I understand the logic: if you can’t carry a lot of rounds, load a larger caliber. I schlepped a .45 caliber GLOCK 30 in Massachusetts, a state that bans magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Since then, I’ve been converted to the gospel of LRGA (less recoil, greater accuracy). To the point where I feel now comfortable occasionally pocket carrying a .380 Ruger LCP II. Meanwhile, over at gunsmagazine.com . . .
yeoman gun blogger Dave Workman gets to grips with Smith & Wesson’s $760 Model 360 (above), chambered in a big boy caliber.
Having fired a fair number of Smith J-Frames chambered for the .357 Magnum, experience dictates when the hammer drops and this gun goes “BANG!,” you know immediately you’ve just fired a small, powerful revolver.
If the muzzle blast doesn’t scare the heck out of somebody, the muzzle flash will, especially out of a full-house magnum. It’s impressive even when shooting +P .38 Specials. Touch this gun off at night and it can light up a room or a yard.
Not to mention the fact that follow-up shots can also be a bit problematic.
And yet, if you’re looking for a pistol with plenty o’ stopping power, a gun firing hollow-point .357 cartridges at Mr. Bad Guy is all that and a bag of chips (as the Brits are wont to say). So maybe you won’t need all five rounds.
Bottom line: pocket revolver chambered in .357. Primary? Backup? Yes please or no way José?
I have a bookshelf that has a bunch of stuff (ammo, powder, brass cases, ultrasonic cleaner, cleaning fluids, primers) on top of it. I also keep my boots (when I actually put them up) and a pair of sneakers on the bottom shelf. I keep the brass sorted in things that would have been thrown away like jars and food containers. Some food is really hard to wash out. Peanut butter jars are the perfect size, but peanut butter wants to stay in the jar.
Henry and Henry owners keep telling me I don’t need a side loading gate or a safety. You know what? I still want a side loading gate and a safety. I’m not a fan of flimsy brass tubes. By the way, my Marlin 1895 XLR has both of those features, can put 3 rounds of LeverEvolution into 1.5″ at 100 yards, and looks pretty good in stainless/ laminate.
It doesn’t look as good as this gun, though.
Nope. Too much price for too little gain. If +p or hotter special .38 loads in an airweight doesn’t get it done, you’re not getting it done.
I’d love to have one. But here in commie kalifornia, likely an ASSAULT RIFLE and to dangerous for mere citizens to own. Of course, Law Enforcement is exempt.
The velocity loss from a 1 7/8″ barrel on a .357 is considerable, and so is muzzle blast. The recoil on my 340 PD is considerable. Energy levels on most .357 loads drop to 340 to 380 FPE.
I still carry the gun, and enjoy the quality design, even though a Glock 19 with 9mm +P has more energy, accuracy and firepower.
Revolvers are just cool. The 686 is classic, and the 627 PC is a modern masterpiece. My buddy’s Python is a work of art. Various 2 3/4″ and 3″ .357 revolvers don’t lose massive velocity, and some hold 8 rounds.
^This…love revolvers and the .357 out of the appropriate platform is great. But something like this at best is a backup piece or desk gun…and even then there are much better alternatives.
The Steelers: Alejandro Villanveva who came out and stood for the American Flag while the rest of the teams hid inside the locker room is a true American patriot. Coach Tomlin who said the team comes first before the flag is a jackass.
I am surprised how gun owners don’t give S&W hell over the trigger lock. I guess people have a bad memory.
This nonsense is all inspired by Black Lies Matter, a gang of sociopaths every bit as malignant as the Fraternal Order of Police.
While there certainly is racism in police ranks, there’s a MUCH bigger problem of generalized hatred and contempt for ANYBODY who’s not a cop, regardless of race. The barmaid in Chicago was, to steal a line from Weird Al, “whiter than sour cream”. That didn’t stop a drunken 300lb. coward with a badge from trying to stomp her to death or stop his friends from intimidating the victim, her employers, co-workers and witnesses.
Likewise, when Officer (later Detective) Alvin Weems shot Michael Pleasance in the head for no reason whatever, there were no White people present. The victim and the killer were both Black. A White Police Superintendent promoted him to Detective AFTER the unjustified shooting.
Police misconduct and indeed criminal violence by police is not PRIMARILY a racial problem. It’s a problem of a group of public employees who seek to make themselves an inviolate caste above the rest of society.
And regarding the protests, if you chase an inflated animal skin for a living, I don’t give a damn what you think about ANYTHING. I don’t care what Colin Humperdinck (I can’t be bothered to learn to spell his name correctly) thinks about football, never mind anything of consequence. I haven’t watched a non-shooting sporting event since 1986. To all of those outraged by the infantile protests, READ A BOOK. I suggest “Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors”.
Except a .357 snub nose is not anymore powerful than a 40 or 45 fired from the same sized (not barrel length) auto and the auto has a better trigger and less recoil.
“A Tennessee man who was stopped for urinating near the White House”
The only Tennessee jagoffs who are allowed to piss on the White House play for the Titans.
I would not be surprised at all if Andrew Jackson did it a time or two.
I’m certain the guests at his inauguration did.
… pocket revolver chambered in .357. Primary? Backup?
No and no.
A 2-inch barrel reduces .357 Magnum velocity to the point that there is no point in it. More importantly, a pocket pistol has very little weight and the recoil is punishing at best and literally bordering on debilitating at worst.
If you are set on a pocket revolver for whatever reason, my suggestion is a pocket revolver chambered in .327 Federal Magnum as others have stated. And if you reject that caliber because ammunition choices and availability are limited, then go with a .38 Special +P revolver and load it with 158 grain full wadcutters. And if you cannot even tolerate that amount of recoil, then load down to 125 grain hollowpoints.
While a single 125 grain, .357 caliber bullet fired at .38 Special velocities from a snub-nosed revolver may not incapacitate your attacker within seconds, it will force them to go to their local hospital if they want to survive (assuming a center area torso shot). Even if you do not survive your attack, your snubbie revolver will guarantee that police will capture your attacker and ensure that they cannot continue to terrorize anyone else.
“Dog chip.” Was he peeing on a fire hydrant?
I carry a 3″ barrel Ruger SP101 when I walk the dogs in the woods. It’s in .357 magnum and I use 158 grain HP’s in it. We have cougars, black bears, coyotes, and once in a while a wolf in the area. I have replaced the grips with Hogue one-piece grips. They are more comfortable and the roundness along with an IWB holster makes the gun easy to conceal. An untucked T-shirt is all you need.
I’m carrying a model 49 with a hogue grip loaded with the new HST .38 +p. I’ve only seen one video of the HST which was impressive and I think federal knocked it out of the park as far as design and quality is concerned. Bonus, the HST is the easiest shooting .38+p I have shot from my 49.
I’ve fired .357 magnum out of a a snubbie before and have no desire to do it again. That said, when I got my LCR I got it in .357 just because there would be more ammo options in a shtf situation. But I’ve only ever shot it with .38 special.
I carried a Ruger LCR in .357 Magnum for about 2 years. I tried to stay up on my practice but I got to where I hated shooting it. It was tolerable with .38 Special but I’m from the school of “train how you fight”. As few as 5 rounds of Magnum loads and the next day you feel like you’ve been in a car wreck. I eventually got paranoid about whether or not I could effectively make a follow up shot and a little concerned about crimp jump. I finally opted to trade it in on a .327 Fedral Magnum it is much more manageable for the light weight LCR. If I were to carry a .357 Magnum it would have to be a steel frame no alloy or polymer.
Why we care what a bunch of eletist millionaires, who are payed to plat a childhood game, is crazy.
Sure. I’ve got a couple of j-frame .357s, and they get carried if a 1911’s too big, or as backup in a left-side coat pocket. The M60 3″ is less painful to shoot but the M360PD AirLite is tiny and handy. I don’t shoot either for fun.
I’m most interested in the story behind the Norinco. The rest are cheap junk any random nutcase could get, but with the import ban Norinco AKs command a lot of money. My money is on the ATF
its all a matter of getting used to the gun. So many people give up on the .357 snubbies and go with .38’s or 9mm auto.
They are just fine to shoot. Put a thousand rounds through one and you’ll be fine. yes, it will hurt for the first few hundred, but then you will “acclimate” to the gun. Then its just fine.
Last year Texas Game Wardens reported poaching with a home-brewed suppressor
I’ve known folk who do their extralegal* hunting with bows. Seems a whole lot quieter and easier to acquire.
*before anyone jumps me, I’m referring to certain good ol boys I know who kill feral hogs in places like golf courses where it’s not technically legal.
If federal law prevents silencer purchases by criminals and thereby is responsible for a very low rate of criminal usage why don’t the federal laws preventing them from buying guns do the same thing?
Perhaps there’s more at play here than just “The Law”?
Less Silencers = More Deaf
Feel free to use the above in the fight for silencers.
Uuuuhhhhmmmm, like, you know, there would be zero delay in processing submitted forms if this unconstitutional federal agency were dissolved. I do not want to ever compliment ATF to my congressional representative; I do not want to participate in prolonging the ATF behemoth.
We really need to help out those poor, over-worked public servants. I think the best thing to do would be to lighten their load.
Support the SHARE Act.
Don’t forget to mention that a suppressor/silencer is extremely easy to make, with single-use/disposable units being made in 15 minutes using simply a liter soda bottle, steel wool and a stick to poke a hole through the centerline – although the latter is really only necessary for longer-range shots. In fact, the steel wool can be replaced with shaving cream, which works just fine by filling a paper towel tube with Barbasol. If a handy McGiver-type has the need and the will, there will always be a way to make guns and the accessories that make humans more lethal – regardless of any law written by a foolish society.
Why not shoot it out of an actual musket? Just seems kind of dumb to shoot them out of a shotgun.
If that isn’t poetic justice! An ex cop off his rocker and his meds, goes to DC armed to the teeth and gets derailed for pissing in public.
So, UPS can actually provide a service, and maintain a website that tells me EXACTLY WHERE AN ENVELOPE I SENT FROM DETROIT IS AND WHEN IT WILL GET WHERE ITS GOING…
But I shouldn’t call and ask the ATF approximately about what month they might get back to me to point out the errors on the form they made too stinking complicated?
It’s been 11 months. Time to call?
The Slimes is too ignorant and partisan to take seriously on much of anything, especially the topic of firearms.
Afghanistan was only armed with small arms and they beat the Russians. We have now been there over a decade with no end in sight and it isn’t like they have tanks and jets.