leonard.

    Leonard’s imagined wrongs that the POTG have visited upon Dick Metcalf are juvenile. I have not seen this kind of high school level peer pressure since, well, high school. Note to Leonard: The POTG are not silencing Dick. Dick can still say and write whatever he chooses. The fact that some businesses do not agree with him and withdrew their contributions to his employers is part of living in the real world. None of us are guaranteed employment no matter what we do — we are responsible for every word we say or write — and so is Dick.

    There have always been people in this country who have tried to disarm the other people in this country and I suspect it will always be this way. You would think that a subject as serious as gun rights would give one pause before making idiotic statements publicly but the senators from Kalifornistan shot that idea all to hell.

    So we are stuck with Leonard. Just another useful idiot. Leonard, we disagree with you now please go write a piece on quantum entanglement and give guns a rest.

  30. Assuming you mean pocket pistol. One that’s coming out of a pocket –then I say the S&W 442 (I prefer blued firearms). I think that a revolver’s simplicity is something one would want in the circumstance you’ve presented in your question. Although some say it’s too big Gock 26 is also a decent choice. It depend on the size of your pocket and which pocket. I haven’t fired the SA XDs in 9mm but it seems to be getting good reviews. Back to my choice–the snub nose decreases the speed of the round, so you have to ensure that that rounds you use expand. You have to ensure that you can use the round you choose–hit effectively with it. Some magazines have done comparisons of various ammunition including ammo being fired from short barreled pistols and revolvers. Gun Tests Magazine has done a series of articles on .38, 9mm, .40 and .45 defensive ammo plus they did an article on .38 and 9mm from short barrels. Still. your results may vary. So even though the ammo is expensive you should find the right combination for you by shooting some into your homemade ballastic gel–water jugs, wet newspaper and by shooting for gun fight distance accuracy. With both the weak and the strong hand and two handed. (I think there’s a decent chance you’ll only have one hand available, so practice that way.) This holds true whether you pick 9 or .38. As for .380 while it is better than no gun at all it doesn’t make sense to me to choose it given the plethora of loads for .38 and 9mm that are designed to minimize recoil, maximize expansion, and in some cases minimize flash. Why you would ever, ever choose a .380? Those of you who say there’s no real world difference are wrong, maybe DEAD wrong.

    And of course you have to practice. With any set up. You have to try to add some some sort of stress in your practice. Whether it’s a class or an IDPA match or whatever. Punching paper alone won’t cut it.

  31. I’ve got two of these, one the folding stock M70AB with the parkerized finish that I LOVE, and the other standard with the wood furniture like in this article. Both are dependable, accurate enough, and built like tanks. The M70AB is a little more finicky about it’s magazines, but then so is my AR that hates ProMags.

    I own a fair number of rifles and enjoy shooting all of them, but if the zombie apocalypse ever happens I’m reaching for my trusty Zastava!

  32. Listen to yourselves,
    The stupid part is while this rifle is/was cheap, so were sks, so were AK clone/family rifles, so were M1 Garands, so were M1 Carbines, So were CETMEs,so were _____ and ………. How about all those $70 Enfields? Touched one for under $300 that wasn’t a beaten to sh*t trashed out rifle lately? I don’t mean because of panic market buying prices. Care to sell yous for $100.00 USA dollars that would be over a 40% return rate?

    Quit destroying quality firearms just because they are cheap and plentiful. How many great historical rifles and hand guns that would cost a thousand plus could be on the market today, if they weren’t viewed as cheap out dated junk by the big bad shooters of their day?

    TL;DR =Part of the problem is in the mirror for most people.

    When the source dries up for the rifles and the price shoots up to several hundred dollars or climbs up even more to a thousand plus ( hint you’re seeing the old Mosin Nagant 79.99 rifle selling for $130+ and that is almost double in price in how many few short years?) like the old grease guns and other surplus guns…The good days don’t last and we should be restoring gunsmith specials, take a long production rigger 10/22 if you want a rifle to modify, or build something without destroying parts from guns that could be made whole again. WW2 was a long time ago and everything from it and the models carried up through the 1960’s by the 1st world countries are now cycling out of 3rd world countries. Seen how many are getting destroyed in mass piles?

    That means in the last century learned from veteran shooters, who care about firearms and the sport, not just making a buck on F**king over the ignorant newbie(although the wish the bought a bunch to flip and are probably doing that now), was a sad fact.
    That most firearms that were all cheap by the barrel, all day, everyday, no limit, buy as many as you want….. until they ran out. While you laugh and “customize them because “you aren’t out much if you screw up”. You steal from future generations. Future shooters, perhaps your own kids or grandkids. Who will look back and wonder why the hell you were such self entitled A**holes destroying such expensive pieces of history. Crying about all the great firearms lost because no one cared because the brainics of the day used the flawed logic “the supply seemed endless and they were cheap ” .

    Name me one older firearm that has been through the marketplace and isn’t available as readily now surplus rifle, that is still cheap. Let’s look at your short attention span focus ability with just a few years old & on the market, the Mosin Nagant pistols that were a $90 (advertised not discounted C&R or FFL bulk rates pricing) and now are $300.00 and climbing. If you can find one, no one will sell you one at just double their money for $160.00 which is a hell of investment return, sadly most sit in sock drawers and in safes not being shot . How much trashed was talked about them and how many destroyed in “I wanna be a gunsmith” but don’t know hoe to make my open parts without destroying history and piece of war that is a reflection of the men and women who went through hell on scale we haven’t seen since. While every death is tragedy and destroys worlds, we aren’t bring up thousands ever boat/plain load from war.

    So in dealing with the distinguished gun owners community, they have an automatic low opinion until the price climes up high on any affordable firearm. That the “working mans affordable” firearms are being destroyed bought by people with many motivations than helping people to shot or building a collection of the various types. Low income people, you know the one you bash regularily, falsely claim living like millionaires on you piss ant tax withholding…. Which most live in a ghetto and need a gun for protection from robbery unlike most in the sport & hobby. They have the right to shoot and enjoy guns and you/we need their votes, cut them out of the sport and watch them not care what happens to all the rich snobs, preview, look at the NFA laws and no one that isn’t into NFA really cares because its Rich man’s game and they’ll never own one to own and shoot. If you want an expensive high performance rifle buy one if you want a rifle that is affordable and can be used to feed a family than do so but quit destroying history. Enough surviving examples isn’t an excuse or look at the NFA market and how many are lost from ownership…..

    Everyone looks down and forgets there are people that this is the best rifle they can collect. The rifle is a very good rifle and in time will become very desirable. Listen to the old timers who kick themselves for chopping up the cheap guns…

  33. 2 tommy guns for 88 AR’s. Sounds fair. Turn in 2 real guns for a bunch of poodle shooters that need intensive care and cleaning.

  34. I was about to discount this as bogus when I assumed this was State Dept or DOJ info.

    But its ok now I see that its coming from the UN. Totally trustworthy…

  35. Well researched piece Jim – The tally of sixteen dead seems way too low, even so LJ’s killing of the dude who entered singing, whose traveling show was a disguised brothel, was nuthin’ short of murder!

    The Rifleman starring Chuck Connors in the title role, had bloodshed on a similarly massive scale!

    About then and around the time of Perry Mason, whose private detective sidekick murdered a witness in cold blood in one of the last episodes, I realized television violence was way too close to the bone!

    Cinema violence no less – A movie had crows and murder as a theme, with a female lead whose name escapes me who always reminds of Angie Dickenson.

    A high profile celebrity detective “from the coast” played by a studio actor, was assigned the case, he appeared to have been murdered on screen..

    He was sitting in a car negotiating the arrest of a suspect according to the script, when someone shot him in the middle of the forehead!

    Cheers, MT Brisbane Australia 🙂

  36. Diamondback db9, 16 oz fully loaded with 7 rounds of critical defense ammo. Its the glock that glock did not make. Carry it 24/7 front pocket in a desantis holster and a spare mag , it cant be beat !

  37. No knock warrants should be illegal,but they never will be.As a result everyone is at risk ,because as previous cases have shown LE raid the wrong house,or an informant might name you to protect themselves.Maybe you are a neighbor and your name pops in their head.What do they care that you are innocent.

    The adrenaline is surging.Holding back the wave of LE to confirm their identity is to LE just a ploy to delay entry.Remember they are there to arrest you.

  38. The senator said she was trying to stop school violence and crimes like carjacking.

    LOL! How in the hell would reporting to school officials that you have a gun would prevent carjacking!! OMG! that is funny.

    Here is my theory, just as many PD have to fill a quota on tickets (despite what they say, there is evidence that some do ) — I assume in order to keep your DNC membership card democrats have to try and get a certain number of stupid bills out so as to get media attention.

  39. FWIW, in the original video you can hear some of the cops yelling “CROSS FIRE! CROSS FIRE!” around the same time they start shooting at each other.

  40. the Supremes have already ruled you cannot be forced to incriminate yourself, so that eliminates all unlawfully owned guns from being reported.

    Now they should make this a key amendment to the educational funding bill this year. when it gets voted down because of this amendment , perhaps the educational establishment would go back to their primary purpose, bankrupting the taxpayers!

  41. One star? That may be the worst review I’ve seen on this site, and it sounds like it was well earned.

    I do have a bonehead question, and am willing to accept any hate I’m about to earn: what makes it specifically for 300 BLK? The range indicators correlate to drop?

    And, if that’s the case, wouldn’t changing the magnification throw them off?


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