Reader ML writes

By now, millions have watched the new trailer for the next cash cow from Hollywood…myself included…and most are excited for the new Star Wars story. This made me ponder the following question: how can the anti-gun crowd explain to their kids why the Jedi FIGHT evil with swords, when they are opposed to doing the same in real life? If the good guys fly spaceships with guns, use lightsabers and blasters to defeat bad guys with guns, cooler lightsabers and blasters, why the double standard?

Are all fans of Star Wars are just gun-nutz? Is the thought of picking up a (lightsaber) gun for protection too scary to comprehend? Or are they really just whimps?


    • …and then they turn around and support legislation to require the kind of Hollywood magic biometric ID system like the one James Bond had in his gun…

  1. Good point. But that goes for pretty much all of hollywood. Find an action movie where there isn’t a cop or a civilian using a gun or some type of weapon to defend themselves, those they love, or innocent people. Yet, the entirety of hollywood is rabidly anti self defense. Makes you wonder why its such a good selling point?

    • More telling and to the point though, find a movie where a civilian, without military, police, or assassin training, uses a firearm in self-defense and is portrayed in a positive light.

      They are few.

      It simply reinforces their assertion that ‘only the government and military are responsible enough to be armed’, even when said government is portrayed as the enemy.

      • In episodes 4-6, the Rebellion was tantamount to an irregular militia battling a tyrannical government, the Empire.

  2. “But, but, but, bad people don’t exist in the real world. It can’t happen to me. The police are always there.”

  3. It’s because they think current society is more enlightened and you don’t have to fight evil. Evil can be reasoned with and is subject to “rational” arguments.
    To them, the rebels wouldn’t have to use lightsabers or other weapons, they would just talk to the Emperor or the Sith and the latter would come to an understanding and everything would be fine.

  4. Is the thought of picking up a (lightsaber) gun for protection too scary to comprehend?

    Where does one acquire this… “lightsaber gun”…? I’m asking for a friend…

  5. It’s because all that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

    Also, Jedi are trained all their lives to use lightsabers, soldiers are trained, and the rebellion? That was just a misunderstanding over semantic points. So if you are trained all your life, sanctioned by society, and lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away you too can have weapons.

  6. If you hadn’t noticed before, in the Star Wars universe, it is only the Sith (evil) who believe in black-and-white principles of right and wrong (“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”). Those concepts are mutable for the (good) Jedi, the mantra of whom was:

    There is no emotion, there is peace.
    There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
    There is no passion, there is serenity.
    There is no chaos, there is harmony.
    There is no death, there is the Force.

    Oh, and the Jedi were basically self-appointed LEO.

    So, even allowing that Star Wars isn’t simply “explained” by it being a work of fiction, it would be easy enough to fit Star Wars concepts into a civilian disarmament point of view.

    • “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”

      “Do, or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda

      Sounds like an absolute to me.

    • I think the Sith (Dark Side) and the Empire as Lucas originally intended was an analog for the USA during the Vietnam war and the Rebellion the Vietcong (strange that Lucas left out the political mass-killings and genocides perpetrated by North Vietnam/Rebellion).

      Anyhow, the more recent interpretations of the Sith I’ve seen make their story a good allegory to the Progressive movement. (Wish I could find some of the links for references…)

  7. Alderaan was a peaceful planet, it supposedly had no weapons. Last time I checked the Empire used eminent domain to clear a hyperspace turnpike through it.

  8. And while we’re on the subject, no civilian really needs a star freighter that can do the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs…or can out run Imperial starships, not just local bulk cruisers, but the big Corellian ships.

  9. Not to be a wet blanket, but Shannon Watts’ “kids” are pretty much all grown up or in the adolescent stage. They don’t need “explaining” like this, and they don’t need Shannon to “stay at home” with them–which she doesn’t, in fact.

    • So what you’re saying is Shannon’s story, like Star Wars is fiction?

      The difference being one is entertaining and the other is just a story made up in someone mind.

  10. The Empire are the Leftist. They explain it this as such. If we don’t get those bad rebels out of our country this could happen to us.
    And this is not a Star Wars movie this is a Disney bastardization of what was once a great story.

  11. So how does the midget billionaire Bloomie(Shannon’s sugar-daddy) rationalize arming Israel but f##king Americans? Star Wars is pure fantasy so there is no disconnect(Dirk where R U?)…

  12. We don’t care how anti gun mommies explain it to the kids. The kids see good guys with guns and sabers beating up the bad guys. It’s a life lesson parents can only influence if they totally isolate their kids in the basement and allow them no outside contact.

    We are no longer a rural, frontier nation but guns sell like hotcakes. Why? Kids are bombarded by video games and other influnces and they say, “I don’t want to be a victim.” They see a violent world streamed into their homes 24/7 and they say, “I’m not letting that happen to me”

    We need a TTAG poll. How many first time gun buyers under the age of 40 come from families that are urban or suburban and never had guns in the home? They’re the first in their families to gun up?

    • “We are no longer a rural, frontier nation but guns sell like hotcakes. Why?”

      Because today is “wilder” than the so-called “Wild West” of yesteryear…

    • Another raised hand here.

      Grew up in the suburbs and I had to get into guns on my own since no one around me had them, well except for my neighbor who showed me his Colt 1911 once but that was my only exposure to a real firearm until I decided at 18 to get a rifle for myself.

  13. Feh. Watt’s is just fine with this movie. People like that just don’t have the mental capacity for that kind of deep thought.

  14. Shannon would say: “The daddy uses his light saber to put a seed into the mommy. Then the mommy has a baby. Then the mommy dumps daddy for another daddy with more money. Then the mommy hooks up with a miniature billionaire named Darth Bloomberg whose light saber stopped working long ago and far away. The end.”

    • It’s funny how often that works out. Or doesn’t.

      My ex is dating a stocker at Wal-Mart, while I, as a tax attorney, have a wider variety of options half her age. And not all of them are hookers. 😉

  15. Luke a hould have stayed a farmer. Han was a self professed criminal. Hence why he had a modified blaster. Leia was an terrorist insurrectionist who got around. The empire didn’t do bad things until Leia stole from the state.

    That’s how Shannon explains things. Root for the empire

    • High-powered Armor Piercing Assault Laser Swords never need reloading and can cut through Stormtrooper armor like it wasn’t even there. One was even used to take out a tank! We can’t let powerful murderweapons like these, built by lasersexual cultist fanatics and only good for slaughtering as many people as possible, fall into the hands of rebel scum! We only want peace and order in the galaxy, for the children! #lightsabersense

  16. Who gives a crap what Shannon watts does thinks or explains to her kids They’re probably a bunch of mental midgets just like mom! The woman only cares about being in front of a camera I’ve caught footage of her actually running to get in front of a camera just because it was there and they were doing a film piece the media was She’s another anti gun Pro liberal aggressive Liar Just like President Obama And Hillary Clinton when are we going to see these people get prosecuted for violating the Constitution and the laws that are set in place to keep these people from doing these things and they just keep doing them and nobody cares I don’t get that if it was me or you and we would do committing federal crimes we’d be imprisoned faster than you could say ouch.

    • “Do you think I give crap about guns or light sabers or lasers or any of that stuff? It’s just Mommy’s job. Now put this shirt on and look sad…”

    • If it hadn’t been for the loose blaster laws on the surrounding planets, Chicagoraan would be a much safer place.

    • Lucas did a lot of work for Columbia College (wife attended that school) in chicago… might be part of the reason

      • Is this is one of those “Nineteen Eighty-Four” Memory Holes I’ve heard so much about?

        Double-Plus Good!

      • schernobyl wrote on October 21, 2015 at 13:36 hours:

        “Greedo shot first, Han shot in self defense”

        That’s in the later, ‘Director’s Cut’, version: not in the original 1977 release.

        • That’s part of the joke. Lucas has always asserted that greedo shot first even though when the rough script for ANH was recovered it clearly states: “Han shoots greedo.”

          Lucas essentially tried to rewrite history. Lol Lucas.

        • Greedo was misunderstood. Yeah he had a troubled past, but his dad abandoned his family right before he hatched, and he was raised by a single mom who did the best she could. He had just started taking community college classes and was really turning his life around.


  17. It would give her an opportunity to explain safe gun handling. In the first episode Obe Wan hands Luke a pistol. Luke accepts it and immediately holds it with his finger on the trigger and looks down the barrel. Did anyone else notice?

  18. I’m afraid hypocrisy is lost on that crowd. They live in make-believe worlds…far, far away!

  19. The old bio on Moms Demand Action (which I mistakenly thought was a porn site), her youngest is 14 – so he’s now 16 or thereabouts. I’d expect she has bigger problems than explaining Star Wars plot points.

    And of course, teenagers always listen to their parents. He’s probably more receptive to enrolling in a NRA youth shooting program.

  20. In the Star Wsrs extended universe the Rebellion/New Republic asks Lando to help them in a special operation with his “special talents”, because General Solo is unavailable.

    Commenting on the special talents, Lando says “We are crooks”.

    Better to have crooks than a self-imposed theocratic religious group whose heads are so full of nerf wool it is often child’s play to pull it over their eyes.

  21. I’m actually pretty damn hype for the new movies. The instant I saw they went back to using (some) real gun parts for the props again I was excited. After they’re out, I might be trying to make a shiny new tactical sterling/E-11

  22. She explains it the way all liberals do – the Empire is the benevolent government trying to keep people safe and keep society clean and orderly, while the terrorist Rebels want to destroy society and hurt people.

    I can’t be the only one who notices that, with the exception of a very few political films, the bad guys are ALWAYS liberals. The bad guys always want complete control. They always believe that “society” is more important than individuals or freedom. They always believe that hurting people for “the greater good” is justified. It just blows my mind that almost all writers / directors / producers / actors are hardcore liberals, yet none of them see the irony in that the villains hold their same political views while they view themselves as “saviors” in real life.

  23. Double standards and hypocrisy do not exist in the progressive world. They are never explained or even acknowledged. They are simply ignored.

  24. Cognitive dissonance is a progressive way of life. That’s why gun-banner Natalie Portman has absolutely no problem in portraying gunslinging Queen Amidala.

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