Crime scene (

A reader writes:

“Last week one of my co-workers (and friend) said we should get lunch sometime to discuss something that he knew I would be interested in, but didn’t want to discuss around the office (cube farm, no privacy). So we had lunch last Friday and he told me about what happened to him earlier this month. He was involved in a defensive gun use where he shot and killed his attacker. I was shocked . . .

“I don’t think he missed a day of work, but it explained why he’d been more quiet lately. He gave me the full story. He’s still pretty shaken up by the whole ordeal and has had a hard time dealing with his own actions, nightmares, etc. I know for now my friend does not wish to be identified (particularly until all the legal bits are 100% finalized), but this is definitely a positive example defensive gun use. I’m hoping I can convince him to share his story more with other carry permit holders to help us all think about what happens after you have to use your permit.”

The reader provided us with a link to a news story authenticating the DGU. We’ve withheld it to protect his colleague’s identity at the reader’s request. So . . . do you know anyone who’s shot a bad guy?


  1. Not that I am aware of. Though I know a few people who have pulled weapons on bad guys.

  2. How about getting shot and going all action movie on the bad guys? I had an uncle who was robbed while closing his bar. He was shot with a shotgun (“It was just birdshot!” he said!) He responded by chasing them on foot. They jumped in an idling car and sped off, so he jumped into his, gave chase, and drove them into a telephone pole. He held them at gunpoint until authorities arrived. He was a veteran of WWII (hand-to-hand in the Pacific), a former cop, and professional wrestler. We still have a newspaper clipping about that little legendary adventure, complete with a grainy shot of him posing with the wrecked car! Not a DGU, and not recommended, but still worthy of a PHD in Badassery.

  3. Yes. Old man who taught me how to shoot. Nice south Florida day at the stop light in the early 90s. Two men walk up to his truck, one at each window. Guy in the driver’s window points to the passenger window and the dude with a gun. Demands my buddy’s wallet. The gunman was the lookout and missed the draw. Took a Federal Hydrashok .357 mag to the chest. My friend claimed that it was the first known DGU with that load. IDK if it was true or not and don’t care. I assume it was because I asked him if he ever had, he never volunteered the info.

  4. No, I don’t know anyone that’s ever been involved in a DGU. Statistically speaking, it’s pretty rare, just as being a victim of a violent crime is pretty rare…until it happens. That’s certainly not to say it can’t happen, just be realistic about it. I don’t carry a sidearm because I’m personally afraid of being threatened with deadly force; I carry a sidearm BECAUSE I might be threatened with deadly force. There is a subtle, but very real difference there. All this is lost on the haters simply because….they ARE afraid! Ironic, isn’t it. As to the aftermath of a DGU, I for one certainly do not have any illusions about it. By all accounts it’s nothing anyone in their right mind would want to have to deal with. BUT I think that it’s also important to realize that it’s more than reasonably possible to experience a DGU and be relatively unaffected. I remember reading about Col. Applegate having a run-in with somebody. After administering a wicked beatdown with his walking stick, he kept walking. Why? Well, righteousness for one thing. A man who was raised like he was probably didn’t much feel sorry for his assailant and figured he asked for what he got. Yet (and again in a twist of irony) somebody anti-gun like Carl Rowan, used a gun because (you guessed it) he was afraid. See what I did there? Fear is a funny thing. In the right proportions it makes you take reasonable precautions and encourages prudent behavior, in the wrong proportions it makes you do all sorts of things like deny reality, fail to take precautions, behave recklessly, and wants to have somebody else provide a sense of safety and security instead of doing it yourself. I personally think that most gun owners (Fudd or otherwise) have their sense of fear and respect in the right proportions, say 95% respect and 5% fear. Take away that 5% of fear (teenagers instantly come to mind) and it’s often replaced with recklessness. Add 90% fear to that original 5% and you have a typical anti-gun statist. Examples will occur to you.


  5. Military lots of course…. Police 2 that I know of for sure. neither killed the bad guy in question but this was back in the 50s early 60s when the cops had a 6 shot 38 special at best and there was a tendency to shoot to wound rather than kill in police training.
    Action by a non law officer or non military no I have not there may have been some of course but it is not the sort of thing you chat about unless with very good friends.

    And thanks be to God I have never been put into that situation myself and I pray I never will be.

  6. Three of the cops I work with have. All. were single shot fatal shootings. One involved a mental subject with a butcher knife. The other was a drugged up guy with a tec9. The last one, the deputy ended up on hood of of a wanted guy’s car as he accelerated. He shot the wanted dude in the chest through the windshield.

    • I know I shouldn’t be making jokes and stuff but why do I think of that scene in the beginnning of Gran Torino?

  7. A firearms instructor I had, mentioned he shot and killed a carjacker years ago. It added some credibility to his teaching on situational awareness.

  8. I know five, but they’re all cops. Two were involved in the same shooting. One of the guys, an old-school cop whose quickly becoming a dinosaur, once shot at guy at Denny’s, and then rushed in to treat the victim. He’s an EMT as well. Bizarre. Dude lived.

  9. yeah i know a guy who did it not in america but in the Philippines some pirates tried to kidnap his sister to sell into slavery he says he killed one with a 30-06 hunting rifle after that he moved to america.

  10. No, but I know a family friend who was recently shot by two thugs during a holdup of his store. Although he was in the process of giving up the money, the robbers panicked and shot him point-blank in the head.

    Luckily, the fools didn’t know how to shoot a pistol properly and the bullet ended up ricocheting off of his skull and resulted in no long-term damage. Definitely should have been a DGU.

    The victim wasn’t pro-guns before this incident and I don’t think that attitude has changed since. I’ll never understand it…

    • As a victim of a violent crime with a gun, it can be hard to justify guns and/or carrying a gun- if you were completely surprised or ambushed. There is a sense of, “If I had a gun, it would not have done me any good, or would have made the situation worse.” It took me years after being carjacked to seriously consider carrying a gun. I took several self defense classes, studied 3 types of martial arts, and have had a knife on me since I got home after the incident. However, it wasn’t until very recently that I have been serious about CCW.

      The thug was caught, charged, tried, convicted, incarcerated, and will be getting out in 16 more months. He will have done 14 years. He was 17 when he put a .45 1911 to my wife’s head and told us to give him our car keys, jewelry, watches, money, and clothes. We convinced him to allow us to keep our clothes, but he got everything else. Given the circumstances, there was no way I could have effectively used a gun; and if I had a gun on me, who knows what would have happened.

      He was caught the next day, held for 24hrs, and released. We positively ID’d him the following day in a photo line-up and spent the next 2 months calling the head of the robbery devision every day to convince him to arrest the thug. They finally did and I went to every court appearance he had and testified each time. At sentencing the judge asked me what I would like the court to do, and I asked for the maximum prison term. He got 15 years medium security. At 17 years old, this was his 5th conviction, but his first with a firearm and first where the victim testified. At the parole hearing, I testified again and we agreed to 1 year parole, that way he will be supervised for a full year as opposed to being completely free and off the radar.

      From this I learned 2 very important things.
      1. Situational Awareness. Nothing is more important! Not your weapon choice, level of training, caliber, physical condition, etc. Keep your head on a swivel, and avoid stupid people, places, and things.
      2. Testify! The prosecutor, the judge, and the parole board all told me that sentencing is based on severity of the crime, but also the victim(s) interest in justice. If no victims or witnesses testify, or show up the the legal proceedings, it shows that no one cares about the crimes committed. Why should a criminal serve any time if no one cares about what he did?

      So why am I now pro-gun and a soon to be CCW after years of thinking that a gun would not save me & mine, or prevent the situation in the first place? Because I will never again be a victim. After the carjacking I lost everything. I was unable to perform my job (sales, with LOTS of driving – getting in & out of the car) and was let go. My wife divorced me. I went bankrupt. I had to move back in with my parents and start over. Things are great now. I’m remarried, have a very successful career in the medical field, am a father of 2 young children, and am happy with my life. I will not ever let anyone take any of that away from me. I will not ever again be helpless at the hands of someone intending to bring harm to me or mine. Deciding to arm myself with a gun is not something I take lightly. It is not about vengeance. It is not about feeling tough or badass. It is not about feeling secure. It is not being paranoid. Having lived through the experience of not having a means of exercising my right to self defense has taught me how truly important that right is.

      • Thank you Mosinfan. We dont hear these kinds of stories from victims often enough in the press, as it doesnt fit the narrative. Just like we dont hear about the body count in Chicago, but we heard plenty abiut Obamas son.

      • very insightful. glad to hear that life’s journey has taken you on a more pleasant path. thanks for sharing.

  11. Well, surprisingly, yes. My buddy owns a 12 gauge shotgun and keeps it in a safe. One day, two junkies broke into his house. He got the shotgun out in time and hit one of the bastards flat in the chest with 000 buckshot and the other turned a corner unawares and got his face battered in by the buttstock. He lived, but the other guy died almost instantaneously. A big hole in your body does that to you.
    Shockingly, he wasn’t prosecuted for it and trust me they tried.

    • I’m not sure I can see why on the face of things he should have been prosecuted to begin with either…..oh wait, you’re not actually from Scotland by chance, are you?


        • Oh, I get it now- no, I am pro gun. I said ‘shockingly’ because I would expect him to be tried and imprisoned for murder considering the British judicial system.

        • That was my thought as well. I know there are a couple folks from the UK that post here, but don’t remember their names. No offense was intended. Indeed it disappoints me on a personal level that gun ownership in Scotland is so low (among the lowest in the UK, I understand), as my ancestors were from a Lowland clan on the Borders that were well known for fighting the English, among others.


  12. Several police officers I used to work with when I was city prosecutor. One had justifiably killed twice. In both cases the perps went for his gun. Both were much bigger than him. The second one smashed him in the temple with his own radio, but he won just before backup arrived.
    Another stopped a guy who’d committed a robbery in a town 35 miles away. No BOLO had gone out so the officer was unaware he faced a desperate felon. The perp jumped out and hit the cop in the chest with a .44 magnum round, but his vest stopped it. Two ribs broken, lying on his back at the bottom of the berm where he’d rolled, the cop pulled his .357 and center-punched the perp twice.
    As is common, I got neither of these stories from the cops themselves, others told me about them. Both remained on the force as quiet, friendly professionals thereafter, always making good arrests and never a citizen complaint against them until they honorably retired.

  13. My buddy got mistaken for an ex-biker gang member while he and his father were cruising on their bikes. They stopped at a rest stop, two guys on bikes pulled up and drew their guns. His father (a retired leo) was carrying and luckily got the first shots off. No doubt saving his son’s life…

  14. Cousin in the military-yes he has.

    One elderly friend of mine pulled a gun when a teen with a knife tried to carjack him at a stoplight a block from the house I was renting. He didn’t have to fire, fortunately, as the sight of a gun put the fear of God into the kid. This was in a decent neighborhood, and just two blocks from the city police station. You just can’t predict when and where…

  15. Yes. All of them are cops and soldiers. I know a citizen who used a defensive display of her pistol to convince the bad guys to go away.

  16. My father-in-law was drunk and murdered a “bad guy”, lol. Does that count?

  17. Should have.

    Chased a guy that stole a purse from a bartender. After a block or so, he stopped and turned and came up with a knife.

    Adrenaline and youth (and a lack of intelligence) drove me into him, and we ended up on the ground, me choking him and him flailing around trying to stab me. I choked him until he stopped struggling, and when I got up I assumed he was dead.

    He wasn’t, and isn’t. But we both learned lessons that day. Mine is on my belt 18 hrs a day (where allowed), and he learned that it really isn’t that big a deal to try to kill someone if you fail.

      • Well…

        When I was 4 years old, a guy snuck up on my mom (she’s Deaf), punched her in the mouth and ran off with her purse. With that experience in mind, it’s easy to say yes, it was worth it. But I also have 2 kids, 5 and 4. Coming home to them means everything.

        And as long as we all decide not to get involved, be interested, or chase people that steal purses (or cars that flee), then they are free to punch my wife/your wife/our mom in the face and steal her purse.

        I was written up for a meritorious commendation by a police supervisor, and it was awarded to me. But then it got lost… and no one told me. My fishing buddy got promoted and found it in a box in a closet at the local PD. Strangely, now it sits in a box in a closet. Full circle, I guess.

  18. Not me but my fathers uncle did. Don’t know whether that counts, it was during the war. It was close quarters though (with a Mauser to boot).

  19. I know a guy who’s drawn twice, but hasn’t had to shoot.

    One was a burglar (after hearing the story, I stopped renting ground-floor apartments), the other was an incident where he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and an altercation that began down the street headed his way.

  20. As a union employee, it’s not huge topic here at my job. There are not many gun owners in my building. There are currently three CCW holders, myself, and two others. The former manager here told me a story once in which he was being tailgated down a road and pulled over to let the guy pass. Guy stops in front of him, gets out and starts moving towards this managers vehicle, screaming threats and obscenities. Manager draws him firearm, tells the guy to get back in his vehicle. Bad guy stops, falls on his backside, and crab crawls back to his vehicle and drives off.

  21. Been shot at by a guy trying to steal my car when it was parked at the curb. I had my own gun in hand, but I didn’t return fire. I was behind hard cover, and my neighbors houses were directly behind him. I was pretty safe and it just didn’t make sense to risk sending rounds into my neighbor’s homes.

        • I’m not knocking him, man, and I’m not saying that I’d do any better. I’m trying to help and say that he needs training.

        • My mistake then, good to know that you weren’t mocking him — the way your reply was written could easily be read in a negative tone… and there’s a lot of sarcasm thrown around in the comments usually (not to mention jerks).

          But… agreed, hands-on training and repetition are an efficient way to overcome or at least lessen the chance of freezing when it matters most.

  22. My father’s cousin Jorge, “Uncle Jorge” to me, shot Shining Path marxist terrorists trying to take over his farm.

    They came to his farm house, threatened him and told him to leave within an hour, at which point they would return. Uncle Jorge, told him he would – but he harbored no intentions to. In the interim, he set up and readied various rifles from his collection at each and every single window in his farm home, and when he saw they were coming back, he gave ’em hell firing non-stop until they scurried.

    After he was convinced they were completely gone, he went to the path in the woods that they took to get to his home. Carefully, he inspected it and saw their blood on the trail … their red commie blood.

    They never came back and he peacefully kept his farm for quite some time … until marxists started infesting political positions and forced him to redistribute his land.

  23. My father and brother-in-law as PD both on and off duty and if military service counts, me too. Not something you are ever happy about.

      • Tethered toy poodles can have really, really big sharp, pointy teeth and their bite is bigger than their yip. Besides, it’s just a ‘civilians’ dog.
        Now a Police Dog – There’s an Officer.

  24. Yes. We were in California and one guy was left at the shop. Odd things began happening. First, someone shot out the streetlight on the back street. Then someone collapsed the fence at the back lot. Figuring something was about to happen, he spent the next nights at the shop. Sure enough, someone cut the electricity, killing the alarm system. Next thing he knew he was being rushed by two dark figures. Fortunately, he was armed with a 9mm Baretta. At about 6ft, much too close, he shot and killed the guy holding the 4ft section of rebar while the other guy ran off. This was before the castle law and so, despite the obvious circumstances, there was long and costly investigation. Although the DA tried, ultimately he wasn’t charged with a crime.

  25. Most of my mothers bothers _were_ bad guys. And they shot and they killed. Not proud, just saying.

  26. No. I know four people who’ve brandished and made the problem go away. One of them (NYC resident with a rare CCW permit) on more than a dozen occasions.

  27. Unfortunately my Father has killed many people with a gun being a Green Beret in Vietnam. He would set up daily ambushes with tribes of montagnards and take out any VC or NVA that they came across.

    He would always remind me at a very young age that people don’t die with their eyes closed. That and pick up an AK as soon as you can because they will never let you down as well as “You want to see them before they see you”.

  28. Yes. A guy I was in grad school with. Intruder in his house; shotgun, DOA. As a side note, the guy regularly hunts ducks with Ted Nugent.

  29. A few of us were chasing one wily fellow. He was good, knowing when to hold and when to run. We finally flushed him out and each of us got a shot or two off, but none connected. What he didn’t know was that Old Don, our crack shot, was waiting at the end of the row. One shot was all it took. In his rush to get away from us, that bad boy flew right into the path of Don’s shot.

    That wily old rooster wasn’t good eating, but we had a great hunt!

  30. I’ve not been in a DGU nor do I know anyone hat has, but I have been unfortunate enough to be present at two suicides when guns were used.

  31. Don’t know if this counts… My grandfather tried to shoot an intruder late one night but the rifle jammed so he flipped it around and used it like a baseball bat. As Grandpa always told the story he “knocked the a**hole right into the middle of next week.”

    I have the rifle now, never figured out what Grandpa meant by ‘jammed’ but there *is* a rather pronounced crack in the buttstock so he had to have swung it pretty hard.

  32. No, and I’m sorry that this person had to because of everything he has to deal with both internally and externally but I’m glad that he is safe.

  33. I shot a guy as a cop in 2010 that had taken a hostage and killed him. My first was in 2006 as a cop, but so many guys were shooting we do not know who hit him and I was later shot in Afghanistan in 2012. It was only a matter of time that I got hit.

  34. In the service, absolutely, yes. In my civilian life, only my uncle, who was a cop. I wasn’t terribly close with him, and I never got all of the details, but from what I gathered, he shot a bank robber who turned a corner with a gun in his hand. He was met with a .357 round to the chest and was DRT.

  35. Counting military, my godfather/uncle was special forces in Vietnam. We are never sure which of his stories were true (other than that he was in the Marines Recon, and a few particular stories corroborated by those that served with him), as he was a fisherman first. and foremost, and Irish too…maybe blarney. But he certainly killed a fair number (he did tunnel rat duty for a while- which actually is more hairy than some of the stories he made up!). He also is the only one in my family I knew to have been shot…nearly died from infection.

    My great-aunt never shot anyone (that I know about) but at 87 yrs old still had hers and her late husband’s service guns loaded and ready (both were USMC in WWII) and pointed one of them through window on her side door at the face of a would be burglar who was trying to get in…he ran away.

  36. Yes, I was under the age of 18. At home with a disabled mother. Three people broke into the house. I shot two of them. The third got away and was caught later that night.

    It was the wrong house to break into. Father was former 160th Sergeant Major and a gun dealer, he was not in the country when it happened. And he trained me since I was very young.

  37. Yup. Coworker put three rounds from her .357 through a druggie ex-boyfriends’ chest. There was a restraining order that, strangely enough, didn’t stop him from kicking her front door and bedroom door open. Three hollow points did though.

  38. Rock salted one, bird shot in anothers backside, let them explain that one (they were trying to break into the lower basement), and some smart alec like me just couldnt resist shooting them in the butt!

  39. I spent about 3 years doing armed security back in the mid 80s. Mostly low rent supermarkets, ghetto fast food joints, neighborhoods that had a lot of trouble. A few of my coworkers were in DGUs. One got thrown to the ground by a trespasser who then went for a shotgun in his car. Another was nearly ambushed by a guy that walked up to his car gun in hand. Another chased a shoplifter out of a market and narrowly missed receiving an ambush head shot as he rounded the corner. I had a few occasions where I was squeezing the trigger when the BGs opted to comply. Have taken a few firearms off suspects as well as different types of blades, also have walked up on a few people brandishing firearms (and fake firearms) at other people. Once I was on the far side of a McDs when a guy was murdered while standing on the corner. My partner held a suspect at gunpoint while I did first aid (I’m a Medic too) but he was fatal. In my years as a Medic I’ve met lots of DGU/DKU/D(you name it)U participants, mostly victims.

  40. Yeah, I knew 2 guys, one was a cop in the battle hardened war zone of Chicago, and the other guy was in Viet Nam. Both were great guys, and sadly both have peacefully gone on to their great reward.

  41. I started dating a female in 1997 who had a stalker. I had met her on a Friday at a local bar and we hit it off pretty fast. Her ex boyfriend who happened to be the father of her child, had been calling leaving messages on the answering machine that he was going to kill the babies one by one in front of her and then slowly rape her while stabbing her to death then he would kill himself. He would constantly leave clues of his peeking into her windows at night by leaving cigarette butts outside the windows and footprints as well. She had intentions of leaving him but each time she did he would find her and threaten her with death or the like and he just would not take “NO” for an answer. He beat her mercilessly.

    She had explained to me that she kept coming back to him because of fear. She said the Police couldn’t protect her and her children at all and it was just simpler to remain a victim and know where the next attack would come from and not be in more fear by having to watch her back if she were by herself. She then stated that the last violent episode had gone too far. He had threatened one of her children and she finally got a restraining order to keep him at bay.

    This many years later I can now see how my being a cop played into her sense of feeling secure. I had the weapons she couldn’t afford to buy and the training to teach her how to use them and she also NOW had a 24 hour “body guard” so to speak.

    Thinking about this incident almost 18 years later I can’t remember if I was still a deputy at this time or if it was after this that I resigned my commission. At any rate, it was around this time I resigned my commission to reside permanently in Oklahoma.

    I remember thinking to myself that I should basically run fleeing away from this relationship and to never look back but if I had done so I believe this man would have eventually killed Terri and the kids.

    As I mentioned previously I was a LEO in Louisiana, or had been, and was visiting my hometown on extensive leave to take care of my ailing mother. My intention was always to return to Louisiana and continue my career after whatever was to happen with my mother. After this incident I decided to stay with Terri to help her through the trauma of what had occurred. I will let you know that the trauma became too much for the both of us and we separated four months later.

    Resuming where I left off before, I had just the Friday before started dating Terri and had spent the entire weekend at her apartment. As she had told me that for several months she had been harassed and stalked by the father of her son and that she had just the week prior retained a restraining order on Tony in the hopes that he would stop,

    I advised her to let me train her on how to defend herself with a firearm. After hearing several recordings of Tony leaving very detailed and threatening messages on her answering machine it dawned on me that this man had slipped a cog or two and that his cheese had done slid off his cracker. I went to my house and brought several backup weapons over to familiarize her with them. We were to go to the range the next morning to teach her how to shoot. That is why most of my weapons were loaded with hardball ammo. On hindsight I now keep defensive ammo loaded at ALL times until reaching the range.

    I’ve had many years to think about this entire thought process and the many warnings that sounded inside my head about keeping my distance and to stop and desist with any and all feelings of wanting to be this woman’s hero but in retrospect hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. Besides I was young and dumb and every woman needs a hero right? So for whatever reason I stayed put. All the while knowing there was going to be a train wreck at the end. I stayed the course and only after many months of trying to get Terri to seek help that she blatantly would not do, I derailed and split the relationship.

    The next morning was Monday I believe, I was going over to my moms house to check on her because she was ill but when I opened the front door to the house I was confronted by a note stuck to the tree with a Bowie knife just in front of the door. It simply stated,


    I immediately went to condition orange. Looking everywhere around the house and outside in the bushes and stopped at the edge of the property feeling a sense of being watched. I was armed but it did little to ease my mind as there was a forest just at the edge of the property. I went inside and woke her. I quickly explained the note and told her to contact the Police Department.

    As stated she already had a protective order against him but it was just a piece of paper. It wouldn’t do any good to stand behind a sheet of paper and wave it in the face of a charging bull.

    She called the police and was told that it was change of shift and could they please call her back to which she agreed as it wasn’t exactly an emergency was it? She wasn’t at that moment facing an imminent threat was she?

    Terri then explained to me that I needed to go see to my mother as she was very ill and needed me to be there more than I was needed there with her. She explained that while her ex was very disturbed she could take care of herself. I remember thinking, “Man this is a bad idea I can’t leave her at a time like this” but I had promised my mom I would be there. I left her with the knowledge that there were handguns in the closet and all she had to do was grab any of them and start pulling the trigger as none of them had an external safety. She then stated, “I will shoot in the air to scare him off.” I gave her a look of disbelief and horror and told her, “Understand that if he kicks open that front door he has violated the safety of your children and yourself. This is your dwelling, your home, your sanctuary and your private domain. If he kicks open that door or gains entry any other way, SHOOT TO STOP THE THREAT. And if that is to happen when the police get here you only need to say, I shot to stop the threat. Do not say anything else and plead the 5th until you have talked to a lawyer.”

    You may think that a police officer wouldn’t tell someone something like this but being a cop in Louisiana and knowing to what lengths some officers go to get a confession has given me quite a bit of insight on these issues. This incident happened in Oklahoma so it’s not like I had any influence on anything that might happen as a result of a death that might or might not occur. I was visiting my mom when all this happened and on vacation from my department in Louisiana. Anytime a death occurs, SHUT YOUR MOUTH and GET A LAWYER. A police officer is NOT your friend. Trust me on this. A simple meaningless “white lie” to you might be all that’s needed to send you to prison for eternity. A police officer will try to find ANY inconsistency to prosecute you and if you’re mind is so rattled after an occurrence such as this, (Which is SURE to be the case) that you forget any detail or tell something out of sequence, YOURE SCREWED.

    So what happened?
    After I left and feeling as if I was being watched the whole time, he made his move. Terri had just received her callback from the PD and the dispatcher was asking questions when the door started being kicked in.

    The whole entire event was recorded and I got to hear it afterward because the detective let me listen to it. I suppose he did so knowing I was in Law Enforcement. To this day I really don’t know why he let me hear it. Please don’t quote me verbatim but the recording went something like this:

    Dispatcher: “we are returning your call from earlier can you now elaborate on what’s going on?”

    Terri: “Yes, I have a P.O. Against my ex and he’s been stalking me and leaving me feeling very scared. OH MY GOD, HE’S HERE AT MY DOOR.”
    Dispatcher: “Ma’am did you say he’s at your door?”
    Dispatcher: “Ma’am did you just advise you have children with you and that you are armed?”
    *****Disturbance in background the entire time of this recording. Sounds of door being kicked in and of Tony yelling*****

    Dispatcher: “Ma’am I don’t advise arming yourself I have a unit enroute you just need to remain calm okay. Just let the police handle this. Please don’t get a gun.”
    About this time in the recording Tony gains entry and you hear one gunshot and a pause. Then four more in quick succession.

    The first shot went through his right hand which had been holding a knife and grazed the right rib cage and went out into the front yard.
    In the attached news paper article it says he was shot four times, he was actually shot five times.

    At this point in time a decision was made. If it had been made by a sane intelligent person it would have consisted of running at high speed AWAY from the danger and ending further confrontation. However, being hopped up on meth and spending many sleepless nights doing the same, a smart decision was avoided entirely and Tony decided to dive INTO the living room and pick up the coffee table, covering his upper and lower body with it. He was still screaming expletives the entire time while running toward Terri thinking 9mm ball ammo stops at a coffee table.

    ***Not only does ball ammo not stop at a coffee table it also does not stop at the body holding said coffee table and the television behind said body. One round went entirely through and into the wall behind the television.***

    Four more shots rang out. The shots that connected were later witnessed by myself shortly after I arrived on scene. Turns out that training at a firing range was not required. Terri had put the four rounds directly into his heart into a group I could have covered with a quarter.

    The dispatcher after hearing shots fired sounded like she lost her mind. She went from calm cool and collected while telling Terri to become a victim by not arming herself to this babbling blubbering fool the next. Yelling, “SHOTS FIRED, SHOTS FIRED, I NEED ALL AVAILABLE UNITS………..blah….blah……blah

    I had left and got the feeling that I desperately needed to get back where I started and hauled my ass back in time to see the ambulance and several police cruisers and crime scene tape all over the place.

    In summation. This was a justifiable homicide. After all facts were collected and everything came to the conclusion of that very fact, I was approached by the lead detective who told me that he wanted to arrest Terri from the very beginning but the evidence wouldn’t allow him to do it. I asked him what stopped him from the arrest and he simply told me that the restraining order was THE ONLY REASON.
    Really? Are you kidding me? Even WITHOUT the restraining order this was an open and shut case of self defense and this a**hole would have arrested her for simply having no restraining order?

    I always tell my friends about how they confiscated my weapon and held onto it four months after the shooting was a ruled justifiable homicide. I also tell them about the officer that had taken it from the scene had not returned my calls and would not speak to me about my firearm. Yes it was the cheapest one I owned with it being a Ruger P-95 9mm but it was mine and I wanted it back.
    I finally cornered the officer at the local police department and he had no other choice but to give it back to me. I remember following him down to the squad room and past an evidence safe and straight to HIS wall locker. He opened the locker and reached up and retrieved my firearm and dropped the magazine out of it and commenced to take HIS personal self defense rounds out of it and handed it to me. I quickly examined my weapon and found that he had engraved, YES I SAID ENGRAVED, permanently the case number and HIS initials down both sides of my slide.
    I was NOT happy to say the least. This weapon had been newly purchased by myself prior to coming to Oklahoma and still had the packing grease inside the slide and he decided to permanently engrave his initials and the case number on it?
    Which is why I ALSO tell people, If by chance you do get involved in a situation where you have to defend yourself or a loved one, know that your weapon WILL be taken into evidence and you will not have it for awhile.
    Not every Police Officer will try to keep your weapon as their own but I guess I’m just unlucky like that.
    This Police Officer is no longer employed by anybody in our area. I don’t know if it was because of this incident or a combination of others as well but he was no longer employed by them shortly after this incident.

    I realize this was a very lengthy tale but I assure you it’s all true. Check out the link I posted below. Thanks for reading and I know there are some who will pick through this but I’m a good guy and will answer questions when they arise.

    Thanks again

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