Ralph and I went to see Olympus Down last night. If you’ve played Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Act 2: Mission “White House” you’ll love Olympus Down. Any differences between the the videogame and the movie are strictly coincidental. Hoo-boy is it violent! Olympus has more head shots than Models 1. As does this video for Biting Elbows’ Bad Motherfucker. While I like simulated violence as much as the next guy, I remember NRA jefe Wayne LaPierre’s attempt to raise a big stink about videogame and movie violence in his post-Newtown presser. You know; we need to look at the root causes of spree killing rather than Adam Lanza’s Bushmaster AR-15. It looks like the stratagem failed even worse than the federal assault weapons ban bill. Is that a problem?
Eh. I don’t see a DGU here; the victim was sleeping and was woken up to being beaten, having handguns pointed at him, knives held to his throat and hair line, and being beaten into unconsciousness. Maybe I haven’t had enough training, but where was the DGU going to happen?
The long version: Biting Elbows – ‘Bad Motherfucker’ (Insane Office Escape 2) COMPLETE
Oh, but they do want to ban and confiscate guns: http://www.mercurynews.com/politics-government/ci_22842952/assembly-bill-seize-registered-assault-weapons-is-dead
Nice tits 🙂
Despite a high level of violence, “Olympus Has Fallen” was actually a morality play. There were good guys and bad guys and the line separating them was very clear. The bad guys were attacking; the good guys were defending. The good guys protected dogs, children and women; the BGs shot dogs, children and women.The good guys were buddies; the BGs not so much. And the good guys wore nicer suits.
Being a l-o-n-g time resident of what once was California and is now a socialist la la land, you can be pretty certain that whoever replaces DiFi will be just as rabid a gun grabber as she is on all 2A and firearms issues, if not worse.
I personally think that video was awesome and I shared it out to all of my FB friends last night. Most of the “likes” came from (gasp) people who are generally liberal.
Just for the sake of argument… If anyone wants to tackle the issue of surrogate violence inducing testosterone surges, irrational behavior, and violence, they will have to start with NFL football and the fan culture surrounding it. Admittedly, not as bad as soccer hooliganism in Europe, but it is nonetheless the USA’s number one tribal-violence surrogate for redirecting our impulses to go beat the stuffing out of that other tribe which competes with us for resources.
No? No takers? Then shut up and let me enjoy my exciting movies filled with sex, violence, and drama. Which, I might add, I am exposed to for far fewer hours per year than NFL fans spend watching their entertainment.
Not attacking NFL fans – just pointing out that we clearly have a need for surrogate violence to help us sublimate our urges to form up into raiding parties and go pillaging, and that this includes far more than just movies and video games.
Anyone else notice the inconsistent extraction on this? It looked like some shells were hitting him right in the forehead, others going over the right shoulder, and at least 1-2 just plopping onto his (fortunately covered) arm.
RF, any thoughts on this?
How is Harry Reid A+ rated from the NRA?
That’s the rating you get if you vote the way the NRA wants on specific votes.
Personally, I think the NRA should start scoring judicial confirmation votes, as a Supreme Court ruling could make a lot of legislative effort irrelevant, but…
I guess the author has forgotten the UNArms treaty and the background check issues on the horizon. Both of those are registration of all guns.
More evidence for my hypothesis that only criminals have .25’s
my advice dont post no pics with guns on the internet no where facebook whether yours or others some cops and law enforcement people are crazy these days be watchful there just looking for a reason or excuse and theyll bite like a rabid dog at the chance TAKE HEED IM TELLING YOU FOLKS!!
I agree with most of what he said. HOWEVER…… checking out is not the answer. Yes, there are some ultra right, ultra left, ultra up the middle types here. THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT!! Do I agree with everything everyone says, Duh, uh NO!! We do agree on one point. 2A!!!!!!!!! So let the discussion continue.