Wayne LaPierre is the executive vice president of the NRA and the main mouthpiece of the organization. I haven’t been much of a fan of how Wayne has handled the post-Newtown gun control fervor. Nevertheless, he was the man at the tiller when the storm hit and by all counts he has weathered it well. But now that the initial battle has been won and appears to have turned into a drawn out conflict, is it time to find a new face for the NRA? One that isn’t an old white guy? Especially after the NRA Annual Meeting, where he was lauded by the powers that be within the NRA, it would be a logical time for him to step aside, going out on top, and let a younger, fresher face take it from here. What do you guys think?
Are those influential Board Members or just influential members? If it’s just board members then that might be one of only a handful of black board members. You can hardly blame the NRA for who gets elected. If it’s just members then yeah, they need to break out of the mold.
Some of them are board members (LaPierre, Nugent, Malone and others), Chuck Heston has passed on, Charlie Daniels is a member, but not a board member. So I think the pictures are a combination of members and board members.
Last I knew, just 7% of the NRA membership elects the board. Most NRA members are too lazy to vote in the elections.
Maybe his mother loved him, but I don’t think anyone else does.
This is the most serious battle gun rights has had in recent times. Like him or not, Mr. LaPierre is the voice of the NRA. Changing him now will give the impression that the message was wrong giving the wrong impression. Having said that , there is a fatigue factor with public faces- legislators get tired of the same old voices, the media avoids hearing the same old song. Lets get through this, get stable, then look for a new face.
“Get through this”? Let me help you catch up: the “this” of which you speak is an unparalleled, not merely sustained attack, but, by most accounts – and the gun-grabber-in-chief’s own words, NEVER-ENDING.
Wayne LaPierre is NOT going to outlive never-ending. Time for someone with more savvy and stamina to lead us through the darkness ahead.
Time to gracefully step aside, Wayne. Thanks for all the hard work, but I feel too much of that work did not best serve our interests.
In stepping aside, he sends a message of the ascent of younger energy, and redoubling of efforts.
Didn’t we just do this question, maybe even twice, within the last six months? I’m pretty sure that many (if not most) people think it’s time for him to step aside. I’m equally sure that he’s going nowhere until he’s damn good and ready.
That’s why it keeps getting brought up.
I met Wayne a couple of years ago when he came to Michigan — very nice guy — and he remembered me as the guy who suggested that he hire an image consultant. I had e-mailed him with the suggestion after he appeared on some news program. As he is known to do, he got very vehement, looking very angry and hot-headed, and he also used jargon that might confuse non-gun people. (Even “pro-gun” and “anti-gun” aren’t good terms when Joe Average is watching.) Anyway, he laughed and said that although he didn’t hire any consultants, he took my point, and I must admit that he’s seemed much more measured and thoughtful in those times I’ve seen him since.
When Charlton Heston passed, I’d always hoped that Wayne might get another celebrity to help him reach the general public. My first choice would be Tom Seleck. He’s staunchly pro-gun, but I’m not sure he’d willingly take on such a role. (Since I’m a total outsider, for all I know they DID ask him.) Another good choice would be Joe Mantagna, host of “Gun Stories,” not to mention being the star of “Criminal Minds.” Again, maybe the NRA honchos approached him already… who knows? But an approachable, popular figure would be just what the doctor ordered. Firearms rights cannot be won by making it partisan, or abandoning those who are undecided. Maybe with a bit of education and less heated rhetoric, we might even be able to change some minds. (I know I have!)
So maybe Wayne could step, or at least bring in some help. The NRA needs a public relations makeover, to be sure.
Mantegna, not Mantagna.
I understand Alan West isn’t busy right now…
No! Pick someone without the crazy-pants conspiracy/court-martial baggage.
No, DO!!
Today its perfectly ok to talk crap about old white guys. Gotta love it.
I’ve been saying it for years. His public persona just isn’t helping and he’s an easy target for disarmers.
Whenever I watch or listen to him, he invariably misses the mark. I almost always feel I could make a better case than he does. Sometimes, it’s almost cringe-worthy. The NRA needs someone who concisely makes the connection with non-gun owners and members alike. He doesn’t even connect with me and I agree with him.
I nominate RF for NRA spokesman. And I ain’t kissing up. Who has seen or heard better rationale for the RKBA than here on this blog.
Sounding like your mother, Nick.
Is a bear Catholic? Does the Pope crap in the woods?
Wayne’s time has been up for awhile. Just because he didn’t drop the ball doesn’t mean that he did a good job with things these last few months.
So what’s the “right” answer? It’s kinda like those pictures in Highlights magazine that says find 10 differences, but I can only find 8. Arrgghh…
I’m going to admit something a bit disturbing here: I don’t own a TV. In fact I haven’t had a TV for going on a good five years now. Nor do I stream anything off the airwaves, etc. All I have is an old laptop (5 yrs too) and most of my news comes off various blogs such as this one as well as a number of news outlets, both foreign and domestic.
Here’s the deal. From what relatively little I’ve seen of WLP on the zombie screen he’s not the most gifted, telegenic guy around, but then again, be honest with yourself and ask how well YOU would come across? I know I wouldn’t do very well. I’m undeniably very smart and those who know me well claim I’d make a good leader, but I’m an OFWG with a hearing and speech impediment (which is why I don’t care for TV much), and I certainly have that Scots-Irish temper thing going. So thanks, but no thanks.
More to the point, is this: How well would anyone, ANY of us, be able to do when under such intensely vicious and loathsome attack from an increasingly unified media campaign. We’ve all read the usual anti-NRA agitprop and hate mail, whether it’s here, the MSM or Facebook (That’s another sore spot altogether but I digress). What’s to say anyone else could have done much better? They say the best defense is a good offense, and the enemy is certainly on the offense. Thus, the logical conclusion is that we may have to go on the offensive, quite literally speaking, at some point in the future. Many wars have been started in just such a manner throughout history, regardless of the propaganda medium.
If that is the inevitable outcome of this conflict, then so be it. I’m resigned to that much. But, in the meantime, we DO need to do all we can to avert this oncoming catastrophe (and that’s exactly what it will be), and yes, we DO need some fresh faces. That fatigue thing. Or at least a good sidekick, sorta like Batman and Robin?
But who?
Don’t tell me you don’t know about Batman and Robin! Holy lanolin, Batman!!
Not being an old white guy, I’m just fine with old white guys who do a good job, and when you take a step back, and consider the scale of the onslaught Wayne has managed to overcome, he gets an A+++. Let’s not buy into the multicultural nonsense that sees everything through the lens of race, and try some affirmative action pose that gets us no approval from our enemies, and someone other than the best man (or woman) for the job. And all you OFWGs, resist the temptation to apologize, and give the Left’s intellectual blackmail the Bronx salute it deserves.
2nd Amendment supporters from IL would like to know why Duty to Inform w/criminal penalties is still included in the NRA backed HB997 sponsored by Rep. Brandon Phelps? The bad language was not placed in the bill by the Chicago machine, but supplied by NRA contract lobbyist Todd Vandermyde! Way to go Todd! With friends like these, who needs enemies!? The only Reps. trying to get the DTI language out of the bill are evil Chicago Democrats like Will Davis. Something smells on this deal. The Federal judge hands the NRA victory on a platter but the NRA contract lobbyist and 2nd Amendment activists from downstate are working hard to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory… Way to lose, folks! Let’s all pretend real hard we live in Harrisburg, IL where you will simply hand your LTC over to the local deputy (who happens to be your cousins brother in law) who will then wave you on after chewing the fat with you about your new Galco rig, after inviting you to the barbecue for the FOP down at the local VFW hall. Meanwhile, Otis McDonald is spread out on the sidewalk held down at gunpoint by the local CPD tac team on saturation patrol…
The left loves to vilify the NRA. Tom Selleck is probably tied up with his television and movie contracts.
I am ambivalent on this issue. One part says yes, he needs to retire (or not retire, get “promoted” for a job well done) in favor of a more modern look. On the other hand, the head of the NRA needs to state the obvious – which even newscasters were saying, for example: people in Boston probably wish they were armed during the lockdown. Selling self protection is inherently a difficult message – who wants to believe they could be rousted out of bed by an intruder? Thank god brandishing is often enough because in a real situation people freeze, crap themselves, and miss more often than they hit. I expect the head of the NRA to be vilified as a corporate devil selling death to children no matter who is in charge (“Let the police do their job” “we dont want the gunfight at the ok corral” ” Please leave the guns to the police and I’ll stay indoors while they take care of the bad guys.”.)
If I were nominating someone, I would nominate Sheriff David Clarke, a law enforcement official with charisma, based solely on the fact that I liked his PSA commercial very much.
If it’s time for Wayne to move to a strategic, behind the scenes function, and it probably is, then I think a charismatic, ex-LEO or military type would be a very good, strategic move.
Travis Haley had a pretty damn good take on the 2nd Amendment which he posted to YouTube a few months back.
I sure wish I could see that actual email from Lenco…
I wasn’t real impressed with the NRA when LaPierre went from President to Executive Vice President for Life. However, Charlton Heston as President did a lot to help the public face of the NRA.
IMHO, the real problem is that David Keene has been nearly invisible on this one. Supposedly, Jim Porter is next up on the carousel. He needs to be on CNN, MSNBC, and whatever is left of Air America daily, if that’s what it takes. If Jim Porter isn’t up to the job, then appoint a first vice president that is.
“Charlton Heston as President did a lot to help the public face of the NRA.”
Well, people remembered he fought for civil rights, marched alongside Dr. King.
That went a long way. In the spirit of that, I’m “nominating” Mr. Colion Noir!
Using the middle finger to pull the trigger? Ain’t nevuh been done befoh.
These assclowns are the Orange County Choppers of guns.
OK, here’s something you keyboard commandos don’t realize:
LaPierre has an exceedingly hard job. His real job is lobbying and changing votes on legislation and knowing the internal procedures in Congress, who is who in elected offices and what battles he can and must win.
You guys are all about the puffery – the PR mission. You want to be liked. You want the NRA to be liked, to have “wider appeal.”
LaPierre has long since realized that there are days he’s going to be the single most hated man in the press – and he’s able to withstand that hate, invective and the ad hominem attacks that are the stock and trade of the American left now. Most people here couldn’t handle LaPierre’s job for a week, even if you knew what you needed to know to not give away the store without knowing it.
Want to replace LaPierre? You’d better have someone in mind who will be better at the job before you start talking about replacing him. That means you need to have someone in mind who knows all the inside baseball of Congress, who is who, what the obscure procedures and legislative tricks are in Congress, the executive branch, you’d better be able to read the Congressional calendar and the Federal Register pretty quickly every morning. This isn’t a job where you can afford on the job training.
Actually it looks like WLP is more of the outside face, with Chris Cox and especially Jim Baker doing the inside baseball (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/the-nras-inside-man-89296.html).
WLP makes a good war-time conciliary (sp?) but after this calms down a bit the NRA needs to expand its appeal, since many current NRA members are aging out, I’m not sure WLP is the man for that job. Like I said above it may not be time for him to step down but it is time to identify a successor and start grooming.
I agree, but Mr. Colion Noir should be brought in to handle most of the press and debates. The media doesn’t get their scandalous “WLP got fired,” and we get someone who’d actually be quick on their feet in the midst of a debate.
WLP did a lackluster job against David Gregory, and Colion would have slaughtered that one.
Who said we didn’t realize that? Aside from you, I mean.
Hey, as a small business owner, if I could clear out a closet of some old parts and nab a cool $6,500.00, I’m there! I’m a bit surprised by some of the posts about SOG here. I mean, yes, most of their special project have nothing to do with those of us who sport shoot or carry for self-defense… or even for the LEO/security people here, but collectors? Where are the collectors? To have a one-off gun with the Red Jacket logo on it… AND if you have the show on DVD… imagine what that gun might be worth down the road. I also have to wonder; are they “out of ideas” or does the show simply record what happens as it happens? (Perhaps picking and choosing the most interesting bits, like “Cops”?)
The good news is that only about 12 people actually watch his show.
I haven’t seen this show in forever and a day. When I saw a part of one show where they’re flailing around with a clapped-out Bridgeport J-head mill and there’s a nice new Haas VMC, fuzzy, slightly out-of-focus in the background… that’s when I reckoned the entire show was a completely contrived waste of time.
None of the TV presentation about gunsmithing is remotely accurate about what a gunsmith actually does, or gunsmithing skills. Want to see real drama in a gunsmith shop? Take a bit of footage of a gunsmith over a set of hot blue tanks where he’s just dropped in a metal part that isn’t made from steel. Watch the salt tank boil and froth like a witch’s cauldron. Watch our heroic gunsmith start flailing around, trying to get that piece of pot metal or aluminum out of the blueing salts before it disappears… without getting his flesh dissolved.
i stopped watching when they started ruining WWII guns. Specifically, the M1919 with the dumbass paint job and handlebars is what killed it once and for all.
The vast majority of police are dirt bags any way, a very high percentage have bad credit, hi rate of divorce, mooch off business owners and are thieves. They enjoy there power and abuse it. If the gun grab ever goes door to door, the police will jump right in with pleasure. Never mind the New York State police that say they are pro second and ask for citizens not to shoot them, they are just being proactive in saving there asses. They think all people are bad and there are just a few good ones, namely them. The police department is a fraternity against the people. THIS INFORMATION STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. I’VE DONE MY HOMEWORK. SO GO AHEAD AND BE ON THEIR SIDE ALL YOU SHEEPLE. YOU WILL FIND OUT THE HARD WAY.
Am I missing something or weren’t those just Tommy guns?
Well, I’ll give him some of what what wants. Leaving a firearm – particularly a loaded firearm where it can be accessed by a 5 year old is irresponsible, stupid, dastardly, incompetent and more. There is nothing in the handling of that firearm in this situation that I would recommend or teach. As a member of the “gun culture” I’m appalled at the lack of responsibility shown by those parents.
With that said; if the potential danger of injuring someone in your own household isn’t enough of a deterrent to poor gun handling and storage techniques, I don’t know what another law will do
A call for a national conversation on mental health? No, that might actually help.
If the selection of Jim Porter as President is any indication, Wayne’s replacement won’t be an improvement. They, and by extension, all you guys are a laughing stock.
I don’t mind taking sh!t from douchebag elitist liberals, I mind not being armed.
So if your side got soundly thrashed in the Senate and overall American support by a “laughing stock”…what does that make your side?
Glad to see the HK VP70z get so much love. It is the worst pistol I have ever owned and definitely the worst trigger.
Best: Single-action pull on my Dan Wesson Model 15.
Nick, I agree. It is time for him to step down. The NRA needs a new face that is not that of an “old fat white guy” association. The NRA needs someone far more polished, charismatic, and great at public speaking. Another matter: a NRA official (an attorney from Alabama) who is taking over a senor NRA position made a dumb ignorant public comment about the war of northern aggression. Regardless of an individual’s views on the issue comments and thinking such as that will only stereotype and limit the growth in numbers and influence of the NRA. That type of talk and thinking is bad pr and must end.
” extreme reading of the Second Amendment, ”
..they keep using that word….
…I don’t think it means what they think it means….
If That’s racist, Then I am the most racist person to walk the face of this earth, hoooooo He said Yankee
I like this guy, but the NRA needs to keep him away from any debating. Period. The man is not a debater in the way we need them. He is articulate in public speaking, but that is miles apart from going on piers morgan’s show and mopping the floor with him.
I truly wish that the NRA would start tapping the resources we’ve already got. How many of you guys saw young Ben Shapiro absolutely destroy piers morgan ? This kid is 21 or 22 years old. Yet, of all the pro-gun people piers brought on, in hopes of making our side look bad, Ben Shapiro absolutely destroyed morgan. Google up their little debate if you want to put a smile on your face.
I’m not with those who want “diversity” just for its own sake. But we’ve got to understand the tactics our enemy is using, and not just play defense constantly. We’ve need women saying “Why is it that YOU want women to be raped ?” or, “Why DON’T you want women to have the best possible means of defending their children from a group of home invaders ?”
We need a number of different faces out there doing battle. Between Wayne and this guy we don’t exactly have much in the way of passionate and persuasive speakers at the leadership level of the NRA. We need them badly.
Original sin, preserve the union, sacred, barbaric evil…that’s some pretty biblical language for liberals. Methinks the puritans didn’t die so much as transform.
… and thankfully knives don’t have passwords (yet). Speaking of knives, check out the review of the new Kershaw knife without a password here: http://www.thetruthaboutknives.com/2013/05/new-edc-for-ccw-from-kershaw-scrambler/
Just helping you guys out and getting the obligatory “knife cross link of the day” out of the way so you can focus on guns.
A couple of points!
he is as “racist” as the whites that supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 because they didn’t want a black president!
The 2nd Amendment is CRYSTAL CLEAR and it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to require a permit (permission from the government) to carry a gun! If the government can require a permit to carry a gun they can require a permit to carry a Bible or the Koran since BOTH are equally constitutional rights.
To be fair, if someone stole it I would be a bit happier knowing it was passworded. Of course, if it prompts for password with every shot… 😉
Time to go.
Agree with comments above- and also wonder what happens if mental health record reporting becomes so aggressive and so extreme (ie if a mental health professional thinks you can’t balance your checkbook- whether it not that is relevant or true) that people further shun the idea of seeking help if they do have mental health issues?
Im Still looking for a common sense mental health push across DC that won’t threaten civil liberties because of poor design
But it ain’t nevr bin done befour…
Maybe it’s because I just finished watching Dexter Season 3, but the whole “monster” and “darkness” references seem very…. similar.
Wow. Let’s attack one of our own on the Internet and implode from within. That’s very productive. Wayne LaPierre is not perfect, and yes the NRA could use any help that it could get in regards to the PR front. However no amount of PR will change the fact that the NRA is coupled with the GOP, which automatically alienates a lot of people. On the plus side, LaPierre does have the institutional knowledge about the Byzantine Labyrinth of Washington DC. In the meantime, it does not help adding fuel to the media fire that the “NRA leadership is out of step with its membership” (even though this statement is a distortion of the truth by the press). A house divided cannot stand. Love him or hate him, we got him.
If you read the succession proclamations, it was ALL about slavery. States Rights was something they were for when it was in their favor (like having slaves), and against when not in their favor (like Dred Scott and the fugitive slave acts).
Who ever heads the NRA needs to be super careful to never say anything that could be taken wrong. Yes, I know that is an absurd, impossible standard, but it is the world we live in.
I’d like to see them be less mindlessly pro cop and pro republican.
You want impact? Here is impact. The NRA just stated they now have 5 million members. 1 million coming on board since Sandy Hook.
Impact is doubling that number before 2014 and having the NRA state they have 10 million + members. Then by 2016 double that again to 20 million.
That is impact any politician and Joe Public can understand. This will show the monster was asleep but not is awake and that political jobs are at stake.
If this doesnt p!&& off a bleeding heart animal rights anti gun hippie, I dont know what will.
Nothing against hippies, I know some that are pretty cool and on our side.
The answer to his question was none of these weapons were used in that shooting….
A simple “thank you to the 2nd amendment for protecting our 1st amendment right to say stupid $hit on the internet” would have been better.
She has such pretty blonde hair. Why would she dye her roots dark? That’s gotta be really difficult to do…
This video is great! The visual comparisons shows clearly the insanity of defining the lethality of a firearm by its cosmetic features. I intend to post links to it at every anti-gun website I can find. Maybe some people on there will have a bit of an open mind or perhaps just trying to learn about the issues. The video has the power to change minds. Congratulations on a well planned and executed effort. I’ll pray for a positive outcome.