0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Godless”

  1. Proposed list that I think I’m hearing from the crowd ranked in order of perceived popularity and based on reasons that have been so overstated that the list is really just an exercise in expired-equine pugilism:
    1. full size DA revolver in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    2. mid to full size striker fired pistol in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    3. mid to full size DA semi-auto pistol in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    4. Shotgun in 12 or 20 gauge loaded with 00 buckshot.
    5. Pistol caliber carbine in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    6. Semi auto Rifle in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    7. Lever action rifle in the largest caliber one can comfortably manage.
    8. Any firearm at all, so long as it’s ready to hand.
    9. Blunt instrument such as a bat or cudgel
    10. Organic, guided tooth&nail missile, either Self propelled, AKA: dog, or manually propelled, AKA: cat.
    Caveats and addendums:
    a. attaching a light to the weapon moves it up one slot on the list.
    b. attaching a suppressor to the weapon moves it up two slots on the list.
    c. deploying weapon whilst conspicuously naked moves it up three slots on the list.

  2. I should just cut and paste my comment from the question of the day.

    The biggest problem with this whole survey is that it is predicated on the notion that there is some massive amount of gun related crime going on, all over the country, and that there are broad brush solutions that would reduce it meaningfully. Problem is, there isn’t widespread gun crime – it is very localized and, in the grand scheme of things, not that common.

    Any sweeping, nationwide, vaguely stated initiative will do virtually nothing. You cannot meaningfully impact the actions of a small fraction of a percent of the population by imposing regulations on the overwhelming majority of the population. The overwhelming majority already doesn’t commit the crimes the survey takers say they want to address.

    Put another way, you can impose all the gun rights restrictions on me (and all the POTG that are effectively just like me) that you want and you are not going to reduce the probability of me committing a crime with a gun because the probability that I am going to commit a crime with a gun is already approximately 0.

  3. The XD-9 compact is he easiest handgun I have ever shot that is a double stack. The extended mag included in the fire arm case makes this gun the perfect concealed carry weapon, especially for any woman who carries a purse. My wife and daughters all carry them for protection in a locked and loaded manner.
    I carry the xd9 in a 5” length without any problem concealing. Unfortunately I cannot afford Springfield’s 1911 model chambered in 9mm.

  4. “I view this as a long-term political and social movement that started in 2012 and needs time to build,” Murphy said.

    Just like the saying goes, “Wait for the iron to cool considerably before striking.”

  5. Ballpark, according to FBI UCR data, the rate of black-perpetrated violent crime is eight times the rate of white-perpetrated violent crime. In that context, it is remarkable that the rate of police-involved shootings of black suspects is a mere 2-2.5 the rate of police-involved shootings of white suspects.


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