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Luke O'Neil courtesy

“Fine then. Let’s go with that. All women should, in fact, be armed. Where I part ways with the right here, however, is that I think if we’re going to agree to that, then we’ll need to disarm all men. Men, as the DOJ numbers point out, commit 90% of all homicides. As we’ve seen in nearly every sensational mass shooting that’s been in the news in recent years, men are simply far too emotionally unstable to be trusted with such a powerful tool of violence. If we can’t agree to get rid of the guns, then it’s time we put our collective protection in the hands of those who we can likely trust to make more rational decisions about where to point them.” – Luke O’Neil in ‘Liberal Compromise on Guns: Arm All the Women’ [at]

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    • Drilled into all students from kindergarten through grad school.

      A conservative parents main job today is to deprogram the leftist crap out of their kids when they come home from school. I’m saving my money to help put the grandkids through charter or faith based schools.

      The only one bright spot for the future is that conservative kids have higher birth rates. But that’s a long cycle to come to fruition. Country will be pretty well “fundementally transformed” by then.

      • What good will having more kids do if they’re being pushed through the same liberal “education” system as the rest?

      • “A conservative parents main job today is to deprogram the leftist crap out of their kids when they come home from school. “

        Even better…don’t send to “school” at all.

        Homeschooling is worth every penny “lost” in lack of second income, and schooling parent CAN work at home anyway.

    • Emasculate the men AND project the belief that women never do anything wrong.

      Even though Feminism is clearly at the bottom of many things that are currently going wrong.

      This is not even to mention their violent tendencies or touch on whether most of them are trustworthy.

      • What a strawman argument, there are plenty of violent women in the world. I knew the antis are self hating white knights.

        Sadly there are plenty of wacko femnazis who would love this idea and use it to “purge the male gender” in their words and this Luke would probably be the first to step up and ask them to please kill him.

  1. This guy has never heard of “PMS,” amiright? (ducks) Seriously though, 90 percent of that 90 percent are Obama voters, so why is he focused on us?

  2. “men are simply far too emotionally unstable to be trusted with such a powerful tool of violence”

    HaHa, I guess he hasn’t met my wife 🙂

    Seriously though… Really dude? Talk about a simpleton’s take on a complex issue. Oh, there’s the short bus coming now… you better get going.

    • “Talk about a simpleton’s take on a complex issue.”

      That’s kind of their schtick. Ban guns = peace/no murder/Utopia. At a basic level, it’s simplistic, naive, and shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.

    • This Luke is a perfect example of a “mangina” . I hope will also cover this asinine piece.

  3. Great idea!

    And we can surgically castrate all males at birth…

    I mean, by and large, rape is committed by males.

    It only stands to reason every male is a potential rapist.

    If your male parts are not part of the solution, your male parts are part of the problem.

      • It’s already being attempted via social conditioning. My solution is just more of a direct approach.

    • Oh, look, fun with statistics.

      So, by this scholar’s logic I supposed he’d have to agree with the following:

      According to the FBI’s 2011 Crime Stats, of crimes committed by those under 18, 68.5% of robbery arrests are African Americans, while African Americans account for approximately 12.6% of the total US population (2010 US Census). Well, any sensible statistician could quickly surmise that such a large percentage of robberies committed by such a small percentage of the population is an issue.

      Solution: Lock up all African American teens. Robberies would decrease by almost 70% by those under 18. (The stats don’t break down by gender, so inferences cannot be made therein.) Incidentally, extending that logic to ‘all’ ages, the number would be just shy of 56% of total robberies. But, hey, only a ‘small’ percentage of the population after all (another argument that gun grabbers like to trot out…a ‘small’ percentage of the population…)

      /end sarcasm

      No, the above is not my position, however, it demonstrates ‘fun with statistics’ and how the left can make whatever outrageous claims they like. All while they can claim those nice government numbers to ‘back them up’.

      /end disclaimer since at least someone isn’t going to read the whole thing and cry ‘racist’!!!

      • OK, so all women hate sex. So all the ladies who banged on my door or phoned up late at night begging for sex were only masochists asking for more abuse. Funny how they always came back for more. I think there’s more than a little hairy legged indoctrination going on here. And guess what, it’s an actual industry, where lesbians get paid to spread hatred of men. Sponsored by your tax dollars. Academic standards indeed.

  4. Oh yeah, those emotionally stable women. You can usually find them hanging out by the unicorns.

  5. Worse than the last democrat/liberal compromise on a persons rights. At least then they gave a three-fifths compromise on how much of a persons you were.

      • They became progressive when the steady progress of civil rights and public opinion dictated that they had to resort to laws like gun control and prohibition in an attempt to undermine blacks and immigrants rights. They became liberal when they realized Kennedy’s popularity with black America gave them real power again.

  6. You lost me at the title, “Liberal Compromise on Guns”.

    According to liberals, most the murders in this country are committed by boys, not men. You know, “children” up to 29 years old.

    • If you want to know what is really scary, go do a search for Facebook fails and read some of the most idiotic things ever posted and your momentary laughter will be replaced with a cold, dark feeling of dread when you realize that all of these people vote.

  7. Ummm ….yeah….okay…thanks for your input. We’ll give it due consideration and get back to you. Maybe around the 32 of August.

    PS….didn’t you used to have a swastika tattooed on your forehead?

    • Typical Government employee!
      You should be able to process his paperwork and get back to him at least by the 2nd Tuesday of next week!

  8. Hey Gooffy! Women & Men BOTH have an equal & Natural Right to defend themselves.
    “. . . then it’s time we put our collective protection in the hands of those who we can likely trust to make more rational decisions . . .”
    Typical Liberal-us Progress-EVIL-us spew to sell Government as the answer to all the problems of mankind instead of promoting personal responsibility.

  9. The day started better yesterday when I read the review about the Planet of the Apes.

  10. “If we can’t agree to get rid of the guns, then it’s time we put our collective protection…”

    In the immortal words of The Shoveler; “What do you mean we?”

  11. FACEPALM… if I see one more hipster liberal idiot exclaiming the virtues of feminism & disarmament in the same article I am going to lose my cookies. Serious lib hipsters you’re not original or edgy you all think the exact same way. Wanna avoid the mainstream? Start thinkin for yourself and take some damn responsibility for your self protection, then we’ll work on your unfortunate choice of major in college. (Women’s studies?? Really dude you thought they’d hire an effeminate emasculated male over a female because??)

    P.S. Stop with the gender/race self loathing, you didn’t own slaves and you have never kept a woman down so stop with the guilt over sh1t you didn’t do liberals!

  12. Isnt this horribly sexist? I’m still confused as to as the nuances of good and bad sexism/racism/ageism/etc…

    • No nuance. If you’re liberal you can say anything you want, if you’re conservative you’re misogynist and racist no matter what you say.

    • It’s not sexism if you’re talking about oppressing men…

      Just like racism, it’s a one-way street, right?

  13. I wonder if this guy remebers/ is aware of the woman in chicago that stole a police officers glock and took a picture of herself with the barrel in her mouth? Make him think twice about what he said…or not

    Why do the antigunners get things so wrong all the time?

  14. A vast majority of gun owners (illegal and legal) are men. Therefore men commit the most gun crimes. Simple as that.

    • Yep. His conclusion, if we may call it that, is a glaring example of the Base Rate Fallacy.

      I’m noticing that particular fallacy is one of the most popular, because when committed, the speaker still gets to SOUND erudite and well-read by spouting “numbers.”

  15. Hm…. arming all women, not a bad idea. The other… dudebro needs to rethink his life…

  16. Luke, buddy, just concentrate on growing that beard and making sure your glasses are trendy with other hipsters. Leave the thinking to people more qualified.

    • “. . . Leave the thinking to people more qualified.”
      Leave the thinking to people more qualified, AND HAVE THE PROPER TOOLS FOR THE WORK.
      There! Fix’d it fer ‘ya!

  17. “Men, as the DOJ numbers point out, commit 90% of all homicides.”

    One year after his plan goes into effect:

    “Women, as the DOJ numbers point out, commit 100% of all shootings…”

  18. “You’re so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece!” – Gunny Hartman/Full Metal Jacket

  19. Nothing like a little dose of Liberal Sexism in the morning.

    Men are no less mentally stable or unstable than women.

    • True, but men are more deadly, and commit more sexual assaults. I carry a gun and became a gun rights activist because of what some men, not women, have done to me over the years, including a creepy encounter in the grocery store just a few weeks ago.

      Not to run down all men. I think my male relatives and friends are wonderful, some bordering on heroic.

      • Sad but true, Juilesa. I am glad you have taken the steps to defend yourself.

        Those (psycho/bad) men are deadly to other men as well though, so it is up to men like myself (the good guys) to also be able to defend ourselves and our loved ones from them, just as you are able to.

      • Great!
        Now Practice!, Practice!, Practice!
        And, EVERY MONTH, Take a different girlfriend, sister, or female co-worker with you to the range!
        Those creepy guys will still be around, but they’ll keep their distance once they find out their game now includes a potential deadly ending for them.

        • Sexual assualts committed by women are greatly more under-reported than assualts committed by men due to the greater shame society puts on male victims. Female victims are treated bad enough and they often don’t report sexual attacks against them, male victims are treated even worse than female victims and are much less likely to report attacks because it goes against male gender roles. This is why sexual assaults reports are pretty skewed and we really don’t have a good picture of the ratio really.

  20. Makes sense. Somewhere south of 10,000 men committed a crime, therefore somewhere north of 150 million men should lose their constitutional rights. Nice plan.

  21. Of course he’s wrong, but golf clap for him acknowledging that women do benefit from owning guns. Most gun grabbers can’t or won’t learn that fact. Right now they’re playing into that election year #WaronWomen bullshit by pushing fake stats that show that guns are always bad for women, and much more harmful to women than to men.

  22. This guy is obviously not married or living with a lady.
    Otherwise he’d know all the crap I own is already her’s, as far as she’s concerned.

    • My gal wouldn’t touch my guns with a ten foot clichè.

      She much prefers her own.

    • +1 I was just about to post “He’s obviously never been married”, but will add that he’s also never had a real girlfriend (other than on the Internet, and that was probably just another man pretending to be a woman).

      This doofus is like the character of Garth Algar in “Waynes World 2” (with worse hair), before hooking up with Kim Bassinger; when he still was, “a stranger to the ways of the woman.”

  23. Another liberal 25k a year blogger who is playing the white night role of putting women on a pedestal. He probably wrote this article to impress a fat hipster thats already friendzoned him.

  24. If this guy really wants to get into it, then let’s get into it and really parse those DOJ stats to see which demographic groups are responsible for disproportionate amounts of violent crimes. Then let him sign his name to an article advocating selective confiscation on that basis. Let’s lay bare the full racist legacy and urgency of civilian disarmament, shall we?

    As for arming women, I’m all for it, but it’s not my choice to make. That it’s a woman’s choice, or anyone’s individual choice, to decide whether to arm themselves is the issue. Liberals cannot seem to separate the right to choose, from the actual choice they want people to select. Liberals figure since you won’t make the right choice on your own, that you shouldn’t have the right to choose in the first place. I find that freedom infringement an affront to human dignity.

  25. “Liberal Compromise on Guns:”

    Don’t negotiate with terrorists or liberal progressives.

    • Well once all the men have no guns there will be no violence–so the women won’t need those guns anymore. So we’ll just take them from the women too…

      • +100

        If anyone thinks his suggestion is the stopping point, they are deluded.

        This is just a hook, a catchy emotional plea, to move toward total disarmament.

  26. I propose a new law:

    Ivory towers are now ‘Gun Control Policy-Making Free Zones’.

    It has been shown time and again that people who live in and/or operate out of ivory towers are capable of doing irreparable harm on a national level through the proposal of radical, sweeping policy changes.

    This is especially true on the topic of gun control, which is in itself an insult to the founding principles and spirit of our nation and violates one of the amendments of our very Bill of Rights.

    It is with a heavy heart that I hereby propose that people who have demonstrated themselves to be completely disconnected from reality – apparently to the point of near-insanity – should have no power to influence or initiate measures of gun control policy.

  27. Ummm…aren’t the VAST MAJORITY of “crimes of violence” committed by men who can’t legally own or carry a gun? Law abiding, legal gun owners make up an infinitesimal % of violent crimes. But it knew that…BTW ( unfortunately ) goofy reminds me a lot of my 37 year old son who lives with his grandparents-hipster musician, thinks I’m a gun nut, has no life & has bought into every leftwing progressive BS idea one can imagine. And people who call me “dude” are total idiots.

  28. By this logic, shouldn’t he also say that minorities shouldn’t be allowed to own guns? Anyway.. My gf carries far more frequently than I do (I work for the gov, can’t carry to work or leave it in the truck), and she is definitely not to be messed with. I’m a modern man, I have no problem letting her defend me. Lol..

  29. People like him fail to realize that while 90% of the homicides are committed by men, a good majority aren’t random acts of violence. There is a purpose behind them. Not one we consider acceptable, moral, or legal, but never the less purpose driven by criminals. To eliminate a criminal competitor, revenge, affirmation of power, a means to an end like armed robbery, etc. etc. Killing to feel it, that’s quite rare and even then has nothing to do with handling or owning a firearm. The argument being made that women are more *rational* is a fallacy. All you can glean from the evidence is men are more likely to be involved in violent criminal activity. Violent criminal activity existed far before firearms, and isn’t made more dangerous with their usage unless the population is completely disarmed.

  30. If one were to apply his “reasoning” to other areas:

    1. Most cops who use excessive force are men – eliminate male cops
    2. Most troops who use excessive force against enemy prisoners are men – eliminate male troops
    3. Most road rage incidents are male drivers – ban giving driver’s licenses to males.

    As with most anti-gun arguments, the “logic” falls to pieces when applied to a non-gun area. My pro-gun, pro-freedom logic is much better: punish the criminal, not the victim. Further, respect the right of potential and actual victims to defend themselves against potential and actual criminals. Gender doesn’t matter, justice does.

    • No – they just need to eliminate “men.” Have people only birth females. Birth a male absolutely only when necessary and eliminate him when his usefulness is over. That is the solution people. A global population of gun-free lesbians.

  31. It is a stupid solution but I applaud his out of the box thinking. It seems he has given the issue more thought than the average politician. Kudos but back to the drawing board.

  32. Any time you hear an argument of the form “we must deprive identifiable group X of civil right Y because statistically…”, you know you’re about to be deluged with, er, comment moderation.

    There’s a reason we have a Department of Justice but not a Department of Statistically Optimal Crime Reduction. They are not the same thing.

  33. Remember all liberal comprise work in this manner,: “If you give up some of your rights now, we can compromise again and again until you finally give them all up.”

  34. Ya know. I heard that 100% of Atomic bombs dropped where by men… they should have a permit or waiting list for these things 😛 am almost thinking there should be a cool off period for people who post their half baked ideas. at least 9 days after their last starbucks visit. is it just me or does anyone else feel tired after reading/watching this hipster nonsense.

  35. It was a women who stopped the first Ft. Hood shooting. Just sayin….And that’s a stupid fucking idea.

  36. I think this just shows how powerless Luke feels against the PC anti-male agenda. He wants all males to be as emasculated as himself.

  37. That article didn’t offend me but that beard and those glasses sure did. How am I supposed to take you seriously when you look like you flunked out of a either a women’s studies program or lumberjack school?

  38. Yeah, yeah, I didn’t even read the comments, but I know you guys were mean. I just have to say something nice here, that’s the kinda guy I am. Here we go; you cannot accuse this guy of false advertising, he looks *exactly* like the fruitcake he really is.


    There is no collective protection.

    There, much better.

    Also, how are we going to disarm all men if we can’t disarm the single digit percentage that commits all the murders?

    • Also, how are we going to disarm all men if we can’t disarm the single digit percentage that commits all the murders?

      Not CAN’T…WON’T It’s not so much a Progressive world view that allows these murders to happen, it’s a Progressive Tactic to encourage it by every covert means available as a means to an end (the physical destruction of America)

      • Most people don’t know the difference between the words “can’t” and “won’t”.
        Of those few who do, most believe you don’t.

  40. Hey Luke, it’s 90% of all homicides are committed by men, not 90% of all men commit homicides.

  41. Classic case of projection, just like his fellow liberals, he’s too unable to control his emotions to make logical decisions, so he projects his inadequacy to control himself on others.

  42. Well, we all know that massive gender-based generalizations are the bedrock of great policy….right?

  43. Looks like the guy is high. He really should not write when tripping the light fantastic.

  44. Penn Jillette already made this argument about arming all the women, abet much more entertaining:

    Starts at 14:47

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