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“We’re looking at unprecedented numbers. We saw this coming.” Maryland State Police Sgt. Marc Black in Maryland gun applications overwhelm police, dealers as tough limits draw near [at]

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  1. They are part of the lazy America. They are hoping the laws will fall one way or the other and then they will not have to “work” one way or the other and still draw a paycheck. What do they get paid to sit on their butts and do next to nothing?

      • Here in Tucson AZ I can get my pistol in under an hour, but only if the NICS and gun dealer are busy. Last pistol I bought took me 12 minutes from in the door and out.

      • While it was never a speedy process in Westchester, it’s due to a confluence of several things, some unique to Westchester/NY:
        Budget austerity at the county level cut PLU staff (Pistol License unit). In addition, the friendliest, most efficient and pro-gun clerk in that office was transferred to an unrelated department, mostly for political reasons. Judges are ultimately responsible for “signing off” on permits and amendments. In an alleged attempt to “streamline” the process, they’re assigned to judges on a “round robin” basis, once a week, instead of flowing constantly to the bench. All judges eventually sign off on permits, but some far quicker than others – under the old system, the odds of getting a “good guy” judge were far greater.
        Finally, there’s been an explosion of interest in obtaining pistol permits. So the County workload has increased, while understaffing and poorly re-engineered systems “work” in synchrony to undermine our RKBA.

      • We don’t have permits to buy a gun in Georgia. Just a background check which can take up to 3 days. If you have a carry permit you walk out of the store with a gun in hand. In my opinion, permits are a violation of the 2nd amendment. I don’t need some scumbag bureaucrats permission to buy a gun.

  2. There’s a wait because our Governor wants to impede gun ownership as much as possible. Thankfully, most FFLs in state are releasing after 7 days, per ATF law. The Maryland State Police were forced via lawsuit to explicitly state that FFLs that do release per law will not be retaliated against. Before this, many here thought that if they did release without paperwork coming back from the MSP, that they would be violating the law and could have their licenses revoked.

    I just filed paperwork on my last MD regulated purchase – a handgun. My dealer is releasing in 2 weeks. The MSP won’t get to my background check until January or February next year. If my dealer were waiting for paperwork, I’d be forced to apply for MD’s new Handgun License, despite the fact that I made the purchase prior to the law taking affect.

      • MD is a Point of Contact state with the NICS and has had a 7 day waiting period for decades. A citizen must wait 7 days to pick up their regulated purchase (handgun and many semi-auto rifles; handguns only after 10/1) and must wait 30 days before they can make another (60 if they bought 2 at the same time). One can get a collector’s license that does away with the one regulated purchase limit.

        Since the police do the background checks here, and not the FFLs, the ATF allows dealers to release if they choose to after 7 days go by without a disapproval.

    • If you got your regulated firearm in 2 weeks , it’s because the dealer knows you or you’ve done business with them before . I shopped my purchase between 5 shops . The ones who knew me said they’d release in the 7 days legally required . The ones who didn’t know me said I’d have to wait til the paperwork came back. NO ONE believes the MSP , no matter what they agreed to in court .

      • It could be worse! Heck, I live in TX, and have been told it’s likely I won’t be able to pick up my most recent purchase for at least 2 and maybe 4 months, or even more, though 2-3 Is average.

        But before you get too sad for me, it’s a suppressed (!!) .300 Blackout rifle with a 9″ (!!!) barrel.

        The Silencer Shop is awesome!

  3. One of the most practical reasons to oppose Universal Background Checks by a government is quite simple. It is a guilty until proven innocent system. The computer went down? Sorry, you’ll have to wait. Unreasonable wait time? Not to worry, we’ve hired more people and will get to it as fast as we can. Erroneous record? Sorry, we can’t transfer this to you until we get this thing cleared. It for your safety, after all.

    I have mixed feeling on the run of firearms purchases. It seems that MD is fighting a losing battle for rights. If this generation tools up, I’m afraid that they will develop the “it’s ok, I’ve got mine” mentality. They need to fight for their future rights or they will be sold down the river by a statist Democrat.

    • My little brother is too young to buy anything banned, or a handgun. I’m not giving up.

      This is an overreach, even for Marylandistan. The HQL will keep people waiting months, and should be eminently challengeable in court.

      • I’m confident that the brewing lawsuits against SB281 will be successful. The infrastructure is not yet in place for the HQL and the logistics make purchasing a handgun impossible, at least to start. A right delayed is a right denied.

        The law also requires first time buyers to take a training course. Previous owners, LE, CCW holders, etc…, get to skip the training, but still need to be fingerprinted and pay a state fee of $75. The costs of training and the digital fingerprints are at the cost of the buyer.

        If you’ve never wanted a handgun before and don’t already own a regulated weapon here and decide to buy a Glock 26 that costs from $500 to $600, it will cost you closer to $900-$1,000 with the included cost of the law.

  4. You forgot the rest of the quote…

    “We saw this coming and did nothing to prepare so it could act as the de facto ban we wanted”

  5. Look at the bright side, maybe by the time they get around to ok’ing your firearm or license, there will be enough ammo back on the shelves to actually use it

  6. I’m pretty sure that photograph is the same one I saw in an article a few months back of a DoVA records center. It was about how wounded military personnel were waiting over a year for their claims to be processed.

    Well, at least you didn’t use it in an “Incendiary Image” post.

    • You are correct, that is a picture of one Veteran’s Affairs Regional Office’s claims room. My case was open for 2 years and 3 months before a decision was finalized. And I was one of the lucky few who was not denied any claimed conditions. The appeals process can run double the initial claim timeline.

  7. I just do not understand. Why can they not give everyone a license and then just swipe the card like a credit card and comes back yes or no. No record of what is being purchased just a simple yes or no.

    • Because that would be a universal gun registry, which is illegal this week. But a driver’s license swipe check could be right handy for, say, bonding or a quick security clearance update.

  8. Last February in PA, it took me about 30 minutes to acquire my firearm. And that was when the NICs system was really busy.

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