This is not my question. It’s a query posed by the headline from an article at After a more-or-less factual recitation of the Dunn “loud music case,” author Roger Simon concludes with a question about race, and guns.
“Strolla, Dunn’s lawyer, said the trial was not about race but about a ‘subculture thug issue.’ But who are the real thugs? The unarmed black kids who play loud music or walk to stores to buy Skittles? Or the white guys who are armed to the teeth and quick on the trigger?”
I don’t think Mr. Simon’s framed the question correctly. What about armed gang bangers who play loud music or white guys armed to the teeth who are not “quick on the trigger”? I’d ask it this way: who are the most dangerous thugs in our society, and why shouldn’t honest, law-abiding citizens be armed against them? Your thoughts?
They live in Washington DC, NYC and Sacramento.
Well, consider that one of the major media outlets referred to a skier who’s 23, married with a kid and the family regularly attends church as “having an alternate lifestyle”. Decent people have become the abhorrence
“who are the most dangerous thugs in our society, and why shouldn’t honest, law-abiding citizens be armed against them? Your thoughts?”
Police,Lawyers and Judges that refuse to nullify Laws that infringe on the peoples rights….. it’s Obvious that trying to reign in the politicians is pointless.
“But who are the real thugs? The unarmed black kids who play loud music or walk to stores to buy Skittles? Or the white guys who are armed to the teeth and quick on the trigger?”
2/10. Race bait harder.
Yeah, still playing off the tired ignorance fueled false narrative of trayvon. What a joke. Sigh…
Well Jimbo, I have less than zero respect for you if you really spent that much time on the job and still would regurgitate all that lame and tired old BS rumors and lies. If you left the job with that much hate and venom for your fellow officers you must have either been a f–k up with a badge, worked for a really $#itty half @$$ed agency, or are one of those arrogant egotistical know it all jerks who is a legend in his own mind and gets some type of weird gratification by feigning superiority.
I also recently retired as a Sgt from one of the largest and most respected state agencies in the U.S. During my 33 year career I spent 24 as an active firearms instructor and took part in training well over a thousand shooters ranging from recruits to advanced skills.
The number of ND’s I personally witnessed was certainly less than one percent and all that occurred on the firing line were recruits. A total of two were by veteran officers and those took place in the parking lot at the range, the number on the firing line during hundreds of qualifications I conducted for my agency or many small local agencies was zero. The same goes for green bullets and rusty duty weapons, only a tiny fraction of well over a thousand weapons I have observed or inspected over the years.
The reality is that the number of ND’s by law enforcement officers is negligible when you consider time spent on a firing range and the frequent daily handling of weapons, there is no comparison to the much higher rate of ND’s by civilians. During my career, the f–k ups with a badge I encountered were few and far between.
I still believe that SERPA holsters do not cause ND’s and that you are a f–king liar.
Come on jerry, your not trying. Shirley beating up on law abiding citizens will make criminals think twice. Damn the naysayers jerry…or… congrats for pulling your head part way out of your A
Look how those aholes are armed,and I’m sure they went through universal background checks AND obey ‘common sense’ gun reform.
Jesus Christ the amount of terrible information and retarded opinions here are staggering. Unless you have actually used the M16 or M4 in combat, just keep your mouth shut.
If you like your gun, you can keep it*
*If it is on our list of approved weapons
“You can carry a weapon openly if this bill is adopted and I’m offended by that,” said committee chair Sen. Larry Martin (R-Pickens).”
Boo hoo.
It’s not your job to legislate your weak sensibilities, sir. It’s your job to represent your constituents and stand for their rights.
I’m sure Pickens County is proud to have leadership of such strong backbone.
Why it’s quite simple, ol’ boy. Thugs are a bunch of godless dishonourable prigs who murder travelers in British India.
Who are the real thugs
‘Sokay. He has a smaller chance of winning than Gary Coleman.
Ya know, the first thought in my mind when I saw that picture? Those must be excited fans waiting to get an autograph outside the studio where Piers Morgan tapes his show !
This link best describes the widespread problems the M4 suffers.
“If you’re a single issue voter, and you just want someone to give you a full capacity assault rifle magazine…..”
At least he didn’t call them “clips”, but clearly there are firearms that are ugly and, therefore, more likely to take themselves somewhere and kill people in his mind.
Wonder what other things he doesn’t like based on what they look like…….
“I hope this isn’t the best that California voters can get.”
Nope, he’s not. Brown is in fact better.
Kash [and] kari, bought and paid for by the CDIC.
State Senator Larry Miller is a 57 year old guy who’s butt has been planted continuously in the SC State House and Senate Since 1979. Yeah, do that math. The guy’s never had a real job in his life.
Oh, sure, he did attend an institution called Tri-County Technical College for about a cup of coffee in 1975. With those qualifications, why shouldn’t we defer to his interpretation of Constitutional Law?
“but if the Army decides to come in with an M1 tank”
Lure it into the streets. Molotov to the engine. Worked in Stalingrad. Works today. 60 ton roadblock.
Also, from what I’ve heard in A-stan the wheeled tanks the French use were pretty good against the Taliwhackers. Fast, more silent than an MBT like the M1 and just as deadly.
Personally I think the meaning of the 2A is very clear.
You have to consider the time it was written in. In those days the “militia” was made of farmers, smiths, lawyers, etc. Normal townsfolk. They all had firearms at home, for self defense and of course for hunting. In times of need the militia would assemble. The leader would be a person of note in the community or he would be elected by the militia members.
In American history what were such times of need?
Fighting off enemies who’d mean harm to the people. The militia assembled to defend their families, their homes, their property and their own lives. Which is essentially what today’s law abiding firearm owners in the US are doing already.
If the 2A was to be followed properly, then all these firearm owners would have to form militia companies for large scale self defense.
Do we see the cops or the military using 10-round magazines? No? Of course not, because a 30-ROUND MAGAZINE IS STANDARD!! We need fewer spineless, craven politicians catering to the herbal tea crowd. If they want to mandate dinky magazine capacity, then it ought to be 100% tied to the same hobbling of police magazine capacity. No possible excuse.
The same Loretta Weinberg, who was among a coven of female Legislators last Spring…
Fixed it for you. (Though clutch is close).
Coven, referring to a band of witches, I think it is the better choice here.
I can tell ya that the federal LEOSA law specifically does not allow retired police to carry a firearm in such a place against local laws… so I suspect he was talking out his ass.
Ah, the famous slippery slope. The antis will never say how many is too many, even though we know that zero is their ultimate goal.
We already (still) have people here in Colorado that think the 15 round limit that was rammed through the legislature last year is too many.
Field expedient assault vehicle. Now with 50% more stupid!
“Infantry? Check. Paper towels? Maybe next time. Milk?”
Can’t think of a witty thing to write, but if anyone wonders where that photo was taken, then its Poland.
Determined to take full advantage of Blue Moon BOGO, Mr. Harris made suitable allowances for any mace-wielding matrons…
The Governor will NOT fit 45 auto-rim. They were made for the 1917, and lacking the rim recess the auto-rim uses a far thicker rim to compensate for the rim+moonclip of the 45 auto.
The instructions state this many times. The cylinder for it is based not on the 1917, but the 625.
It’s an awesome range-day gun though. Gets looks, but the mild recoil and wide range of ammo work well.
Yeah I’ll just stick with the talons.
What concerns me is how likely it is to have a catastrophic failure. Grooved flexible rounds just cant be good for a longer barreled pistol or varmint carbine.